Another Walmart closes...

Since you are unable to read between the it is spelled out for you...

I wonder if it is the plan of Biteme Biden to put more people on welfare before his re election bid. You know, "I did that".
This time East Saint Louis Illinois.

They're sick and tired of being stolen from.

The community complains "oh, woe is we're in a food desert..."

You had a fucking Walmart!

If you want to blame someone for your food desert...blame the thieves.

Aren't Walmart stores filled with cheap, Chinese made crap? Why should core Americans care?
This time East Saint Louis Illinois.

They're sick and tired of being stolen from.

The community complains "oh, woe is we're in a food desert..."

You had a fucking Walmart!

If you want to blame someone for your food desert...blame the thieves.

Walmart is a desperate last option for me. I can not stand going there. Visit maybe 3 or 4 times a year, if that.
Full of trashy/rude people. Even the employees
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Another Walmart closes. Oh man this is a great day. When one of those closes it's a win for the country.
Another Walmart closes. Oh man this is a great day. When one of those closes it's a win for the country.
Just not for the poor people who depend on it for cheap goods, but what do they matter?
I didn't see anything about Walmart closing the store because they are being stolen from.

You've heard the phrase "You reap what you sow"?

Well, HellMart has given nothing but pain, suffering, agony, poor wages, and abuse to their employees.
They've also deprived millions of Americans from starting their own businesses, as well as putting other
legacy businesses OUT of business.

Now they are reaping what they've sowed all these many years.

I hope they fucking go out of business. I would be a very happy camper if that happens!!

Do you have any links to credible sources showing how Walmart has created pain, agony, and suffering?

And how did Walmart directly deprive anyone of starting their own business? How exactly did they force them not to start a business?

They didn't put any legacy businesses out of business. Those businesses just couldn't compete or weren't really that good to begin with. Walmart near me is on a road with a ton of stores, some family and some big chains. The family ones survive because it's a good business that offers something people want in one form of another. Just because your a small business doesn't necessarily make you a good one and just because you're big doesn't make you bad.
Another Walmart closes. Oh man this is a great day. When one of those closes it's a win for the country.
Not really. Democrat policy has made it necessary for Walmart shopping.
Walmart is just doing what the market dictates.
Get rid of democrats and the resulting economic expansion will make Walmart less necessary and the market will do the rest.

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