Ante up anti gunners...what will you allow for normal gun owners, what do you want?

whatever it takes to keep people free.
So the firepower of individuals should at least equal that of the gov't? When have firearms kept American people free?

Every single day. Europe gave up their guns after World War 2.....20 years later 12 million of them were murdered in gas chambers.

Mexicans allowed their government to have the the police and military working for the drug cartels are murdering unarmed Mexicans by the 10s of thousands every year...right now...right across our border.....

Unarmed people cannot stop mass murder, ethnic cleansing and genocide......
Look here Al...nothing you or your progressive buddies do or say will stop those of us who hold the Constitution dear from exercising our 2nd amendment rights.
If you and those like you try there will be pushback,push to hard and it's going to get nasty.
Is that better than stopping the real criminals with common sense sentencing laws for those who actually use guns in an illegal manner?

I mean really,what sounds like the better path?
Your stubbornness has never been in question.

I've not attempted to sway you to my way of thinking, only to answer the question posed in the OP, and most of what followed can only be collectively described as "I don't like you answer".

Tough. Asking questions about hot-button topics can cause that.

Just trying to save you and your buddies from some heart ache.
Avoiding being shot on the heart is the idea.

Why? Are you a criminal?

gun ownership is a Right...driving or flying is not.......
I read the 2nd amendment and no where does it say high capacity mags are a right.

Whatever cops and soldiers use...we get...since we are the ones who pay their salaries...they do not run us....we hire and fire them....
Sounds like a justification for allowing everyone access to nuclear weapons. The military only works for us, so we should be able to handle the same weaponry, right? We're equally trained, fit and answer to a similar chain of command.

Whatever cops and soldiers use...we get...since we are the ones who pay their salaries...they do not run us....we hire and fire them....
Flame thowers, armored cars, automatic weapons... Is there no end?
whatever it takes to keep people free.
So the firepower of individuals should at least equal that of the gov't? When have firearms kept American people free?

This happened in the 1990s.......

How gun control led to genocide in this small European country

In July 1995, in Srebrenica — an area that had been officially declared a United Nations safe zone — the Serbian army perpetrated genocide against the Bosnians who had taken refuge there. The United Nations did nothing to stop the genocide. Those weeks — bloody, devastating and heartbreaking — were a high-speed version of what was happening in Bosnia and Herzegovina during the 1992-95 war.


Those who were attacked, mostly Muslims of Bosnia and other non-Serbs, did not have weapons to defend themselves as the gun control laws in communist Yugoslavia had been very strict. The procedure to obtain a license for firearms was so lengthy and so severe that most applicants were refused. Many of the individuals who successfully acquired a license were only given permission to own hunting guns, which were not particularly helpful in war-like circumstances. -

As a result, citizens were generally unarmed against the Serbian Army attackers. Civilians of Bosnia were forced to defend themselves with weapons they stole from local police stations that were already very limited in their resources. Bosnians started to organize “territorial defense” forces, which later grew into the Army of Bosnia-Herzegovina. People in urban areas were more likely to come across some sort of weapon since they were in proximity of police stations and similar institutions where they could obtain firearms. Most of the genocide and brutal mass killings happened in the small cities and rural areas that did not have similar resources available and were easily cut off from the rest of the country. Srebrenica is one tragic example of such territory. - See more at: How gun control led to genocide in this small European country
Whatever cops and soldiers use...we get...since we are the ones who pay their salaries...they do not run us....we hire and fire them....
Flame thowers, armored cars, automatic weapons... Is there no end?

Sorry.......they allowed cannon on ships in private hands....

But for our purposes.....whatever the police have, and whatever small arms the infantry in the U.S. have...that is the bottom of what we get...we can then debate the rest.....
Look here Al...nothing you or your progressive buddies do or say will stop those of us who hold the Constitution dear from exercising our 2nd amendment rights.
If you and those like you try there will be pushback,push to hard and it's going to get nasty.
Is that better than stopping the real criminals with common sense sentencing laws for those who actually use guns in an illegal manner?

I mean really,what sounds like the better path?
Your stubbornness has never been in question.

I've not attempted to sway you to my way of thinking, only to answer the question posed in the OP, and most of what followed can only be collectively described as "I don't like you answer".

Tough. Asking questions about hot-button topics can cause that.

Just trying to save you and your buddies from some heart ache.
Avoiding being shot on the heart is the idea.

Why? Are you a criminal?

gun ownership is a Right...driving or flying is not.......
I read the 2nd amendment and no where does it say high capacity mags are a right.

Whatever cops and soldiers use...we get...since we are the ones who pay their salaries...they do not run us....we hire and fire them....
Sounds like a justification for allowing everyone access to nuclear weapons. The military only works for us, so we should be able to handle the same weaponry, right? We're equally trained, fit and answer to a similar chain of command.


Wow.....the stupidity is strong with this one..........

Arms are not crew served weapons....and a nuclear weapon, by it's very nature is a crew served weapon...........not a small arm....
Your stubbornness has never been in question.

I've not attempted to sway you to my way of thinking, only to answer the question posed in the OP, and most of what followed can only be collectively described as "I don't like you answer".

