Anti-Islam ads on NYC buses. Whose side are you on?

If the critique is on the merits of the religion itself, there isn't a problem.
I understand that Islam now is very dangerous and many Muslims wanna become radical Muslims and fight against other religions, i also understand that our government should do something with that (of course they will keep silence again, but) but insulting somebody's race or religion - for what?
What I find interesting is a person like you seldom engages the actual topic but rather prefers to indulge in personal attacks against his opponent through outright lies. When asked to provide an actual link you fail miserably.

You defend the hatred of folks like Pamela Geller, and the genocidal statements of a certain Israeli MP while demanding we attack this student and ignore her rebuttal.

And, perhaps - you can show us where I "demanded other people start attacking Jews" - a link perhaps if you have the integrity? In that thread I criticized Horowitz and Horowitz ONLY. I defy you to provide a link you lying piece of shit. You can't win an argument, so you feel compelled to make shit up. Well here's your chance sweetheart - put up or shut up.

Thank you for such a perfect example of exactly this propaganda technique developed by Nazi strategists that I mentioned in my previous posting.

In the thread in question, you devoted countless posts to defending the creature who called for genocide of Jews, and then turned around and selected some Jews to attack just as you are doing here. In the case of this "certain Israeli P.M." (Jew), you used a translation that only exists at a pro-terrorist website, and all the other people you attacked like Horowitz and Geller are Jewish.

Islamists calling for genocide are your heroes. Any Jew who doesn't like that you attack.

The pattern is extremely clear, you fat Islamist toad.
What I find interesting is a person like you seldom engages the actual topic but rather prefers to indulge in personal attacks against his opponent through outright lies. When asked to provide an actual link you fail miserably.

You defend the hatred of folks like Pamela Geller, and the genocidal statements of a certain Israeli MP while demanding we attack this student and ignore her rebuttal.

And, perhaps - you can show us where I "demanded other people start attacking Jews" - a link perhaps if you have the integrity? In that thread I criticized Horowitz and Horowitz ONLY. I defy you to provide a link you lying piece of shit. You can't win an argument, so you feel compelled to make shit up. Well here's your chance sweetheart - put up or shut up.

Thank you for such a perfect example of exactly this propaganda technique developed by Nazi strategists that I mentioned in my previous posting.

In the thread in question, you devoted countless posts to defending the creature who called for genocide of Jews, and then turned around and selected some Jews to attack just as you are doing here. In the case of this "certain Israeli P.M." (Jew), you used a translation that only exists at a pro-terrorist website, and all the other people you attacked like Horowitz and Geller are Jewish.

Islamists calling for genocide are your heroes. Any Jew who doesn't like that you attack.

The pattern is extremely clear, you fat Islamist toad.

Exactly right!! Someone starts a thread pointing out an islamonazi nut agreeing that all Jews should be" hunted down and killed" and this "Coyote" islamonazi sympathizer's first response is "she didn't mean what she said" and "what about those damn Jews!!" islamonazis are all the same.
If terrorist-supporting Islamist groups like C.A.I.R. are allowed to issue their Da'wahs on public transportation, I would think those who oppose their agenda should be able to as well.

Of course. You support Geller and her genocidal ambitions.

If a government wants to learn how to manage growing Islamic problems, take some advice from Ottoman army officer Mustafa Kemal Atatürk. Atatürk abolished Islam by putting a complete ban on Islamic materials, demolishing mosques, and removing any traces of Islam in his country to get rid of the evil. Those who tried to revolt were put in their place, or basically killed….

It is time for the UK to stop wasting their military abroad, but bring them to patrol their own streets and begin to remove Muslims. And it is vital time to plan and arrange deportation programs – and even arrange new deportation programs for practicing Muslims born in England to be deported to their parent’s country of origin.
Like there is no alternative measures that could or should be deployed between Geller's radical tactics and Obama's cowardliness --- or should I say, Obama's and countless liberals in the West hatred of Israel?

Obama's "hatred of Israel"? That cry is getting old and largely unsupported. It's like the boy who cried wolf.

No, sadly, it's the truth!
Well now this is interesting. Pro-Israel groups riled by pro-Muslim ads, pro-Muslim sentiment in our universities, text books, govt decisions, etc. from recent years are fighting back. I imagine they are fighting back because of the ignorance of many in the West, or their indifference to how Israel is being treated and continuously attacked and threatened by so many Islamic circles, cells and violent hate groups. Or how our universities are so anti-Israel and sponsor boycotts and are conspicuously silent against Islamic terrorism. If you took a poll I doubt Israel would even come out ahead as to what Americans or Western Europeans consider to be the biggest threat to peace or the most agitating force in the Middle East.

