Anthem Tantrum: Trump Disinvites Eagles From White House

Trump is reportedly going to ride this anthem tantrum into the November midterm elections.

You can have all the anti-American voters, and we will take all the Patriotic Americans.

What part of that is not reasonable?

Don't you support racial justice for black folks? That's what the NFL kneeling is all about by the players. However, evil racist assholes like Trump are trying to pervert that into something else.

The players are kneeling because of their ignorance--nothing more. If they bothered to look into the subject they are kneeling about, what they would find is that a black person is in ten times more danger of being assaulted or killed by another black than they are a police officer. If they had any smarts at all, they would preach how blacks should start listening to police. If they took any time to do research, they would find that more whites get killed by cops than blacks every year.

So where is this injustice you speak of? Give me a case.
Trump is reportedly going to ride this anthem tantrum into the November midterm elections.

You can have all the anti-American voters, and we will take all the Patriotic Americans.

What part of that is not reasonable?

Don't you support racial justice for black folks? That's what the NFL kneeling is all about by the players. However, evil racist assholes like Trump are trying to pervert that into something else.

The players are kneeling because of their ignorance--nothing more. If they bothered to look into the subject they are kneeling about, what they would find is that a black person is in ten times more danger of being assaulted or killed by another black than they are a police officer. If they had any smarts at all, they would preach how blacks should start listening to police. If they took any time to do research, they would find that more whites get killed by cops than blacks every year.

So where is this injustice you speak of? Give me a case.

A brief view of the prison population numbers would seem to indicate that the black man who assaulted or killed the black person is caught, found guilty, and sent to prison. In the instances where cops assault or kill the black person is free from prosecution or reprimand. I personally think that some of the higher profile cases--the one outside of St. Louis for example, the police killing was justified. You hit a cop, the cop has every right to defend himself. But as we saw with Officer Michael Slager who shot a black man who was fleeing and it happened to be caught on camera, some killings are completely unjustified. And you'd have to be an idiot to think that just because this last instance was recorded on video, it was the only killing that was unjustified.

The players are not ignorant. Nothing could be further from the truth.
Trump is reportedly going to ride this anthem tantrum into the November midterm elections.

You can have all the anti-American voters, and we will take all the Patriotic Americans.

What part of that is not reasonable?

Don't you support racial justice for black folks? That's what the NFL kneeling is all about by the players. However, evil racist assholes like Trump are trying to pervert that into something else.

The players are kneeling because of their ignorance--nothing more. If they bothered to look into the subject they are kneeling about, what they would find is that a black person is in ten times more danger of being assaulted or killed by another black than they are a police officer. If they had any smarts at all, they would preach how blacks should start listening to police. If they took any time to do research, they would find that more whites get killed by cops than blacks every year.

So where is this injustice you speak of? Give me a case.

A brief view of the prison population numbers would seem to indicate that the black man who assaulted or killed the black person is caught, found guilty, and sent to prison. In the instances where cops assault or kill the black person is free from prosecution or reprimand. I personally think that some of the higher profile cases--the one outside of St. Louis for example, the police killing was justified. You hit a cop, the cop has every right to defend himself. But as we saw with Officer Michael Slager who shot a black man who was fleeing and it happened to be caught on camera, some killings are completely unjustified. And you'd have to be an idiot to think that just because this last instance was recorded on video, it was the only killing that was unjustified.

The players are not ignorant. Nothing could be further from the truth.

Not familiar with the case, but if it's the one I'm thinking of, the officer was charged.

In no way am I saying there aren't bad cops. What I'm saying is that race isn't part of it. A bad cop will be a bad cop to white or black people.

Yes, the players are ignorant. I would be willing to bet if you asked them for a particular case they are protesting, they couldn't give you one, or if they did, it was investigated, found justified, or it went to court and a jury found an officer not guilty.

These meat heads are media puppets. The media tells them how to think, and they just believe it. For instance when a cop kills an unarmed white, it's not a national story, so as far as they are concerned, it never happens. It only happens to black people.
Trump is reportedly going to ride this anthem tantrum into the November midterm elections.

