Anti-Islam ads on NYC buses. Whose side are you on?

Well just ask yourself this one question. If that sign was about black people instead of Jews would it be free speech or hate speech?
The ad is against Muslims.

Not so. The ads confront vicious Islamist militancy and the culture that spawned and cultivates it.
It promotes discord and incites violence. That's it.

Similar ads in other states had neither effect. You're just blowing smoke.
Well don't kid yourself the 'similar' ads didn't do ANYTHING because the average person has learned to recognize and ignore bullshit. But I'm not interested in what the ads will do, just the intent behind them. And the intent is absolutely to attack Muslims by spreading discord and, with a little luck, to incite some violence.

I do not see where fanatical Muslims need any incentive to continue with their violent and criminal ways. If we all hid under rocks and said nothing against them they will still find us "infidels" and blow us up. Don't pretend the reason extremist Muslims have been attacking Israeli Jews is because of the settlements --- because that is just fodder for the West to lap up --- the fact is, they have been attacking them for 100 years, long before there was ever a settlement. And why should Palestine have a conniption living next to a Jewish family. Israel has allowed 2 million Arabs to live peacefully and vote in their country since the day of its independence.

The intent of the ads was to awaken the indifferent citizens of this nation to the truth and to possible action against Islamic terrorism. I agree, some will take it as too harsh or inflammatory, but the truth is awful. Not unlike pro-life people holding up posters of babies being ripped apart in their wombs. It causes indignation amongst many of the peaceful pacifists on that matter, but it exposes the truth instead of just continuing to hide the unpleasantries.

I did say I thought the ads were too incendiary and I would not do it that way myself, but I also gave them credit for being courageous in addressing a global horror --- something our president and congress are totally afraid to do.
The ad is against Muslims.

Not so. The ads confront vicious Islamist militancy and the culture that spawned and cultivates it.
It promotes discord and incites violence. That's it.

Similar ads in other states had neither effect. You're just blowing smoke.
Well don't kid yourself the 'similar' ads didn't do ANYTHING because the average person has learned to recognize and ignore bullshit. But I'm not interested in what the ads will do, just the intent behind them. And the intent is absolutely to attack Muslims by spreading discord and, with a little luck, to incite some violence.

I do not see where fanatical Muslims need any incentive to continue with their violent and criminal ways. If we all hid under rocks and said nothing against them they will still find us "infidels" and blow us up. Don't pretend the reason extremist Muslims have been attacking Israeli Jews is because of the settlements --- because that is just fodder for the West to lap up --- the fact is, they have been attacking them for 100 years, long before there was ever a settlement. And why should Palestine have a conniption living next to a Jewish family. Israel has allowed 2 million Arabs to live peacefully and vote in their country since the day of its independence.

The intent of the ads was to awaken the indifferent citizens of this nation to the truth and to possible action against Islamic terrorism. I agree, some will take it as too harsh or inflammatory, but the truth is awful. Not unlike pro-life people holding up posters of babies being ripped apart in their wombs. It causes indignation amongst many of the peaceful pacifists on that matter, but it exposes the truth instead of just continuing to hide the unpleasantries.

I did say I thought the ads were too incendiary and I would not do it that way myself, but I also gave them credit for being courageous in address a global horror --- something our president and congress are totally afraid to do.
They've been attacking for 100 years? Wrong lunatic religious people have been attacking for thousands of years. Those ads are not aimed at terrorists. If it was it would condemn terrorists, not Islam.

And I'm a guy who thinks Islam is as stupid as it gets. But this ad was made by assholes.
If that's how they want to spend their money and what they want to use their free speech on, then they can go right ahead. However, it seems more of a spiteful ad, than an educational one.
Not so. The ads confront vicious Islamist militancy and the culture that spawned and cultivates it.
It promotes discord and incites violence. That's it.

Similar ads in other states had neither effect. You're just blowing smoke.
Well don't kid yourself the 'similar' ads didn't do ANYTHING because the average person has learned to recognize and ignore bullshit. But I'm not interested in what the ads will do, just the intent behind them. And the intent is absolutely to attack Muslims by spreading discord and, with a little luck, to incite some violence.

I do not see where fanatical Muslims need any incentive to continue with their violent and criminal ways. If we all hid under rocks and said nothing against them they will still find us "infidels" and blow us up. Don't pretend the reason extremist Muslims have been attacking Israeli Jews is because of the settlements --- because that is just fodder for the West to lap up --- the fact is, they have been attacking them for 100 years, long before there was ever a settlement. And why should Palestine have a conniption living next to a Jewish family. Israel has allowed 2 million Arabs to live peacefully and vote in their country since the day of its independence.

