Anti-government, Red State Oklahoma begging for Big Government Disaster Relief


Gold Member
Jul 17, 2010
Should Red States that hate the federal government be allowed to take Big Government Aid, or should the citizens of Oklahoma be held accountable for their decision to live in a tornado zone?

Ayn Rand cashed her Social Security checks as she railed against Big Government and Social Security.

When is this shit going to end?

Why can't Conservatives and Red States just appreciate the help they get from Big Government? That's all I ask.

Do you know how much money Red States have accepted form Big Government for disaster relief?

Do you know how much medicare aid conservative seniors have accepted from Big Government.

Do you know how Big Government infrastructure investments help both citizens and corporations?

Do you know how many Big Government subsidies have been accepted by private sector capitalists?

What about Patent Protection that capitalists beg for and receive from Big Government? Does Glenn Beck teach you any of this?

Do you know how much military protection the private sector receives from big government so that their overseas supply chains and trade routes are protected?

Until you understand the amount of BIG GOVERNMENT aid Conservatives, Red States, and Corporations have accepted (and lobbied for), you should be careful with banal cliches against Big Government.

The American people are resilient. And they always come to each others aid. But there is a role for Big Government in helping people, as is evidenced by all the aid conservatives and Red States take. Until you fully understand that aid, you are part of the problem.
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FYI: I think they should get all the Big Government HELP they need to rebuild. I don't care if they made a bad decision to build a community in a tornado zone. When bad shit happens, the government should help. Why? Because they are in the best position to do so.

We are our bother's keepers. And this nation should bear the burden of those who freely choose to live in hurricane and tornado zones.

I personally support the my conservative Oklahoma brothers and sisters in their plea for BIG GOVERNMENT HELP.
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Should Red States that hate the federal government be allowed to take Big Government Aid, or should the citizens of Oklahoma be held accountable for their decision to live in a tornado zone?

Ayn Rand cashed her Social Security checks as she railed against Big Government and Social Security.

When is this shit going to end?

Oklahoma, like Ayn Rand, had their pockets picked for a lifetime. It is long past time they got something back.
Oklahoma, like Ayn Rand, had their pockets picked for a lifetime. It is long past time they got something back.

Rand turned 65 in 1970, a mere five years after Medicare was created; she certainly didn't enroll because she'd paid in for "a lifetime."

Comparing the people of Oklahoma to her is an insult to them.
Oklahoma, like Ayn Rand, had their pockets picked for a lifetime. It is long past time they got something back.

Rand turned 65 in 1970, a mere five years after Medicare was created; she certainly didn't enroll because she'd paid in for "a lifetime."

Comparing the people of Oklahoma to her is an insult to them.

Good idea. Everyone in Oklahoma now on wefare gets crap. Only those who work get relief.
Should Red States that hate the federal government be allowed to take Big Government Aid, or should the citizens of Oklahoma be held accountable for their decision to live in a tornado zone?

Ayn Rand cashed her Social Security checks as she railed against Big Government and Social Security.

When is this shit going to end?

Yeah but she did it under the name Ann O'Connor so it doesn't r e a l l y count... :confused:
Are they calling for Federal Aid? I see you guys claiming it, but I havent seen any actual official request or any link to one.
Should Red States that hate the federal government be allowed to take Big Government Aid, or should the citizens of Oklahoma be held accountable for their decision to live in a tornado zone?

Ayn Rand cashed her Social Security checks as she railed against Big Government and Social Security.

When is this shit going to end?

Oh, get real. Social security is earned over a lifetime and I bet some people pay in way more than they ever take out. Social security is one of the true entitlements because people are damn well entitled to what they earn. I take it some don't understand the concept of working and paying for retirement benefits. The money people paid in over the years was supposed to be in a lock box earning interest and only to be used for people's retirement. Of course, more people have to enter the workforce and pay taxes to ensure the retiring workers get what was promsied. With less workers and more people on SS, it's looking like a Ponzi scheme. Of course, when Dems want to give it away to those who never worked, it becomes welfare.

As for requesting relief from the storm, that is something I gladly pay taxes for. Just because people realize that government is too big and getting involved in things they were never intended to, that doesn't mean they don't have legitimate and reasonable functions.

