Another Walmart closes...

They've also deprived millions of Americans from starting their own businesses, as well as putting other
legacy businesses OUT of business.
The sad part of it is WE have done that. We go to Walmart and leverage their massive purchasing power to keep our costs down. If the people of any particular community felt is was worth the cost of keeping local businesses, then Walmart would not succeed. Government mandated employee costs are not helping small business either. $15+ minimum wages, SS, disability insurance, sick leave, FMLA, paid parental leave, vacation and holiday pay all add up to costs that small business cannot support. So they compete the only way they can and cut employee hours to less than full time so those benefits will not have to be paid and the employees suffer. But bottom line, we as consumers have the control.
So did blacks swarm it and loot it?

Or is it more of a "Everybody went to the butcher shop and Co-op instead."
Noel is tiny...and not that far from Walmart HQ.

They built a bunch of these Dollar General sized Walmarts with gas pumps out front like a supersized convenience store with groceries... all up and down 59 in NE Arkansas and SE Missouri.

Most of them closed almost immediately...I think Noel was one of the last hold outs.


This is the one in looks like it's a Harp's now ... a regional grocery store.

I haven't been down there in years, but we hauled a bunch of something down there...materials for a power plant I believe...long before covid...2014 maybe...and I swear, some were built and never opened.
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We have one of those walmart grocery stores. I'm not a fan because it is clausterphobic but it stays super busy and if you ever need to find a policeman in that part of town, you know there will probably be one there arresting somebody or the other. Too many government subsidized projects within walking distance of it. I really don't care about the theft though, it is the claustrophobia thing. The aisles are barely wide enough for two of the small carts to pass each other and when you add in the volume of shoppers and that there is gonna be that one person (or 2) blocking up the whole aisle, saving an extra dime on mustard just ain't worth it. At the regular super Walmart I could drive a car down some of the grocery aisles they are so wide.
This time East Saint Louis Illinois.

They're sick and tired of being stolen from.

The community complains "oh, woe is we're in a food desert..."

You had a fucking Walmart!

If you want to blame someone for your food desert...blame the thieves.

Because Walmart cannot afford security.
Over the past few years Walmart has announced that they have closed well over 160 locations in 27 states throughout the U.S., affecting over 10,000 employees.

The states hit the hardest in recent years include Texas (29), North Carolina (17), and Arkansas (11). It will be interesting to see what happens in the communities where a Walmart will be closing. Will new local businesses open up and fill the void? I certainly hope so. My guess is that the Target’s and Amazon’s of the world will simply step in and swallow up the competition, but time will tell.

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