Antifa being labeled a terrorists organization

But I thought Antifa wasn’t an organization?;)

I also didn’t know the KKK weren’t a terrorist organization.
Joe Biden has been in the government for 47 years and all he did was read a KKK member’s eulogy.

Also Trump is giving black communities more access to federal funding ($500 billion) for job training/apprenticeships.

He’s also making Juneteenth a holiday.

What’s BLM doing with all their money and why didn’t Obama do anything?
Too bad nobody has the guts to make BLM an official terrorist organization
Yup. The trump administration is a terrorist organization.
Yes the Trump Administration terrorizes people who hate the United States
Antifa is an anti fascist ideology.
Who use facist tactics to terrorize a Democratic Republic
Far leftist Democrats ... Joe Biden denies a lot including his mainlining of extortion for 47 years. Not to worry. He kept it under four trillion$. :rolleyes-41:
Gee, and to think it all happened under the nose of the gop. How incompetent are they to NEVER prosecute it.
It happens in DemonRat run cities with DemonRat mayors and DemonRat district attorneys. They are the ones in charge of prosecution.

you know that but you’re a jackass that won’t admit it

you’re rlike the guy who farts in a room,but when someone sniffs it out you say “whoever smelled it, dealt it”
Not for federal crimes dufus....local authorities give way to the nearest federal court Prosecutor. Get a clue. It a fed employee ran a light or robbed a bank, yes. If he committed a crime related to his employment, it’s a federal offense dummy. The charges get referred to the feds for prosecution. Who can think a little before you speak can’t you ?
Still can’t smell your own farts, can you?

Are you saying every crime in these are federal? That District attorney’s aren’t releasing rioters on $0 bail?

burning Down a courthouse is a federal crime. Tearing down a statue is a federal crime. They’re being convicted to up to 10 years.

if you vandalized a private business or purposely injured someone, charges are the responsibility of the District Attorney

At least you’re willing to admit that crimes are being committed and that it’s not peaceful
You heard what I said. Read it again. Federal crimes are prosecuted by federal prosecutors, not state or local unless under very special circumstances. So don’t run off at the mouth about state prosecutors going after republicans for the federal job related crimes they commit.
“burning Down a courthouse is a federal crime. Tearing down a statue is a federal crime. They’re being convicted to up to 10 years.”
geesus, only if it’s designated as federal property or federally related.

You make dumb ass statements with no reference to whether the crime is federal state

do you really know the difference between federal, state and local crimes ? Doubtful.
No shit federal crimes are prosecuted by federal prosecutors.

the majority of the crimes committed during the riots are not federal and is left to the local District Attorney. Hence, why they’re being let go on $0 bail.

im having trouble understanding what you’re arguing.

Are you upset that criminals are being let go?
Are you arguing that all the crimes in the riots are federal?

please explain...
Rioting and looting are NOT necessarily federal crimes unless affiliated with listed terrorist groups. Antifa IS NOT A GROUP. . Federal law enforcement has no reason to be there, while supremest terrorist activities are, AAMOF, they are the biggest terrorist threats by number since 911. That’s where federal intervention is needed. There are some of groups being watched by the feds that go to these demonstrations.
So it’s ideas dressed in all black, equipped with umbrellas and urine bottles that are burning and looting Cities.

Got it.

I guess ISIS the KKK and Nazis are ideas too
You don’t believe our own intel units, our own military ? You’re anti American.
If you hate our president and want a coup to run him out of office you are anti American. You are the one supporting this “ideology” of Burning Looting Murdering.
You hate America
Nope, we hate The fascist minority apartheid style govt the gop has promoted and the stupid foundation of science denial and trickle down economics. We hate the perpetual recessions the gop promotes
The country would be in total lockdown for the rest of your life if DemonRats were in control. We’d be entering a depression right now.

You only allow a few scientists to have a say, while discrediting and silencing thousands of others.

You people are the facists. You’re the ones going around telling us what people can and cannot do or say.

You are the opposite of what you believe in, or you’re just trying to deceive everyone :dev3:
Funny. Countries that locked down sooner are doing much better with the economy. You think the virus cares what you think ? The economy depends upon the virus being managed not the other way around.
The virus OFFICIALLY arrived in this country MUCH later than China or Europe and you know that.

Trump was in it IMMEDIATELY while Nancy was advocating going to Chinatown and hugging the first oriental you saw. Biden said the same things. The Democrats called Trump RACIST for acting on it.

Spread your lies somewhere else

But I thought Antifa wasn’t an organization?;)

I also didn’t know the KKK weren’t a terrorist organization.
Joe Biden has been in the government for 47 years and all he did was read a KKK member’s eulogy.

Also Trump is giving black communities more access to federal funding ($500 billion) for job training/apprenticeships.

He’s also making Juneteenth a holiday.

