Another unarmed black man killed.

The black community needs to focus on black on black murder...That is how 93% of all blacks die.

The cops do need to stop shooting unarmed people.
Has the white community focused on white on white murder or is that unimportant because white people are doing it????
Has the white community blamed their bad behavior on racism?
No..many haven't admitted to their behavior yet.
Or unlike you they don't use skin color as an excuse.
Really that's the best you could come up
You aren't worth my best. But the point stands, blame your skin color for your problems and you'll be a loser.
Food for thought: Don't burglarize a car dealership and when you get caught don't scuffle with police. If he hadn't guess what? He wouldn't haven't gotten shot. Duh
Food for thought...stop making shit up, it makes you look like a lying cu-nt.
He crashed into a dealership and then through a showroom glass...doesn't even make sense as a burglary.
He could have been intoxicated, high, in medical distress or simply unstable mentally at that moment.

Nothing in the article proves he was committing a burglary.

Id have to see how far away from the street this showroom window was set back to get some determination. We really dont have enough evidence here. Its not so easy to run into the side of a building. Either he was driving at a tremendous speed or was drunk, or on something else, or it was an attempt to steal something.
If he was on some sort of substance it might explain the altercation. Seems to me if a normal person ran his car through a window of a business he would be feeling pretty damn bad about himself and even apologetic if it was an accident. Not so likely to fight with police
Has the white community focused on white on white murder or is that unimportant because white people are doing it????
Has the white community blamed their bad behavior on racism?
No..many haven't admitted to their behavior yet.
Or unlike you they don't use skin color as an excuse.
Really that's the best you could come up
You aren't worth my best. But the point stands, blame your skin color for your problems and you'll be a loser.
Actually your best was posted and as usual wasn't up to snuff.
Keep trying to make a point, that first attempt was pretty lame.
Young, Unarmed Black Man Killed By Cop Didn't Want To 'Die Too Young'
"I don't feel protected by the police."

Sebastian MurdockReporter, The Huffington Post

Listen, I am going to go here and I don't give a rats fuck about what anybody thinks.....its time black people in this country wake up and smell the damned coffee.....if you think your white buddy, your white neighbor, your white co worker is cool with sorry ass nigga's walking around feeling equal whites, you are mistaken. If you think they're comfortable with Becky's white ass strapped across a nigga's arms, Obama in the white house and black women who can't keep tabs on their brats, who terrorize the nation...than your mistaken and the only people able to harness that frustration and hatred, are COPS!! White angry pissed the fuck off, COPS!!!

Lighten up, Francis.
A new thread or news story could be posted about every black killing another black but there wouldn't be enough time for anyone to read them all. It would look like the tax code.
And even less time if we included white on white homicides....
You just emphasized the point. If it doesn't fit the black victim agenda criteria it is omitted.
No I just countered the usual don't like it, I understand.
No, you made the point. You thought you were justifying a bad thing with another bad thing but all you did was emphasize the point. If it ain't white on black or cop on black it's obfuscated. I'm glad to see you finally understanding.
1) He had a FULL COLLEGE SCHOLARSHIP for playing football

2) Says he didn't want to die young or at the hands of cops

3) Rams his car into a business to burglarize it and then allegedly fights cops

Um....he had MORE opportunities than even most suburban white kids. Free ride for playing ball. And he's out thuggin.

NOTICE the media cropped his hide the GANG SIGNS he's flashing? Pathetic.
The black community needs to focus on black on black murder...That is how 93% of all blacks die.

The cops do need to stop shooting unarmed people.

Unarmed people....can kill. Brock Lesnar can kill bare handed. Lots can. If you try to take a cops're unarmed...trying to become armed. Cops WILL NOT risk.losing that fight. Tweet dat.
The black community needs to focus on black on black murder...That is how 93% of all blacks die.

The cops do need to stop shooting unarmed people.

Unarmed people....can kill. Brock Lesnar can kill bare handed. Lots can. If you try to take a cops're unarmed...trying to become armed. Cops WILL NOT risk.losing that fight. Tweet dat.
What you've said here is quite true.

The problem is not with cops who are affected by those described circumstances. The problem rests with cops who understand those circumstances and who come to regard them as opportunities to commit cold-blooded murder or to use deadly force when lesser measures are readily available and would suffice.
A new thread or news story could be posted about every black killing another black but there wouldn't be enough time for anyone to read them all. It would look like the tax code.
And even less time if we included white on white homicides....
You just emphasized the point. If it doesn't fit the black victim agenda criteria it is omitted.
No I just countered the usual don't like it, I understand.
No, you made the point. You thought you were justifying a bad thing with another bad thing but all you did was emphasize the point. If it ain't white on black or cop on black it's obfuscated. I'm glad to see you finally understanding.
Actually you don't seem bright enough to grasp the meaning of " countering a point.
No one attempted to justify anything unless you are trying to admit that I was justified in countering your usual fall back position of ignoring the sky high rate of white on white homicides.
Id have to see how far away from the street this showroom window was set back to get some determination. We really dont have enough evidence here. Its not so easy to run into the side of a building. Either he was driving at a tremendous speed or was drunk, or on something else, or it was an attempt to steal something.

