Another tragic death of a police officer, shot down by cowards

Deputy Sheriff Allen Bares, Jr., Vermilion Parish Sheriff's Office, Louisiana

Deaths of police officers by gunfire are up 35% this year. We may have pulled away from wars overseas; but we obviously have plenty of threats right here within our own borders.

Pray for the family and department that was affected by yet another tragic loss.

I wonder if he should have waited before approaching a car while not in uniform or on duty, especially one he found suspicious? Maybe he should have waited for the cops who were on duty to arrive? I hope his family finds peace, a shame he lost his life. :(
Deputy Sheriff Allen Bares, Jr., Vermilion Parish Sheriff's Office, Louisiana

Deaths of police officers by gunfire are up 35% this year. We may have pulled away from wars overseas; but we obviously have plenty of threats right here within our own borders.

Pray for the family and department that was affected by yet another tragic loss.

happened about 20 miles from where I live...

the latest local example of the failure of LBJ's Great Society War-On-Poverty programs... and all such programs that have followed to present day... and all the useless dumptruckloads of money that have gone into all these programs...
Deputy Sheriff Allen Bares, Jr., Vermilion Parish Sheriff's Office, Louisiana

Deaths of police officers by gunfire are up 35% this year. We may have pulled away from wars overseas; but we obviously have plenty of threats right here within our own borders.

Pray for the family and department that was affected by yet another tragic loss.

happened about 20 miles from where I live...

the latest local example of the failure of LBJ's Great Society War-On-Poverty programs... and all such programs that have followed to present day... and all the useless dumptruckloads of money that have gone into all these programs...

Undoubtedly your post merits the In Recognition of the Yurt/Birddog Daily Award that is given in recognition that you have reached their level of stupidity.
Deputy Sheriff Allen Bares, Jr., Vermilion Parish Sheriff's Office, Louisiana

Deaths of police officers by gunfire are up 35% this year. We may have pulled away from wars overseas; but we obviously have plenty of threats right here within our own borders.

Pray for the family and department that was affected by yet another tragic loss.

happened about 20 miles from where I live...

the latest local example of the failure of LBJ's Great Society War-On-Poverty programs... and all such programs that have followed to present day... and all the useless dumptruckloads of money that have gone into all these programs...

Undoubtedly your post merits the In Recognition of the Yurt/Birddog Daily Award that is given in recognition that you have reached their level of stupidity.

Once again the far left can not handle the fact that the far left should not ever be in power.
Two words: Death Penalty
I don't think that will be a problem. In only 15 or 20 years one of them will get what's coming to them, assuming that is that we can figure out which one of them fired the shots? That's always debatable.
Two words: Death Penalty
I don't think that will be a problem. In only 15 or 20 years one of them will get what's coming to them, assuming that is that we can figure out which one of them fired the shots? That's always debatable.

Yeah like Brian Terry's murder, all we know for sure is Obama and Holder knowingly armed a violent Mexican drug gang

Obama and Holder didn't manage the ATF in Phoenix, and a program that started before they were in power. And no one knows what gun shot Terry, or who for that matter.

The courts don't take kindly to cop-killers so stop worrying and making partisans politics of it.
Very sad. I hope that whichever of the two fellows fired the fatal shot gets tried for and convicted of Capital Murder.

My prayers go out to the slain officer's family members.
Deputy Sheriff Allen Bares, Jr., Vermilion Parish Sheriff's Office, Louisiana

Deaths of police officers by gunfire are up 35% this year. We may have pulled away from wars overseas; but we obviously have plenty of threats right here within our own borders.

Pray for the family and department that was affected by yet another tragic loss.

Two things:

1.) I try to pray for everyone, even those who hate me. It's hard, and I'm not certainly not perfect. But I do.

2.) You could have made an awesome poll with this thread — which might have asked the question, "Why is America facing an epidemic of police officers who are being killed?" And the poll's elective answers could then have been, say

A.) Guns in the hands of law-abiding citizens;
B.) Guns in the hands of convicted felons and other assorted pond scum;
C.) Desensitization to cop killings per violent games;
D.) Desensitization to cop killings per violent music;
E.) an economy of flagrantly polarized haves and have-nots;
F.) lack of overwhelming American spirituality and reverence for a higher power;
G.) overall lack of American institutional control, of law and order/ not enough government;
H.) too much American institutional control/ too much government;
I.) too much illegal immigration;
J.) it's all George W. Bush's fault. :badgrin:
omg, so anyone wonder how many innocent people cops killed today, how many babies did they scar for life by their canisters of tear gas landing in babies cribs?

oh wait, that's not considered cowardly, they( because they are better than us lowly citizens )are to be commended for that I guess

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