What’s BLM doing with all their money and why didn’t Obama do anything?
Too bad nobody has the guts to make BLM an official terrorist organization
Yup. The trump administration is a terrorist organization.
Yes the Trump Administration terrorizes people who hate the United States
Antifa is an anti fascist ideology.
Who use facist tactics to terrorize a Democratic Republic
Far leftist Democrats ... Joe Biden denies a lot including his mainlining of extortion for 47 years. Not to worry. He kept it under four trillion$. :rolleyes-41:
Gee, and to think it all happened under the nose of the gop. How incompetent are they to NEVER prosecute it.
It happens in DemonRat run cities with DemonRat mayors and DemonRat district attorneys. They are the ones in charge of prosecution.

you know that but you’re a jackass that won’t admit it

you’re rlike the guy who farts in a room,but when someone sniffs it out you say “whoever smelled it, dealt it”
Not for federal crimes dufus....local authorities give way to the nearest federal court Prosecutor. Get a clue. It a fed employee ran a light or robbed a bank, yes. If he committed a crime related to his employment, it’s a federal offense dummy. The charges get referred to the feds for prosecution. Who can think a little before you speak can’t you ?
Still can’t smell your own farts, can you?

Are you saying every crime in these are federal? That District attorney’s aren’t releasing rioters on $0 bail?

burning Down a courthouse is a federal crime. Tearing down a statue is a federal crime. They’re being convicted to up to 10 years.

if you vandalized a private business or purposely injured someone, charges are the responsibility of the District Attorney

At least you’re willing to admit that crimes are being committed and that it’s not peaceful
You heard what I said. Read it again. Federal crimes are prosecuted by federal prosecutors, not state or local unless under very special circumstances. So don’t run off at the mouth about state prosecutors going after republicans for the federal job related crimes they commit.
“burning Down a courthouse is a federal crime. Tearing down a statue is a federal crime. They’re being convicted to up to 10 years.”
geesus, only if it’s designated as federal property or federally related.

You make dumb ass statements with no reference to whether the crime is federal state

do you really know the difference between federal, state and local crimes ? Doubtful.
No shit federal crimes are prosecuted by federal prosecutors.

the majority of the crimes committed during the riots are not federal and is left to the local District Attorney. Hence, why they’re being let go on $0 bail.

im having trouble understanding what you’re arguing.

Are you upset that criminals are being let go?
Are you arguing that all the crimes in the riots are federal?

please explain...
Rioting and looting are NOT necessarily federal crimes unless affiliated with listed terrorist groups. Antifa IS NOT A GROUP. . Federal law enforcement has no reason to be there, while supremest terrorist activities are, AAMOF, they are the biggest terrorist threats by number since 911. That’s where federal intervention is needed. There are some of groups being watched by the feds that go to these demonstrations.
So it’s ideas dressed in all black, equipped with umbrellas and urine bottles that are burning and looting Cities.

Got it.

I guess ISIS the KKK and Nazis are ideas too
You don’t believe our own intel units, our own military ? You’re anti American.
If you hate our president and want a coup to run him out of office you are anti American. You are the one supporting this “ideology” of Burning Looting Murdering.
You hate America
Nope, we hate The fascist minority apartheid style govt the gop has promoted and the stupid foundation of science denial and trickle down economics. We hate the perpetual recessions the gop promotes
The country would be in total lockdown for the rest of your life if DemonRats were in control. We’d be entering a depression right now.

You only allow a few scientists to have a say, while discrediting and silencing thousands of others.

You people are the facists. You’re the ones going around telling us what people can and cannot do or say.

You are the opposite of what you believe in, or you’re just trying to deceive everyone :dev3:
Funny. Countries that locked down sooner are doing much better with the economy. You think the virus cares what you think ? The economy depends upon the virus being managed not the other way around.
What countries? China possibly.

the country’s economy that was least impacted was Sweden. Which had no lockdowns.

The virus can think?

there is a certain degree of management that will have a stronger impact on the economy.

If you’re upset that the country wasn’t locked down sooner then why do you not put any blame on Pelosi (who was calling on Chinese people to gather in Chinatown) and Biden (travel bans are exenophobic)?


But I thought Antifa wasn’t an organization?;)

I also didn’t know the KKK weren’t a terrorist organization.
Joe Biden has been in the government for 47 years and all he did was read a KKK member’s eulogy.

Also Trump is giving black communities more access to federal funding ($500 billion) for job training/apprenticeships.

He’s also making Juneteenth a holiday.

What’s BLM doing with all their money and why didn’t Obama do anything?
Too bad nobody has the guts to make BLM an official terrorist organization
Yup. The trump administration is a terrorist organization.
Yes the Trump Administration terrorizes people who hate the United States
Antifa is an anti fascist ideology.
Who use facist tactics to terrorize a Democratic Republic
Far leftist Democrats ... Joe Biden denies a lot including his mainlining of extortion for 47 years. Not to worry. He kept it under four trillion$. :rolleyes-41:
Gee, and to think it all happened under the nose of the gop. How incompetent are they to NEVER prosecute it.
It happens in DemonRat run cities with DemonRat mayors and DemonRat district attorneys. They are the ones in charge of prosecution.

you know that but you’re a jackass that won’t admit it

you’re rlike the guy who farts in a room,but when someone sniffs it out you say “whoever smelled it, dealt it”
Not for federal crimes dufus....local authorities give way to the nearest federal court Prosecutor. Get a clue. It a fed employee ran a light or robbed a bank, yes. If he committed a crime related to his employment, it’s a federal offense dummy. The charges get referred to the feds for prosecution. Who can think a little before you speak can’t you ?
Still can’t smell your own farts, can you?

