Another victory for our President

Where does it say the people of Taiwan held a referendum where the said they wanted the Communists to run the country?

The point is the Chiang Kai-Shek government was evil.
The fact they declared martial law and did not allow elections until 1996, is a good indicator of an evil dictatorship.
But that also implies things got better in the last 25 years, so I have no idea what the natives of Taiwan want now.
I am just pointing out they might prefer the mainland gov.?
The point is the Chiang Kai-Shek government was evil.
The fact they declared martial law and did not allow elections until 1996, is a good indicator of an evil dictatorship.
But that also implies things got better in the last 25 years, so I have no idea what the natives of Taiwan want now.
I am just pointing out they might prefer the mainland gov.?
It wasn't 1/1000th as evil as the communists. You claimed the people of Taiwan prefered the communists. You presented no evidence to support that claim.
An adult who throws a daily tantrum?
An adult who cannot get along with others?
An adult who lies whenever challenged?
An adult who can’t admit he is wrong?
An traitor who shits ITself daily ...
An traitor who has ruined AMERICA...
An traitor who lies daily.....
An traitor who can’t admit ITS wrong.....
a traitor that can't think for ITself....

all of these describe beijing xiden, ....the traitor
It wasn't 1/1000th as evil as the communists. You claimed the people of Taiwan prefered the communists. You presented no evidence to support that claim.

The Kaing Kai Shek government did not buy property in Taiwan, but just stole it and murdered natives.
I would bet they would greatly prefer the mainland government, which follows the rule of law.
The President is now in charge of unloading Cargo ships?

Well, if it helps you…
Biden will sign the Infrastructure Bill that will modernize our ports and increase cargo capacity

not this 1...this incompetent piece of shit, your master, beijing xiden, has ill feelings towards AMERICA, because the chinese gov.'t has bought this admin. out...
you are still a fucking retard 4 thinking any are a commie piece of shit that lacks a brain
not this 1...this incompetent piece of shit, your master, beijing xiden, has ill feelings towards AMERICA, because the chinese gov.'t has bought this admin. out...
you are still a fucking retard 4 thinking any are a commie piece of shit that lacks a brain
mindless drivel
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You know what they're doing newb? Building 200 more coal fired plants. Now go back to your dolls.

China has cut down their emissions significantly
They are also leading the world in R&D on alternative energy
A role the US should have
If he had taken a nickel he wasn’t entitled to, the Trump Justice Dept would have been all over him

How did Trump trying to get Ukraine to dig up dirt on Biden work out?
The Trump Justice Department (our corrupt swamp FBI) wouldn't do a damn thing to stop the swamp from being crooks--hell I am pretty sure they have been helping Clinton and other swamp members kill off those that piss them off (see the murder of WHitey Bulger where the DOJ arranged his death flat out and SETH RICH believed killed by an FBI weapon---among others). Hell we seen how they tried to frame trump and perjure themselves in court to try to get Trump.

The EVIDENCE clearly shows that BIDEN Was taking bribes from all sorts of world trash and running the money through his families bank accounts as too has been Pelosi via her son Paul JR and the CLINTONS via the CLINTON FOUNDATION.
The Trump Justice Department (our corrupt swamp FBI) wouldn't do a damn thing to stop the swamp from being crooks--hell I am pretty sure they have been helping Clinton and other swamp members kill off those that piss them off (see the murder of WHitey Bulger where the DOJ arranged his death flat out and SETH RICH believed killed by an FBI weapon---among others). Hell we seen how they tried to frame trump and perjure themselves in court to try to get Trump.

The EVIDENCE clearly shows that BIDEN Was taking bribes from all sorts of world trash and running the money through his families bank accounts as too has been Pelosi via her son Paul JR and the CLINTONS via the CLINTON FOUNDATION.
Dont tell us…

China has cut down their emissions significantly
They are also leading the world in R&D on alternative energy
A role the US should have
Nope, they are building 200 new coal plants per year, so not cutting shit down. What color is the sky in your world, newb?
Nope, they are building 200 new coal plants per year, so not cutting shit down. What color is the sky in your world, newb?

Ding Zhimin, the former deputy director of the Policy & Law Department of the National Energy Administration, said that coal, which now accounts for 58% of China’s power generation, will be replaced by renewable energy — led by wind and solar — which will eventually account for more than 85% of China's total energy mix by 2060,
After four years of escalating tensions with China, our President is working to tone things down, reinstate trade and negotiate on climate change
It is not easy repairing the damage Trump has done, but Biden is doing it

Talking is always good.

It's a very strange relationship with have with China. We're at loggerheads, but America is also China's number one customer.

Ding Zhimin, the former deputy director of the Policy & Law Department of the National Energy Administration, said that coal, which now accounts for 58% of China’s power generation, will be replaced by renewable energy — led by wind and solar — which will eventually account for more than 85% of China's total energy mix by 2060,
Newb, you're way too gullible. 2060? lol, believing anything a Chinese official says is cute, but seriously brah, when a Chinese official speaks, the only thing you know for sure is that he's lying.

"China continues to build coal-fired power plants at a rate that outpaces the rest of the world combined. In 2020, China brought 38.4 gigawatts of new coal-fired power into operation, more than three times what was brought on line everywhere else.
A total of 247 gigawatts of coal power is now in planning or development, nearly six times Germany’s entire coal-fired capacity. China has also proposed additional new coal plants that, if built, would generate 73.5 gigawatts of power, more than five times the 13.9 gigawatts proposed in the rest of the world combined. Last year, Chinese provinces granted construction approval to 47 gigawatts of coal power projects, more than three times the capacity permitted in 2019."

Ding Zhimin, the former deputy director of the Policy & Law Department of the National Energy Administration, said that coal, which now accounts for 58% of China’s power generation, will be replaced by renewable energy — led by wind and solar — which will eventually account for more than 85% of China's total energy mix by 2060,
And you believe him?
Newb, you're way too gullible. 2060? lol, believing anything a Chinese official says is cute, but seriously brah, when a Chinese official speaks, the only thing you know for sure is that he's lying.

"China continues to build coal-fired power plants at a rate that outpaces the rest of the world combined. In 2020, China brought 38.4 gigawatts of new coal-fired power into operation, more than three times what was brought on line everywhere else.
A total of 247 gigawatts of coal power is now in planning or development, nearly six times Germany’s entire coal-fired capacity. China has also proposed additional new coal plants that, if built, would generate 73.5 gigawatts of power, more than five times the 13.9 gigawatts proposed in the rest of the world combined. Last year, Chinese provinces granted construction approval to 47 gigawatts of coal power projects, more than three times the capacity permitted in 2019."
China is serious about alternative energy because they have to be. Air pollution is choking them out.

China will make a change because they don’t have to deal with a Republican Party resisting at every chance
China is serious about alternative energy because they have to be. Air pollution is choking them out.

China will make a change because they don’t have to deal with a Republican Party resisting at every chance
They are blowing smoke in your eyes, sucker.

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