Another victory for our President

:auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:

Just :auiqs.jpg:

OK let’s see what the founders gave us

Only landholders could vote
Only white males could vote
Millions were in slavery
Women had no rights

Yes, I will gladly take today’s Government
You mean they made something extraordinary by limiting say to those who contributed. Currently, we have gone woke and the country is imploding with tens of millions taxpayers held in wage tax slavery.
In terms of pure art?

I already told you, I would not want to have to look at Picasso’s grotesque paintings every day. LSD trip as art
Give me a good Hunter Biden with his superior use of light and implied depth.
You saying that you cocaine art better than LSD art?

But all Trump knew was how to escalate tensions and start fights where none was necessary

He did it with Iran, he did it with China, he did it with Cuba, he did it with NATO

Thankfully, we elected someone to repair the damage done by Trump
Yes, President Trump was an adult in the Oval Office for a major change. President Trump forced the other members of NATO to chough up and pay what the owed. Yeah, not unlike getting angry with your health landlord or mortgagee because they demand all you payment and they not just what you feel like paying. Oooooo, nasty America, doing the right thing and forcing them to do the same thing. Then he had the audacity to force China to do the same along with shopping or slowing China's theft of our intellectual property. They didn't like that, so they put Hunter Biden in their pocket.

As you know too, Trump policies made the USA energy independent and making us exporters which did not please Russia or the Arabs.

For the first time too Trump increased wages with the rate of low income workers rising more than upper income workers.

Yes, I can see these things happening in only four years. Imagine if he had eight years!

Yeah boy, we really need to change all that damage done by President Trump.
That's a fucking lie------Biden has been lying about his income coming in and his spending. Hence why he "shares" accounts with his family members taking in bribe money that he doesn't report as income.
He has?

Why didn’t Trump DOJ prosecute him?
Yes, President Trump was an adult in the Oval Office for a major change.
An adult who throws a daily tantrum?
An adult who cannot get along with others?
An adult who lies whenever challenged?
An adult who can’t admit he is wrong?
After four years of escalating tensions with China, our President is working to tone things down, reinstate trade and negotiate on climate change
It is not easy repairing the damage Trump has done, but Biden is doing it


Stop....please stop.....I can't laugh this hurts......
Let me answer my own question for you. Trump brought 0 jobs back home from China,Trump asseater.

It gives me great pleasure to mete out another beatdown on your sorry ass. Now go lick your wounds.
i bet you have NO BRAIN....Biden cant even figure out how to get cargo ships unloaded ......
it gives me great pleasure to mete out another beatdown on your sorry ass. Now go lick your wounds.
i bet you have NO BRAIN....Biden cant even figure out how to get cargo ships unloaded ......
it gives me great pleasure to mete out another beatdown on your sorry ass. Now go lick your wounds.

The President is now in charge of unloading Cargo ships?

Well, if it helps you…
Biden will sign the Infrastructure Bill that will modernize our ports and increase cargo capacity

An adult who throws a daily tantrum?
An adult who cannot get along with others?
An adult who lies whenever challenged?
An adult who can’t admit he is wrong?
An adult who had agendas to keep the pulse of nation surviving. Trump the personality versus Trump the last thread to freedom where you are to stupid to realize or getting 'paid" for your views. A sovereign and free nation that is not held up by globalists. And you do not want that. Figure out what happens when a fraud political class keeps doing the globalist government mantra. From 325 million or so to several billion. Figure out what happens to real living standards.
The President is now in charge of unloading Cargo ships?

Well, if it helps you…
Biden will sign the Infrastructure Bill that will modernize our ports and increase cargo capacity

Eliminate Western State ports for Southern ports. We do not need you when that is done. Build the Costa Rican Canal. Along with the Panama Canal we can get rid of you. Southern politician must know this. But there are regional power families and other corrupted people who will blur this movement and have. I envision a mighty Southern Nation with at least several upgraded ports with massive advances in highways and infrastructure just on ships with cargo coming to them. Southern states will have to make the choice. Florida can become the mecca of the world.
He has?