Are you saying every crime in these are federal? That District attorney’s aren’t releasing rioters on $0 bail?

burning Down a courthouse is a federal crime. Tearing down a statue is a federal crime. They’re being convicted to up to 10 years.

if you vandalized a private business or purposely injured someone, charges are the responsibility of the District Attorney

At least you’re willing to admit that crimes are being committed and that it’s not peaceful
You heard what I said. Read it again. Federal crimes are prosecuted by federal prosecutors, not state or local unless under very special circumstances. So don’t run off at the mouth about state prosecutors going after republicans for the federal job related crimes they commit.
“burning Down a courthouse is a federal crime. Tearing down a statue is a federal crime. They’re being convicted to up to 10 years.”
geesus, only if it’s designated as federal property or federally related.

You make dumb ass statements with no reference to whether the crime is federal state

do you really know the difference between federal, state and local crimes ? Doubtful.
No shit federal crimes are prosecuted by federal prosecutors.

the majority of the crimes committed during the riots are not federal and is left to the local District Attorney. Hence, why they’re being let go on $0 bail.

im having trouble understanding what you’re arguing.

Are you upset that criminals are being let go?
Are you arguing that all the crimes in the riots are federal?

please explain...
Rioting and looting are NOT necessarily federal crimes unless affiliated with listed terrorist groups. Antifa IS NOT A GROUP. . Federal law enforcement has no reason to be there, while supremest terrorist activities are, AAMOF, they are the biggest terrorist threats by number since 911. That’s where federal intervention is needed. There are some of groups being watched by the feds that go to these demonstrations.
So it’s ideas dressed in all black, equipped with umbrellas and urine bottles that are burning and looting Cities.

Got it.

I guess ISIS the KKK and Nazis are ideas too
You don’t believe our own intel units, our own military ? You’re anti American.
If you hate our president and want a coup to run him out of office you are anti American. You are the one supporting this “ideology” of Burning Looting Murdering.
You hate America
Nope, we hate The fascist minority apartheid style govt the gop has promoted and the stupid foundation of science denial and trickle down economics. We hate the perpetual recessions the gop promotes
The country would be in total lockdown for the rest of your life if DemonRats were in control. We’d be entering a depression right now.

You only allow a few scientists to have a say, while discrediting and silencing thousands of others.

You people are the facists. You’re the ones going around telling us what people can and cannot do or say.

You are the opposite of what you believe in, or you’re just trying to deceive everyone :dev3:
Funny. Countries that locked down sooner are doing much better with the economy. You think the virus cares what you think ? The economy depends upon the virus being managed not the other way around.
The virus OFFICIALLY arrived in this country MUCH later than China or Europe and you know that.

Trump was in it IMMEDIATELY while Nancy was advocating going to Chinatown and hugging the first oriental you saw. Biden said the same things. The Democrats called Trump RACIST for acting on it.

Spread your lies somewhere else
Only a biology illiterate would think that. You must be reading Putin’s mail to Trump.
Trump was in it IMMEDIATELY while Nancy was advocating going to Chinatown and hugging the first oriental you saw. Biden said the same things. The Democrats called Trump RACIST for acting on it.

"oriental"? Really?

Wow, yes, while Trump was being a racist douchenoodle, Pelosi and Biden were calling for calm.

Thanks to Trump's "Kung Flu" and other racist rhetoric, there's been an uptick in violence against Asian Americans.
Viruses aren't racist, they don't care who they infect. They can even infect fat orange lying blobs.

But I thought Antifa wasn’t an organization?;)

I also didn’t know the KKK weren’t a terrorist organization.
Joe Biden has been in the government for 47 years and all he did was read a KKK member’s eulogy.

Also Trump is giving black communities more access to federal funding ($500 billion) for job training/apprenticeships.

He’s also making Juneteenth a holiday.

What’s BLM doing with all their money and why didn’t Obama do anything?
Too bad nobody has the guts to make BLM an official terrorist organization
Yup. The trump administration is a terrorist organization.
Yes the Trump Administration terrorizes people who hate the United States
Antifa is an anti fascist ideology.
Who use facist tactics to terrorize a Democratic Republic
Far leftist Democrats ... Joe Biden denies a lot including his mainlining of extortion for 47 years. Not to worry. He kept it under four trillion$. :rolleyes-41:
Gee, and to think it all happened under the nose of the gop. How incompetent are they to NEVER prosecute it.
It happens in DemonRat run cities with DemonRat mayors and DemonRat district attorneys. They are the ones in charge of prosecution.

you know that but you’re a jackass that won’t admit it

you’re rlike the guy who farts in a room,but when someone sniffs it out you say “whoever smelled it, dealt it”
Not for federal crimes dufus....local authorities give way to the nearest federal court Prosecutor. Get a clue. It a fed employee ran a light or robbed a bank, yes. If he committed a crime related to his employment, it’s a federal offense dummy. The charges get referred to the feds for prosecution. Who can think a little before you speak can’t you ?
Still can’t smell your own farts, can you?