You can have all the anti-American voters, and we will take all the Patriotic Americans.

What part of that is not reasonable?

Don't you support racial justice for black folks? That's what the NFL kneeling is all about by the players. However, evil racist assholes like Trump are trying to pervert that into something else.

The players are kneeling because of their ignorance--nothing more. If they bothered to look into the subject they are kneeling about, what they would find is that a black person is in ten times more danger of being assaulted or killed by another black than they are a police officer. If they had any smarts at all, they would preach how blacks should start listening to police. If they took any time to do research, they would find that more whites get killed by cops than blacks every year.

So where is this injustice you speak of? Give me a case.

A brief view of the prison population numbers would seem to indicate that the black man who assaulted or killed the black person is caught, found guilty, and sent to prison. In the instances where cops assault or kill the black person is free from prosecution or reprimand. I personally think that some of the higher profile cases--the one outside of St. Louis for example, the police killing was justified. You hit a cop, the cop has every right to defend himself. But as we saw with Officer Michael Slager who shot a black man who was fleeing and it happened to be caught on camera, some killings are completely unjustified. And you'd have to be an idiot to think that just because this last instance was recorded on video, it was the only killing that was unjustified.

The players are not ignorant. Nothing could be further from the truth.

Not familiar with the case, but if it's the one I'm thinking of, the officer was charged.

In no way am I saying there aren't bad cops. What I'm saying is that race isn't part of it. A bad cop will be a bad cop to white or black people.

Yes, the players are ignorant. I would be willing to bet if you asked them for a particular case they are protesting, they couldn't give you one, or if they did, it was investigated, found justified, or it went to court and a jury found an officer not guilty.

These meat heads are media puppets. The media tells them how to think, and they just believe it. For instance when a cop kills an unarmed white, it's not a national story, so as far as they are concerned, it never happens. It only happens to black people.

I disagree about the players but I do agree with you that it isn't a race thing in every case. In some cases it is the only reason for police involvement. The players are justified in protesting but I think that NFL, NBA, MLB, players have a big enough podium that they can protest off the field and still have their voices heard. Time and place.
You can have all the anti-American voters, and we will take all the Patriotic Americans.

What part of that is not reasonable?

Don't you support racial justice for black folks? That's what the NFL kneeling is all about by the players. However, evil racist assholes like Trump are trying to pervert that into something else.

The players are kneeling because of their ignorance--nothing more. If they bothered to look into the subject they are kneeling about, what they would find is that a black person is in ten times more danger of being assaulted or killed by another black than they are a police officer. If they had any smarts at all, they would preach how blacks should start listening to police. If they took any time to do research, they would find that more whites get killed by cops than blacks every year.

So where is this injustice you speak of? Give me a case.

A brief view of the prison population numbers would seem to indicate that the black man who assaulted or killed the black person is caught, found guilty, and sent to prison. In the instances where cops assault or kill the black person is free from prosecution or reprimand. I personally think that some of the higher profile cases--the one outside of St. Louis for example, the police killing was justified. You hit a cop, the cop has every right to defend himself. But as we saw with Officer Michael Slager who shot a black man who was fleeing and it happened to be caught on camera, some killings are completely unjustified. And you'd have to be an idiot to think that just because this last instance was recorded on video, it was the only killing that was unjustified.

The players are not ignorant. Nothing could be further from the truth.

Not familiar with the case, but if it's the one I'm thinking of, the officer was charged.

In no way am I saying there aren't bad cops. What I'm saying is that race isn't part of it. A bad cop will be a bad cop to white or black people.

Yes, the players are ignorant. I would be willing to bet if you asked them for a particular case they are protesting, they couldn't give you one, or if they did, it was investigated, found justified, or it went to court and a jury found an officer not guilty.

These meat heads are media puppets. The media tells them how to think, and they just believe it. For instance when a cop kills an unarmed white, it's not a national story, so as far as they are concerned, it never happens. It only happens to black people.

