Anti-white racism, the only racism that has ever been and ever will be....politically correct

I don't think it is the ONLY p.c. racism.

Just peruse any thread involving the middle east, and it's hard to distinguish between the "progressives" and the neo-Nazis when discussing Jews.
Jewish hatred from Democrats is due to their western influence and the belief that they stole Israel from darker brown people than the Jews.

Anti-Semitism will still get anyone fired, and the ADL and SPLC are still run by Jews for Jews.
I feel that all non-Caucasian Americans owe a debt of gratitude to Caucasian Americans and should cease demonizing them.
How does that work? When the person who's been beating the crap out of you finally decides to quit, you should be grateful to him?
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I feel that all non-Caucasian Americans owe a debt of gratitude to Caucasian Americans and should cease demonizing them.
How does that work? When the person who's been beating the crap out of you finally decides to quit, you should be grateful to him?

You have never been victimized at all, and the truth of the matter is that you have been receiving preferential treatment over all others via affirmative action for two generations, now.

If you cannot get ahead despite the considerable degree of favoritism you enjoy, perhaps some honest introspection is in order.

You have worn out the blame whitey gimmick.
Starting in the 1960s, Caucasians started to have a change of heart regarding what earlier generations had done to people of color, especially African Americans.

Even Richard Nixon thought it terrible that African Americans could not go to any restaurant of their choice to get lunch.

In the 1960s, many Caucasian politicians decided it was time to force a change.

Although he did not want to do it, President Eisenhower (in the 1950s yet) sent troops to enforce desegregation at a high school in Little Rock.


IMHO, it is a tragedy that some people of color continue to blame today's (current) majority for the sins of their fathers.

Today's Caucasians have done everything possible to make up for past sins. In 2008, they were responsible for putting the Democratic presidential candidate over the top. Affirmative action has opened up jobs to everyone.
Even the motion picture industry has promised that a certain number of Oscars will be awarded to people of color. The police have been told to turn a blind eye to minor offenses.

Yet some people of color continue to revile today's Caucasians. (The Democratic Party presidential candidate in 2016 joined in by yelling about so-called "White privilege.")

I have NO doubt whatsoever that there are many people of color who appreciate the opportunities that have been given to them since the 1960s. Every day they show their gratitude by studying hard, working hard, and behaving themselves.

The only racism that so called "progressivism" has ever endorsed or ever will endorse is that of the anti-white variety. The KKK and the Democrats who supported Jim Crow never considered themselves as being on the "right side of history" when blacks were 2nd class citizens, they simply believed that segregation was the only option and that whites who loved blacks could very well destroy segregation if given enough time. They never even entertained the notion to play themselves off as victims to people whom they considered their enemies and try to guilt trip them. They knew their morals weren't all that sound and feared that their children would reject their ideals if they weren't kept in line.

Any Republican or conservative who honestly believes that Democrats merely switched their racism alliances needs to understand that today's Democrats honestly do believe that their growing anti-white racist slogans and appeasement of all varieties of anti-white groups that control the minds of their various voting blocks is not only completely morally superior to anything Republicans will ever come up with, but also ultimately on "the right side of history" regardless of its moral standing because of demographics. There isn't a single thing that someone can say or do to white people that will receive any sort of sincere condemnation from faithful Democrats that doesn't at least attempt to tie such an event to past displays of white animosity and hate and consequently mitigate it to irrelevance(like when black kids in Chicago beat up the white Trump supporter on election night, or when black kids abused a white kid with autism on social media, which were quickly forgotten because of "racist Trump supporters" all over the country oppressing non-whites in what later turned out to be hoaxes).

If Republicans don't wake up and realize how pervasive and how institutionalized anti-white racism is and is becoming more so still with each passing moment, they will eventually wake up to realize that the life of a black person in the Jim Crow South was a paradise compared to what awaits us as white people all around the world in just 30 years or so. South Africa isn't an outlier by any stretch of the imagination, it is(as anyone can see from the response of the left in the western world to the situation in South Africa concerning the whites there) the canary in the coal mine. Black people cannot even attempt to compare their experiences of racism to white people any longer, much less claim they are its only victims.
Yes, conservatives are truly this stupid.
You have never been victimized at all, and the truth of the matter is that you have been receiving preferential treatment over all others via affirmative action for two generations, now.
That's mighty presumptuous of you considering you don't know a damn thing about my life. I bet I know more about you than you do about me.
If you cannot get ahead despite the considerable degree of favoritism you enjoy, perhaps some honest introspection is in order. You have worn out the blame whitey gimmick.
This isn't about "getting ahead" it's about equal rights, equal pay, and freedom from race based harassment and discrimination. If the work I do is worth $100/hr and my colleagues who are not African American and mostly male are getting paid $100/hr but I'm only getting $85/hr then that's something worth my time and effort to fight for. Other people thinking I should spend my time doing other things or being grateful for the $85 I am getting is completely irrelevant.