Are you saying every crime in these are federal? That District attorney’s aren’t releasing rioters on $0 bail?

burning Down a courthouse is a federal crime. Tearing down a statue is a federal crime. They’re being convicted to up to 10 years.

if you vandalized a private business or purposely injured someone, charges are the responsibility of the District Attorney

At least you’re willing to admit that crimes are being committed and that it’s not peaceful
You heard what I said. Read it again. Federal crimes are prosecuted by federal prosecutors, not state or local unless under very special circumstances. So don’t run off at the mouth about state prosecutors going after republicans for the federal job related crimes they commit.
“burning Down a courthouse is a federal crime. Tearing down a statue is a federal crime. They’re being convicted to up to 10 years.”
geesus, only if it’s designated as federal property or federally related.

You make dumb ass statements with no reference to whether the crime is federal state

do you really know the difference between federal, state and local crimes ? Doubtful.
No shit federal crimes are prosecuted by federal prosecutors.

the majority of the crimes committed during the riots are not federal and is left to the local District Attorney. Hence, why they’re being let go on $0 bail.

im having trouble understanding what you’re arguing.

Are you upset that criminals are being let go?
Are you arguing that all the crimes in the riots are federal?

please explain...
Rioting and looting are NOT necessarily federal crimes unless affiliated with listed terrorist groups. Antifa IS NOT A GROUP. . Federal law enforcement has no reason to be there, while supremest terrorist activities are, AAMOF, they are the biggest terrorist threats by number since 911. That’s where federal intervention is needed. There are some of groups being watched by the feds that go to these demonstrations.
So it’s ideas dressed in all black, equipped with umbrellas and urine bottles that are burning and looting Cities.

Got it.

I guess ISIS the KKK and Nazis are ideas too
You don’t believe our own intel units, our own military ? You’re anti American.
If you hate our president and want a coup to run him out of office you are anti American. You are the one supporting this “ideology” of Burning Looting Murdering.
You hate America
Nope, we hate The fascist minority apartheid style govt the gop has promoted and the stupid foundation of science denial and trickle down economics. We hate the perpetual recessions the gop promotes
The country would be in total lockdown for the rest of your life if DemonRats were in control. We’d be entering a depression right now.

You only allow a few scientists to have a say, while discrediting and silencing thousands of others.

You people are the facists. You’re the ones going around telling us what people can and cannot do or say.

You are the opposite of what you believe in, or you’re just trying to deceive everyone :dev3:
Funny. Countries that locked down sooner are doing much better with the economy. You think the virus cares what you think ? The economy depends upon the virus being managed not the other way around.
The virus OFFICIALLY arrived in this country MUCH later than China or Europe and you know that.

Trump was in it IMMEDIATELY while Nancy was advocating going to Chinatown and hugging the first oriental you saw. Biden said the same things. The Democrats called Trump RACIST for acting on it.

Spread your lies somewhere else
Only a biology illiterate would think that. You must be reading Putin’s mail to Trump.
so are you saying the Virus began in the USA?

You'd have to be both blind and deaf to believe that. or a deceitful bullshitting mentally insane person like yourself

But I thought Antifa wasn’t an organization?;)

I also didn’t know the KKK weren’t a terrorist organization.
Joe Biden has been in the government for 47 years and all he did was read a KKK member’s eulogy.

Also Trump is giving black communities more access to federal funding ($500 billion) for job training/apprenticeships.

He’s also making Juneteenth a holiday.

What’s BLM doing with all their money and why didn’t Obama do anything?
Too bad nobody has the guts to make BLM an official terrorist organization
Yup. The trump administration is a terrorist organization.
Yes the Trump Administration terrorizes people who hate the United States
Antifa is an anti fascist ideology.
Who use facist tactics to terrorize a Democratic Republic
Far leftist Democrats ... Joe Biden denies a lot including his mainlining of extortion for 47 years. Not to worry. He kept it under four trillion$. :rolleyes-41:
Gee, and to think it all happened under the nose of the gop. How incompetent are they to NEVER prosecute it.
It happens in DemonRat run cities with DemonRat mayors and DemonRat district attorneys. They are the ones in charge of prosecution.

you know that but you’re a jackass that won’t admit it

you’re rlike the guy who farts in a room,but when someone sniffs it out you say “whoever smelled it, dealt it”
Not for federal crimes dufus....local authorities give way to the nearest federal court Prosecutor. Get a clue. It a fed employee ran a light or robbed a bank, yes. If he committed a crime related to his employment, it’s a federal offense dummy. The charges get referred to the feds for prosecution. Who can think a little before you speak can’t you ?
Still can’t smell your own farts, can you?

Are you saying every crime in these are federal? That District attorney’s aren’t releasing rioters on $0 bail?

burning Down a courthouse is a federal crime. Tearing down a statue is a federal crime. They’re being convicted to up to 10 years.

if you vandalized a private business or purposely injured someone, charges are the responsibility of the District Attorney

At least you’re willing to admit that crimes are being committed and that it’s not peaceful
You heard what I said. Read it again. Federal crimes are prosecuted by federal prosecutors, not state or local unless under very special circumstances. So don’t run off at the mouth about state prosecutors going after republicans for the federal job related crimes they commit.
“burning Down a courthouse is a federal crime. Tearing down a statue is a federal crime. They’re being convicted to up to 10 years.”
geesus, only if it’s designated as federal property or federally related.