This right wing Pro-Israeli organization says its intention is to counter this widespread ignorance or bias against Israel. I think they have a very legitimate point. Do I agree with their ads they are about to run?, no I do not. Too incendiary. I would have worded things much differently. But I give them credit for their courage. They are surely not going to be welcome by the general public or by the media in the West. Maybe Obama will find this another great opportunity to show how much he cannot tolerate anything Israel and also how unfair we in the West have been towards Islam. And don't you Christian dare complain or mount your high horses. Remember the Alamo... I mean Crusades. :0

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Judge Allows 'Killing Jews Is Worship' Ads on NYC Transport

Wednesday, 22 Apr 2015 12:24 PM By Melanie Batley

An ad that says, "Killing Jews is Worship that draws us close to Allah" should be permitted to appear on New York City buses and subways, a federal judge has ruled.

The advert was created by a pro-Israel organization, the American Freedom Defense Initiative (AFDI). It features an image of a young man in a checkered headscarf and was designed to highlight what the AFDI argues are Muslim attitudes toward Jews,

The ad was originally rejected by New York's Metropolitan Transport Authority (MTA), which said that they were "savage" and demeaned Muslims and Palestinians while at the same time could incite violence against Jews.

U.S. District Judge John Koeltl has ruled that the MTA cannot stop the ads from running

In the judgment, he said that MTA officials "underestimate the tolerant quality of New Yorkers and overestimate the potential impact of these fleeting advertisements."

He added: "Moreover, there is no evidence that seeing one of these advertisements on the back of a bus would be sufficient to trigger a violent reaction. Therefore, these ads — offensive as they may be — are still entitled to First Amendment protection."

AFDI co-founder Pamela Geller tweeted her delight at the ruling, saying that it was "a triumph for liberty and free speech."

The ad is intended to be a parody of an ad put out by the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), a civil liberties group that promotes the rights of Muslims and better relations between Muslims and non-Muslims.

In 2012 and 2013, CAIR ran posters in several American cities promoting peaceful versions of Islam. " '#MyJihad is to build friendships across the aisle.' What's yours?" read one.

In his ruling in favor of AFDI, Koeltl said the ads could not reasonably be considered an incitement to violence, even if someone didn't understand them.

"The defendants admit that the actual intention of the advertisement is not to advocate the use of force, but to parody the CAIR 'My Jihad' campaign and to criticize Hamas and radical Islam.

"However, they argue that a reasonable New Yorker would not read the advertisement this way, but would instead read it as advocating the killing of Jewish people," Koeltl wrote, according to the Post. "The defendants' theory is thoroughly unpersuasive."
Anti-Islamic propaganda is a reasonable reaction to the Islamization of the USA. I do not see anything criminal at these ads. Moreover I invite you to participate in anti-Islamic marches like in Drezden in April. My idea is simple: if you don't like smth or you are afraid of smth. - show your fear and express you anger. Let people know you opinion!

There isn't any "Islamization" of the US.
What I find interesting is a person like you seldom engages the actual topic but rather prefers to indulge in personal attacks against his opponent through outright lies. When asked to provide an actual link you fail miserably.

You defend the hatred of folks like Pamela Geller, and the genocidal statements of a certain Israeli MP while demanding we attack this student and ignore her rebuttal.

And, perhaps - you can show us where I "demanded other people start attacking Jews" - a link perhaps if you have the integrity? In that thread I criticized Horowitz and Horowitz ONLY. I defy you to provide a link you lying piece of shit. You can't win an argument, so you feel compelled to make shit up. Well here's your chance sweetheart - put up or shut up.

Thank you for such a perfect example of exactly this propaganda technique developed by Nazi strategists that I mentioned in my previous posting.

In the thread in question, you devoted countless posts to defending the creature who called for genocide of Jews, and then turned around and selected some Jews to attack just as you are doing here. In the case of this "certain Israeli P.M." (Jew), you used a translation that only exists at a pro-terrorist website, and all the other people you attacked like Horowitz and Geller are Jewish.

Islamists calling for genocide are your heroes. Any Jew who doesn't like that you attack.

The pattern is extremely clear, you fat Islamist toad.

Exactly right!! Someone starts a thread pointing out an islamonazi nut agreeing that all Jews should be" hunted down and killed" and this "Coyote" islamonazi sympathizer's first response is "she didn't mean what she said" and "what about those damn Jews!!" islamonazis are all the same.

I read her rebuttal.

Did the Israeli MP mean what she said? Or, is she correct in her claim that her words were distorted?

