Another "Responsible" Gun Owner

You just won the stupid comment of the day award.

When the 2nd was written, we had MANY frontiers.

an hours ride from NYC could put you on the frontier.
You just made a good argument that the interpretation we hold of the 2A is outdated
You just made a good argument that the interpretation we hold of the 2A is outdated
Yes, that's why you blast away your kids at school, shoot at them for stray basketballs, and have one of the highest gun deaths in the Western world.

Learn those, stop looking like an idiot.
Knife/stabbing deaths in the UK comprise 41% of homicides in 2022. 'You' really ought to do something about that.
Knife/stabbing deaths in the UK comprise 41% of homicides in 2022. 'You' really ought to do something about that.
A suicide by knife, gun, rope, cliff, gas oven etc.. usually means that person dies as opposed to innocent victims. It's the innocent kids getting their heads blown off. You really ought to do something about that.
So you don’t think you need an AR or a semi auto to defend yourself.

Thank you
It wouldn't be my first choice but, if I had to I'd use it. Why would you want to take that defense option away?
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Moral, if you're going to use a noisy leaf blower, be armed and open carry. LOL

Or just buy a friggen rake like normal people would. I've seen idiots with postage stamp sized yards using industrial sized hurricane machines thinking they look cool with jet engine level noise. I will bet there isn't 8 feet between houses there, or a duplex.
Or just buy a friggen rake like normal people would. I've seen idiots with postage stamp sized yards using industrial sized hurricane machines thinking they look cool with jet engine level noise. I will bet there isn't 8 feet between houses there, or a duplex.
Yeah and they blow their shit into other people’s property besides throwing up a dust cloud of allergens and pollen.
Might have been as simple as the deceased made it a habit to blow leaves during the time he knew the shooter preferred to take a nap.

If ya have a gun ya might as well use it huh?

Seems to be a rash of this kinda thing

600 millon guns in private hands over 22 millon Americans can and do carry guns legally for self defense.....

Americans use their legal guns 1.1 million times a year to stop rapes, robberies, murders, beatings, stabbings and even mass public shootings...

So, find a child who can count and have them explain to you how dumb your post is...
A suicide by knife, gun, rope, cliff, gas oven etc.. usually means that person dies as opposed to innocent victims. It's the innocent kids getting their heads blown off. You really ought to do something about that.

Mass public shootings in the U.S. in 2022....


Total killed?


Cars kiled over 40,000 people

Do you see why you are an idiot?
A suicide by knife, gun, rope, cliff, gas oven etc.. usually means that person dies as opposed to innocent victims. It's the innocent kids getting their heads blown off. You really ought to do something about that.

In Europe, after they banned and confiscated guns.....the governmemts of Europe mirdered 15 million innocent men, women and children...likely more than that....not casualities of thw World war you guys were fighting....peple marched into forests and campa and murdered

And they did it in just 6 years...

In the U.S.....number of gun murders over iur entire 246 year history

Around 2,460,000....with the fact that the vast majority of those murdered werenot innocent men, women and children but criminals engaged in crime and violence

Can you tell which number is bigger?

Can you tell us how long it will take for the U.S. to catch up to the murder rate of Europe?
Unfortunately, this sort of thing will keep happening in our gun-saturated country.

Another crock of leftwing lies. Your article doesn't mention that this guy was another unhinged leftist loon, or that these things keep happening in our democrat-saturated, democrat-run country at a time of one of the worst times in our history all due to a DEMOCRAT.


Not only are none of these crimes being committed by a single NRA member, but sensible people don't go off half-cocked over a simple leaf blowing incident just as taking away guns doesn't cause unhinged screwballs to just suddenly revert to acting sane and normal.

Quit blaming the guns for crimes all being committed by DEMOCRATS.

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