I disagree about the players but I do agree with you that it isn't a race thing in every case. In some cases it is the only reason for police involvement. The players are justified in protesting but I think that NFL, NBA, MLB, players have a big enough podium that they can protest off the field and still have their voices heard. Time and place.

And I would totally support that; most Republicans would. I may disagree with them, I still may consider them ignorant, but I would support their right to do it off the field.

For instance I'm a loyal listener to a local radio host by the name of Bob Frantz. He was going on and on about how he wished LaBoob would leave the team because of his feelings about Trump and the kneelers. I disagree with him. I think LaBoob can say anything he wants about it. He has that right. He didn't protest, he only voiced an opinion. He didn't do it during a game. He was asked about it after the game and I support his right to what he said.

The problem for these people is they don't even know where their paychecks come from. They think they became millionaires just because they mastered a child's game. The truth is they became millionaires because of the support of their audience and followers.

If an entertainer (jock, musician, actor or actress) takes a political stance, they piss off some people and get support from others. If they just kept their political opinions to themselves, they pissed off nobody. All those people are how they make their money. Why piss any one of them off? It's a stupid thing to do.
Don't you support racial justice for black folks? That's what the NFL kneeling is all about by the players. However, evil racist assholes like Trump are trying to pervert that into something else.

The players are kneeling because of their ignorance--nothing more. If they bothered to look into the subject they are kneeling about, what they would find is that a black person is in ten times more danger of being assaulted or killed by another black than they are a police officer. If they had any smarts at all, they would preach how blacks should start listening to police. If they took any time to do research, they would find that more whites get killed by cops than blacks every year.

So where is this injustice you speak of? Give me a case.

A brief view of the prison population numbers would seem to indicate that the black man who assaulted or killed the black person is caught, found guilty, and sent to prison. In the instances where cops assault or kill the black person is free from prosecution or reprimand. I personally think that some of the higher profile cases--the one outside of St. Louis for example, the police killing was justified. You hit a cop, the cop has every right to defend himself. But as we saw with Officer Michael Slager who shot a black man who was fleeing and it happened to be caught on camera, some killings are completely unjustified. And you'd have to be an idiot to think that just because this last instance was recorded on video, it was the only killing that was unjustified.

The players are not ignorant. Nothing could be further from the truth.

Not familiar with the case, but if it's the one I'm thinking of, the officer was charged.

In no way am I saying there aren't bad cops. What I'm saying is that race isn't part of it. A bad cop will be a bad cop to white or black people.

Yes, the players are ignorant. I would be willing to bet if you asked them for a particular case they are protesting, they couldn't give you one, or if they did, it was investigated, found justified, or it went to court and a jury found an officer not guilty.

These meat heads are media puppets. The media tells them how to think, and they just believe it. For instance when a cop kills an unarmed white, it's not a national story, so as far as they are concerned, it never happens. It only happens to black people.

I disagree about the players but I do agree with you that it isn't a race thing in every case. In some cases it is the only reason for police involvement. The players are justified in protesting but I think that NFL, NBA, MLB, players have a big enough podium that they can protest off the field and still have their voices heard. Time and place.

And I would totally support that; most Republicans would. I may disagree with them, I still may consider them ignorant, but I would support their right to do it off the field.

For instance I'm a loyal listener to a local radio host by the name of Bob Frantz. He was going on and on about how he wished LaBoob would leave the team because of his feelings about Trump and the kneelers. I disagree with him. I think LaBoob can say anything he wants about it. He has that right. He didn't protest, he only voiced an opinion. He didn't do it during a game. He was asked about it after the game and I support his right to what he said.

The problem for these people is they don't even know where their paychecks come from. They think they became millionaires just because they mastered a child's game. The truth is they became millionaires because of the support of their audience and followers.

If an entertainer (jock, musician, actor or actress) takes a political stance, they piss off some people and get support from others. If they just kept their political opinions to themselves, they pissed off nobody. All those people are how they make their money. Why piss any one of them off? It's a stupid thing to do.

So you just perfer they keep quiet.