Your choice about what you choose to believe and what you choose to defend.
What I find interesting is a person like you seldom engages the actual topic but rather prefers to indulge in personal attacks against his opponent through outright lies. When asked to provide an actual link you fail miserably.

You defend the hatred of folks like Pamela Geller, and the genocidal statements of a certain Israeli MP while demanding we attack this student and ignore her rebuttal.

And, perhaps - you can show us where I "demanded other people start attacking Jews" - a link perhaps if you have the integrity? In that thread I criticized Horowitz and Horowitz ONLY. I defy you to provide a link you lying piece of shit. You can't win an argument, so you feel compelled to make shit up. Well here's your chance sweetheart - put up or shut up.

Thank you for such a perfect example of exactly this propaganda technique developed by Nazi strategists that I mentioned in my previous posting.

In the thread in question, you devoted countless posts to defending the creature who called for genocide of Jews, and then turned around and selected some Jews to attack just as you are doing here. In the case of this "certain Israeli P.M." (Jew), you used a translation that only exists at a pro-terrorist website, and all the other people you attacked like Horowitz and Geller are Jewish.

Islamists calling for genocide are your heroes. Any Jew who doesn't like that you attack.

The pattern is extremely clear, you fat Islamist toad.

The pattern is clear indeed. When someone disagrees with your position you immediately begin the personal attacks. I've seen that over and over against various posters. My guess is you are incapable of actually refuting their statements with rational, logical arguments.

A certain Israel PM made genocidal statements. And no, they are not from a terrorist website. You refuse to condemn. She also provided a rebuttal claiming her statements were distorted. It's a fair claim. Just as this student's claim that she was misrepresented (Hororwitz is known for aggressive interviewing and verbally attacking his opponents - he is well known for his anti-Islamic bigotry and invented "Islamofascism awareness week").

Geller, is to Jews what the Westboro Baptists are to Christians. Do you defend the Westboro Baptists actions as well?

Horowitz has plenty of controversy surrounding him: David Horowitz - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia - should that be ignored since he is one of the main actors in your outrage?

The clear pattern you present is one of making shit up about people's positions and then when called upon to provide a quote, you fall silent or provide something that is so pathetically obviously grasping at straws it's a joke.

So, where have I "demanded other people start attacking Jews"? Link to a specific post?

Horowitz, the Isaeli MP, and Geller are specific individuals. If you are going to start claiming that criticizing specific individuals for their words or actions is attacking an entire group, then is attacking the Westboro Baptists attacking all Christians? Is demanding that their words or actions be criticized "demanding that other people start attacking Christians"?

Do you see how utterly riducolous your position is? Now lets see if you can provide a coherent and rational response that addresses this. I won't hold my breath, your record isn't very good here :)
Last edited:
What I find interesting is a person like you seldom engages the actual topic but rather prefers to indulge in personal attacks against his opponent through outright lies. When asked to provide an actual link you fail miserably.

You defend the hatred of folks like Pamela Geller, and the genocidal statements of a certain Israeli MP while demanding we attack this student and ignore her rebuttal.

And, perhaps - you can show us where I "demanded other people start attacking Jews" - a link perhaps if you have the integrity? In that thread I criticized Horowitz and Horowitz ONLY. I defy you to provide a link you lying piece of shit. You can't win an argument, so you feel compelled to make shit up. Well here's your chance sweetheart - put up or shut up.

Thank you for such a perfect example of exactly this propaganda technique developed by Nazi strategists that I mentioned in my previous posting.

In the thread in question, you devoted countless posts to defending the creature who called for genocide of Jews, and then turned around and selected some Jews to attack just as you are doing here. In the case of this "certain Israeli P.M." (Jew), you used a translation that only exists at a pro-terrorist website, and all the other people you attacked like Horowitz and Geller are Jewish.

Islamists calling for genocide are your heroes. Any Jew who doesn't like that you attack.

The pattern is extremely clear, you fat Islamist toad.

Exactly right!! Someone starts a thread pointing out an islamonazi nut agreeing that all Jews should be" hunted down and killed" and this "Coyote" islamonazi sympathizer's first response is "she didn't mean what she said" and "what about those damn Jews!!" islamonazis are all the same.

I read her rebuttal.

Did the Israeli MP mean what she said? Or, is she correct in her claim that her words were distorted?

Your choice about what you choose to believe and what you choose to defend.

Her rebuttle ..I heard nothing ...nothing...i see nothing:slap: The Jews!!...the Jews!!!

How is repeating what they say themselves "racist" or "anti-Islamic"? it's what many of them says in their own voices.