The only thing that happened 50 years ago when the Civil Rights Act of 1964 was passed into law was the discontinuation of preferential treatment of whites which is NOT the same thing as giving preferential treatment to blacks. The cessation of the privilege of shutting black people out is what you all are moaning and complaining about.
The only racism that so called "progressivism" has ever endorsed or ever will endorse is that of the anti-white variety. The KKK and the Democrats who supported Jim Crow never considered themselves as being on the "right side of history" when blacks were 2nd class citizens, they simply believed that segregation was the only option and that whites who loved blacks could very well destroy segregation if given enough time. They never even entertained the notion to play themselves off as victims to people whom they considered their enemies and try to guilt trip them. They knew their morals weren't all that sound and feared that their children would reject their ideals if they weren't kept in line.

Any Republican or conservative who honestly believes that Democrats merely switched their racism alliances needs to understand that today's Democrats honestly do believe that their growing anti-white racist slogans and appeasement of all varieties of anti-white groups that control the minds of their various voting blocks is not only completely morally superior to anything Republicans will ever come up with, but also ultimately on "the right side of history" regardless of its moral standing because of demographics. There isn't a single thing that someone can say or do to white people that will receive any sort of sincere condemnation from faithful Democrats that doesn't at least attempt to tie such an event to past displays of white animosity and hate and consequently mitigate it to irrelevance(like when black kids in Chicago beat up the white Trump supporter on election night, or when black kids abused a white kid with autism on social media, which were quickly forgotten because of "racist Trump supporters" all over the country oppressing non-whites in what later turned out to be hoaxes).

If Republicans don't wake up and realize how pervasive and how institutionalized anti-white racism is and is becoming more so still with each passing moment, they will eventually wake up to realize that the life of a black person in the Jim Crow South was a paradise compared to what awaits us as white people all around the world in just 30 years or so. South Africa isn't an outlier by any stretch of the imagination, it is(as anyone can see from the response of the left in the western world to the situation in South Africa concerning the whites there) the canary in the coal mine. Black people cannot even attempt to compare their experiences of racism to white people any longer, much less claim they are its only victims.
The thread premise is as much a lie as it is idiotic.

No one ‘condones’ racism of any kind; and there is nothing about any type of racism that is ‘acceptable.’

Conservatives whine about the most ridiculous things.
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The only racism that so called "progressivism" has ever endorsed or ever will endorse is that of the anti-white variety. The KKK and the Democrats who supported Jim Crow never considered themselves as being on the "right side of history" when blacks were 2nd class citizens, they simply believed that segregation was the only option and that whites who loved blacks could very well destroy segregation if given enough time. They never even entertained the notion to play themselves off as victims to people whom they considered their enemies and try to guilt trip them. They knew their morals weren't all that sound and feared that their children would reject their ideals if they weren't kept in line.

Any Republican or conservative who honestly believes that Democrats merely switched their racism alliances needs to understand that today's Democrats honestly do believe that their growing anti-white racist slogans and appeasement of all varieties of anti-white groups that control the minds of their various voting blocks is not only completely morally superior to anything Republicans will ever come up with, but also ultimately on "the right side of history" regardless of its moral standing because of demographics. There isn't a single thing that someone can say or do to white people that will receive any sort of sincere condemnation from faithful Democrats that doesn't at least attempt to tie such an event to past displays of white animosity and hate and consequently mitigate it to irrelevance(like when black kids in Chicago beat up the white Trump supporter on election night, or when black kids abused a white kid with autism on social media, which were quickly forgotten because of "racist Trump supporters" all over the country oppressing non-whites in what later turned out to be hoaxes).

