Another victory for our President

After four years of escalating tensions with China, our President is working to tone things down, reinstate trade and negotiate on climate change
It is not easy repairing the damage Trump has done, but Biden is doing it

Still trolling for clicks are ya, lol. Selling your country out for pennies per click is kinda sucky; but who else would do this besides you? We can all agree to disagree, but your arrogant a** needs to be taught a lesson.

Hope you are doing well selling your soul for money, but hey, you and Hunter have something in common, lol!

CYA, wouldn't want to be ya; especially if someone doxes ya-)

Yeah usually only the Left does that crap, but I think you might be considered a special case.

Carry on-)
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Still trolling for clicks are ya, lol. Selling your country out for pennies per click is kinda sucky; but who else would do this besides you? We can all agree to disagree, but your arrogant a** needs to be taught a lesson.

Hope you are doing well selling your soul for money, but hey, you and Hunter have something in common, lol!

CYA, wouldn't want to be ya; especially if someone doxes ya-)

Yeah usually only the Left does that crap, but I think you might be considered a special case.

Carry on-)

But all Trump knew was how to escalate tensions and start fights where none was necessary

He did it with Iran, he did it with China, he did it with Cuba, he did it with NATO

Thankfully, we elected someone to repair the damage done by Trump
Remeber how in 2017 your boy went to China & kissed Xi's ass? Rememember how Ivanka was awarded all those trademarks during the visit, braindead Trumptard?

Thanks for letting me remind you & rubbing your nose in it.
remember when hit-lery sold AMERICAN lives for weapons for the enemy?
glad i can tell you what a fucking retarded shit stain you are
For one thing, Biden surrendered to nobody, Trump asseater. Just because YOU think so doesn't make it so.

How many jobs did your boy bring back from China that he ranted & raved about?

Let us know, dickwad.
you really are showing your stupidity? this was the comment, and like a good commie piece of shit, you agree
heres the comment: Biden surrenders to CHINA, the left celebrate....
and a commie retard, YOU, agree---you are pathetic
yo-dick-lick, you deflected just like the retarded shit stain you are
if you only had a brain
go fuck yourself w/rusty nails
Farting on our allies is a far greater improvement than Trump’s shitting on them.
That didnt happen

Trump provided an example to the money hungry euros that china is a threat

And they listened

Global warming doomsday is a hoax

amazingly at least for now the pragmatic communists in china seem to be serious about reducing CO2 emissions

So biden wants to be friends with them

But if the cost of friendship is the death of Taiwan it would also be the death of freedom for the free world
remember when hit-lery sold AMERICAN lives for weapons for the enemy?
glad i can tell you what a fucking retarded shit stain you are
I must have missed that
Yeah, you keep swallowing that propaganda, reality will be apparent soon enough.

Republican fear mongering about the Chinese menace gets us nowhere.

Trump created crisis with China, Iran, Cuba while disrupting our NATO alliance did not make us safer
you really are showing your stupidity? this was the comment, and like a good commie piece of shit, you agree
heres the comment: Biden surrenders to CHINA, the left celebrate....
and a commie retard, YOU, agree---you are pathetic
yo-dick-lick, you deflected just like the retarded shit stain you are
if you only had a brain
go fuck yourself w/rusty nails
Why don't you answer my question, Trump asslicker? Biden surrendered to nobody. Know who did? Trump, when he begged Xi to help him win the election, you stupid MAGA hat wearing jerkoff.

Again, how many jobs did your boy bring back here from China, assclown?
Republican fear mongering about the Chinese menace gets us nowhere.

Trump created crisis with China, Iran, Cuba while disrupting our NATO alliance did not make us safer

I'll say one thing, you're one hell of a propagandist. It's you commies that are in bed with the commies in china, cuba and the islamofacist in iran. And NATO is stonger than it's every been, of course now that Trumps gone they'll return to lower spending on their own defense and still expect us to have their backs.

Sure things will go back to the status quo. Where China screws everyone they trade with. Of course they didn't like Trump, he tried to put a stop to what they were doing and provide a level playing field.

Bidung undid all that so China is Happy. Oh and lets not forget the over 700,000 Americans who have died from the virus the Chinese released on the world. Worldwide it must be over a million now.

You sure are one clueless idiot.
Sure things will go back to the status quo. Where China screws everyone they trade with. Of course they didn't like Trump, he tried to put a stop to what they were doing and provide a level playing field.

Bidung undid all that so China is Happy. Oh and lets not forget the over 700,000 Americans who have died from the virus the Chinese released on the world. Worldwide it must be over a million now.

You sure are one clueless idiot.
China sells stuff cheap
Trump made us pay more for it and we got zero jobs back from China
No China made sure they were ahead of the game when all trade deals were going on. They have been doing this for decades and Trump tried to put a stop to it. Bidung got rid of what Trump was doing and now its back to the status quo. China wins all the trade wars.
No China made sure they were ahead of the game when all trade deals were going on. They have been doing this for decades and Trump tried to put a stop to it. Bidung got rid of what Trump was doing and now its back to the status quo. China wins all the trade wars.
Of course they did. Did you expect China to approve trade deals that would be detrimental to their OWN Country? Why is that so hard for you Bozos to understand? Trump accomplished nothing with his dealings with China except cause prices to rise in this Country & brought not one job back here.

Trump is a fucking imbecile who was played for the fool that he is by the Chinese. His big mouth didn't work with the Chinese because they knew he was an idiot, easily played.

Mr. "Art Of The Deal" couldn't negotiate a deal selling ice water in the middle of the Sahara Desert.
No China made sure they were ahead of the game when all trade deals were going on. They have been doing this for decades and Trump tried to put a stop to it. Bidung got rid of what Trump was doing and now its back to the status quo. China wins all the trade wars.

Only because we keep electing gutless regimes.


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