The intent of the ads was to awaken the indifferent citizens of this nation to the truth and to possible action against Islamic terrorism. I agree, some will take it as too harsh or inflammatory, but the truth is awful. Not unlike pro-life people holding up posters of babies being ripped apart in their wombs. It causes indignation amongst many of the peaceful pacifists on that matter, but it exposes the truth instead of just continuing to hide the unpleasantries.

I did say I thought the ads were too incendiary and I would not do it that way myself, but I also gave them credit for being courageous in address a global horror --- something our president and congress are totally afraid to do.
They've been attacking for 100 years? Wrong lunatic religious people have been attacking for thousands of years. Those ads are not aimed at terrorists. If it was it would condemn terrorists, not Islam.

And I'm a guy who thinks Islam is as stupid as it gets. But this ad was made by assholes.

Well I respect your opinion as being what you truly believe.

But the real a-holes are the ones who blow up buildings and murder women and children because they do not believe in God the way the fanatical Muslims do. Since 9/11/01 there have been over 25,000 attacks by radical Islam on innocent people around the globe where someone was killed, or in a few cases just horribly maimed. All done in the name of Islam or Muhammad or the Koran. That is not just some fringe element departing from this huge percentage of peaceful Muslim people who (by and large) for some reason decide not to condemn it. What it tells me is there is something very malevolent about such a religion that can foster so many violent, intolerant and murderous types. If their religion was truly godly that would not happen.

But that message is way too politically incorrect to ever be suggested. So we have to keep saying "Islam is a peaceful religion and it is not to blame for this small fringe of radicals." Small fringe? One that numbers in the tens of millions that committed 25,000 separate acts of terrorism? The world is afraid. The world will not really take on this global menace and hold everyone who deserves to be held accountable. That includes all the political and religious leaders of Arab and Muslim nations who say nothing and do nothing to stop it. It should come as no surprise to you that some Jewish leaders in America are sick of it all and are doing something radical like putting up inflammatory posters to try to incite those of us who want to hope it just goes away on its own.
more good news , the ads are also going to run in the city of Philadelphia which is the city of Brotherly Love and the Steak and Cheese sandwich Ogiblim !!
They've been attacking for 100 years? Wrong lunatic religious people have been attacking for thousands of years. Those ads are not aimed at terrorists. If it was it would condemn terrorists, not Islam.

And I'm a guy who thinks Islam is as stupid as it gets. But this ad was made by assholes.

The 100 year figure is fairly accurate, as the first Arab terrorist attacks against Jews in what is now Israel began in 1920.
and , muslims have been attacking outside arab lands since the invention of 'islam' and that's about 1400 years !!
They've been attacking for 100 years? Wrong lunatic religious people have been attacking for thousands of years. Those ads are not aimed at terrorists. If it was it would condemn terrorists, not Islam.

And I'm a guy who thinks Islam is as stupid as it gets. But this ad was made by assholes.

The 100 year figure is fairly accurate, as the first Arab terrorist attacks against Jews in what is now Israel began in 1920.
What you define as 'terrorism' has been happening for thousands of years. In fact God may have been the 1st terrorist. Didn't he murder all of humanity in a flood, kill the eldest child of every family he didn't like, and terrorize people by threatening them with eternal damnation? Did I get that right?
They've been attacking for 100 years? Wrong lunatic religious people have been attacking for thousands of years. Those ads are not aimed at terrorists. If it was it would condemn terrorists, not Islam.

And I'm a guy who thinks Islam is as stupid as it gets. But this ad was made by assholes.

The 100 year figure is fairly accurate, as the first Arab terrorist attacks against Jews in what is now Israel began in 1920.
What you define as 'terrorism' has been happening for thousands of years. In fact God may have been the 1st terrorist. Didn't he murder all of humanity in a flood, kill the eldest child of every family he didn't like, and terrorize people by threatening them with eternal damnation? Did I get that right?

So God is a terrorist? Is that your position? Does that mean you believe in Him? Or are you one of those drive by peacocks who quote a verse for your own convenience but then act like they got life figured out and there is no reason to think anything matters beyond the grave?

Yes, God did wipe out a few depraved cultures that turned into debauched demons and sacrificed children. But that does not mean He did not grant them forgiveness in the next world and after a purification entrance into the kingdom. So don’t get all hyped up about the injustices of God and maybe deal with what is right in front of your face.

You cannot understand terrorism apparently? The fact some Crusaders tried to regain the Holy Land from invading Muslim oppressors one thousand years ago I guess makes us Christians just as evil in your eyes as what has taken place the last 100 years in more civilized times. Sure makes your job easy doesn’t it? Muslims can behead children and rape little girls and kill tens of thousands and you can tell us to back off because we are just as evil.