You lost me, here.
Did she hear this or not sweetie, it's not that hard,... "for it" ....Nothing more needs to be said. CAIR turns legitimate criticism of the islamonazis into anti-muslim bigotry. this is what they do here. Coyote is part of that.

Her rebuttle ..I heard nothing ...nothing...i see nothing:slap: The Jews!!...the Jews!!!

....and she is so absolutely brazen about it, too. Here, we have an exchange conducted entirely in English in which a fat Islamist toad supports the extermination of Jews beyond any shadow of a doubt. This, she defends as somehow not expressing the subhuman's actual attitudes as she buys into its extremely dishonest excuses and attacks some Jews, instead..

meanwhile, she demands we accept a translation by a well-known terrorist support group, the infamous electronic intifada, in which Hebrew -- a language few of us here speak - is translated into English by her terrorist supporting friends.

so transparent is her underhanded agenda.
If terrorist-supporting Islamist groups like C.A.I.R. are allowed to issue their Da'wahs on public transportation, I would think those who oppose their agenda should be able to as well.
Whoever would allow the Muslim Brotherhood front group CAIR (right arm of Hamas in the US) to put ads on public transportation, ought to be arrested for treason. An crime that carries the death penalty.
What I find interesting is a person like you seldom engages the actual topic but rather prefers to indulge in personal attacks against his opponent through outright lies. When asked to provide an actual link you fail miserably.

You defend the hatred of folks like Pamela Geller, and the genocidal statements of a certain Israeli MP while demanding we attack this student and ignore her rebuttal.

And, perhaps - you can show us where I "demanded other people start attacking Jews" - a link perhaps if you have the integrity? In that thread I criticized Horowitz and Horowitz ONLY. I defy you to provide a link you lying piece of shit. You can't win an argument, so you feel compelled to make shit up. Well here's your chance sweetheart - put up or shut up.

Thank you for such a perfect example of exactly this propaganda technique developed by Nazi strategists that I mentioned in my previous posting.

In the thread in question, you devoted countless posts to defending the creature who called for genocide of Jews, and then turned around and selected some Jews to attack just as you are doing here. In the case of this "certain Israeli P.M." (Jew), you used a translation that only exists at a pro-terrorist website, and all the other people you attacked like Horowitz and Geller are Jewish.

Islamists calling for genocide are your heroes. Any Jew who doesn't like that you attack.

The pattern is extremely clear, you fat Islamist toad.

The pattern is clear indeed. When someone disagrees with your position you immediately begin the personal attacks. I've seen that over and over against various posters. My guess is you are incapable of actually refuting their statements with rational, logical arguments.

A certain Israel PM made genocidal statements. And no, they are not from a terrorist website. You refuse to condemn. She also provided a rebuttal claiming her statements were distorted. It's a fair claim. Just as this student's claim that she was misrepresented (Hororwitz is known for aggressive interviewing and verbally attacking his opponents - he is well known for his anti-Islamic bigotry and invented "Islamofascism awareness week").

Geller, is to Jews what the Westboro Baptists are to Christians. Do you defend the Westboro Baptists actions as well?

Horowitz has plenty of controversy surrounding him: David Horowitz - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia - should that be ignored since he is one of the main actors in your outrage?

The clear pattern you present is one of making shit up about people's positions and then when called upon to provide a quote, you fall silent or provide something that is so pathetically obviously grasping at straws it's a joke.

So, where have I "demanded other people start attacking Jews"? Link to a specific post?

Horowitz, the Isaeli MP, and Geller are specific individuals. If you are going to start claiming that criticizing specific individuals for their words or actions is attacking an entire group, then is attacking the Westboro Baptists attacking all Christians? Is demanding that their words or actions be criticized "demanding that other people start attacking Christians"?

Do you see how utterly riducolous your position is? Now lets see if you can provide a coherent and rational response that addresses this. I won't hold my breath, your record isn't very good here :)
Name one thing that Pamela Geller has ever said that is improper in any way (with a link to it)
What I find interesting is a person like you seldom engages the actual topic but rather prefers to indulge in personal attacks against his opponent through outright lies. When asked to provide an actual link you fail miserably.

You defend the hatred of folks like Pamela Geller, and the genocidal statements of a certain Israeli MP while demanding we attack this student and ignore her rebuttal.

And, perhaps - you can show us where I "demanded other people start attacking Jews" - a link perhaps if you have the integrity? In that thread I criticized Horowitz and Horowitz ONLY. I defy you to provide a link you lying piece of shit. You can't win an argument, so you feel compelled to make shit up. Well here's your chance sweetheart - put up or shut up.

