Another Right Wing Terrorist Attack Thwarted

This is fact folks. Don't EVEN attack the source

These crazy Trumpers are trying to start a civil war
Their planning is next level. Now they kill police hoping the police assume it was blank people and crack down on them, prompting backlash.
There are many non Progs who do not trust the police as much as Progs who are affected do not. Prog elites just use the agendas as they are not affected. Remove all TV law enforcement programs that have snide remarks to the civilians that we see constantly. Since this is an escalation. This will remove 80% of the TV programs made over the years easily. TV movies and theatre movies the same. Just a start. There are people in the inner cities who like things the way they are. Any real improvements threatens their ways of surviving. So government infrastructure improvements and newer public places are okay. But there are limits to any inner city college additions or private side projects that would cause a gentrification. Even when there are massive projects outside those areas that the government pays for a it in any way, the hand is always out to get their cut from it. It is tiresome after at least a half century of it.
History indicates that the Feds missed every left wing terrorist attack in modern history but they monitor a fantasy "militia" web site and send a wired informant to some jerk and presto, another alleged right wing terrorist plot is thwarted and we can stop talking about the criminally inept Biden administration for a while. The careful what you say on the internet and (so it seems) in front of the school board. Big bro is watching.

This is fact folks. Don't EVEN attack the source

These crazy Trumpers are trying to start a civil war

Some crazy who has nothing to do with mainstream conservatives, Republicans, or Trump supporters.

I have no problem condemning this freak, and saying that he does not represent me in any way; and that it is blatantly dishonest to judge me or any other conservative, Republican, or Trump supporter buy association with this freak.

Can you, as a LIbEral, say the same about the destructive freaks that are associated with your side, the Black LIES Matter terrorist, the faggots, the transsexuals and other sexual perverts, the abortion supporters, those who side with invading foreign criminals, and so on?

Do something about the beam in your own eye before you start fussing about the mote that you imagine that you see in someone else's eye.
You blue anon people are a hoot! You trot out every silly claim that your masters tell you to bleat and do so like the good cultists you are. Throughout ALL of this silliness it is YOU, and your fellow fascists who have done over 2 billion in damage and murdered 30 people. It hasn't been the Trumpers. It has been YOU fuckers.
"cultist".....:heehee: "fellow fascists".....:heehee: Irony on parade.

A site called "Legal Insurrection"?

That after starting an OP based on a story sourced secondhand from Daily KOS, a notorious left wrong-wing lies-and-propaganda site, and saying, in that OP…

This is fact folks. Don't EVEN attack the source

When has Daily KOS ever been known to publish anything that wasn't total bullshit? And yet you feel free to site that source, indirectly, and demand that we not question it; and yet to attack any source in the very same thread that dares to post facts that don't support your degenerate narrative.
The OP's linked article cites a lone lunatic bent on blowing up shit then claims he is part of some vague conspiracy to 'awaken the public' and THEN....amazingly...puts the blame on Alex Jones and Tucker Carlson. My conclusion, the OP is either a glittering dumb bell or a Marxist bot.
I guess they will be calling the Manson Family and the Symbionese Liberation Army right wing next. After all they both wanted to start a race war. There are violent nuts all across the political spectrum
My Gawd man... You really do live in left wing fantasy land.. The FBI ADMITTED THEY HAD PEOPLE IN THE CROWD AND TWO WERE ARRESTED....
One? Two?

Those 2 guys must have been REALLY persuasive to get thousands of Trump freaks to attack the capitol form four different directions huh?
He wanted to inspire a government overreaction that would “let the world know that they are in a dictatorship” and awaken the public."

What happened to the days when they used to kill blacks in an attempt to start a race war? Are those days gone?
As if you haven't noticed...Blacks are killing each other.
The OP's linked article cites a lone lunatic bent on blowing up shit then claims he is part of some vague conspiracy to 'awaken the public' and THEN....amazingly...puts the blame on Alex Jones and Tucker Carlson. My conclusion, the OP is either a glittering dumb bell or a Marxist bot.
The OP is mentally ill.

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