Anthony Kennedy just announced his retirement!

Totally unbelievable

The liberals screwed up so bad.
Gorsuch's seat was a stolen seat. You shouldn't be so proud of yourselves. But of course, shame isn't part of the vocabulary if you support Trump.

Go fuck yourself.

Leave her alone she is a nice person

I'm spitting bullets at the moment, so no, I'm not always nice.
Nope! The simple majority 51 vote rule stands for judicial appointments! Don’t you just love it? Isn’t what’s good for Zoe goose good for zen gander? Dew ewes object?
Republicans passed it for the Supreme court. You love it now, you’ll hate it one day.
If the Democrats do the same thing, I'm gonna get my torch and head to D.C. They all need to DO THEIR JOBS, dammit. Enough. A POX ON BOTH THEIR HOUSES
They’ll need to in order to offset the damage republicans have done. One’s it’s even, then maybe bipartisanship will return.
Fuck that, dream all you want but GIVE you a liberal? NOT going to happen.
God loves Trump.

Yeah...............Trump is LUCKY! Luck is way more important than any other quality in a leader, some say: 500 years ago Malory wrote that the life of the king is the life of the land. Clinton was always lucky as president (not his wife, she's extremely unlucky) and that is when I started thinking about that.
Luck has nothing to do with it.

It's divine providence and grace.

The Clinton's are corrupt and fuck.
Same level? An SC seat is far beyond the appointments Dems passed their rule for.

The Constitution says a majority is all that's needed. Garland didn't have a majority. Gorsuch did.

Yes through blocking Gorsuch until the Senate and Presidency were one party, and through changing the rule to a simple majority vote, republicans have paved the way for the SC to be a group of activist judges.
Gorsuch was as much of a constitutionalist judge as you'll realistically be able find. Be honest, you want activist judges... as long as you agree with them.
Lol what I want... that’s the thing about Judges, they’re supposed to rule impartially. not the way they or I want. But that doesn’t count for the SC anymore.
Because you disagree with them.
Today’s union vote. Have you seen liberals in hysterics, calling the court fraudulent and activist judges? Nope. The SC ruled on the Muslim ban. Are liberals attacking the court and justices the way republicans have for years? Nope. I respect impartiality, not what you people are trying to do.
Kennedy takes a dump on his own legacy, letting the dotard replace him with a sycophant

I do wish he would have held on till after Nov so the new congress could have had a part in it.


You think maybe he did this on purpose so we'd be sure to get a good judge (conservative) instead of some loser like Willam Douglas.

Right now the Senate is 51-49. At least 3 of those 51 are not allies of Trump. It is not hard to imagine Trump's pick not getting the 50 votes unless the pick is more moderate than the zealots on the right will want.
Today’s union vote. Have you seen liberals in hysterics, calling the court fraudulent and activist judges? Nope. The SC ruled on the Muslim ban. Are liberals attacking the court and justices the way republicans have for years? Nope. I respect impartiality, not what you people are trying to do.

Well, we DO know that Democrats are a little slow.....
The baby has a right to life. Don't want a kid don't get pregnant! MANY ways to avoid pregnancies.

That doesn't make sense. Same result, after all: If the pregnancy is prevented or aborted, in either case, no life. I tell you what: leave this issue to women, at least until you get pregnant. Which will be never. So it isn't your business. All these men who feel they just have to control, control women!!! Pretty terrible.
Right now the Senate is 51-49. At least 3 of those 51 are not allies of Trump. It is not hard to imagine Trump's pick not getting the 50 votes unless the pick is more moderate than the zealots on the right will want.

There are reasonable Democrats out there. Manchin can easily vote for Levin or whomever it is. Ditto for other D's from moderate states like Doug Jones.
The administration better wrap this up before the mid-terms. If the Democrats take the Senate; which I believe to be unlikely, they can stymie the President's nomination until the cows home.
Or, the POTUS can nomination someone on August 1st and that person can be sitting on the bench by mid-August.

The senate won’t be meeting in August. The fight will happen in September
The Constitution says a majority is all that's needed. Garland didn't have a majority. Gorsuch did.

Yes through blocking Gorsuch until the Senate and Presidency were one party, and through changing the rule to a simple majority vote, republicans have paved the way for the SC to be a group of activist judges.
Gorsuch was as much of a constitutionalist judge as you'll realistically be able find. Be honest, you want activist judges... as long as you agree with them.
Lol what I want... that’s the thing about Judges, they’re supposed to rule impartially. not the way they or I want. But that doesn’t count for the SC anymore.
Actually, it might. We'll see. The decision on the travel ban yesterday was expected and was based in law. The decision on the baker was a skillful punt of the question back to Colorado. We'll see.
Roberts will be the only hope left for impartiality. And I only say that because the office of Chief Justice seems like it’s weighed on him to vote neutrally in the past.
Roberts is a conservative outside his fucked-up Obamacare vote.
Justice Anthony Kennedy to Retire From Supreme Court

YES!!!!!!!!! President Trump gets his 2nd SC nominee! WOO HOO! Liberal heads EXPLODE!

Excellent news, European Patriots today are happy for our American Patriotic Brothers and Sisters, get a good Right-Wing Judge to replace and also a man or a woman in their early 40s and also hope the below ugly Communist departs very soon, then another Right-Wing Judge to replace again a man or a woman in their early 40s, I add which one is the oldest on the Conservative section whoever that is get them to retire and then The Donald can replace them with a younger Judge and then with that you can have 6-3 Decisions for a very long time and with this you can have that Right-Wing Court for 20-30 years.

The ugly Communist below is actually already dead, she has been dead for twenty years, they embalmed her and they keep her animated by Witchcraft and offerings of aborted babies to Satan or whatever.

I have to say they did a great embalming job!

View attachment 201465

She sometimes gives off the odor of decomposition so they have to spray:

View attachment 201466
Don't be so superficial. You're smarter than that, and it isn't funny.
Kennedy takes a dump on his own legacy, letting the dotard replace him with a sycophant

I do wish he would have held on till after Nov so the new congress could have had a part in it.
Figure out why he didn't.

Perhaps he thinks that the Dems will win the Senate back.

As the Senate stands now, it is not hard to imagine at least two Senators will rebel against any far right pick. We might well end up with a more reasonable pick then people assume.
2 senators?! 49 senators will have their panties bunched up very much like you. Alas, that is not enough.
Right now the Senate is 51-49. At least 3 of those 51 are not allies of Trump. It is not hard to imagine Trump's pick not getting the 50 votes unless the pick is more moderate than the zealots on the right will want.

There are reasonable Democrats out there. Manchin can easily vote for Levin or whomever it is. Ditto for other D's from moderate states like Doug Jones.

There are reasonable Democrats out there that will vote for a reasonable pick from Trump. But they will not vote for a far right ideologue. With any luck we will end up with someone like Kennedy who is not blinded by ideology.

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