Why didn’t Trump DOJ prosecute him?
IF Trump did know, and went after BIDEN you crazy DEMS would be claiming trump was the bad guy for going after his corrupt political rival...

Not like what Trump did matters--the facts clearly show Biden Taking BRIBES and running the money through his son, his dead brother and 4 other of his family members bank accounts.
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IF Trump did know, and went after BIDEN you crazy DEMS would be claiming trump was the bad guy for going after his corrupt political rival...

Not like Trump did matters--the facts clearly show Biden Taking BRIBES and running the money through his son, his dead brother and 4 other of his family members bank accounts.

If he had taken a nickel he wasn’t entitled to, the Trump Justice Dept would have been all over him

How did Trump trying to get Ukraine to dig up dirt on Biden work out?
i bet you have NO BRAIN....Biden cant even figure out how to get cargo ships unloaded ......
it gives me great pleasure to mete out another beatdown on your sorry ass. Now go lick your wounds.
I thought you MAGA hatted retards wanted the govt off the backs of private enterprise? Now you want Biden to fix the supply chain for the shipping industry?

Thanx for allowing me to give you another beatdown. This is fun.
Republicans will not even vote for basic infrastructure HERE
Republicans will not even fill the Money Laundering Coffers her unless they get a better cut.

There fixed it for you. The day the Debt Ceiling is permanently closed the better. To the countries who we owe money too in money laundering..........consider it paid in full for being the world's police force.
Yeah yeah yeah. They locked everyone down. Made hundreds of thousands small business go under. Told neighbors to rat out neghbors......

Ummmm wait a minute that was the DNC
Conservatives want to see the economy fail in the hope it benefits Republicans during the midterms.

Conservatives want to see the economy fail in the hope Republicans win control of the WH in 2024.

Conservatives want to see the American people suffer job losses and high unemployment for some perceived partisan gain.

Conservatives are enemies of America.
I thought you MAGA hatted retards wanted the govt off the backs of private enterprise? Now you want Biden to fix the supply chain for the shipping industry?

Thanx for allowing me to give you another beatdown. This is fun.

The doctrine of enumerated powers was crucial to the ratification debate. The Federalist Papers were written to convince skeptical electors and the delegates they sent to state ratifying conventions that the new constitution was necessary and, in particular, would not give the new federal government any more power than was absolutely necessary to carry out its responsibilities. The doctrine of enumerated powers—the main restraint on the new government—was most famously stated by James Madison (No. 45):

The powers delegated by the proposed Constitution to the federal government, are few and defined. Those which are to remain in the State governments are numerous and indefinite. The former will be exercised principally on external objects, as war, peace, negotiation, and foreign commerce; with which last the power of taxation will, for the most part, be connected. The powers reserved to the several States will extend to all the objects which, in the ordinary course of affairs, concern the lives, liberties, and properties of the people, and the internal order, improvement, and prosperity of the State.

Notice those words: “few and defined.” The federal government was to have only limited responsibilities. Most power was to be left with the state governments. They were closer to the people who could then better control them.

Madison continues, “It is to be remembered that the general government is not to be charged with the whole power of making and administering laws. Its jurisdiction is limited to certain enumerated objects, which concern all the members of the republic, but which are not to be attained by the separate provisions of any (No. 14).” Madison argues there are certain things—like national defense and foreign and national commerce—that are properly national concerns since they are largely beyond the competence of individual states. In fact, one of the main reasons the Framers sought to write a new constitution was because the Articles of Confederation afforded the federal government too little power to deal with such matters.

Foreign Commerce is actually one of the powers under the enumerated powers. The rest that we have come to today are BS. The Federal Gov't needs to be spayed and neutered by Commerce is a power of limited Gov't.

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