If he was on some sort of substance it might explain the altercation. Seems to me if a normal person ran his car through a window of a business he would be feeling pretty damn bad about himself and even apologetic if it was an accident. Not so likely to fight with police
Tonight CNN news ran some video from the dealership's security cameras which show this individual behaving very erratically on the premises of the dealership after having driven through the window. And it shows him atop a vehicle's hood kicking the windshield in. That behavior is consistent with the kind of psychosis which can result from using methamphetamine in combination with beverage alcohol.

Also, the available report holds that the seasoned cop (a training officer) used his taser on this raging individual with no effect, which would account for the rookie cop being sufficiently intimidated to use his gun -- which I would have done in the same position. So based on what I saw in the CNN video, and what I've read and heard in the available reports, this shooting was justified.

I have also expressed the opinion that Ferguson, MO, Patrolman Darren Wilson was perfectly justified in shooting Michael Brown who was a vicious, dangerously assaultive thug -- as evidenced by the video showing his criminally brutal inclination.

I am critical of police who exceed the boundaries of their authority. But I am aware of the violent nature of many young Black males and I do not believe a cop should either be willing or required to engage in violent, possibly lethal confrontations with them.

I believe cops who behave offensively should be meaningfully disciplined. And I believe that individuals who attempt to violently resist arrest should expect to be shot.
A new thread or news story could be posted about every black killing another black but there wouldn't be enough time for anyone to read them all. It would look like the tax code.
And even less time if we included white on white homicides....
You just emphasized the point. If it doesn't fit the black victim agenda criteria it is omitted.
No I just countered the usual don't like it, I understand.
No, you made the point. You thought you were justifying a bad thing with another bad thing but all you did was emphasize the point. If it ain't white on black or cop on black it's obfuscated. I'm glad to see you finally understanding.
Actually you don't seem bright enough to grasp the meaning of " countering a point.
No one attempted to justify anything unless you are trying to admit that I was justified in countering your usual fall back position of ignoring the sky high rate of white on white homicides.
What sky high rate of white homicides?
And even less time if we included white on white homicides....
You just emphasized the point. If it doesn't fit the black victim agenda criteria it is omitted.
No I just countered the usual don't like it, I understand.
No, you made the point. You thought you were justifying a bad thing with another bad thing but all you did was emphasize the point. If it ain't white on black or cop on black it's obfuscated. I'm glad to see you finally understanding.
Actually you don't seem bright enough to grasp the meaning of " countering a point.
No one attempted to justify anything unless you are trying to admit that I was justified in countering your usual fall back position of ignoring the sky high rate of white on white homicides.
What sky high rate of white homicides?
Over 80% of white homicides are committed by other whites; that's not sky high than I don't know what is.
You just emphasized the point. If it doesn't fit the black victim agenda criteria it is omitted.
No I just countered the usual don't like it, I understand.
No, you made the point. You thought you were justifying a bad thing with another bad thing but all you did was emphasize the point. If it ain't white on black or cop on black it's obfuscated. I'm glad to see you finally understanding.
Actually you don't seem bright enough to grasp the meaning of " countering a point.
No one attempted to justify anything unless you are trying to admit that I was justified in countering your usual fall back position of ignoring the sky high rate of white on white homicides.
What sky high rate of white homicides?
Over 80% of white homicides are committed by other whites; that's not sky high than I don't know what is.
You said the sky high rate of white homicides. Your alleged 80% figure would be the rate of white-on-white homicide which would stand to reason but is a completely different statistic.
No I just countered the usual don't like it, I understand.
No, you made the point. You thought you were justifying a bad thing with another bad thing but all you did was emphasize the point. If it ain't white on black or cop on black it's obfuscated. I'm glad to see you finally understanding.
Actually you don't seem bright enough to grasp the meaning of " countering a point.
No one attempted to justify anything unless you are trying to admit that I was justified in countering your usual fall back position of ignoring the sky high rate of white on white homicides.
What sky high rate of white homicides?
Over 80% of white homicides are committed by other whites; that's not sky high than I don't know what is.
You said the sky high rate of white homicides. Your alleged 80% figure would be the rate of white-on-white homicide which would stand to reason but is a completely different statistic.
So you can't dispute that the white on white homicide rate is sky high...that's fine.
No, you made the point. You thought you were justifying a bad thing with another bad thing but all you did was emphasize the point. If it ain't white on black or cop on black it's obfuscated. I'm glad to see you finally understanding.
Actually you don't seem bright enough to grasp the meaning of " countering a point.
No one attempted to justify anything unless you are trying to admit that I was justified in countering your usual fall back position of ignoring the sky high rate of white on white homicides.
What sky high rate of white homicides?
Over 80% of white homicides are committed by other whites; that's not sky high than I don't know what is.
You said the sky high rate of white homicides. Your alleged 80% figure would be the rate of white-on-white homicide which would stand to reason but is a completely different statistic.
So you can't dispute that the white on white homicide rate is sky high...that's fine.

