Another terrible performance by trump...


No, many Americans are just plain stupid. You could ask 10 Democrats what Trump policies they disagree with and 8 out of 10 couldn’t name one, just that Trump is a doo doo head.

The difference is I know exactly what we will be getting with Trump/Harris. Higher taxes(yes for everybody except the very poor), a Green New Deal, the Paris Accord, government run healthcare, lots of “free” stuff paid for by the middle class and upper classes minus the ultra-wealthy, submitting to China on trade, corruption and cover-ups ad nauseam, an even more biased media and more censorship, etc. Let’s see Warren as Secretary of the Treasury, AOC as Secretry of Energy, Bernie to run healthcare, Beto as AG and finally Harris as President of the US in the short term. Yeah, that sounds like a real winning strategy and team for the US. If Biden/Harris win, it is simply an affirmation of just how completely ignorant the American populace has become.

Guy, most of us just want to go back to what we had in 2016- a decent economy without the presidency being a national disgrace.

Most people see Global Warming is a real problem. Most people want affordable health care.

It's fun to watch you freak out that Trump is losing, badly.
Didn't see the whole town hall meeting BUT what I did see was that TRUMP had very good chemistry with the audience.

BIDEN is depending on the MSM to program citizens to HATE Trump, so in that sense a good night for TRUMP.

I agree. Trump did great and the audience was great as well. I did think the moderator was kind of an idiot.

I never even looked at the Biden Town Hall. Once you've seen train wreck Biden, well you don't have to see him again.
Ok, he is a con man and a buffon who just happens to implement and support policies that are beneficial for the good ole’ USA. Biden is a corrupt career politician who will take us down the road towards less freedom and a weaker US. I’ll be a prudent adult and pick the best outcome and not the guy that I want to tuck me into bed at night.

219,000 DEAD
Eight million sick
40 million jobs lost
Record deficits
Record debts, exceeding GDP for the first time since WWII
170,000 businesses closed.

If this is your idea of "beneficial" or "Freedom", I'm not sure what can be said to you.
I don't watch Biden nor Trump.

Already voted for Trump
Didn't see the whole town hall meeting BUT what I did see was that TRUMP had very good chemistry with the audience.

BIDEN is depending on the MSM to program citizens to HATE Trump, so in that sense a good night for TRUMP.

I agree. Trump did great and the audience was great as well. I did think the moderator was kind of an idiot.

I never even looked at the Biden Town Hall. Once you've seen train wreck Biden, well you don't have to see him again.

I don't think BIDEN has been asked a tough question or a tough follow up question yet.

I did see his rambling answer to a young black male, who asked about why his generation should vote for him
and all he talked about was the problem and offered ZERO concrete solutions, unless you count giving away money.

And what has he done already??? Record incarceration of black males because of a crime bill he played a major part in getting thru Congress.
Ok, he is a con man and a buffon who just happens to implement and support policies that are beneficial for the good ole’ USA. Biden is a corrupt career politician who will take us down the road towards less freedom and a weaker US. I’ll be a prudent adult and pick the best outcome and not the guy that I want to tuck me into bed at night.

219,000 DEAD
Eight million sick
40 million jobs lost
Record deficits
Record debts, exceeding GDP for the first time since WWII
170,000 businesses closed.

If this is your idea of "beneficial" or "Freedom", I'm not sure what can be said to you.

Nah The Chinese are responsible for all of it.

They are the ones who loosed that virus on the world.

Before they loosed that virus America was doing damned well under Trump. Of course YOU would never admit that but I'd bet the voters know who to support and it won't be train wreck Biden.
Ok, he is a con man and a buffon who just happens to implement and support policies that are beneficial for the good ole’ USA. Biden is a corrupt career politician who will take us down the road towards less freedom and a weaker US. I’ll be a prudent adult and pick the best outcome and not the guy that I want to tuck me into bed at night.

219,000 DEAD
Eight million sick
40 million jobs lost
Record deficits
Record debts, exceeding GDP for the first time since WWII
170,000 businesses closed.

If this is your idea of "beneficial" or "Freedom", I'm not sure what can be said to you.

The CDC has found that only 6% of people listed as having died from Covid 19, had NO underlying conditions

Not trying to minimize the dangers of the virus that came from China, just give it some perspective.

6% of 219,000 is a little over 13,000 deaths that are certified COVID 19 deaths.
Ok, he is a con man and a buffon who just happens to implement and support policies that are beneficial for the good ole’ USA. Biden is a corrupt career politician who will take us down the road towards less freedom and a weaker US. I’ll be a prudent adult and pick the best outcome and not the guy that I want to tuck me into bed at night.

219,000 DEAD
Eight million sick
40 million jobs lost
Record deficits
Record debts, exceeding GDP for the first time since WWII
170,000 businesses closed.

If this is your idea of "beneficial" or "Freedom", I'm not sure what can be said to you.

Nah The Chinese are responsible for all of it.

They are the ones who loosed that virus on the world.

Before they loosed that virus America was doing damned well under Trump. Of course YOU would never admit that but I'd bet the voters know who to support and it won't be train wreck Biden.

Yes, the Chinese Communists were not forthcoming about the Covid 19 outbreak, even assuring the World Health Organization the Virus was not contagious.

CDC head claims China was 'pretty certain' coronavirus could not pass between humans at the start of the outbreak
View attachment 402287

No, many Americans are just plain stupid. You could ask 10 Democrats what Trump policies they disagree with and 8 out of 10 couldn’t name one, just that Trump is a doo doo head.

