Another shooting

I've seen it reported that the shooter is a "domestic terrorist". Does anyone know anything about the shooter?


He was fucking crazy

He wasn't just 'crazy'.

He was a r-wing extremist who was into a far-right punk band called "End Apathy,". No doubt the shooter was also a fan and listener of Rush Limbaugh/talk-radio and probably a proud, card-carrying member of the NRA!
You have no facts. All you have is...

"I have a very good memory...blah blah blah" -- which you've posted at least 6 times that I've seen.

You have no answer, just your own paranoid fantasies.

In all seriousness -- seek professional help.

You have no argument against the facts so you insult.

You have no facts, dumb ass. "The gov't is capable" and "I heard there were several armed men wearing black", are not facts; they are an opinion and hearsay, respectively.
Here I will repost the facts you debunk them
I have a very good memory
Emanuel's don't let a good crisis go to waste
Democrats obama Clinton holder got to do something about guns going into Mexico
All the time it was their gun running allowing the guns to go into mexico
Then we have obama saying he is working on gun control but has to do it under the radar.
For the time obama was a state senator he was anti gun am I supposed to believe that he changed over night just after winning the election?
Next we have obama saying he wants to sign the UN small treaty, but back down when he was directed by congress not too.
So got to use a crisis to get support for the gun control agenda.
No one who is a supporter of the second amendment is going to go out and start shooting people in this anti gun environment. But someone who is anti gun would in my opinion do something like this.
You move either walk away or debunk the facts.
It's pretty bizarre that "White Supremest" would target Sikhs. Since he went to the temple, he would have to KNOW they were Sikh, and not Arabs.

I will not entertain that our government would do this, still there is something off about it.

Why is it odd that a White Supremest would target someone that isn't white?

Are you this stupid in real life?

What is this?

I thought we were talking reality here, not Disneyland.
You also find it odd that a white supremest would target non-whites?
You have no argument against the facts so you insult.

You have no facts, dumb ass. "The gov't is capable" and "I heard there were several armed men wearing black", are not facts; they are an opinion and hearsay, respectively.
Here I will repost the facts you debunk them
I have a very good memory
Emanuel's don't let a good crisis go to waste
Democrats obama Clinton holder got to do something about guns going into Mexico
All the time it was their gun running allowing the guns to go into mexico
Then we have obama saying he is working on gun control but has to do it under the radar.
For the time obama was a state senator he was anti gun am I supposed to believe that he changed over night just after winning the election?
Next we have obama saying he wants to sign the UN small treaty, but back down when he was directed by congress not too.
So got to use a crisis to get support for the gun control agenda.
No one who is a supporter of the second amendment is going to go out and start shooting people in this anti gun environment. But someone who is anti gun would in my opinion do something like this.
You move either walk away or debunk the facts.

Sorry, nutjob. No matter how many times you post that nonsense, it won't magically become fact.
Why is it odd that a White Supremest would target someone that isn't white?

Are you this stupid in real life?

Because, just like democrats they mainly hate JOOOOOZZZZ. The KKK is obsessed with Jews and Blacks, Indians just aren't high on their list.

A synagogue or a black church would fit the M.O. - a Sikh temple is out in left field.
I hope the government takes away bigreds guns, but just doesn't deserve a fork to eat his nevermind a gun.
You are an unstable nutjob, who is a tinfoil wearing ( you make tinfoil panties I hear) who should most likely live out in the woods away from any type of civilization period..

Sadly the notion you finally outted yourself for the nutjob you should have been seen awhile ago.

Id tell you I hope you get raped by a bear, but then I would to hear about how you thought the bear was a government agent out to get you and yours guns...

So idiot instead of insulting and talking stupid tell me why I am wrong?
What evidence do you have to support your position it's not government supported?
I have not once read any comment why it's not government supported.

OH and why don't you alone come and take them.

Why would I come alone. 10-1 you open the door in your tinfoil panties.

Its not government supported because its fucking stupid. There is zero need to entertain your moronic opinion. We just call it for what it is. Stupid.

That's why you fucking special needs reject. You don't deserve a serious response,that would then make what you do and say ok. Not happening...fuck you nutjob.
You have no facts, dumb ass. "The gov't is capable" and "I heard there were several armed men wearing black", are not facts; they are an opinion and hearsay, respectively.
Here I will repost the facts you debunk them
I have a very good memory
Emanuel's don't let a good crisis go to waste
Democrats obama Clinton holder got to do something about guns going into Mexico
All the time it was their gun running allowing the guns to go into mexico
Then we have obama saying he is working on gun control but has to do it under the radar.
For the time obama was a state senator he was anti gun am I supposed to believe that he changed over night just after winning the election?
Next we have obama saying he wants to sign the UN small treaty, but back down when he was directed by congress not too.
So got to use a crisis to get support for the gun control agenda.
No one who is a supporter of the second amendment is going to go out and start shooting people in this anti gun environment. But someone who is anti gun would in my opinion do something like this.
You move either walk away or debunk the facts.

Sorry, nutjob. No matter how many times you post that nonsense, it won't magically become fact.
oh and one more fact Page was a psychological operations specialist while in the army what branch of the government would find this training useful?

Emanuel's don't let a good crisis go to waste

Democrats obama Clinton holder got to do something about guns going into Mexico

All the time it was their gun running allowing the guns to go into mexico

Then we have obama saying he is working on gun control but has to do it under the radar.

