Another unvaccinated, unmasked and unfrightened day goes by and I feel great!

Now hold on just a minute. Are you telling me that you are Not frightened beyond all reality over something you have an 11% chance of catching and if caught a 70% likelihood you don’t even know that you have it and if you do know then a 5% of 11% chance that you die????
Are you serious that we dont need masks, quarantines, vaccinations, more forced vaccinations and boosters, vaccination cards and back turning shaming over a 5% of 11%??? You are a wild fact and stat advocate but you need to fall into the crippling fear hoax for Everyone’s Good!!!!!
It must really be hard for the stupid leftist vax-whore Nazis to accept that there are so many of us that just don't share their phony social justice virtue signaling delusions.
Why do I need to be a sincere friend? This is information that should be shared with everybody don’t you think?
Nope. I respect and value my doctor for being honest, and slimy shills like you would, if at all possible, see that my doctor was censured for not being a vaccinating pHARMa whore.
Haha, so you insult me for listening to doctors saying Im bowing to the white coats but when asked who you listen to you say your own brain and doctors. See the problem with that?! Haha. If you have a doctor that is recommending you not take the vax or wear a mask can you send me their contact information? I'd love to make an appointment and get their advice.
Probably the vet who hooked him up with horse paste.
Nope. I respect and value my doctor for being honest, and slimy shills like you would, if at all possible, see that my doctor was censured for not being a vaccinating pHARMa whore.
Hell no, I don’t want to see anybody censured. That’s why I’m asking for their contact info. I want to hear what they have to say!
It must really be hard for the stupid leftist vax-whore Nazis to accept that there are so many of us that just don't share their phony social justice virtue signaling delusions.
Well if you are not quaking in your boots over the small chance you get in and very very small chance that it’s serious or deadly then under the bed with mask on for you.!!!
Well if you are not quaking in your boots over the small chance you get in and very very small chance that it’s serious or deadly then under the bed with mask on for you.!!!
Its not about being scare Mr. Tough guy... just look around outside of your hometown of Buttfuck Egypt... You keep trying to make fun of people who are acting safe and responsibly all while you're the one scared of taking the shot. Go figure!
Its not about being scare Mr. Tough guy... just look around outside of your hometown of Buttfuck Egypt... You keep trying to make fun of people who are acting safe and responsibly all while you're the one scared of taking the shot. Go figure!
I’m not tough guy
I’m real guy who lives in reality.
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I'm saying the Vaccine is useless

Why didn't you just say your were delusional at the start?

you just want other people to bend to your will....and of course you will get the finger.

It sounds like your cult has terrified you into incontinence with the dumb propaganda, same as all of the other antivaxxers. I've never seen a more frightened bunch. No wonder you all obey in such a sheeplike manner.
Why didn't you just say your were delusional at the start?

It sounds like your cult has terrified you into incontinence with the dumb propaganda, same as all of the other antivaxxers. I've never seen a more frightened bunch. No wonder you all obey in such a sheeplike manner.
Yawwwwwwn....... Unafraid...unmasked....unimpressed.....

Try your pitiful reverse psychology somewhere else Mask Karen.

You're trying to hard, like you're whistling in the dark. Actual unafraid people don't feel compelled to announce how unafraid they are.
Nah....I'm just laughing at you ....that's all..... I am compelled to talk back to all the bugaboo posting trying to incite's actually Hilarious.
Tomorrow I will be out and about once again...unmasked, unvaccinated, unafraid and quite healthy.

Nah....I'm just laughing at you ....that's all..... I am compelled to talk back to all the bugaboo posting trying to incite fear...i
You mean your posts, when you rave about conspiracies?

According to your logic, anyone who stops at a red light is living in fear and is a government-controlled sheep. In your world, common sense is fear. That's a weird world you live in.

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