If Republicans don't wake up and realize how pervasive and how institutionalized anti-white racism is and is becoming more so still with each passing moment, they will eventually wake up to realize that the life of a black person in the Jim Crow South was a paradise compared to what awaits us as white people all around the world in just 30 years or so. South Africa isn't an outlier by any stretch of the imagination, it is(as anyone can see from the response of the left in the western world to the situation in South Africa concerning the whites there) the canary in the coal mine. Black people cannot even attempt to compare their experiences of racism to white people any longer, much less claim they are its only victims.
The thread premise is as much a lie as it is idiotic.

No one ‘condones’ racism of any kind; and there is nothing about any type of racism that is ‘acceptable.’

Conservatives whine about the most ridiculous things.
Which is why most BLM activists condone racism against white people, make excuses for racism against white people, attack white people who talk about racism against white people, and yet you all support BLM and insist that their agenda is just regardless of what they say or do.
It's totally true.

I mean many people have made remarks against Poles, Italians, and French, and never do they get "Fired for it" but people like Roseanne Barr, or James Watson, or Mel Gibson do against a "Special protected minority" and all hell breaks loose.
Whites were so bad for slavery. But lets ignore all the other slavery. The white man being enslaved. Or the fact your great great great grandfathers tribal leader that thought more of a bucket of oranges than him.

Whites were not slaves. How about understanding that these tribes were like European tribes and they did not know each other. Then let's understand that the white man picked tribes to arm then paid for their captives. Now shall we Talk abut he 100 years after slavery was made illegal?

Actually, there were millions of slaves taken by Nazis, and Soviets. (Almost all were Whites)
There is no anti white racism.

Whine Merchants: Privilege, Inequality and the Persistent Myth of White Victimhood
Posted on May 13, 2013 -Tim Wise

But what about us?

It’s a question of which white folks seem never to tire when discussing subjects like affirmative action, or other diversity initiatives intended to expand opportunity and access for people of color in higher education and the job market.

Whenever these matters are broached, the vast majority of us rush to protest: How dare schools or employers consider race in hiring or admissions. They should be colorblind, we insist, merely admitting or hiring the most qualified! And more to the point, we proclaim, targeting folks of color for opportunities, by definition, means discrimination against us. Such efforts make us the victims, even, on some accounts, treating white people “exactly” like blacks were treated under Jim Crow segregation (1).

So, yes, it remains the case that even when black folks have college degrees they’re nearly twice as likely as comparable whites to be out of work; and Latinos with degrees are about 50 percent more likely than comparable whites to be out of work; and Asian Americans with degrees are about 40 percent more likely than comparable whites to be out of work (2). And yes, even whites who claim to have criminal records are more likely to be hired than equally qualified blacks without records, but still, can anti-white lynchings be far behind?

And yes, blacks and Latinos combined only represent about 13 percent of students at the most selective colleges and universities — the only ones that actually practice any kind of real affirmative action for admissions — and there are twice as many whites admitted to elite schools with less-than-average qualifications as there are people of color so admitted, but still, can any rational person doubt that whites will soon be limited to mere token representation at the nation’s best educational institutions?

That such hand-wringing about so-called reverse discrimination reeks of intellectual mendacity should be obvious by now. Despite years of so-called reverse racism, whites remain atop every indicator of social and economic well-being when compared to the African Americans and Latinos who, it is claimed, are displacing us from our perch: employment data, income, net worth; you name it, and we are the ones in better shape without exception.

Indeed, in some regards the gaps between whites and folks of color have grown in recent years, as with wealth gaps, which have actually tripled since the 1980s, now leaving the typical white family with over 20 times the net worth of the typical black family and 18 times that of the typical Latino family. Even when comparing families of middle-class income and occupational status, whites possess 3-5 times the net worth of middle class blacks, suggesting that even African Americans who have procured good careers and obtained college degrees lag well behind their white counterparts, due in large measure to the inherited disadvantages of past generations, affirmative action efforts notwithstanding.

This is why, despite affirmative action — which may well be eradicated (at least so far as higher ed is concerned) by the Supreme Court within the month — white racial advantage remains a real and persistent phenomena in American life, and one with which fair-minded persons should still be prepared to grapple.

To claim that affirmative action not only disproves white privilege, but indeed suggests its opposite — black and brown privilege — as many have argued to me via email exchanges, is to ignore the entire social context within which affirmative action occurs.

It’s like protesting that sick people are privileged, relative to the healthy, because there are no hospitals for the latter.

