Another victory for our President

POSPOTUS JoeXi has relied on his Communist handlers in collusion with his catholic crony, Fau Chi. Some things the commie virus can do more efficiently than military operations.
yo-dick-lick, you deflected just like the retarded shit stain you are
if you only had a brain
go fuck yourself w/rusty nails
Let me answer my own question for you. Trump brought 0 jobs back home from China,Trump asseater.

It gives me great pleasure to mete out another beatdown on your sorry ass. Now go lick your wounds.
In 1976, the entire legacy of Pablo Picasso, including his real estate, land and valuable possessions, was estimated at 3.75 billion francs. This included $1.3 million in gold, $4.5 million in cash and his personal art collection with valuable works by his artist friends, including Matisse, Miró and Cézanne.
maybe you are right ... im not an art expert like you obviously are ..... tell me commie ... since you believe Hunter is a better artist than Picasso wich would you rather own a Picasso or a Hunter painting ?
since you believe Hunter is a better artist than Picasso wich would you rather own a Picasso or a Hunter painting ?

In terms of pure art?

I already told you, I would not want to have to look at Picasso’s grotesque paintings every day. LSD trip as art
Give me a good Hunter Biden with his superior use of light and implied depth.
In terms of pure art?

I already told you, I would not want to have to look at Picasso’s grotesque paintings every day. LSD trip as art
Give me a good Hunter Biden with his superior use of light and implied depth.
I think Biden's stuff is pretty good.



As good as any art I've seen.
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The title of this thread is just too funny!:biggrin:

another victory for the ....for the....well for that poor demented man!

did he farted in front of anybody lately! :auiqs.jpg:

I mean seriously....what has he done/said lately?
In terms of pure art?

I already told you, I would not want to have to look at Picasso’s grotesque paintings every day. LSD trip as art
Give me a good Hunter Biden with his superior use of light and implied depth.
What the hell is “implied depth”?
Fucking Trumpers want war with China
Why are you always lying? Desperation? I mean, you have to be ashamed at the catastrophe in the Oval Office today. Unless, this nightmare is what you see as a grand result. Do you?
Why would you need links? Other than the Clinton Cabal, who has profited more from Communist China than the Biden crime family?
The world releases a sigh of relief as tension between the two superpowers subside

Shows what can be done with Trump out of the way
Are you really that gullible or are you so ashamed you have made such a fool of yourself by backing someone who is destroying our country? Or is that the direction you want for our country?
What else would you have him do? Come hold you down while you get your shots? Follow you around reminding you to mask up and social distance?
Even you know the masks are useless and those most vulnerable have had the jab and so far as "social distancing" is concerned football stadiums with 60 to 80,000 unmasked cheering fans has proven that they are not "super spreaders or any such thing.

Follow Florida and get out country on the right track instead of the Brandon track!

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