Anthony Oliver goes off on the GOP


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012

Anthony Oliver is pissed that the GOP used his song for the opening of the GOP debate.

He says that the song was sung about people like the ones on the stage for the GOP as he disavows being on "the right".

Anthony said, "I've got to be clear that my message, like with any of my songs, it references the inefficiencies of the government because of the politicians within it that are engulfed in bribes and extortion."

"I see the right trying to characterize me as one of their own, and I see the left trying to discredit me, I guess in retaliation," Anthony said.

"That shit's got to stop."

No Anthony, the shit never stops.

First of all, have you ever wondered why the right characterizes you as one of their own while the Left is trying to destroy you?

Let's get a clue, shall we?

1. You are white
2. You sing country songs
3. You sing about those in government screwing you over. Not mentioning Orange man when you do means you are NOT a democrat.

For you see Anthony, democrats are in love with government, outside of Trump. Your song, therefore, includes being critical of democrats, which is absolutely unacceptable. Democrats NEVER break the law as you suggest. You therefore need to be destroyed.
This is how it works Anthony


Zero indictments


Zero indictments


Zero indictments.


2 impeachments
4 indictments
Possible 700 plus years in prison and even the death penalty.

More and more people across the globe are Independent in their support of politiciand.and Parties. This is as it always should be.
Oliver Anthony should be glad somebody is it the backbone of ameica or those with enough balls to stand up and think straight without their paws in the cookie jar
Oliver Anthony should be glad somebody is it the backbone of ameica or those with enough balls to stand up and think straight without their paws in the cookie jar
And without the relentless desire to go full Cloward/ Piven on America .
Ol8ver Anthony doesn't understand. He may want to be independent of Republicans but democrats hate him and want him dead.
Ol8ver Anthony doesn't understand. He may want to be independent of Republicans but democrats hate him and want him dead.
He has been Brainwarshed by Liberal Teachers & Profs from Pre School to Post Grad School and that’s a tough thing to escape
Eggs stabilized but Bacon has almost Doubled in price , don’t even mention Gas prices have in Ca .
Yea I know, the national debt was much lower under President Trump.

Even after massive WuFlu spending it was $27.7 trillion when Biden was installed.

Now it is $33 trillion.

We know the Second Amendment hurts your fee-fees so much.

I know money was worth a lot more under President Trump, and today the dollar ain’t worth shit.
The national debt on Jan. 19, 2017, the day before Donald Trump was inaugurated president, was $19,944,429,217,107.

On Jan. 19, 2021, the day before Joe Biden was inaugurated, the debt was: $27,752,835,868,445 — about $7.8 trillion higher.

As of July 14, 2023, more than halfway through Biden’s term, the debt had risen by another roughly $4.7 trillion, to $32,542,410,783,067.

Looks like Biden is competing with the big spending liberal Republican who promised to zero out the debt.

BTW, it took Obama 8 years to spend as much as Trump. And that's with the onset of Obamacare.
You must be proud. Liberals (Including Trump) spending us into oblivion.

But by all means, let's take a big fat dump on DeSantis who knows how to veto spending, cut taxes, eliminate taxes and still come up with a surplus.
The national debt on Jan. 19, 2017, the day before Donald Trump was inaugurated president, was $19,944,429,217,107.

On Jan. 19, 2021, the day before Joe Biden was inaugurated, the debt was: $27,752,835,868,445 — about $7.8 trillion higher.

As of July 14, 2023, more than halfway through Biden’s term, the debt had risen by another roughly $4.7 trillion, to $32,542,410,783,067.

Looks like Biden is competing with the big spending liberal Republican who promised to zero out the debt.

BTW, it took Obama 8 years to spend as much as Trump. And that's with the onset of Obamacare.
You must be proud. Liberals (Including Trump) spending us into oblivion.

But by all means, let's take a big fat dump on DeSantis who knows how to veto spending, cut taxes, eliminate taxes and still come up with a surplus.
$5 trillion was spent on COVID and Stimulus due to forced government shutdowns.

But you can’t stop being a disingenuous c*nt.

Without the WuFlu hysteria spending, led by Democrats, President Trump’s normal government spending was far less.

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