Plumbers should just work on pipes, bakers should just bake things, cooks should just cook food, mechanics should just work on engines.

When you become a professional athlete,you do not give up your right to state your opinion any more than the plumber, baker, cook or mechanic does.
Why you guys care so much is puzzling.

Again, does your boss (or do you if you own a business) play the national anthem before every work day? Do you all stand at attention? If Jennifer in accounting didn't stand would she get fired (or should she get fired in your opinion)? The NFL does do this...and for some reason the actions of a very few of it's employees somehow tarnishes the whole product when, in point and fact, they are showing a form of patriotism that 99.9% of other businesses do not do.
The U.S. Constitution, which provides for free speech, is a "founding" document that governs us. The National Anthem is NOT a "founding" document/song - and has nothing to do with free speech. The NFL players are protected by the U.S. Constitution. End of story!
The U.S. Constitution, which provides for free speech, is a "founding" document that governs us. The National Anthem is NOT a "founding" document/song - and has nothing to do with free speech. The NFL players are protected by the U.S. Constitution. End of story!

No, the Constitution protects them from GOVERNMENT restricting their free speech--not their employers.

I can't go to work tomorrow and tell my boss he's a MF idiot. He can fire me for that. He does not have to give me the right to free speech.
The players are kneeling because of their ignorance--nothing more. If they bothered to look into the subject they are kneeling about, what they would find is that a black person is in ten times more danger of being assaulted or killed by another black than they are a police officer. If they had any smarts at all, they would preach how blacks should start listening to police. If they took any time to do research, they would find that more whites get killed by cops than blacks every year.

So where is this injustice you speak of? Give me a case.

A brief view of the prison population numbers would seem to indicate that the black man who assaulted or killed the black person is caught, found guilty, and sent to prison. In the instances where cops assault or kill the black person is free from prosecution or reprimand. I personally think that some of the higher profile cases--the one outside of St. Louis for example, the police killing was justified. You hit a cop, the cop has every right to defend himself. But as we saw with Officer Michael Slager who shot a black man who was fleeing and it happened to be caught on camera, some killings are completely unjustified. And you'd have to be an idiot to think that just because this last instance was recorded on video, it was the only killing that was unjustified.

The players are not ignorant. Nothing could be further from the truth.

Not familiar with the case, but if it's the one I'm thinking of, the officer was charged.

In no way am I saying there aren't bad cops. What I'm saying is that race isn't part of it. A bad cop will be a bad cop to white or black people.

Yes, the players are ignorant. I would be willing to bet if you asked them for a particular case they are protesting, they couldn't give you one, or if they did, it was investigated, found justified, or it went to court and a jury found an officer not guilty.

These meat heads are media puppets. The media tells them how to think, and they just believe it. For instance when a cop kills an unarmed white, it's not a national story, so as far as they are concerned, it never happens. It only happens to black people.

I disagree about the players but I do agree with you that it isn't a race thing in every case. In some cases it is the only reason for police involvement. The players are justified in protesting but I think that NFL, NBA, MLB, players have a big enough podium that they can protest off the field and still have their voices heard. Time and place.

And I would totally support that; most Republicans would. I may disagree with them, I still may consider them ignorant, but I would support their right to do it off the field.

For instance I'm a loyal listener to a local radio host by the name of Bob Frantz. He was going on and on about how he wished LaBoob would leave the team because of his feelings about Trump and the kneelers. I disagree with him. I think LaBoob can say anything he wants about it. He has that right. He didn't protest, he only voiced an opinion. He didn't do it during a game. He was asked about it after the game and I support his right to what he said.

The problem for these people is they don't even know where their paychecks come from. They think they became millionaires just because they mastered a child's game. The truth is they became millionaires because of the support of their audience and followers.

If an entertainer (jock, musician, actor or actress) takes a political stance, they piss off some people and get support from others. If they just kept their political opinions to themselves, they pissed off nobody. All those people are how they make their money. Why piss any one of them off? It's a stupid thing to do.

So you just perfer they keep quiet.