We need more brave soldiers like you.
some of these lefties live their lives by little popular phrases that they hear coming out of their 'dear leaders' mouth . They know nothing about the Cusades or 'islamic' history of invasion , conversion by the sword , jizya or murder Turzovka !!
What you define as 'terrorism' has been happening for thousands of years. In fact God may have been the 1st terrorist. Didn't he murder all of humanity in a flood, kill the eldest child of every family he didn't like, and terrorize people by threatening them with eternal damnation? Did I get that right?

No, you did not get that right. Looking on the bright side, however, at least your record is unblemished in that regard.

You lack the intelligence and education necessary to understand basic concepts, so simply vomit forth whatever feeble excuse you might offer in lieu of an actual point, but the term terrorism has an actual meaning. Your putting the word in parentheses does not diminish from the fact it does have a meaning, only heightens the fact you are unintelligent and uneducated.
Well now this is interesting. Pro-Israel groups riled by pro-Muslim ads, pro-Muslim sentiment in our universities, text books, govt decisions, etc. from recent years are fighting back. I imagine they are fighting back because of the ignorance of many in the West, or their indifference to how Israel is being treated and continuously attacked and threatened by so many Islamic circles, cells and violent hate groups. Or how our universities are so anti-Israel and sponsor boycotts and are conspicuously silent against Islamic terrorism. If you took a poll I doubt Israel would even come out ahead as to what Americans or Western Europeans consider to be the biggest threat to peace or the most agitating force in the Middle East.

This right wing Pro-Israeli organization says its intention is to counter this widespread ignorance or bias against Israel. I think they have a very legitimate point. Do I agree with their ads they are about to run?, no I do not. Too incendiary. I would have worded things much differently. But I give them credit for their courage. They are surely not going to be welcome by the general public or by the media in the West. Maybe Obama will find this another great opportunity to show how much he cannot tolerate anything Israel and also how unfair we in the West have been towards Islam. And don't you Christian dare complain or mount your high horses. Remember the Alamo... I mean Crusades. :0

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Judge Allows 'Killing Jews Is Worship' Ads on NYC Transport

Wednesday, 22 Apr 2015 12:24 PM By Melanie Batley

An ad that says, "Killing Jews is Worship that draws us close to Allah" should be permitted to appear on New York City buses and subways, a federal judge has ruled.

The advert was created by a pro-Israel organization, the American Freedom Defense Initiative (AFDI). It features an image of a young man in a checkered headscarf and was designed to highlight what the AFDI argues are Muslim attitudes toward Jews,

The ad was originally rejected by New York's Metropolitan Transport Authority (MTA), which said that they were "savage" and demeaned Muslims and Palestinians while at the same time could incite violence against Jews.

U.S. District Judge John Koeltl has ruled that the MTA cannot stop the ads from running

In the judgment, he said that MTA officials "underestimate the tolerant quality of New Yorkers and overestimate the potential impact of these fleeting advertisements."

He added: "Moreover, there is no evidence that seeing one of these advertisements on the back of a bus would be sufficient to trigger a violent reaction. Therefore, these ads — offensive as they may be — are still entitled to First Amendment protection."

AFDI co-founder Pamela Geller tweeted her delight at the ruling, saying that it was "a triumph for liberty and free speech."

The ad is intended to be a parody of an ad put out by the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), a civil liberties group that promotes the rights of Muslims and better relations between Muslims and non-Muslims.

In 2012 and 2013, CAIR ran posters in several American cities promoting peaceful versions of Islam. " '#MyJihad is to build friendships across the aisle.' What's yours?" read one.

In his ruling in favor of AFDI, Koeltl said the ads could not reasonably be considered an incitement to violence, even if someone didn't understand them.

"The defendants admit that the actual intention of the advertisement is not to advocate the use of force, but to parody the CAIR 'My Jihad' campaign and to criticize Hamas and radical Islam.

"However, they argue that a reasonable New Yorker would not read the advertisement this way, but would instead read it as advocating the killing of Jewish people," Koeltl wrote, according to the Post. "The defendants' theory is thoroughly unpersuasive."

No love for Islam, but this kind of propaganda aginst Islam is exactly what the Nazis did to the Jews in the years prior to the Holocaust.
some of these lefties live their lives by little popular phrases that they hear coming out of their 'dear leaders' mouth . They know nothing about the Cusades or 'islamic' history of invasion , conversion by the sword , jizya or murder Turzovka !!

