Another unvaccinated, unmasked and unfrightened day goes by and I feel great!

It makes sense. If you’re young and or have had the virus the vaccine is likely overkill
The vaccine mitigates the spread whether you are young old previously infected or not. The more people that get vaccinated the safer our country and world is. I don’t see how anybody can honestly refute that
Same thing. Was in the ER with my youngest last week. Same as always. The panic is hilarious.
I’m sorry to hear about your kid. Hope she is ok. Did you talk to doctors and nurses about the situation? What did they say?
The vaccine mitigates the spread whether you are young old previously infected or not. The more people that get vaccinated the safer our country and world is. I don’t see how anybody can honestly refute that
I agree but people can be stubborn and Biden and Harris have done a shitty job with their info. did you see Harris latest tweet? Confusing as hell.
I’m sorry to hear about your kid. Hope she is ok. Did you talk to doctors and nurses about the situation? What did they say?
They said they are no more or less busy than usual. She had a viral infection and needed fluids and anti nausea. She is fine. She had COVID19 so I knew it wasn’t that.
I agree but people can be stubborn and Biden and Harris have done a shitty job with their info. did you see Harris latest tweet? Confusing as hell.
You mean this one??
"By vaccinating the unvaccinated, increasing our testing and masking, and protecting the vaccinated, we can end this pandemic. That’s exactly what we are committed to doing."

yeah, I don't know where the protecting the vaccinated line comes from... Probably because they can still catch it so get vaxxed = reduce death and hospitalizations ; protect the vaxxed = ending the pandemic. Thats the best sense I can make out of it. I've never liked her style of communication. All over the place.
They said they are no more or less busy than usual. She had a viral infection and needed fluids and anti nausea. She is fine. She had COVID19 so I knew it wasn’t that.
Good, and glad to hear that Delta isn 't stressing your hospital, thats great news.
You mean this one??
"By vaccinating the unvaccinated, increasing our testing and masking, and protecting the vaccinated, we can end this pandemic. That’s exactly what we are committed to doing."

yeah, I don't know where the protecting the vaccinated line comes from... Probably because they can still catch it so get vaxxed = reduce death and hospitalizations ; protect the vaxxed = ending the pandemic. Thats the best sense I can make out of it. I've never liked her style of communication. All over the place.
Therein lies the problem. Yes. That one. Maybe if they said what you said people would be more inclined to listen?
Therein lies the problem. Yes. That one. Maybe if they said what you said people would be more inclined to listen?
At list point I think their are millions of people who won’t listen to anything coming from a D. Just like millions would not listen to anything coming from Trump. Trust is broken. It’s just too bad a medical situation became so political
It isn’t. It shouldn’t. I can see Fla being hit since there are a lot of olds there.
The olds are vaccinated in FLA. That state is getting hit because they do a very poor job with mitigation. It’s the place to go to be free and unregulated. Great…. Now we see cases rising. Look at their hospitals. The age of the sick with Delta has plummeted….

As the number of deaths of these fools grows, playing Craps with the Grim Reaper becomes more and more risky as each day passes.

However, with every roll that comes up snake eyes for an anti-vaxxer, the nation's average IQ increases. As do the odds of ending the pandemic.

So the city slickers will survive without those dumb rural people providing the fruit, vegetables an meat for consumption. Tell me what you will do. All of those high rise buildings are farms and livestock producing venues. Or are they useless paper pushers for bad times.
At list point I think their are millions of people who won’t listen to anything coming from a D. Just like millions would not listen to anything coming from Trump. Trust is broken. It’s just too bad a medical situation became so political
Yep. They politicized the virus and as I said before not differentiating those who had the virus and those who did not just made it seem like the CDC was clueless and the Pharma companies were looking to maximize profits.
The olds are vaccinated in FLA. That state is getting hit because they do a very poor job with mitigation. It’s the place to go to be free and unregulated. Great…. Now we see cases rising. Look at their hospitals. The age of the sick with Delta has plummeted….

If you’re young you’ll survive it. Cases don’t equal deaths and if you don’t get the vaccine it’s on you. I think if you don’t have natural immunity should
Yep. They politicized the virus and as I said before not differentiating those who had the virus and those who did not just made it seem like the CDC was clueless and the Pharma companies were looking to maximize profits.
We’ve had this discussion and while I think your are right in a small degree, I think the major agenda behind these initiatives is to get people protected through vaccination so we can save lives and get our world back to normal.
If you’re young you’ll survive it. Cases don’t equal deaths and if you don’t get the vaccine it’s on you. I think if you don’t have natural immunity should
Cases do equal deaths and hospitalizations. The young are a very small percentage of that but they are also hosts that perpetuate and spread this virus which is why they should be part of the mitigation
We’ve had this discussion and while I think your are right in a small degree, I think the major agenda behind these initiatives is to get people protected through vaccination so we can save lives and get our world back to normal.
That’s fine but there is a vast difference between those with and without natural immunity and they should have said that. Saying yes you’re likely more protected but please get the vaccine regardless as a booster. Instead they did not differentiate at all and lost credibility IMO.
Cases do equal deaths and hospitalizations. The young are a very small percentage of that but they are also hosts that perpetuate and spread this virus which is why they should be part of the mitigation
Spread to whom? Olds are mostly vaccinated you said? Youngs may do as they wish?
That’s fine but there is a vast difference between those with and without natural immunity and they should have said that. Saying yes you’re likely more protected but please get the vaccine regardless as a booster. Instead they did not differentiate at all and lost credibility IMO.
By “they” do you mean the CDC?

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