You make dumb ass statements with no reference to whether the crime is federal state

do you really know the difference between federal, state and local crimes ? Doubtful.
No shit federal crimes are prosecuted by federal prosecutors.

the majority of the crimes committed during the riots are not federal and is left to the local District Attorney. Hence, why they’re being let go on $0 bail.

im having trouble understanding what you’re arguing.

Are you upset that criminals are being let go?
Are you arguing that all the crimes in the riots are federal?

please explain...
Rioting and looting are NOT necessarily federal crimes unless affiliated with listed terrorist groups. Antifa IS NOT A GROUP. . Federal law enforcement has no reason to be there, while supremest terrorist activities are, AAMOF, they are the biggest terrorist threats by number since 911. That’s where federal intervention is needed. There are some of groups being watched by the feds that go to these demonstrations.
So it’s ideas dressed in all black, equipped with umbrellas and urine bottles that are burning and looting Cities.

Got it.

I guess ISIS the KKK and Nazis are ideas too
You don’t believe our own intel units, our own military ? You’re anti American.
If you hate our president and want a coup to run him out of office you are anti American. You are the one supporting this “ideology” of Burning Looting Murdering.
You hate America
Nope, we hate The fascist minority apartheid style govt the gop has promoted and the stupid foundation of science denial and trickle down economics. We hate the perpetual recessions the gop promotes
The country would be in total lockdown for the rest of your life if DemonRats were in control. We’d be entering a depression right now.

You only allow a few scientists to have a say, while discrediting and silencing thousands of others.

You people are the facists. You’re the ones going around telling us what people can and cannot do or say.

You are the opposite of what you believe in, or you’re just trying to deceive everyone :dev3:
Funny. Countries that locked down sooner are doing much better with the economy. You think the virus cares what you think ? The economy depends upon the virus being managed not the other way around.
The virus OFFICIALLY arrived in this country MUCH later than China or Europe and you know that.

Trump was in it IMMEDIATELY while Nancy was advocating going to Chinatown and hugging the first oriental you saw. Biden said the same things. The Democrats called Trump RACIST for acting on it.

Spread your lies somewhere else
Only a biology illiterate would think that. You must be reading Putin’s mail to Trump.
so are you saying the Virus began in the USA?

You'd have to be both blind and deaf to believe that. or a deceitful bullshitting mentally insane person like yourself
Why don’t you quote instead of making shit up.
I cannot entirely agree with you. Let us say that yes, "most cops are good guys" but the regional corps is "bad". Or let's say the corps is "good" but many cops are "bad". Do you agree with me if I say a good cop in a bad corps won't survive? Let's start the dialogue from that point.
For many, policing has turned into a war zone. Police indiscretion In addition to bad people, is a result of poor training and fear.
That's not exactly what I mean. I am talking about the majority of well-trained police trainees who are blue-eyed and eager to be a part of eliminating crime but who (once in the reality of everyday cops & robbers) find that their hands are tied by corruption in political and police institutions.
I cannot entirely agree with you. Let us say that yes, "most cops are good guys" but the regional corps is "bad". Or let's say the corps is "good" but many cops are "bad". Do you agree with me if I say a good cop in a bad corps won't survive? Let's start the dialogue from that point.
For many, policing has turned into a war zone. Police indiscretion In addition to bad people, is a result of poor training and fear.
That's not exactly what I mean. I am talking about the majority of well-trained police trainees who are blue-eyed and eager to be a part of eliminating crime but who (once in the reality of everyday cops & robbers) find that their hands are tied by corruption in political and police institutions.
Huh ?
Police aren’t arbitrarily corrupt. They perform 95% of their tasks in a completely legitimate fashion.
It’s just that the consequences are more devastating that makes the failure rate more traumatic then a typical employee.

But I thought Antifa wasn’t an organization?;)

I also didn’t know the KKK weren’t a terrorist organization.
Joe Biden has been in the government for 47 years and all he did was read a KKK member’s eulogy.

Also Trump is giving black communities more access to federal funding ($500 billion) for job training/apprenticeships.

He’s also making Juneteenth a holiday.

What’s BLM doing with all their money and why didn’t Obama do anything?
Too bad nobody has the guts to make BLM an official terrorist organization
Yup. The trump administration is a terrorist organization.
Yes the Trump Administration terrorizes people who hate the United States
Antifa is an anti fascist ideology.
Who use facist tactics to terrorize a Democratic Republic
Far leftist Democrats ... Joe Biden denies a lot including his mainlining of extortion for 47 years. Not to worry. He kept it under four trillion$. :rolleyes-41:
Gee, and to think it all happened under the nose of the gop. How incompetent are they to NEVER prosecute it.
It happens in DemonRat run cities with DemonRat mayors and DemonRat district attorneys. They are the ones in charge of prosecution.

you know that but you’re a jackass that won’t admit it

you’re rlike the guy who farts in a room,but when someone sniffs it out you say “whoever smelled it, dealt it”
Not for federal crimes dufus....local authorities give way to the nearest federal court Prosecutor. Get a clue. It a fed employee ran a light or robbed a bank, yes. If he committed a crime related to his employment, it’s a federal offense dummy. The charges get referred to the feds for prosecution. Who can think a little before you speak can’t you ?
Still can’t smell your own farts, can you?