Plumbers should just work on pipes, bakers should just bake things, cooks should just cook food, mechanics should just work on engines.

When you become a professional athlete,you do not give up your right to state your opinion any more than the plumber, baker, cook or mechanic does.
Why you guys care so much is puzzling.

Again, does your boss (or do you if you own a business) play the national anthem before every work day? Do you all stand at attention? If Jennifer in accounting didn't stand would she get fired (or should she get fired in your opinion)? The NFL does do this...and for some reason the actions of a very few of it's employees somehow tarnishes the whole product when, in point and fact, they are showing a form of patriotism that 99.9% of other businesses do not do.

If my mechanic, plumber or electrician came to my house boasting how they hate Trump and Obama was the greatest, I can fire them no questions asked. I didn't pay them for their political opinion; they are welcome to have that off the job. I pay them to do work that I need to be done. If I complain to their employer, and he tells his workers to keep their politics to themselves, and they disobey his orders, the employer has the right to fire them.
A brief view of the prison population numbers would seem to indicate that the black man who assaulted or killed the black person is caught, found guilty, and sent to prison. In the instances where cops assault or kill the black person is free from prosecution or reprimand. I personally think that some of the higher profile cases--the one outside of St. Louis for example, the police killing was justified. You hit a cop, the cop has every right to defend himself. But as we saw with Officer Michael Slager who shot a black man who was fleeing and it happened to be caught on camera, some killings are completely unjustified. And you'd have to be an idiot to think that just because this last instance was recorded on video, it was the only killing that was unjustified.

The players are not ignorant. Nothing could be further from the truth.

Not familiar with the case, but if it's the one I'm thinking of, the officer was charged.

In no way am I saying there aren't bad cops. What I'm saying is that race isn't part of it. A bad cop will be a bad cop to white or black people.

Yes, the players are ignorant. I would be willing to bet if you asked them for a particular case they are protesting, they couldn't give you one, or if they did, it was investigated, found justified, or it went to court and a jury found an officer not guilty.

These meat heads are media puppets. The media tells them how to think, and they just believe it. For instance when a cop kills an unarmed white, it's not a national story, so as far as they are concerned, it never happens. It only happens to black people.

I disagree about the players but I do agree with you that it isn't a race thing in every case. In some cases it is the only reason for police involvement. The players are justified in protesting but I think that NFL, NBA, MLB, players have a big enough podium that they can protest off the field and still have their voices heard. Time and place.

And I would totally support that; most Republicans would. I may disagree with them, I still may consider them ignorant, but I would support their right to do it off the field.

For instance I'm a loyal listener to a local radio host by the name of Bob Frantz. He was going on and on about how he wished LaBoob would leave the team because of his feelings about Trump and the kneelers. I disagree with him. I think LaBoob can say anything he wants about it. He has that right. He didn't protest, he only voiced an opinion. He didn't do it during a game. He was asked about it after the game and I support his right to what he said.

The problem for these people is they don't even know where their paychecks come from. They think they became millionaires just because they mastered a child's game. The truth is they became millionaires because of the support of their audience and followers.

If an entertainer (jock, musician, actor or actress) takes a political stance, they piss off some people and get support from others. If they just kept their political opinions to themselves, they pissed off nobody. All those people are how they make their money. Why piss any one of them off? It's a stupid thing to do.

So you just perfer they keep quiet.

Plumbers should just work on pipes, bakers should just bake things, cooks should just cook food, mechanics should just work on engines.

When you become a professional athlete,you do not give up your right to state your opinion any more than the plumber, baker, cook or mechanic does.
Why you guys care so much is puzzling.

Again, does your boss (or do you if you own a business) play the national anthem before every work day? Do you all stand at attention? If Jennifer in accounting didn't stand would she get fired (or should she get fired in your opinion)? The NFL does do this...and for some reason the actions of a very few of it's employees somehow tarnishes the whole product when, in point and fact, they are showing a form of patriotism that 99.9% of other businesses do not do.