It’s like complaining that the poor are privileged, relative to the well-off, because no one sets up soup kitchens to serve the affluent; nor does Habitat for Humanity ever show up to build mansions for the rich.

In other words, when whites critique affirmative action, we typically ignore everything that came before such efforts — and which unjustly skewed the historical balance of power and access in our favor — and even that which continues to favor us now, from funding and other advantages in the schools that mostly serve our children, to preferential treatment in the housing market, to ongoing advantages in employment.

With companies filling up to half of their new jobs by way of recommendations made by pre-existing employees — a practice that benefits those persons connected to others already in the pipeline, who will disproportionately be white — and with informal, typically white-dominated networks providing the keys to the best jobs in the modern economy, and with research indicating that employers are more likely to hire people they’d like to “hang out with,” than those who are necessarily the most qualified (which will tend to replicate race and class homogeneity), and with blacks significantly underrepresented in management positions, even and especially in work settings that include large numbers of blacks, it stands as uniquely craven to complain about how persons of color are receiving unjust head starts in the labor market. That even middle class blacks, relatively protected by their economic and educational status from overt mistreatment, still suffer disparate rates of job dismissal (even when their performance indicators are comparable to those of whites), lower mobility when compared to similar whites, and regular harassment on the job, makes such arguments all the more repugnant.

And yet, that’s what one can hear, over and again, from the very white Americans who regularly bemoan what they call the “victim” mentality of black folks and other “racial minorities.”

As in, “If I were just black, I’d have gotten into Harvard!” Or, “If my buddy John had been named Juan, he’d have gotten that construction contract,” which arguments brazenly ignore that whites still far outnumber blacks at places like Harvard and white owned businesses continue to receive over 90 percent of government contracts (3). Oh, and such idiocy also, and conveniently, ignores one more not-so-minor matter: namely, that if one had been black, or if one’s friend had been Latino, one’s life and that of said friend would have been completely different, and not only on that day that you or he applied to Harvard or for that particular contract, but every day before that.

In short, claims of white victimhood only make sense if one has so imbibed a mentality of entitlement that one actually believes whites earned all that extra stuff, that we earned our better health, or the relative wealth status we merely inherited from our families (which inherited it from theirs), or preferential treatment from cops. Which is to say, it’s the kind of thing that can only make sense to those lacking the most basic capacity for critical thought, and anything remotely resembling that which we might call, perspective.

Whine Merchants: Privilege, Inequality and the Persistent Myth of White Victimhood

Tim Wise should ask if there's Jewish privilege for his own Jews.

Considering Jews are the most likely to get call backs of any religion from a job application.
The only racism that so called "progressivism" has ever endorsed or ever will endorse is that of the anti-white variety. The KKK and the Democrats who supported Jim Crow never considered themselves as being on the "right side of history" when blacks were 2nd class citizens, they simply believed that segregation was the only option and that whites who loved blacks could very well destroy segregation if given enough time. They never even entertained the notion to play themselves off as victims to people whom they considered their enemies and try to guilt trip them. They knew their morals weren't all that sound and feared that their children would reject their ideals if they weren't kept in line.
I think animus is being confused with racism. A quick perusal of this message board will reveal an astounding display of open hostility accentuated with insulting and derogatory comments towards black people. That is actual racism (based on the belief of white superiority) while the backlash that whites experience when the blacks they are denigrating refuse to let their ignorant and racist comments go unchallenged for some reason is viewed as "racism" on the part of blacks against whites.

Every single time any of the legislation or court rulings, policies or procedures are displayed which legally put the rights and concerns of whites above those of blacks, the whining about how long ago that was begins. It does not matter when the lot of you were born, because I was born into a country that was legally segregated. These laws have impacted my life personally. My mom's dad served in the military while it was still segregated and was a Tuskegee airman. Although he is no longer living, she is so she was personally impacted as well as her sisters and all of my aunts and uncles on my dad's side of the family yet both families still prospered.

Whites in America have had almost 171 years head start as far as legally sanctioned & protected opportunities
which were simultaneously denied to blacks so if something is presently going on that is preventing the success that is expected of some of the "superior" race, well then maybe the problem has less to do with what black people are doing and more to do with what white people aren't doing.

^^^ A glaring example of Racist Race Baiting Racism against Whites ^^^

A glaring example of how whites here try making up racism.