Are you saying every crime in these are federal? That District attorney’s aren’t releasing rioters on $0 bail?

burning Down a courthouse is a federal crime. Tearing down a statue is a federal crime. They’re being convicted to up to 10 years.

if you vandalized a private business or purposely injured someone, charges are the responsibility of the District Attorney

At least you’re willing to admit that crimes are being committed and that it’s not peaceful
You heard what I said. Read it again. Federal crimes are prosecuted by federal prosecutors, not state or local unless under very special circumstances. So don’t run off at the mouth about state prosecutors going after republicans for the federal job related crimes they commit.
“burning Down a courthouse is a federal crime. Tearing down a statue is a federal crime. They’re being convicted to up to 10 years.”
geesus, only if it’s designated as federal property or federally related.

You make dumb ass statements with no reference to whether the crime is federal state

do you really know the difference between federal, state and local crimes ? Doubtful.
No shit federal crimes are prosecuted by federal prosecutors.

the majority of the crimes committed during the riots are not federal and is left to the local District Attorney. Hence, why they’re being let go on $0 bail.

im having trouble understanding what you’re arguing.

Are you upset that criminals are being let go?
Are you arguing that all the crimes in the riots are federal?

please explain...
Rioting and looting are NOT necessarily federal crimes unless affiliated with listed terrorist groups. Antifa IS NOT A GROUP. . Federal law enforcement has no reason to be there, while supremest terrorist activities are, AAMOF, they are the biggest terrorist threats by number since 911. That’s where federal intervention is needed. There are some of groups being watched by the feds that go to these demonstrations.
So it’s ideas dressed in all black, equipped with umbrellas and urine bottles that are burning and looting Cities.

Got it.

I guess ISIS the KKK and Nazis are ideas too
You don’t believe our own intel units, our own military ? You’re anti American.
If you hate our president and want a coup to run him out of office you are anti American. You are the one supporting this “ideology” of Burning Looting Murdering.
You hate America
Nope, we hate The fascist minority apartheid style govt the gop has promoted and the stupid foundation of science denial and trickle down economics. We hate the perpetual recessions the gop promotes
The country would be in total lockdown for the rest of your life if DemonRats were in control. We’d be entering a depression right now.

You only allow a few scientists to have a say, while discrediting and silencing thousands of others.

You people are the facists. You’re the ones going around telling us what people can and cannot do or say.

You are the opposite of what you believe in, or you’re just trying to deceive everyone :dev3:
Funny. Countries that locked down sooner are doing much better with the economy. You think the virus cares what you think ? The economy depends upon the virus being managed not the other way around.
The virus OFFICIALLY arrived in this country MUCH later than China or Europe and you know that.

Trump was in it IMMEDIATELY while Nancy was advocating going to Chinatown and hugging the first oriental you saw. Biden said the same things. The Democrats called Trump RACIST for acting on it.

Spread your lies somewhere else
Only a biology illiterate would think that. You must be reading Putin’s mail to Trump.
so are you saying the Virus began in the USA?

You'd have to be both blind and deaf to believe that. or a deceitful bullshitting mentally insane person like yourself
Why don’t you quote instead of making shit up.
Someone said
“The virus OFFICIALLY arrived in this country MUCH later than China or Europe and you know that.”

you said
“Only a biology illiterate would think that. You must be reading Putin’s mail to Trump.”

so you’re arguing that the Virus wasn't in China or Europe before the USA...

or are you talking about Nancy in Chinatown and Trump being called a racist for locking down the border?

what exactly are you saying I’m making up?

But I thought Antifa wasn’t an organization?;)

I also didn’t know the KKK weren’t a terrorist organization.
Joe Biden has been in the government for 47 years and all he did was read a KKK member’s eulogy.

Also Trump is giving black communities more access to federal funding ($500 billion) for job training/apprenticeships.

He’s also making Juneteenth a holiday.

What’s BLM doing with all their money and why didn’t Obama do anything?
Too bad nobody has the guts to make BLM an official terrorist organization
Yup. The trump administration is a terrorist organization.
Yes the Trump Administration terrorizes people who hate the United States
Antifa is an anti fascist ideology.
Who use facist tactics to terrorize a Democratic Republic
Far leftist Democrats ... Joe Biden denies a lot including his mainlining of extortion for 47 years. Not to worry. He kept it under four trillion$. :rolleyes-41:
Gee, and to think it all happened under the nose of the gop. How incompetent are they to NEVER prosecute it.
It happens in DemonRat run cities with DemonRat mayors and DemonRat district attorneys. They are the ones in charge of prosecution.

you know that but you’re a jackass that won’t admit it

you’re rlike the guy who farts in a room,but when someone sniffs it out you say “whoever smelled it, dealt it”
Not for federal crimes dufus....local authorities give way to the nearest federal court Prosecutor. Get a clue. It a fed employee ran a light or robbed a bank, yes. If he committed a crime related to his employment, it’s a federal offense dummy. The charges get referred to the feds for prosecution. Who can think a little before you speak can’t you ?
Still can’t smell your own farts, can you?

