Anti-Trump Resistance Is Really against the Deplorables


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
The Anti-Trump Resistance Is Really against the Deplorables

9 Dec 2019 ~~ By Janice Shaw Crouse
The impeachment hullabaloo is clearly revealing the Left's virulent hatred of President Donald Trump. The Trump Derangement Syndrome is blatantly on display for everyone to see, especially among the obnoxious Ivy League law professors featured last week in the media. What should be equally obvious is that while Trump is the symbol, the real object of the Left's hatred is we — the average Americans whom Hillary called the "deplorables" and "irredeemables," and the ones that Barack Obama claimed "cling to their guns and religion and have antipathy to people who aren't like them." Our values, our beliefs, our taste in music and food, our very existence offends the Progressives. They especially hate our patriotism and our support for America and the values that undergird our nation's strength and buttress our position as "the greatest nation in the history of the world." Progressives hate our vision of America as exceptional and blessed by God. They hate that our vision of what America should be, what the Founders designed it to be, is contrary to what they thought was within their reach when Obama promised to "fundamentally transform" this country. They especially hate that we will not bow down to the supposed superiority of the elites, those who have gained control of the levers of power in the bureaucracy, Congress, educational hierarchies, the entertainment industry, and numerous other segments of culture and governance. The Progressives have trotted out a long litany of allegations to throw at Trump, calling him "dangerous," "scandalous," "psychotic," "a liar," a "toxic narcissist," and a racist xenophobe.
As Trump exposes the Progressive schemes, their strongholds are crumbling, and their hold on power is ebbing away in area after area. For them, it's a matter of power and control: the Trump presidency must be overthrown. In the beginning, they were so arrogant and so insolated in their east- and west-coast bubbles that they failed to recognize the threat posed by the anger and discontent of the people with traditional views. Now they see it but are too proud to acknowledge the weakness of their own supposed superior position. Their flailing efforts at impeachment spring from their fear of losing their control of society, the dominant position of power they thought they had consolidated under Obama. In their own minds, they were so close. If we do not stand and fight the bullies, if we neglect to muster all our might to defend our rights, they will use whatever skullduggery they can concoct to destroy Trump, steal the 2020 election, strip us of our liberty, and step by step impose their fascist Utopia.

Everything is upside down. Hillary called herself as a Wilsonian Progressive...but Wilson is about as close to a true fascist/racist as this country has ever come. The Democratic core/base was always identified as unionized labor, farm workers (legal and illegal), Southern rural Blacks and urban industrial Blacks, the working poor etc.
When the pompous jackass Strzok said he could smell Trump supporters at Walmart, what the hell was he talking about? Go to the Walmart in Reading one of the poorest cities in America...and they all look like traditional Dem supporters to me. Maybe they got fed up with Dem platitudes, handouts and tidbits and voted Republican, but how would Strzok know that?
Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrats and their RINO friends can't stand individual liberty and want to run our lives. They literally cannot help themselves but to try and change us. The PMS/DSA Dem Leftists don't care that freedom to fail means freedom to innovate. Besides, innovation is just a threat to their fiefdoms. They have theirs and if you were "smart enough" in their eyes, maybe you could work for them as a serf, or would already be rich.
Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrat left has self destructed chances of winning election for even dog catcher in 2020, except for boxes fraudulent votes turning up in the trunks of cars, backs of trucks etc.

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