Tough. Asking questions about hot-button topics can cause that.

Just trying to save you and your buddies from some heart ache.
Avoiding being shot on the heart is the idea.

Why? Are you a criminal?

gun ownership is a Right...driving or flying is not.......
I read the 2nd amendment and no where does it say high capacity mags are a right.

Whatever cops and soldiers use...we get...since we are the ones who pay their salaries...they do not run us....we hire and fire them....
Sounds like a justification for allowing everyone access to nuclear weapons. The military only works for us, so we should be able to handle the same weaponry, right? We're equally trained, fit and answer to a similar chain of command.


Wow.....the stupidity is strong with this one..........

Arms are not crew served weapons....and a nuclear weapon, by it's very nature is a crew served weapon...........not a small arm....
"Small" appears nowhere in the constitution. Try again.
whatever it takes to keep people free.
So the firepower of individuals should at least equal that of the gov't? When have firearms kept American people free?

How the hell do you think we won our independence?
The rebels and the military both used the same classes of weapons.

Now, back to personal nuclear weaponry...

What the hell does a nuke have to do with it?
whatever it takes to keep people free.
So the firepower of individuals should at least equal that of the gov't? When have firearms kept American people free?

Every single day. Europe gave up their guns after World War 2.....20 years later 12 million of them were murdered in gas chambers.

Mexicans allowed their government to have the the police and military working for the drug cartels are murdering unarmed Mexicans by the 10s of thousands every year...right now...right across our border.....

Unarmed people cannot stop mass murder, ethnic cleansing and genocide......
I admire your ideological purity. So the firepower of individuals should at least equal that of the gov't?
Sorry.......they allowed cannon on ships in private hands....

But for our purposes.....whatever the police have, and whatever small arms the infantry in the U.S. have...that is the bottom of what we get...we can then debate the rest.....
"Allowed" indicates it is not a right. I'd allow anything if proper permission is obtained.

So you're OK with automatic weapons with grenade launchers?
whatever it takes to keep people free.
So the firepower of individuals should at least equal that of the gov't? When have firearms kept American people free?

This happened in the 1990s.......

How gun control led to genocide in this small European country

In July 1995, in Srebrenica — an area that had been officially declared a United Nations safe zone — the Serbian army perpetrated genocide against the Bosnians who had taken refuge there. The United Nations did nothing to stop the genocide. Those weeks — bloody, devastating and heartbreaking — were a high-speed version of what was happening in Bosnia and Herzegovina during the 1992-95 war.


Those who were attacked, mostly Muslims of Bosnia and other non-Serbs, did not have weapons to defend themselves as the gun control laws in communist Yugoslavia had been very strict. The procedure to obtain a license for firearms was so lengthy and so severe that most applicants were refused. Many of the individuals who successfully acquired a license were only given permission to own hunting guns, which were not particularly helpful in war-like circumstances. -

As a result, citizens were generally unarmed against the Serbian Army attackers. Civilians of Bosnia were forced to defend themselves with weapons they stole from local police stations that were already very limited in their resources. Bosnians started to organize “territorial defense” forces, which later grew into the Army of Bosnia-Herzegovina. People in urban areas were more likely to come across some sort of weapon since they were in proximity of police stations and similar institutions where they could obtain firearms. Most of the genocide and brutal mass killings happened in the small cities and rural areas that did not have similar resources available and were easily cut off from the rest of the country. Srebrenica is one tragic example of such territory. - See more at: How gun control led to genocide in this small European country
Take a look at a country where everyone owns a gun: Afghanistan. Guns have not brought peace there.
I understand where you are coming from, but ask yourself this: How likely is it that someone is going to rob any of those guys in your picture? Pretty low right? That would be kinda stupid if you ask me. Now, what if the vast majority of people in the US where concealed carriers? How long do you think it would take before criminals would change, if chances were pretty good that granny was "packin' heat"?

All the pro-gun arguments are based on Charlie Bronson films.

All the pro-responsible gun control arguments are based on facts.
Really? how many criminals have been stopped by your beloved gun laws? Huh? How many? I got news for ya, criminals, by definition, don't give a #$*! about your gun laws.

You want me to give you a tally of the people who DIDN'T shoot someone? Really?
No, what I want is for you to stop and THINK. If only criminals have guns, how safe will YOU feel going outside?

If our society was less gun-crazy, we'd all be safer. Period. Under no scenario of gun control that any liberal I know has proposed would "only criminals have guns."

STFU with that stupid false narrative.
"Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety." Benjamin Franklin.Guess he was a little too gun crazy for you too.

The sooner liberals realize restricting guns will do NOTHING to make us safer, the better. What will make us safer is to incarcerate those who break the law to the fullest extent of the law, enacting even longer prison terms (to keep repeat offenders off the streets), and make it easier for law abiding citizens to arm themselves. This is the only way we will be safer.
whatever it takes to keep people free.
So the firepower of individuals should at least equal that of the gov't? When have firearms kept American people free?

How the hell do you think we won our independence?
I think cannons and the French Navy played a part.

Yeah? Well cannons are legal and with the French being cheese eating surrender monkey's these days I dont see em being much help anymore.

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