.......but it's only a FEW Muslims, pismoe......... it's the religion of peace......... if we weren't so naughty to them........ one man's terrorist is anther man's freedom fighter.... but the Christians ......and the Jews........ there is no difference between violent Jihad and anything else in the world so it's all just hunky dory....

The truth of the matter is that these useful idiots are, indeed, leftists, but they do not have a liberal bone in the body. They are simply disgruntled and marginalized individuals from the fringes of society who are perpetually pissed off at their lack of self worth and so they find common cause with the movement that wants to destroy us every bit as much as they wish to destroy us.

Good grief -- right here in this thread, we are having an Islamist site called "loonwatch" used as a reference despite the fact it's anonymous writers refuse to identify themselves and are busy at work trying to track down the home address of Robert Spencer so one of their Islamist allies can kill him. If that doesn't represent how utterly far some of these leftist morons have diverged from actual liberalism, nothing ever will.
Well now this is interesting. Pro-Israel groups riled by pro-Muslim ads, pro-Muslim sentiment in our universities, text books, govt decisions, etc. from recent years are fighting back. I imagine they are fighting back because of the ignorance of many in the West, or their indifference to how Israel is being treated and continuously attacked and threatened by so many Islamic circles, cells and violent hate groups. Or how our universities are so anti-Israel and sponsor boycotts and are conspicuously silent against Islamic terrorism. If you took a poll I doubt Israel would even come out ahead as to what Americans or Western Europeans consider to be the biggest threat to peace or the most agitating force in the Middle East.

This right wing Pro-Israeli organization says its intention is to counter this widespread ignorance or bias against Israel. I think they have a very legitimate point. Do I agree with their ads they are about to run?, no I do not. Too incendiary. I would have worded things much differently. But I give them credit for their courage. They are surely not going to be welcome by the general public or by the media in the West. Maybe Obama will find this another great opportunity to show how much he cannot tolerate anything Israel and also how unfair we in the West have been towards Islam. And don't you Christian dare complain or mount your high horses. Remember the Alamo... I mean Crusades. :0

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Judge Allows 'Killing Jews Is Worship' Ads on NYC Transport

Wednesday, 22 Apr 2015 12:24 PM By Melanie Batley

An ad that says, "Killing Jews is Worship that draws us close to Allah" should be permitted to appear on New York City buses and subways, a federal judge has ruled.

The advert was created by a pro-Israel organization, the American Freedom Defense Initiative (AFDI). It features an image of a young man in a checkered headscarf and was designed to highlight what the AFDI argues are Muslim attitudes toward Jews,

The ad was originally rejected by New York's Metropolitan Transport Authority (MTA), which said that they were "savage" and demeaned Muslims and Palestinians while at the same time could incite violence against Jews.

U.S. District Judge John Koeltl has ruled that the MTA cannot stop the ads from running

In the judgment, he said that MTA officials "underestimate the tolerant quality of New Yorkers and overestimate the potential impact of these fleeting advertisements."

He added: "Moreover, there is no evidence that seeing one of these advertisements on the back of a bus would be sufficient to trigger a violent reaction. Therefore, these ads — offensive as they may be — are still entitled to First Amendment protection."

AFDI co-founder Pamela Geller tweeted her delight at the ruling, saying that it was "a triumph for liberty and free speech."

The ad is intended to be a parody of an ad put out by the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), a civil liberties group that promotes the rights of Muslims and better relations between Muslims and non-Muslims.

In 2012 and 2013, CAIR ran posters in several American cities promoting peaceful versions of Islam. " '#MyJihad is to build friendships across the aisle.' What's yours?" read one.

In his ruling in favor of AFDI, Koeltl said the ads could not reasonably be considered an incitement to violence, even if someone didn't understand them.

"The defendants admit that the actual intention of the advertisement is not to advocate the use of force, but to parody the CAIR 'My Jihad' campaign and to criticize Hamas and radical Islam.

"However, they argue that a reasonable New Yorker would not read the advertisement this way, but would instead read it as advocating the killing of Jewish people," Koeltl wrote, according to the Post. "The defendants' theory is thoroughly unpersuasive."

No love for Islam, but this kind of propaganda aginst Islam is exactly what the Nazis did to the Jews in the years prior to the Holocaust.

Oh, I see. You have found an inflammatory indictment by some American Jews who are sick and tired of the horrors being committed by Muslim terrorists, so these Jews dare say something starkly incriminating against what is taking place in our world. And now you so calmly put this "transgression" of theirs on par with what they are fighting against? Or you try to imply these Jews are no different than the Nazis in that they are spreading lies and propaganda to fool their audience.

And now walk away from it all. You have done your part in making our world better.

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