Another victory for our President

Hunter Biden is an accomplished artist
You are just jealous
Hunter Biden is a red herring fallacy contrived by the partisan right.

Desperate to win back control of the WH, conservatives engage in baseless demagoguery, oppose necessary, proper legislation that will benefit the American people, and propagate ridiculous lies about Biden.
Conservatives want to see the economy fail in the hope it benefits Republicans during the midterms.

Conservatives want to see the economy fail in the hope Republicans win control of the WH in 2024.

Conservatives want to see the American people suffer job losses and high unemployment for some perceived partisan gain.

Conservatives are enemies of America.
I want you pecker woods our of our lives. Both sides. Both sides have done enough damage to this country with excessive powers to the Federal Govt. Both sides are turning our dollar into toilet paper. Both sides are feeding at the trough via Money laundering at the expense of the people.

I'm for the end of increasing the Debt ceiling. The States taking the powers back for it's people and ending this nonsense. In that way the Idiocy of the left in California don't INFECT the rest of the country.
Hunter Biden is a red herring fallacy contrived by the partisan right.

Desperate to win back control of the WH, conservatives engage in baseless demagoguery, oppose necessary, proper legislation that will benefit the American people, and propagate ridiculous lies about Biden.

A Coke head the board of directors of a Gas Company

Even you know the masks are useless and those most vulnerable have had the jab and so far as "social distancing" is concerned football stadiums with 60 to 80,000 unmasked cheering fans has proven that they are not "super spreaders or any such thing.

Follow Florida and get out country on the right track instead of the Brandon track!
Don't be stupider than you have to be. Follow the science, not the RWNJ echo chamber.
Republicans will not even vote for basic infrastructure HERE
Specifically, what percentage of the boondoggle, known as the "infrastructure" bill goes toward what we know as infrastructure? You know, roads, highways, bridges, etc..

You must have it at the tip of your fingers. After all, your criticism is pretty certain.
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Conservatives want to see the economy fail in the hope it benefits Republicans during the midterms.

Conservatives want to see the economy fail in the hope Republicans win control of the WH in 2024.

Conservatives want to see the American people suffer job losses and high unemployment for some perceived partisan gain.

Conservatives are enemies of America.
Hunter Biden is a red herring fallacy contrived by the partisan right.

Desperate to win back control of the WH, conservatives engage in baseless demagoguery, oppose necessary, proper legislation that will benefit the American people, and propagate ridiculous lies about Biden.
The return of an adult to the White House, as flawed as he may be, is an improvement (and relief) of immeasurable proportions.

Do you ever listen to the news? Putin and Xi Jinping realize we have a weak President in office and plan to take full advantage of that fact.



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After four years of escalating tensions with China, our President is working to tone things down, reinstate trade and negotiate on climate change
It is not easy repairing the damage Trump has done, but Biden is doing it

Yep; China is delighted.

If he had taken a nickel he wasn’t entitled to, the Trump Justice Dept would have been all over him

How did Trump trying to get Ukraine to dig up dirt on Biden work out?
Well, Hunter Biden is a well-compensated "director for an oil and gas company he was given because of his last name. But then, you would counter that Hunter is a world-renowned expert in the oil and gas industry. Right?

That is an indisputable fact.

As you know too, you railed on for years about the truthfulness of the Steel Dossier, used as a club on President Trump his entire term in office. Evidence has proven conclusively that the Dossier was FALSE and paid for by the Clinton administration. Hasn't one of the perpetrators been indicted?
The typical first thought of the far-far-left.

Yeah, just like Adolph Hitler sidled up to Stalin signing a non-aggression pact. That worked out well, didn't it?

The Molotov/Ribbentrop non-aggression pact was a great idea. It was breaking it that was such a very bad idea.
The typical first thought of the far-far-left.

Yeah, just like Adolph Hitler sidled up to Stalin signing a non-aggression pact. That worked out well, didn't it?
Thank you Professor Godwin
We divide our world up into North and South and East and West and get specific within that. The Western Hemisphere with the Arctic, Pacific and Atlantic Oceans included to boundaries has a population of about 1.5 Billion people at best. Now the rest of the world is about 7 Billion people. To add more to the mix the history of the Western Hemisphere is not thousands of years. That means it grew with the people who came here from other areas. With this we have poverty in this region. We also have not had major wars here that destroyed much of the population. now we have rich parasites who produce nothing who are promoting global climate crap and other things.
After four years of escalating tensions with China, our President is working to tone things down, reinstate trade and negotiate on climate change
It is not easy repairing the damage Trump has done, but Biden is doing it

Only a newb like you would think that China and the US are going to do anything on climate. Jackass.
After four years of escalating tensions with China, our President is working to tone things down, reinstate trade and negotiate on climate change
It is not easy repairing the damage Trump has done, but Biden is doing it

In other words, no actual accomplishment, just chest thumping.

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