Thank you for such a perfect example of exactly this propaganda technique developed by Nazi strategists that I mentioned in my previous posting.

In the thread in question, you devoted countless posts to defending the creature who called for genocide of Jews, and then turned around and selected some Jews to attack just as you are doing here. In the case of this "certain Israeli P.M." (Jew), you used a translation that only exists at a pro-terrorist website, and all the other people you attacked like Horowitz and Geller are Jewish.

Islamists calling for genocide are your heroes. Any Jew who doesn't like that you attack.

The pattern is extremely clear, you fat Islamist toad.

The pattern is clear indeed. When someone disagrees with your position you immediately begin the personal attacks. I've seen that over and over against various posters. My guess is you are incapable of actually refuting their statements with rational, logical arguments.

A certain Israel PM made genocidal statements. And no, they are not from a terrorist website. You refuse to condemn. She also provided a rebuttal claiming her statements were distorted. It's a fair claim. Just as this student's claim that she was misrepresented (Hororwitz is known for aggressive interviewing and verbally attacking his opponents - he is well known for his anti-Islamic bigotry and invented "Islamofascism awareness week").

Geller, is to Jews what the Westboro Baptists are to Christians. Do you defend the Westboro Baptists actions as well?

Horowitz has plenty of controversy surrounding him: David Horowitz - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia - should that be ignored since he is one of the main actors in your outrage?

The clear pattern you present is one of making shit up about people's positions and then when called upon to provide a quote, you fall silent or provide something that is so pathetically obviously grasping at straws it's a joke.

So, where have I "demanded other people start attacking Jews"? Link to a specific post?

Horowitz, the Isaeli MP, and Geller are specific individuals. If you are going to start claiming that criticizing specific individuals for their words or actions is attacking an entire group, then is attacking the Westboro Baptists attacking all Christians? Is demanding that their words or actions be criticized "demanding that other people start attacking Christians"?

Do you see how utterly riducolous your position is? Now lets see if you can provide a coherent and rational response that addresses this. I won't hold my breath, your record isn't very good here :)
Name one thing that Pamela Geller has ever said that is improper in any way (with a link to it)

Her subway ads.

Her defense (even approval) of Anders Breivik.

She advocates banning Islam, demolishing mosques, mass deportations of citizens, and killing any who protest:

If a government wants to learn how to manage growing Islamic problems, take some advice from Ottoman army officer Mustafa Kemal Atatürk. Atatürk abolished Islam by putting a complete ban on Islamic materials, demolishing mosques, and removing any traces of Islam in his country to get rid of the evil. Those who tried to revolt were put in their place, or basically killed….

It is time for the UK to stop wasting their military abroad, but bring them to patrol their own streets and begin to remove Muslims. And it is vital time to plan and arrange deportation programs – and even arrange new deportation programs for practicing Muslims born in England to be deported to their parent’s country of origin.

That's not even including her out right looney fabrications and conspiracy theories.
How is repeating what they say themselves "racist" or "anti-Islamic"? it's what many of them says in their own voices.

You lost me, here.


Was I not clear?

IF muslims say those things and Jews call to put it on adds so the people know, how is that "racist"?'re rather confusing. Those ads are using the words of extremists, out of context quran quotes and portraying the entire religion as that. Most would call it racist or anti-semitic if it were directed at Jews for instance but if it's directed at Muslims, it's "truth" not "hate". Right (sarcasm alert).




Would you consider this racist?


Or how about a bus sign quoting Rabbi Josef: "Gentiles exist only to serve Jews"? He really said that after all. Is it accurate?'re rather confusing. Those ads are using the words of extremists, out of context quran quotes and portraying the entire religion as that. Most would call it racist or anti-semitic if it were directed at Jews for instance but if it's directed at Muslims, it's "truth" not "hate". Right (sarcasm alert).
We have and islamic scholar here...Funny how you say you're not muslim, but you know the quran so well:eusa_think: Were you excited today your muslim brothers attacked a Pam Geller event? Are you disappointed they didn't kill her? Maybe you'll tell us that they didn't mean it?'re rather confusing. Those ads are using the words of extremists, out of context quran quotes and portraying the entire religion as that. Most would call it racist or anti-semitic if it were directed at Jews for instance but if it's directed at Muslims, it's "truth" not "hate". Right (sarcasm alert).
We have and islamic scholar here...Funny how you say you're not muslim, but you know the quran so well:eusa_think: Were you excited today your muslim brothers attacked a Pam Geller event? Are you disappointed they didn't kill her? Maybe you'll tell us that they didn't mean it?

Maybe you're delusional. That's about the only thing I can come up with to account for your childish retorts.

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