Even if we didn't have FEMA, we have organizations, like the Red Cross and countless others who are funded by donations and are a huge help.

Libs already tried to politicize this by blaming it on global warming and now I guess some will use it to claim that everybody wants socialism because people do believe in helping those in need.

The OP is a lame attempt to try and paint people as hypocrites.
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Ronald Reagan's father was saved by one of FDR's Big Government work programs.

FDR believed that helping unemployed, struggling Americans was an investment in good people. FDR believed that if you helped people during hard times, they would go on to make great contributions. And, their contributions would outweigh the number of people who scammed the system.

Ronald Reagan later re-defined FDR-style investment in struggling Americans as a handout to welfare queens. He didn't have FDR's faith in struggling American families. This is why those same poor families were excluded from the gains of economic growth during his presidency. This is why household debt exploded starting in 1980.
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It would absolutely be too delicious if democrats withheld aid to Oklahoma on the grounds that it's a red state. Then obama goes on one of his more expensive vacations. Do they have the guts to take that kind of glory?
Should Red States that hate the federal government be allowed to take Big Government Aid, or should the citizens of Oklahoma be held accountable for their decision to live in a tornado zone?

Ayn Rand cashed her Social Security checks as she railed against Big Government and Social Security.

When is this shit going to end?

Why can't they just appreciate the help they get from Big Government? That's all I ask.

Do people from Oklahoma pay Federal Taxes? Answer--YES--therefore they are eligible for disaster relief funds--midget brain.

Libs already tried to politicize this by blaming it on global warming and now I guess some will use it to claim that everybody wants socialism because people do believe in helping those in need.

I'm talking about the power of Big Government to HELP the people of Oklahoma.

I'm asking you to give Big Government credit for saving the families of Oklahoma by helping them rebuild. I'm asking you to stop your war against big government.

If you want the luxury of criticizing Big Government's AID, than don't ask for aid from Big Government.

You need to admit that Government is sometimes the only solution for helping people in need - whether because they decided to build a home in a tornado zone or if they were laid-off, despite their best efforts.

Big Government put our great WWII veterans to work building the Interstate and infrastructure of this great nation. Great presidents like Dwight Eisenhower believed in the power of Big Government to do great things and help American families in their time of need.

Stop shitting on the Big Government that you depend on for disaster relief.
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Should Red States that hate the federal government be allowed to take Big Government Aid, or should the citizens of Oklahoma be held accountable for their decision to live in a tornado zone?

Ayn Rand cashed her Social Security checks as she railed against Big Government and Social Security.

When is this shit going to end?

Why can't they just appreciate the help they get from Big Government? That's all I ask.

Well, you are completely ignorant or flat out liar. Oklahoma isn't begging whatsoever.

Senator Tom Coburn has stated quite clearly that any tornado aid must be offset.

Sen. Tom Coburn (R-Okla.) will insist that any federal aid to deal with the tornado in his home state must be offset by budget cuts.

Tom Coburn: Tornado aid must be offset
Never let a tragedy go to waste right Leftytoon? More politicization of children dying.
Libs already tried to politicize this by blaming it on global warming and now I guess some will use it to claim that everybody wants socialism because people do believe in helping those in need.

I'm talking about the power of Big Government to HELP the people of Oklahoma.

I'm asking you to give Big Government credit for saving the families of Oklahoma by helping them rebuild. I'm asking you to stop your war against big government.

If you want the luxury of criticizing Big Government's AID, than don't ask for aid from Big Government.

You need to admit that Government is sometimes the only solution for helping people in need - whether because they decided to build a home in a tornado zone or if they were laid-off, despite their best efforts.

Big Government put our great WWII veterans to work building the Interstate and infrastructure of this great nation. Great presidents like Dwight Eisenhower believed in the power of Big Government to do great things and help American families in their time of need.

Stop shitting on the Big Government that you depend on for disaster relief.

Big Government does not have a dime to help anyone. It is the peoples' money that helps fellow citizens.

Not Big Government's money. They just distribute it. And not very well I might add. Most governments don't.
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