Are you saying every crime in these are federal? That District attorney’s aren’t releasing rioters on $0 bail?

burning Down a courthouse is a federal crime. Tearing down a statue is a federal crime. They’re being convicted to up to 10 years.

if you vandalized a private business or purposely injured someone, charges are the responsibility of the District Attorney

At least you’re willing to admit that crimes are being committed and that it’s not peaceful
You heard what I said. Read it again. Federal crimes are prosecuted by federal prosecutors, not state or local unless under very special circumstances. So don’t run off at the mouth about state prosecutors going after republicans for the federal job related crimes they commit.
“burning Down a courthouse is a federal crime. Tearing down a statue is a federal crime. They’re being convicted to up to 10 years.”
geesus, only if it’s designated as federal property or federally related.

You make dumb ass statements with no reference to whether the crime is federal state

do you really know the difference between federal, state and local crimes ? Doubtful.
No shit federal crimes are prosecuted by federal prosecutors.

the majority of the crimes committed during the riots are not federal and is left to the local District Attorney. Hence, why they’re being let go on $0 bail.

im having trouble understanding what you’re arguing.

Are you upset that criminals are being let go?
Are you arguing that all the crimes in the riots are federal?

please explain...
Rioting and looting are NOT necessarily federal crimes unless affiliated with listed terrorist groups. Antifa IS NOT A GROUP. . Federal law enforcement has no reason to be there, while supremest terrorist activities are, AAMOF, they are the biggest terrorist threats by number since 911. That’s where federal intervention is needed. There are some of groups being watched by the feds that go to these demonstrations.
So it’s ideas dressed in all black, equipped with umbrellas and urine bottles that are burning and looting Cities.

Got it.

I guess ISIS the KKK and Nazis are ideas too
You don’t believe our own intel units, our own military ? You’re anti American.
If you hate our president and want a coup to run him out of office you are anti American. You are the one supporting this “ideology” of Burning Looting Murdering.
You hate America
Nope, we hate The fascist minority apartheid style govt the gop has promoted and the stupid foundation of science denial and trickle down economics. We hate the perpetual recessions the gop promotes
The country would be in total lockdown for the rest of your life if DemonRats were in control. We’d be entering a depression right now.

You only allow a few scientists to have a say, while discrediting and silencing thousands of others.

You people are the facists. You’re the ones going around telling us what people can and cannot do or say.

You are the opposite of what you believe in, or you’re just trying to deceive everyone :dev3:
Funny. Countries that locked down sooner are doing much better with the economy. You think the virus cares what you think ? The economy depends upon the virus being managed not the other way around.
The virus OFFICIALLY arrived in this country MUCH later than China or Europe and you know that.

Trump was in it IMMEDIATELY while Nancy was advocating going to Chinatown and hugging the first oriental you saw. Biden said the same things. The Democrats called Trump RACIST for acting on it.

Spread your lies somewhere else
Only a biology illiterate would think that. You must be reading Putin’s mail to Trump.
so are you saying the Virus began in the USA?

You'd have to be both blind and deaf to believe that. or a deceitful bullshitting mentally insane person like yourself
Why don’t you quote instead of making shit up.
Someone said
Entire Top of the Republican Party Has Been Exposed to COVID

you said
“Only a biology illiterate would think that. You must be reading Putin’s mail to Trump.”

so you’re arguing that the Virus wasn't in China or Europe before the USA...

or are you talking about Nancy in Chinatown and Trump being called a racist for locking down the border?

what exactly are you saying I’m making up?
“The virus OFFICIALLY arrived in this country MUCH later than China or Europe and you know that.“

Thats foolish. The incubation period is days to weeks and without contact tracing, we have no exact way of determining when the virus arrived. It could have been dormant if infected migrated to less Densely populated areas. There can be no official date, that’s why masks and distancing should have been promoted as soon as Trump was told of the problem....but he decided instead, to lie.

But I thought Antifa wasn’t an organization?;)

I also didn’t know the KKK weren’t a terrorist organization.
Joe Biden has been in the government for 47 years and all he did was read a KKK member’s eulogy.

Also Trump is giving black communities more access to federal funding ($500 billion) for job training/apprenticeships.

He’s also making Juneteenth a holiday.

What’s BLM doing with all their money and why didn’t Obama do anything?
Too bad nobody has the guts to make BLM an official terrorist organization
Yup. The trump administration is a terrorist organization.
Yes the Trump Administration terrorizes people who hate the United States
Antifa is an anti fascist ideology.
Who use facist tactics to terrorize a Democratic Republic
Far leftist Democrats ... Joe Biden denies a lot including his mainlining of extortion for 47 years. Not to worry. He kept it under four trillion$. :rolleyes-41:
Gee, and to think it all happened under the nose of the gop. How incompetent are they to NEVER prosecute it.
It happens in DemonRat run cities with DemonRat mayors and DemonRat district attorneys. They are the ones in charge of prosecution.

you know that but you’re a jackass that won’t admit it

you’re rlike the guy who farts in a room,but when someone sniffs it out you say “whoever smelled it, dealt it”
Not for federal crimes dufus....local authorities give way to the nearest federal court Prosecutor. Get a clue. It a fed employee ran a light or robbed a bank, yes. If he committed a crime related to his employment, it’s a federal offense dummy. The charges get referred to the feds for prosecution. Who can think a little before you speak can’t you ?
Still can’t smell your own farts, can you?