You are so misinformed.
Racism is racism. It doesnt matter what race the racist is, or what race the racist thinks is inferior.
Only a racist thinks other races cant be racist.

Whites need to understand they have a history full of racism turning into laws. Whites have a minimum 188 continuous years of this whereby their racism was turned into law and enforced. Let's not have amnesia as white people and not understand that you have this history. No other race in America has this history.
Racism is a human thing. Not an American thing. Grow up.

Racism is not a human thing.

ALL RISE! Class is in session.

Racism is not natural.
But in America racism has become so common and accepted that it seems like part of the human condition, like love or poverty. Some do not even notice it except in its more extreme forms. But, as Malcolm X discovered in Mecca, racism does not have to be. It is not something we are born with.

Seeing racism as natural allows whites to believe there is little they can do to make society more just. Fighting racism would be like trying to stop the rain. It excuses inaction.

How do we know that racism is not natural?

First, racism is not built into human nature.
If it were we would see it in the Bible, we would see it in the Greeks. Both the Jews and the Greeks divided the world into an us and a them, but neither used race to do it: the Jews used religion and the Greeks used language. The colour of your skin meant little to them.

Second, there is no reason for racism to be wired into our brains by evolution: coming across people of other races was rare till the last few thousand years. Not enough time to affect evolution. Europeans did not even think of themselves as “white” till about 1500: race as we know it is a side effect of ocean travel.

Even in America blacks were made into slaves at first because of religion: they were not Christians. Race as an excuse came later, not till the 1660s.

It was only when race became an excuse for keeping blacks as slaves and taking land from the American Indians, only when society was built on skin colour, that racism began to seem part of the “natural” order of things.

The races in America are not “natural” either. Most countries with blacks and whites see mixed-race people as separate, like in Brazil, South Africa or New Orleans under the French. But not in America. There you have the One Drop Rule: if you look at all part black you are seen as all black. So the “black race” has some people who are 90% white!

What Americans see as the races of man and how they feel about them is not something they were born with – it is learned from a society built by slave owners, by people whose relationship with blacks was a thing of whips and chains.

Even now, more than a hundred years after the slaves were freed, whites still look down on blacks like there is something wrong with them. Whites would rather hire a white man with a prison record than a black man without one; the police can still spend more manpower looking for a dog than for a black woman – or shoot an unarmed black man dead with 50 bullets and call it a “mistake” – and be believed! And on and on. This stuff goes against all common sense. It is not one bit natural.

racism is not natural
Racism is all over the world, you idiot.
Its not just an American thing.

The only racism that so called "progressivism" has ever endorsed or ever will endorse is that of the anti-white variety. The KKK and the Democrats who supported Jim Crow never considered themselves as being on the "right side of history" when blacks were 2nd class citizens, they simply believed that segregation was the only option and that whites who loved blacks could very well destroy segregation if given enough time. They never even entertained the notion to play themselves off as victims to people whom they considered their enemies and try to guilt trip them. They knew their morals weren't all that sound and feared that their children would reject their ideals if they weren't kept in line.
I think animus is being confused with racism. A quick perusal of this message board will reveal an astounding display of open hostility accentuated with insulting and derogatory comments towards black people. That is actual racism (based on the belief of white superiority) while the backlash that whites experience when the blacks they are denigrating refuse to let their ignorant and racist comments go unchallenged for some reason is viewed as "racism" on the part of blacks against whites.

Every single time any of the legislation or court rulings, policies or procedures are displayed which legally put the rights and concerns of whites above those of blacks, the whining about how long ago that was begins. It does not matter when the lot of you were born, because I was born into a country that was legally segregated. These laws have impacted my life personally. My mom's dad served in the military while it was still segregated and was a Tuskegee airman. Although he is no longer living, she is so she was personally impacted as well as her sisters and all of my aunts and uncles on my dad's side of the family yet both families still prospered.

Whites in America have had almost 171 years head start as far as legally sanctioned & protected opportunities
which were simultaneously denied to blacks so if something is presently going on that is preventing the success that is expected of some of the "superior" race, well then maybe the problem has less to do with what black people are doing and more to do with what white people aren't doing.

^^^ A glaring example of Racist Race Baiting Racism against Whites ^^^

A glaring example of how whites here try making up racism.

You are so misinformed.

