Anthem Tantrum: Trump Disinvites Eagles From White House

Going on and on about kneeling when none of them participated in that shit.
A day traditionally ment to honor the Victor's of a sports championship reduced to a petty self centered tantrum because not everyone wanted to come.

Beyond childish and unbecoming of the office.

Bull effin shit. The Eagles were going to send about 80 personnel and at the 11th hour decided to only send a few people. The Eagles knew Trump's stance BEFORE they agreed to send the 80. Trump pulled the plug on their petty little political stunt. People need to learn the facts and in what order they occurred before writing garbage like this.

You mean the facts that Donald Trump’s hating on the NFL has more to do with throwing red meat to his base and boosting his “ratings” than any concern for the troops.

That he’s using this as an excuse to hate on rich black athletes and because his all white base likes it when he acts tough?

Yes, let’s put out the FACTS here instead of accepting the White House lie of the day.

The lie of the day is you making this a race issue when it isn't.

Are you THAT wilfully blind, Ray? This has always been about race. The PROTEST is about race. It’s about how the police and the justice system are abusing people of colour.

Players are taking a knee protest the treatment of blacks by police. How can you say that posters are making it about race when it’s not about race.

THEIR protest is in regards to race. Trump uninviting them had nothing to do with race--it had to do with them rejecting his kind offer to visit the White House.
So they speak for the entire NBA? Didn't know that.

The problem with jocks is they know as much about politics as they do the opera. They are ignorant of our laws as well as the situations they protest. If these black players were so worried about the outcome of police interaction with blacks, they would attend lower income schools and tell them to always cooperate with the cops. They would save a hell of a lot more lives that way than looking like an idiot kneeling.

How are they speaking for the entire NBA? There is only two teams left and one of them is going to be the champion. :dunno:

LaBoob does not speak for the entire Cleveland team no more than Curry speaks for his. As LaBoob stated, the question was something he wasn't prepared to actually answer. He said it was the first he heard about it.

If you don't think they speak for their teams, you don't follow the NBA... and knowing how you view Blacks, I seriously doubt you do.

No, and I have admitted I'm not much of a sports fan. But the people that speak for the team are the owners and managers--not the players. That much I do know. Players are merely employees of the team.

LaBoob simply hates Trump. That's the bottom line. In spite of Trump saving him millions in taxes, in spite of Trump's policies that gave blacks the lowest unemployment figures since they were started, he still hates Trump and thinks DumBama was the greatest thing since sliced bread.

Keep posting. You show how ignorant you are with each one. If LeBron and Curry say their teams won't go to the White House if they win, their teams WON'T go to the White House if they win.

Maybe and maybe not. But team star players are not the spokesmen for the entire team. And with their statements, it's more than likely Trump won't even consider an invite.
How are they speaking for the entire NBA? There is only two teams left and one of them is going to be the champion. :dunno:

LaBoob does not speak for the entire Cleveland team no more than Curry speaks for his. As LaBoob stated, the question was something he wasn't prepared to actually answer. He said it was the first he heard about it.

If you don't think they speak for their teams, you don't follow the NBA... and knowing how you view Blacks, I seriously doubt you do.

No, and I have admitted I'm not much of a sports fan. But the people that speak for the team are the owners and managers--not the players. That much I do know. Players are merely employees of the team.

LaBoob simply hates Trump. That's the bottom line. In spite of Trump saving him millions in taxes, in spite of Trump's policies that gave blacks the lowest unemployment figures since they were started, he still hates Trump and thinks DumBama was the greatest thing since sliced bread.

Keep posting. You show how ignorant you are with each one. If LeBron and Curry say their teams won't go to the White House if they win, their teams WON'T go to the White House if they win.

Maybe and maybe not. But team star players are not the spokesmen for the entire team. And with their statements, it's more than likely Trump won't even consider an invite.

Yeah Trump probably will, and it is like you asking a girl on a date and after she tells you no, you tell your friends you didn't want to go out with her anyway.
Was anybody even going to go? How many disgusting human beings are on the Eagles? Not enough to satisfy the dotard’s ego. Oh well.

You sound pissed you were not invited.

Oh well, what do you expect when you are nothing but a blowhard ?
Trump is reportedly going to ride this anthem tantrum into the November midterm elections.
Yeah how HORRIBLE is that to relate to AMERICA about PATRIOTISM... I'm SURE everyone will just HATE him for that... MORON.
It's hilarious how leftists like gtopa1 thinks that to "think" means to agree with the Democrat party on every issue. They told him to think that ...
gtopa1 as a leftist is your best work so far.
  • Thanks
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Yeah how HORRIBLE is that to relate to AMERICA about PATRIOTISM
Hoho, and knowing the words to the anthem.

Yeah how HORRIBLE is that to relate to AMERICA about PATRIOTISM
Hoho, and knowing the words to the anthem.

Or the Pledge of Allegiance. Ever notice how democrats are increasingly calling America a DEMOCRACY? Well it shouldn't be any mystery why they're doing that, democracy sound like DEMOCRAT. Problem is America is a constitutional REPUBLIC, but they don't want to say REPUBLIC because it sound like REPUBLICAN.

Evidently none of these ass clowns ever said the Pledge of Allegiance, because I always said... "and to the REPUBLIC, for which it stands," I never said, "and to the DEMOCRACY, for which it stands."
. Ever notice how democrats are increasingly calling America a DEMOCRACY?
Because it is a democracy you loon. Do you think the definition below doesn't apply to the US? No wonder Trump is POTUS.

democracy noun (democracies) 1 a form of government in which the people govern themselves or elect representatives to govern them. 2 a country, state or other body with such a form of government.
The orange is clearly the anti christ for his followers, they back him blindly on every stupidity :

Attacked the media, now the media is fake news to them.
Attacked a war veteran , that same war veteran is a traitor to them now. ( and keep in mind that trump dodged serving his country)
Attacked athletes, now they boycotting the NFL.
Attacked hollywood, they boycotting movies.
Attacked allies, they consider them enemies all of a sudden.
The dumbest groups of people in history. They think a privileged elitist reality star is now the most religious, moral and patriotic person in america.
Going on and on about kneeling when none of them participated in that shit.
A day traditionally ment to honor the Victor's of a sports championship reduced to a petty self centered tantrum because not everyone wanted to come.

Beyond childish and unbecoming of the office.
You're 100% pops but how many times has trump besmirched the office? The list is long
Amazing how often you're the one who realizes Goodwin's law in a post.

JoeB: Not inviting the Eagles to the White House is like Hitler!

Hey, the thing is, you missed the point again.

Then again, we probably need to start calling you "Corky", since you miss the point more often than a retard.

Rrriiiiigggghhhhhhtttttttt. You just randomly bring NAZIs into your posts without it having anything to do with what you're arguing.


OMG, I just did it there, you're right, my bad ...

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