Another unvaccinated, unmasked and unfrightened day goes by and I feel great!

Yes, but the average age for dying from it is still well past child bearing age, even with the D-Variant, predominating. So a whole new generation of dumb asses has already been bred. Any gains in IQ will be short-lived. No Darwinian advantage in the long run.
Hope springs eternal...

Never felt better in fact. I've been sneezed at, coughed on and breathed upon by people who say they have COVID (not on purpose btw).. So far I haven't had even a small temperature. Why the hell would I play fate against the odds and stick some type of synthetic poison in my arm? I'm doing just fine.Vaccine mandate? I seriously doubt it. Delta schmelta.

Unmasked, unvaccinated and unafraid again today! Life is good!

Hope springs eternal...

It's pretty much like the seasonal flu...same victims...same results....and yes there is a bit more of it because it is NOVEL but that will wear off on its own. In fact that's the only way it will ever wear off.

Unmasked, unvaccinated and unafraid again today! Life is good!

You know this isn’t a tough guy movement, right? Unmasked and unvaxxed isnt tough, it is cowardly and selfish and it shows fear. You are scared to get vaxxed. You are scared to wear a mask and compromised your tough guy independent image to be a sheep. Even if it means endangering others.
You know this isn’t a tough guy movement, right? Unmasked and unvaxxed isnt tough, it is cowardly and selfish and it shows fear. You are scared to get vaxxed. You are scared to wear a mask and compromised your tough guy independent image to be a sheep. Even if it means endangering others.'s a nice guy movement. I meet all kinds of people whose faces I can see, who are happy, unafraid and positive about life. We stand and watch the Karens slither by, shaking, pissing themselves and eyes apop with full fledged horror....we just shake our heads in wonderment.
I'm actually setting an example to those who have been emotionally bullied into compliance by the Scam-demic howlers. I'm showing them how easy it is to be free instead of in imaginary chains like they are now.

Me and my family had it before it was a thing.

I've been watching in bemusement as the world has gone to shit and we've changed literally nothing by our own choosing.

Others have impacted what we do, including friends and the government, but our son was in school when available, has never stopped his activities, I've worked through the entire thing and never lost a moment's peace worrying about one of us kicking the bucket due to Covid. Impact on our lives has been minimal.

Get the shot if you so choose and get on with your lives.'s a nice guy movement. I meet all kinds of people whose faces I can see, who are happy, unafraid and positive about life. We stand and watch the Karens slither by, shaking and pissing themselves and eyes apop with full fledged horror....and just shake our heads in wonderment.

So you’re saying you aren’t scared to get vaccinated?? I don’t believe you.

It’s easy to do nothing. That’s what cowards do… nothing
So you’re saying you aren’t scared to get vaccinated?? I don’t believe you.

It’s easy to do nothing. That’s what cowards do… nothing
hahaha....worked in a hospital for 12 years stuck constantly....

I'm saying the Vaccine is useless and vaccination is basically political compliance and yeah....I don't like what I am hearing about the composition of it.
So are you saying you're afraid to jump off a ten story building? See this is what I mean by control freak. You're not intersted in the public welfare you just want other people to bend to your will....and of course you will get the finger.

People like you are so scared that you have to be vaccinated.
It's more like a virtue signaling group activity I think.
They have managed to make it into a political identity which is crazy but hey....they're democrats.

And the fact that the hospitals are letting them go is strong evidence they aren't nearly as "overwhelmed" as the corporate media wants you to think.
I checked with a bunch of my old buddies who still work in the Hospitals around my area.... they are all saying they don't see any of what the news is reporting in the local ICU's or ER"s. Doesn't mean its the same everywhere...but still.....

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So you’re saying you aren’t scared to get vaccinated?? I don’t believe you.

It’s easy to do nothing. That’s what cowards do… nothing
So you're saying that you're not scared to dress up in honey and lie down in the path of army ants? I don't believe you!
People like you are so scared that you have to be vaccinated.
Haha, I could care less about the vaccine or COVID but I’m a good citizen and a good uncle and a good son so I do it for my mom, baby niece and community. Like I said… doing nothing is easy. Doing something takes courage
hahaha....worked in a hospital for 12 years stuck constantly....

I'm saying the Vaccine is useless and vaccination is basically political compliance and yeah....I don't like what I am hearing about the composition of it.
So are you saying you're afraid to jump off a ten story building? See this is what I mean by control freak. You're not intersted in the public welfare you just want other people to bend to your will....and of course you will get the finger.

There you go, you don’t like the composition of it so you’re scare to take it. Seems that millions of others have the courage to go through with it. You compensate for your cowardice by playing tough guy on an online forum. Grow up
So you're saying that you're not scared to dress up in honey and lie down in the path of army ants? I don't believe you!
I never said anything of the sort. I’m responding to your actual words. See the difference?
There you go, you don’t like the composition of it so you’re scare to take it. Seems that millions of others have the courage to go through with it. You compensate for your cowardice by playing tough guy on an online forum. Grow up
You're the scraping servile lapdog who thinks it''s heroic to do as your told by your betters....It's you who is the fucking craven coward.

I never said anything of the sort. I’m responding to your actual words. See the difference?
NO Frankly..... I don't...

My choice...or lack of a choice or whatever simply spurred by a need or not need basis. So far I have been perfectly fine despite having been exposed on numerous occasions....... why mess with it? Translation.... I don't need it. Nor do I need the faux social stigma that goes with it.


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