No we aren't misinformed.
As a white person, I am not buying the idea that any attempt at abolishing racism is, in itself racism. I've never experienced anti-white racism even though I have lived in mixed communities for over 40 years. Affirmative action was intended to balance the playing field after centuries of racism. What some of the people on USMB are bleating about is that they are now being forced to compete with the rest of Americans on the same terms. This is behind all the complaints about "anti-white racism," and about all the complaints about women, for that matter. Now, being considered "better than the rest" is not automatic. To all of the weepy types: get out there and bust your asses.
As a white person, I am not buying the idea that any attempt at abolishing racism is, in itself racism. I've never experienced anti-white racism even though I have lived in mixed communities for over 40 years. Affirmative action was intended to balance the playing field after centuries of racism. What some of the people on USMB are bleating about is that they are now being forced to compete with the rest of Americans on the same terms. This is behind all the complaints about "anti-white racism," and about all the complaints about women, for that matter. Now, being considered "better than the rest" is not automatic. To all of the weepy types: get out there and bust your asses.

As a white person, I am not buying the idea that any attempt at abolishing racism is, in itself racism. I've never experienced anti-white racism even though I have lived in mixed communities for over 40 years. Affirmative action was intended to balance the playing field after centuries of racism. What some of the people on USMB are bleating about is that they are now being forced to compete with the rest of Americans on the same terms. This is behind all the complaints about "anti-white racism," and about all the complaints about women, for that matter. Now, being considered "better than the rest" is not automatic. To all of the weepy types: get out there and bust your asses.


Thank you. But I also must speak up on the rampant sexism of the early movements. Unless we achieve solidarity among the sexes, being that one-half of the world's population is one or the other, no one will win. Stokely Carmichael did not help: "the only place for women in the movement is prone." Men of all races must speak up on this issue.

Like a hammer on the block
Love began to rock
Give the sister love and pride
Feel good and satisfied​

Staple Singers: "Let's Do It Again" (one of my favorite songs)
As a white person, I am not buying the idea that any attempt at abolishing racism is, in itself racism. I've never experienced anti-white racism even though I have lived in mixed communities for over 40 years. Affirmative action was intended to balance the playing field after centuries of racism. What some of the people on USMB are bleating about is that they are now being forced to compete with the rest of Americans on the same terms. This is behind all the complaints about "anti-white racism," and about all the complaints about women, for that matter. Now, being considered "better than the rest" is not automatic. To all of the weepy types: get out there and bust your asses.


Thank you. But I also must speak up on the rampant sexism of the early movements. Unless we achieve solidarity among the sexes, being that one-half of the world's population is one or the other, no one will win. Stokely Carmichael did not help: "the only place for women in the movement is prone." Men of all races must speak up on this issue.

Like a hammer on the block
Love began to rock
Give the sister love and pride
Feel good and satisfied​

Staple Singers: "Let's Do It Again"

I have no problem with that. Yes we must. But if you are a white woman you must also understand that white women have been complicit in racism. Black men have been killed for it. I know that black men have also been complicit in sexism. I don't stand for it and that's not the example I saw from my father who allowed my mom to be all she could be and gave her equal weight in the family. Yet black women did have a strong presence historically in the civil rights movement starting at minimum with Harriett Tubman and Sojourner Truth.
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The problem is that racism and religious bigotry have been inter-tangled for so long with the sort of f bigotry that men of every race seem to think that they somehow "own" women who are of the same "race," as if we are not in charge of this ourselves. I have seen the picture of the 1920s, 1930s, one black guy lynched and swinging from a tree, and there were white women in the mob cheering. Then there was this Carolyn, whose assertions led to the grisly death of Emmit Till. I think that all of us women across the world are tired of this shit occurring in the name of "protecting our women." We have a lot to say about it.

What man in this world has the right to speak for "our women"? Bullshit.
As a white person, I am not buying the idea that any attempt at abolishing racism is, in itself racism. I've never experienced anti-white racism even though I have lived in mixed communities for over 40 years. Affirmative action was intended to balance the playing field after centuries of racism. What some of the people on USMB are bleating about is that they are now being forced to compete with the rest of Americans on the same terms. This is behind all the complaints about "anti-white racism," and about all the complaints about women, for that matter. Now, being considered "better than the rest" is not automatic. To all of the weepy types: get out there and bust your asses.
As long as you idiots hide behind straw men instead of actually addressing the points I make I know that you are absolutely inferior to me and fear me.

All I have to do is keep pushing and you will fold.

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