The difference is I know exactly what we will be getting with Trump/Harris. Higher taxes(yes for everybody except the very poor), a Green New Deal, the Paris Accord, government run healthcare, lots of “free” stuff paid for by the middle class and upper classes minus the ultra-wealthy, submitting to China on trade, corruption and cover-ups ad nauseam, an even more biased media and more censorship, etc. Let’s see Warren as Secretary of the Treasury, AOC as Secretry of Energy, Bernie to run healthcare, Beto as AG and finally Harris as President of the US in the short term. Yeah, that sounds like a real winning strategy and team for the US. If Biden/Harris win, it is simply an affirmation of just how completely ignorant the American populace has become.

Guy, most of us just want to go back to what we had in 2016- a decent economy without the presidency being a national disgrace.

Most people see Global Warming is a real problem. Most people want affordable health care.

It's fun to watch you freak out that Trump is losing, badly.

Most people don't want government controlled media, but sadly, many don't even know what they are being controlled and what they are missing. Most people don't want higher taxes and have been duped into thinking they won't be paying for these "free" things Biden/Harris are pushing. WORKING people don't want to pay for those that are "unwilling" to work, but they don't know that is in the plan. Most people don't have a clue about Global Warming, just what they hear from the MSM that it is an "existential" threat. They don't bother to ask simple questions like "ok, but can we really stop it? Hasn't the earth gone through huge cooling and warming cycles in the past?" Nah, just believe the "science" that changes with the wind. You know, like Joe's campaign saying they trust the science but wouldn't agree to a second debate with a scientifically proven COVID negative Trump because of COVID safety concerns.

There is a reason folks like you aren't very successful. You just aren't thoughtful, pragmatic or practical. Sorry, but the truth hurts. Don't worry, the mere fact that Biden/Harris are even in this election show that you are clearly not alone.
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I cant believe Guthrie asked him the White Supremacist question again.

He said it twice, last night...its probably the 30th time he has done it.

I condemn White Supremacy.

Are you liberal dumb fucks satifisfied? Do you want him to sew it into a fucking throw pillow?
Ok, he is a con man and a buffon who just happens to implement and support policies that are beneficial for the good ole’ USA. Biden is a corrupt career politician who will take us down the road towards less freedom and a weaker US. I’ll be a prudent adult and pick the best outcome and not the guy that I want to tuck me into bed at night.

219,000 DEAD
Eight million sick
40 million jobs lost
Record deficits
Record debts, exceeding GDP for the first time since WWII
170,000 businesses closed.

If this is your idea of "beneficial" or "Freedom", I'm not sure what can be said to you.

Most pre-COVID and certainly not all Trump's fault. But you are one of the dumb ones who can't seem to grasp that concept.
Poor trump, he is just not suited for the real world, his town hall performance was horrible; non answers, lies, and conspiracies were the only thing out of his mouth, totally pathetic, he should stick to his hate rallies...
Bold is stuck, Miguel.
Ok, he is a con man and a buffon who just happens to implement and support policies that are beneficial for the good ole’ USA. Biden is a corrupt career politician who will take us down the road towards less freedom and a weaker US. I’ll be a prudent adult and pick the best outcome and not the guy that I want to tuck me into bed at night.

219,000 DEAD
Eight million sick
40 million jobs lost
Record deficits
Record debts, exceeding GDP for the first time since WWII
170,000 businesses closed.

If this is your idea of "beneficial" or "Freedom", I'm not sure what can be said to you.

Nah The Chinese are responsible for all of it.

They are the ones who loosed that virus on the world.

Before they loosed that virus America was doing damned well under Trump. Of course YOU would never admit that but I'd bet the voters know who to support and it won't be train wreck Biden.

Yes, the Chinese Communists were not forthcoming about the Covid 19 outbreak, even assuring the World Health Organization the Virus was not contagious.

CDC head claims China was 'pretty certain' coronavirus could not pass between humans at the start of the outbreak

The WHO did an outstanding job of doing nothing.
Poor Biden, he is just not suited for the real world, his town hall performance was horrible; non answers, lies, and conspiracies were the only thing out of his mouth, totally pathetic, he should stick to his hate rallies...
Prime example of Trumpsters describing TRUMP'S actual performance and ascribing it to Biden's.

These bastards just aren't living in reality.
No, many Americans are just plain stupid. You could ask 10 Democrats what Trump policies they disagree with and 8 out of 10 couldn’t name one, just that Trump is a doo doo head.

The difference is I know exactly what we will be getting with Trump/Harris. Higher taxes(yes for everybody except the very poor), a Green New Deal, the Paris Accord, government run healthcare, lots of “free” stuff paid for by the middle class and upper classes minus the ultra-wealthy, submitting to China on trade, corruption and cover-ups ad nauseam, an even more biased media and more censorship, etc. Let’s see Warren as Secretary of the Treasury, AOC as Secretry of Energy, Bernie to run healthcare, Beto as AG and finally Harris as President of the US in the short term. Yeah, that sounds like a real winning strategy and team for the US. If Biden/Harris win, it is simply an affirmation of just how completely ignorant the American populace has become.
This Administration is RIFE with corruption and coverups. Why do you think so many people from Trump's Administration have already been convicted and arrested for crimes?
if you watched Biden and did not watch Trump, you missed the most substantive POLICY DEBATE in american history!

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