If my mechanic, plumber or electrician came to my house boasting how they hate Trump and Obama was the greatest, I can fire them no questions asked. I didn't pay them for their political opinion; they are welcome to have that off the job. I pay them to do work that I need to be done. If I complain to their employer, and he tells his workers to keep their politics to themselves, and they disobey his orders, the employer has the right to fire them.

NFL players are hired to play the game - not all that other bullshit. Therefore, they have a 1st Amendment right to quietly protest prior to the game. After all - Tebow took a knee and no one complained. Oh, and Tebow wasn't protesting racial injustice.

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A brief view of the prison population numbers would seem to indicate that the black man who assaulted or killed the black person is caught, found guilty, and sent to prison. In the instances where cops assault or kill the black person is free from prosecution or reprimand. I personally think that some of the higher profile cases--the one outside of St. Louis for example, the police killing was justified. You hit a cop, the cop has every right to defend himself. But as we saw with Officer Michael Slager who shot a black man who was fleeing and it happened to be caught on camera, some killings are completely unjustified. And you'd have to be an idiot to think that just because this last instance was recorded on video, it was the only killing that was unjustified.

The players are not ignorant. Nothing could be further from the truth.

Not familiar with the case, but if it's the one I'm thinking of, the officer was charged.

In no way am I saying there aren't bad cops. What I'm saying is that race isn't part of it. A bad cop will be a bad cop to white or black people.

Yes, the players are ignorant. I would be willing to bet if you asked them for a particular case they are protesting, they couldn't give you one, or if they did, it was investigated, found justified, or it went to court and a jury found an officer not guilty.

These meat heads are media puppets. The media tells them how to think, and they just believe it. For instance when a cop kills an unarmed white, it's not a national story, so as far as they are concerned, it never happens. It only happens to black people.

I disagree about the players but I do agree with you that it isn't a race thing in every case. In some cases it is the only reason for police involvement. The players are justified in protesting but I think that NFL, NBA, MLB, players have a big enough podium that they can protest off the field and still have their voices heard. Time and place.

And I would totally support that; most Republicans would. I may disagree with them, I still may consider them ignorant, but I would support their right to do it off the field.

For instance I'm a loyal listener to a local radio host by the name of Bob Frantz. He was going on and on about how he wished LaBoob would leave the team because of his feelings about Trump and the kneelers. I disagree with him. I think LaBoob can say anything he wants about it. He has that right. He didn't protest, he only voiced an opinion. He didn't do it during a game. He was asked about it after the game and I support his right to what he said.

The problem for these people is they don't even know where their paychecks come from. They think they became millionaires just because they mastered a child's game. The truth is they became millionaires because of the support of their audience and followers.

If an entertainer (jock, musician, actor or actress) takes a political stance, they piss off some people and get support from others. If they just kept their political opinions to themselves, they pissed off nobody. All those people are how they make their money. Why piss any one of them off? It's a stupid thing to do.

So you just perfer they keep quiet.

Plumbers should just work on pipes, bakers should just bake things, cooks should just cook food, mechanics should just work on engines.

When you become a professional athlete,you do not give up your right to state your opinion any more than the plumber, baker, cook or mechanic does.
Why you guys care so much is puzzling.

Again, does your boss (or do you if you own a business) play the national anthem before every work day? Do you all stand at attention? If Jennifer in accounting didn't stand would she get fired (or should she get fired in your opinion)? The NFL does do this...and for some reason the actions of a very few of it's employees somehow tarnishes the whole product when, in point and fact, they are showing a form of patriotism that 99.9% of other businesses do not do.

If my mechanic, plumber or electrician came to my house boasting how they hate Trump and Obama was the greatest, I can fire them no questions asked. I didn't pay them for their political opinion; they are welcome to have that off the job. I pay them to do work that I need to be done. If I complain to their employer, and he tells his workers to keep their politics to themselves, and they disobey his orders, the employer has the right to fire them.

Likewise, they have the right to tell you to buzz off.

Again, why in the world would it matter what their opinion about politics's your pipes that are (or should be) important?
Seems childish and thin-skinned to disinvite them. What do you think?

