Anti-vaxxers win

So what? You can't do scientific discourse in front of the other prisoners. Chronically relying on four words to bolster your argument eventually shows that you are mouthing off about something you're uneducated about. You are a Sparky clone.
They can choose to get a different job. As long as it is not the Govt forcing it, I support the right of the employers to make it a condition for work.

Many jobs require a considerable amount of preparation to get into the profession. Education and training and experience and such.

Your argument is that someone who has gone through the process of becoming qualified for a particular profession should be subject to being forced to leave that profession, because a new, unjustifiable and anticipatable mandate is imposed on that profession, such as consenting to be injected with dangerous experimental drugs.

What is someone to do who went to all the trouble to become qualified to be a physician, when he is kicked out of that profession for refusing to be used illegally as a human guinea pig in a dangerous medical experiment? He certainly did not agree to that when he chose to pursue that profession, and there can be no excuse for imposing that on him.
Actually under the public health and safety act they have the right to do so when necessary. Like the requirement for all children to have certain vaccines. These have wiped out those diseases for years and years now.

Not at all a valid comparison.

Legitimate vaccines are backed by sound science, proving their safety and efficacy.

These dangerous mRNA drugs are not, and the growing body of science seems to be proving them to be both unsafe and ineffective.
mRNA vaccines are not experimental they were developed in the 1960s and '70s. and have been used against Ebola, and now covid.

What is someone to do who went to all the trouble to become qualified to be a physician, when he is kicked out of that profession for refusing to be used illegally as a human guinea pig in a dangerous medical experiment? He certainly did not agree to that when he chose to pursue that profession, and there can be no excuse for imposing that on him.

A physician can start their own practice and have their own rules.

Hospitals have had mandatory flu shot rules for decades, nobody ever whined about those
How many people were denied treatment due to lack of help so the employer could masquerade as righteous
Manonthestreet, I am allergic to virus shots. The last time I got a vaccination for flu and pneumonia, I went into shock that scared the living daylights out of me. I wouldn't take a vaccine shot again, and by some fate of good fortune, I simply isolated myself to my own farm, wore masks and kept my distance from others when shopping for groceries, gas, or a home cooked meal at a diner if it had 6' of space between tables. I have other issues, so on those days, someone else gets to do the cooking.

I'm not the only one who is allergic to virus shots, 20% to 30% of the population is as well, they just may not know the symptoms I know because I took First Aid in Junior High School and again my Senior year. Shock symptoms (anaphylactic) can be alleviated by a warm blanket in winter or in Hospital Winter, where the temperature is kept extremely cold to reduce noxious germs from multiplying and resulting in vectored airborne illnesses.

Here's why I don't take vacccines:

The bottom line​

"Vaccines prevent some terrible disease that most of us have been lucky enough to never see. Vaccines are the best weapon we have for viruses, because antibiotics don’t work on them. Even if you have a reaction to a vaccine, as long as it’s not anaphylactic, it’s usually not nearly as bad as the real infection would have been."

Forcing people like me to risk my life and well being is just dead wrong. Anaphylactic shock is a very bad way to die, and anaphylaxis is a deadly threat that I survived the last time I took a flu/pneumonia injection. Next time I won't be so lucky if someone slips me a vaccine if I'm in a hospital bed, fast asleep. Keep in mind, people become health care providers have a 95% chance of saving your threatened life. My guess is that even the best nurses may not realize anaphylactic shock that someone has avoided by deep breathing to get themselves to the hospital in one piece, that person still has anaphylactic shock and needs elemental care that forgetfulness can cause the patient's death or severe discomfort if they are experiencing the throes of shock. Nurses may not know anaphylaxis is a dangerous symptom and even get angry if the patient tells her/him that they experienced shock symptoms earlier, especially if that patient got their injection earlier than directly going into flu season. That happened to me, and I hate that hospital with a passion to this day.

Symptoms of anaphylaxis

If you or someone you know is exhibiting symptoms of Anaphylaxis, seek medical attention immediately.
Common symptoms include:
  • Skin reactions such as itching and hives
  • Flushed and pale Skin
  • Lower blood pressure
  • Difficulty breathing
  • Choking
  • Weak and rapid pulse rate
  • Vomiting
  • Nausea
  • Dizziness or fainting
Sometimes it may be life-threatening due to symptoms like no heartbeat and no breathing.

That is your opinion and I fully respect your right to hold that opinion.

If you and your employer disagree on that, they have no obligation to continue to employ you.

Not an opinion.

Hard facts.

This mRNA shit has not been vetted through the procedures that are legally required of all new drugs before they are approved for general use. They have not been adequately vetted for safety nor efficacy.

And a growing body of empirical evidence seems to be showing that if required to meet the standards normally required of new drugs, this mRNA shit would fail.
They can choose to get a different job. As long as it is not the Govt forcing it, I support the right of the employers to make it a condition for work.
They won't need to if they want their old job back. They will get back their same positions as part of the settlement, and

NorthShore will also change its unlawful "no religious accommodations" policy to make it consistent with the law, and to provide religious accommodations in every position across its numerous facilities. No position in any NorthShore facility will be considered off limits to unvaccinated employees with approved religious exemptions.

In addition, employees who were terminated because of their religious refusal of the COVID shots will be eligible for rehire if they apply within 90 days of final settlement approval by the court, and they will retain their previous seniority level.
They won't need to if they want their old job back. They will get back their same positions as part of the settlement, and

NorthShore will also change its unlawful "no religious accommodations" policy to make it consistent with the law, and to provide religious accommodations in every position across its numerous facilities. No position in any NorthShore facility will be considered off limits to unvaccinated employees with approved religious exemptions.

In addition, employees who were terminated because of their religious refusal of the COVID shots will be eligible for rehire if they apply within 90 days of final settlement approval by the court, and they will retain their previous seniority level.

Yes, they messed up by not offering religious accommodations. This was a mistake on their part. The right move would have been to offer religious accommodations to anyone that had them for previous required vaccines and denied them for anyone that just all of a sudden got religious.
Yes, they messed up by not offering religious accommodations. This was a mistake on their part. The right move would have been to offer religious accommodations to anyone that had them for previous required vaccines and denied them for anyone that just all of a sudden got religious.

Dr. Mengele would have looooooved you...
They screwed up when they put into writing a no religious accommodations policy.

Would have been easier to have religious accommodations and then deny anyone that had gotten other vaccines without claiming a religious accommodation

No particular date is necessary as to when the person came upon their current religious objections, so it wouldn't make a difference.
One's religious beliefs and faith are not bound by your worldly desires.

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That is your opinion and I fully respect your right to hold that opinion.

If you and your employer disagree on that, they have no obligation to continue to employ you.
Why honest intellectually sound minded people steadily entertain your bull crap is amazing really.. lol
Those who took the jab (aka the ones still alive) were the winners
The losers' autopsy tissue has been preserved.

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