Another unvaccinated, unmasked and unfrightened day goes by and I feel great!

You're the scraping servile lapdog who thinks it''s heroic to do as your told by your betters....It's you who is the fucking craven coward.

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Haha, who exactly are my betters?! If you mean my doctors who I pay for their train medical advice then yes absolutely, I’d be an idiot to not listen to them. And the great thing about America is if I disagree with what my doctor is advising I can’t go see a different one.

How many doctors have told you that they don’t recommend taking the vax or wearing a mask? Have you even asked?
Haha, who exactly are my betters?! If you mean my doctors who I pay for their train medical advice then yes absolutely, I’d be an idiot to not listen to them. And the great thing about America is if I disagree with what my doctor is advising I can’t go see a different one.

How many doctors have told you that they don’t recommend taking the vax or wearing a mask? Have you even asked?
All Hail the Infallible White Coated Priests! :udaman:
NO Frankly..... I don't...

My choice...or lack of a choice or whatever simply spurred by a need or not need basis. So far I have been perfectly fine despite having been exposed on numerous occasions....... why mess with it? Translation.... I don't need it. Nor do I need the faux social stigma that goes with it.

The social stigma?! Haha, exactly why youre a coward I couldn’t have said it better myself.

you’re cowardice is your fear of getting a social stigma and your selfishness is willingly exposing yourself and then exposing others. You may have it and be asymptomatic and pass it on to somebody who is immunocompromised. Not cool. Maybe think of others for a change
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The social stigma?! Haha, exactly why your a coward I couldn’t have said it better myself.

you’re cowardice is your fear of getting a social stigma and your selfishness is willing exposing yourself and then exposing others. You may have it and be asymptomatic and pass it on to somebody who is immunocompromised. Not cool. Maybe think of others for a change
I may have a million different things I'm sure as hell not going to check and find out. By the way you're the one with the faux social stigma. Running around bragging about getting the shot and looking for everyone's approval reminds me of a kindergarten kid looking for a forehead star from his teacher.

I'm simply responding to the endless shower of propaganda posts seeking to shame people who have made the decision not to take the non-vaccine.. vaccine. Since there are so many more people who are just fine in those who are not fine if it's time we put this thing in perspective.

It's an overblown farce riddled with false information false statistics and agenda driven politics. It's definitely a real sickness but it ain't no Spanish influenza.

In the meantime I feel great and tomorrow I will get up without my mask and go out and interact with hundreds of people out at the supermarkets and various places of business that I go to and talk freely to those whose faces I can see.

I will do this with no sense of shame or guilt. I will continue to do it day in and day out without you without your permission.

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hahaha....worked in a hospital for 12 years stuck constantly....

I'm saying the Vaccine is useless and vaccination is basically political compliance and yeah....I don't like what I am hearing about the composition of it.
So are you saying you're afraid to jump off a ten story building? See this is what I mean by control freak. You're not intersted in the public welfare you just want other people to bend to your will....and of course you will get the finger.

Don’t get vaccinated then.

Just don’t whine to others when people don’t want you around them.
I may have a million different things I'm sure as hell not going to check and find out. By the way you're the one with the faux social stigma. Running around bragging about getting the shot and looking for everyone's approval reminds me of a kindergarten kid forehead star from his teacher.

I'm simply responding to the endless shower of propaganda posts seeking to shame people who have made the decision not to take the non-vaccine.. vaccine. Since there are so many more people who are just fine in those who are not fine if it's time we put this thing in perspective.

It's an overblown farce riddled with false information false statistics and agenda driven politics. It's definitely a real sickness but it ain't no Spanish influenza.
It isn’t overblown in my city, Austin. Hospitals are close to capacity, staff is over worked and ICU beds are scarce.

the fact that you think I run around bragging about being vaxxed is hilarious. You live in a fantasyland
As the number of deaths of these fools grows, playing Craps with the Grim Reaper becomes more and more risky as each day passes. However, with every roll that comes up snake eyes for an anti-vaxxer, the nation's average IQ increases. As do the odds of ending the pandemic.

You seem to be ignorant of the fact that more people are dying now WITH the vaccine than a year ago without it. And that many people getting sick still got the vaccine and that many people not yet vaxxed are actually minority and Biden supporters!
It isn’t overblown in my city, Austin. Hospitals are close to capacity, staff is over worked and ICU beds are scarce.

the fact that you think I run around bragging about being vaxxed is hilarious. You live in a fantasyland
You all have your hoax stories about your own little towns and all your dead friend and relatives which are utterly disproportionate to what is occurring in reality.
Never felt better in fact. I've been sneezed at, coughed on and breathed upon by people who say they have COVID (not on purpose btw).. So far I haven't had even a small temperature. Why the hell would I play fate against the odds and stick some type of synthetic poison in my arm? I'm doing just fine.Vaccine mandate? I seriously doubt it. Delta schmelta.

Good for you. May as well get some lottery tickets while you are lucky.
You all have your hoax stories about your own little towns and all your dead friend and relatives which are utterly disproportionate to what is occurring in reality.
No hoax, you can call any hospital or the department of health and check for yourself. Don’t take my word for it. Go ahead call, let me know what they say

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