Au contraire. Only one Philadelphia player said he was going. If you throw a party and discover the guests of honor don't care to attend, canceling is actually the adult, sensible thing to do.

Sort of stupid for the Eagles not to come, its an easy way to promote the league as well as their team.
The players are kneeling because of their ignorance--nothing more. If they bothered to look into the subject they are kneeling about, what they would find is that a black person is in ten times more danger of being assaulted or killed by another black than they are a police officer. If they had any smarts at all, they would preach how blacks should start listening to police. If they took any time to do research, they would find that more whites get killed by cops than blacks every year.

So where is this injustice you speak of? Give me a case.

A brief view of the prison population numbers would seem to indicate that the black man who assaulted or killed the black person is caught, found guilty, and sent to prison. In the instances where cops assault or kill the black person is free from prosecution or reprimand. I personally think that some of the higher profile cases--the one outside of St. Louis for example, the police killing was justified. You hit a cop, the cop has every right to defend himself. But as we saw with Officer Michael Slager who shot a black man who was fleeing and it happened to be caught on camera, some killings are completely unjustified. And you'd have to be an idiot to think that just because this last instance was recorded on video, it was the only killing that was unjustified.

The players are not ignorant. Nothing could be further from the truth.

Not familiar with the case, but if it's the one I'm thinking of, the officer was charged.

In no way am I saying there aren't bad cops. What I'm saying is that race isn't part of it. A bad cop will be a bad cop to white or black people.

Yes, the players are ignorant. I would be willing to bet if you asked them for a particular case they are protesting, they couldn't give you one, or if they did, it was investigated, found justified, or it went to court and a jury found an officer not guilty.

These meat heads are media puppets. The media tells them how to think, and they just believe it. For instance when a cop kills an unarmed white, it's not a national story, so as far as they are concerned, it never happens. It only happens to black people.

I disagree about the players but I do agree with you that it isn't a race thing in every case. In some cases it is the only reason for police involvement. The players are justified in protesting but I think that NFL, NBA, MLB, players have a big enough podium that they can protest off the field and still have their voices heard. Time and place.

And I would totally support that; most Republicans would. I may disagree with them, I still may consider them ignorant, but I would support their right to do it off the field.

For instance I'm a loyal listener to a local radio host by the name of Bob Frantz. He was going on and on about how he wished LaBoob would leave the team because of his feelings about Trump and the kneelers. I disagree with him. I think LaBoob can say anything he wants about it. He has that right. He didn't protest, he only voiced an opinion. He didn't do it during a game. He was asked about it after the game and I support his right to what he said.

The problem for these people is they don't even know where their paychecks come from. They think they became millionaires just because they mastered a child's game. The truth is they became millionaires because of the support of their audience and followers.

If an entertainer (jock, musician, actor or actress) takes a political stance, they piss off some people and get support from others. If they just kept their political opinions to themselves, they pissed off nobody. All those people are how they make their money. Why piss any one of them off? It's a stupid thing to do.

So you just perfer they keep quiet.

He opened with THIS.

"And I would totally support that; most Republicans would. I may disagree with them, I still may consider them ignorant, but I would support their right to do it off the field."

Speaking as another Republicans I verify that he is correct, I would support their right to protest off the field.
The lie of the day is you making this a race issue when it isn't.

Are you THAT wilfully blind, Ray? This has always been about race. The PROTEST is about race. It’s about how the police and the justice system are abusing people of colour.

Players are taking a knee protest the treatment of blacks by police. How can you say that posters are making it about race when it’s not about race.
how is it any different treatment than whites? You all have never explained this.

It’s been explained to you Russian bots a number of times. If you lack the ability or the intellectual curiosity to google these things for yourself, don’t blame us for your lack of education or knowledge.
what a typical leftist response. nice deflection for avoiding the answer. thanks, proving again a known leftist is a fake leftist. they know nothing. just ...It’s been explained to you...........When you got nothing. pull this out of your ass.