Personal opinion
For the time obama was a state senator he was anti gun am I supposed to believe that he changed over night just after winning the election?

Next we have obama saying he wants to sign the UN small treaty, but back down when he was directed by congress not too.

Opinionated Fact
No one who is a supporter of the second amendment is going to go out and start shooting people in this anti gun environment. But someone who is anti gun would in my opinion do something like this

And Fact
Page was a psychological operations specialist while in the army what branch of the government would find this training useful?
I hope the government takes away bigreds guns, but just doesn't deserve a fork to eat his nevermind a gun.
You are an unstable nutjob, who is a tinfoil wearing ( you make tinfoil panties I hear) who should most likely live out in the woods away from any type of civilization period..

Sadly the notion you finally outted yourself for the nutjob you should have been seen awhile ago.

Id tell you I hope you get raped by a bear, but then I would to hear about how you thought the bear was a government agent out to get you and yours guns...

Are you butt hurt?

All reb said or posted is that it was in the realm of possibilities the government was involved.

Did this admin issue 2000 assorted assault rifles to felons or not?

Now stfu...........

Seek help before you hurt yourself or someone else.
I hope the government takes away bigreds guns, but just doesn't deserve a fork to eat his nevermind a gun.
You are an unstable nutjob, who is a tinfoil wearing ( you make tinfoil panties I hear) who should most likely live out in the woods away from any type of civilization period..

Sadly the notion you finally outted yourself for the nutjob you should have been seen awhile ago.

Id tell you I hope you get raped by a bear, but then I would to hear about how you thought the bear was a government agent out to get you and yours guns...

So idiot instead of insulting and talking stupid tell me why I am wrong?
What evidence do you have to support your position it's not government supported?
I have not once read any comment why it's not government supported.

OH and why don't you alone come and take them.

Why would I come alone. 10-1 you open the door in your tinfoil panties.

Its not government supported because its fucking stupid. There is zero need to entertain your moronic opinion. We just call it for what it is. Stupid.

That's why you fucking special needs reject. You don't deserve a serious response,that would then make what you do and say ok. Not happening...fuck you nutjob.

sure right I'll wait.
I've seen it reported that the shooter is a "domestic terrorist". Does anyone know anything about the shooter?


He was fucking crazy

He wasn't just 'crazy'.

He was a r-wing extremist who was into a far-right punk band called "End Apathy,". No doubt the shooter was also a fan and listener of Rush Limbaugh/talk-radio and probably a proud, card-carrying member of the NRA!

Got a link to that or is this more liberal propaganda bull shit?

Just like Colorado and other places, these guys are just nuts. You have to be nuts, if you really think a sane person would do this, you have issues.
The guy is allegedly a kkk member. I'm sure him and Obama planned this out in depth


The government (FBI ) always have people infiltrate theses groups Page was a psychological operations specialist while in the army. Now what branch of the government would find this kind of training useful?

Show one example of an FBI informant or agitprop, committing a suicide mission like this. I know quite a bit about how the FBI uses agitprops, especially COINTELPRO. This doesn't fit that pattern. I think you're just a tin foil nutjob.
Why is it odd that a White Supremest would target someone that isn't white?

Are you this stupid in real life?

Because, just like democrats they mainly hate JOOOOOZZZZ. The KKK is obsessed with Jews and Blacks, Indians just aren't high on their list.

A synagogue or a black church would fit the M.O. - a Sikh temple is out in left field.

Democrats don't hate Jews, tool.

White supremests are obsessed with anyone that isn't white.
I think the guy was just an idiot that thought the Sikhs were muslims.

Most White Supremacists like Muslims. Terry Nicols learned to make the OKC bomb from Al Qaeda. McVeigh himself wrote of the Muslims "cleansing" the world of Jews.

This doesn't make sense.

Tell that shit to Allen Bell, a KKK member, who led protests against a Mosque being built in Knoxville.

Eunuch2008 supports the supremests when they target muslims.

He was fucking crazy

He wasn't just 'crazy'.

He was a r-wing extremist who was into a far-right punk band called "End Apathy,". No doubt the shooter was also a fan and listener of Rush Limbaugh/talk-radio and probably a proud, card-carrying member of the NRA!

Got a link to that or is this more liberal propaganda bull shit?

Just like Colorado and other places, these guys are just nuts. You have to be nuts, if you really think a sane person would do this, you have issues.

Clarification: Not just 'nuts'... but 'r-wing nuts'!

All to common-occurence now days.
American neo-Nazis are known to attack and harass Jews, African Americans, homosexuals, Asian Americans, Latinos, Arab Americans, Native Americans, and people with different political or religious opinions

Democrats don't hate Jews, tool.


Slither over to the Israel forum and take a look at your fellow leftists.

White supremests are obsessed with anyone that isn't white.

Rati, you're a fucktard. That said, the fact is the targets of White Supremacists are traditionally two fold, Jews and blacks. Illegal aliens are generally a third group these days. The KKK is specifically anti-black, with strong Antisemitism.
He wasn't just 'crazy'.

He was a r-wing extremist who was into a far-right punk band called "End Apathy,". No doubt the shooter was also a fan and listener of Rush Limbaugh/talk-radio and probably a proud, card-carrying member of the NRA!

Got a link to that or is this more liberal propaganda bull shit?

Just like Colorado and other places, these guys are just nuts. You have to be nuts, if you really think a sane person would do this, you have issues.

Clarification: Not just 'nuts'... but 'r-wing nuts'!

All to common-occurence now days.

No links?

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