No, you made the point. You thought you were justifying a bad thing with another bad thing but all you did was emphasize the point. If it ain't white on black or cop on black it's obfuscated. I'm glad to see you finally understanding.
Actually you don't seem bright enough to grasp the meaning of " countering a point.
No one attempted to justify anything unless you are trying to admit that I was justified in countering your usual fall back position of ignoring the sky high rate of white on white homicides.
What sky high rate of white homicides?
Over 80% of white homicides are committed by other whites; that's not sky high than I don't know what is.
You said the sky high rate of white homicides. Your alleged 80% figure would be the rate of white-on-white homicide which would stand to reason but is a completely different statistic.
So you can't dispute that the white on white homicide rate is sky high...that's fine.
But it's not high. The number you used reflects the rate among white homicides and not the rate per white person. You don't understand the algebra. This is why democrats should not be allowed to vote.
Actually you don't seem bright enough to grasp the meaning of " countering a point.
No one attempted to justify anything unless you are trying to admit that I was justified in countering your usual fall back position of ignoring the sky high rate of white on white homicides.
What sky high rate of white homicides?
Over 80% of white homicides are committed by other whites; that's not sky high than I don't know what is.
You said the sky high rate of white homicides. Your alleged 80% figure would be the rate of white-on-white homicide which would stand to reason but is a completely different statistic.
So you can't dispute that the white on white homicide rate is sky high...that's fine.

Actually you don't seem bright enough to grasp the meaning of " countering a point.
No one attempted to justify anything unless you are trying to admit that I was justified in countering your usual fall back position of ignoring the sky high rate of white on white homicides.
What sky high rate of white homicides?
Over 80% of white homicides are committed by other whites; that's not sky high than I don't know what is.
You said the sky high rate of white homicides. Your alleged 80% figure would be the rate of white-on-white homicide which would stand to reason but is a completely different statistic.
So you can't dispute that the white on white homicide rate is sky high...that's fine.
But it's not high. The number you used reflects the rate among white homicides and not the rate per white person. You don't understand the algebra. This is why democrats should not be allowed to vote.
No; actually it's a lame attempt to deflect from a statement that you can' t factually deny.
I never stated anything " per person" as you have attempted to assert. When you have to lie in order to support your stance you have already lost the argument.
Believing lies is the bedrock of conservative voter participation...smh.
Over 80% of white homicides are committed by inconvenient truth that you can' t deflect from.
What sky high rate of white homicides?
Over 80% of white homicides are committed by other whites; that's not sky high than I don't know what is.
You said the sky high rate of white homicides. Your alleged 80% figure would be the rate of white-on-white homicide which would stand to reason but is a completely different statistic.
So you can't dispute that the white on white homicide rate is sky high...that's fine.

What sky high rate of white homicides?
Over 80% of white homicides are committed by other whites; that's not sky high than I don't know what is.
You said the sky high rate of white homicides. Your alleged 80% figure would be the rate of white-on-white homicide which would stand to reason but is a completely different statistic.
So you can't dispute that the white on white homicide rate is sky high...that's fine.
But it's not high. The number you used reflects the rate among white homicides and not the rate per white person. You don't understand the algebra. This is why democrats should not be allowed to vote.
No; actually it's a lame attempt to deflect from a statement that you can' t factually deny.
I never stated anything " per person" as you have attempted to assert. When you have to lie in order to support your stance you have already lost the argument.
Believing lies is the bedrock of conservative voter participation...smh.
Over 80% of white homicides are committed by inconvenient truth that you can' t deflect from.
It's a pointless stat. Like most asians are killed by asians. The significant stat is relative to the population. You need a math primer.
Over 80% of white homicides are committed by other whites; that's not sky high than I don't know what is.
You said the sky high rate of white homicides. Your alleged 80% figure would be the rate of white-on-white homicide which would stand to reason but is a completely different statistic.
So you can't dispute that the white on white homicide rate is sky high...that's fine.

Over 80% of white homicides are committed by other whites; that's not sky high than I don't know what is.
You said the sky high rate of white homicides. Your alleged 80% figure would be the rate of white-on-white homicide which would stand to reason but is a completely different statistic.
So you can't dispute that the white on white homicide rate is sky high...that's fine.
But it's not high. The number you used reflects the rate among white homicides and not the rate per white person. You don't understand the algebra. This is why democrats should not be allowed to vote.
No; actually it's a lame attempt to deflect from a statement that you can' t factually deny.
I never stated anything " per person" as you have attempted to assert. When you have to lie in order to support your stance you have already lost the argument.
Believing lies is the bedrock of conservative voter participation...smh.
Over 80% of white homicides are committed by inconvenient truth that you can' t deflect from.
It's a pointless stat. Like most asians are killed by asians. The significant stat is relative to the population. You need a math primer.
It's only pointless to those either ignorant or attempting to dodge an inconvenient truth.
White homicide is pointless???... What a stupid thing to say.
Not surprising though.

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