The classic Russian manoeuvre: accuse others of what you’re doing.

Perhaps you should read up on US race relations before responding to race relations threads.
oh please, provide me with what I ought to know. one link. I don't read minds yet.
i think if North Korea bombs us the military should kneel down and let the NFL players handle it!

Why? The players are protesting domestic issues, not the military.

But the military like most real Americans take offense when they protest in front of our flag or during the singing of the Anthem. The flag is a representation of this country and it's people. To disrespect our flag is to disrespect Americans that hold it dear to their hearts.

Why don't they protest outside the stadium before the game, after the game, or on their own time? The reason is THEY DO want to offend many Americans--not just the cops.
It fking honors the dead from guess what, the military. again, can't make up the shit the leftist come up with. hilarious. the stupid fk doesn't even understand what we honor with the anthem. so typical.

BTW, on a special note, the Chicago White Sox home games honors a military hero every home game in the fourth inning. Standing O's every time. If you leftists don't understand what Honor actually is.

“They disagree with their President because he insists that they proudly stand for the National Anthem,” Trump tweeted about the Eagles players.

President Donald Trump rescinded an invitation for the Philadelphia Eagles to visit the White House on Tuesday to celebrate their Super Bowl victory.

“They disagree with their President because he insists that they proudly stand for the National Anthem, hand on heart, in honor of the great men and women of our military and the people of our country,” Trump said in a statement. “The Eagles wanted to send a smaller delegation, but the 1,000 fans planning to attend the event deserve better.”

He said the fans would still be welcome at the White House on Tuesday but for a different ceremony meant to “honor our great country” and “pay tribute to the heroes who fight to protect it.”

Several Eagles players, including safety Malcolm Jenkins and defensive end Chris Long, had said they would skip the ceremony due to ongoing attacks by the president against players that had knelt on the field in protest. Other players had waffled on their participation. Eagles officials had left the decision up to the players.

Some NFL players quickly took to social media to challenge the president’s assertion. Former Eagles wide receiver Torrey Smith, who played for the team during the Super Bowl, accused the White House of spreading a false narrative and said no one had refused the invitation “simply because Trump ‘insists’ folks stand for the anthem.”

“The men and women that wanted to go should’ve been able to go,” Smith wrote. “It’s a cowardly act to cancel the celebration because the majority of the people don’t want to see you. To make it about the anthem is foolish.”

More: Trump Disinvites Philadelphia Eagles From White House Super Bowl Celebration

Seems childish and thin-skinned to disinvite them. What do you think?

I wonder how many people realize that Trump doesn't really give a shit about the kneeling? It's a bludgeon he uses to beat his devoted Trumplodytes and work them into a frenzy, nothing more...

Look........while the Eagles never kneeled, it's obvious they support players that do. Trump was willing to put politics aside to honor those players. They told trump to jump in the lake. Yet in the mind of leftists, Trump is the bad guy.

From what I gathered reading the Philly papers the trip was set as of last Friday. Most but not all the team was going. In all about 81 which includes team members. staff. front office etc were set to attend. This according to team sources and the White House. Now somewhere over the weekend things changed. Something about changing the date, conflicts or whatever. The Eagles apparently then tried to set another date or something and things went sour and the WH cancelled the event though 1,000 or so Eagle fans were still going. I am going to take wild guess and finger Jeff Lurie the owner as the culprit because he would have had to approve any changes from the Eagles end and Lurie is a big time Clintonista so the WH may well be onto something in fingering the Eagles Lurie in particular for the fallout.
yes, exactly. Same as I heard. Not the president, the Eagles canceled this. Nick Foles was the only RSVP from the players.
Trump is reportedly going to ride this anthem tantrum into the November midterm elections.

You can have all the anti-American voters, and we will take all the Patriotic Americans.

What part of that is not reasonable?

Don't you support racial justice for black folks? That's what the NFL kneeling is all about by the players. However, evil racist assholes like Trump are trying to pervert that into something else.
no it isn't, it's disrespect of the sport, the fans and the anthem. next?

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