Are you saying every crime in these are federal? That District attorney’s aren’t releasing rioters on $0 bail?

burning Down a courthouse is a federal crime. Tearing down a statue is a federal crime. They’re being convicted to up to 10 years.

if you vandalized a private business or purposely injured someone, charges are the responsibility of the District Attorney

At least you’re willing to admit that crimes are being committed and that it’s not peaceful
You heard what I said. Read it again. Federal crimes are prosecuted by federal prosecutors, not state or local unless under very special circumstances. So don’t run off at the mouth about state prosecutors going after republicans for the federal job related crimes they commit.
“burning Down a courthouse is a federal crime. Tearing down a statue is a federal crime. They’re being convicted to up to 10 years.”
geesus, only if it’s designated as federal property or federally related.

You make dumb ass statements with no reference to whether the crime is federal state

do you really know the difference between federal, state and local crimes ? Doubtful.
No shit federal crimes are prosecuted by federal prosecutors.

the majority of the crimes committed during the riots are not federal and is left to the local District Attorney. Hence, why they’re being let go on $0 bail.

im having trouble understanding what you’re arguing.

Are you upset that criminals are being let go?
Are you arguing that all the crimes in the riots are federal?

please explain...
Rioting and looting are NOT necessarily federal crimes unless affiliated with listed terrorist groups. Antifa IS NOT A GROUP. . Federal law enforcement has no reason to be there, while supremest terrorist activities are, AAMOF, they are the biggest terrorist threats by number since 911. That’s where federal intervention is needed. There are some of groups being watched by the feds that go to these demonstrations.
So it’s ideas dressed in all black, equipped with umbrellas and urine bottles that are burning and looting Cities.

Got it.

I guess ISIS the KKK and Nazis are ideas too
You don’t believe our own intel units, our own military ? You’re anti American.
If you hate our president and want a coup to run him out of office you are anti American. You are the one supporting this “ideology” of Burning Looting Murdering.
You hate America
Nope, we hate The fascist minority apartheid style govt the gop has promoted and the stupid foundation of science denial and trickle down economics. We hate the perpetual recessions the gop promotes
The country would be in total lockdown for the rest of your life if DemonRats were in control. We’d be entering a depression right now.

You only allow a few scientists to have a say, while discrediting and silencing thousands of others.

You people are the facists. You’re the ones going around telling us what people can and cannot do or say.

You are the opposite of what you believe in, or you’re just trying to deceive everyone :dev3:
Funny. Countries that locked down sooner are doing much better with the economy. You think the virus cares what you think ? The economy depends upon the virus being managed not the other way around.
The virus OFFICIALLY arrived in this country MUCH later than China or Europe and you know that.

Trump was in it IMMEDIATELY while Nancy was advocating going to Chinatown and hugging the first oriental you saw. Biden said the same things. The Democrats called Trump RACIST for acting on it.

Spread your lies somewhere else
Only a biology illiterate would think that. You must be reading Putin’s mail to Trump.
so are you saying the Virus began in the USA?

You'd have to be both blind and deaf to believe that. or a deceitful bullshitting mentally insane person like yourself
Why don’t you quote instead of making shit up.
Someone said
Entire Top of the Republican Party Has Been Exposed to COVID

you said
“Only a biology illiterate would think that. You must be reading Putin’s mail to Trump.”

so you’re arguing that the Virus wasn't in China or Europe before the USA...

or are you talking about Nancy in Chinatown and Trump being called a racist for locking down the border?

what exactly are you saying I’m making up?
“The virus OFFICIALLY arrived in this country MUCH later than China or Europe and you know that.“

Thats foolish. The incubation period is days to weeks and without contact tracing, we have no exact way of determining when the virus arrived. It could have been dormant if infected migrated to less Densely populated areas. There can be no official date, that’s why masks and distancing should have been promoted as soon as Trump was told of the problem....but he decided instead, to lie.
Why would Trump do anything when your lead expert/scientist Fauci, told Trump “not to close the border”. When the WHO said the virus was “under control” and did not spread through “human to human transmission “

Fauci “I think the risk is very low right now for the United States”

But Fauci told reporters after the briefing that a travel ban is not on the table.
“It’s not something that I think we're even considering,” Fauci said.

Trump went against his advisors advice and closed the borders and defunded the WHO
If anything, Trump was ahead of everyone


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Why would Trump do anything when your lead expert/scientist Fauci, told Trump “not to close the border”. When the WHO said the virus was “under control” and did not spread through “human to human transmission “
Maybe because his own intel told him !
Why would Trump do anything when your lead expert/scientist Fauci, told Trump “not to close the border”. When the WHO said the virus was “under control” and did not spread through “human to human transmission “
Maybe because his own intel told him !
Wait are you now admitting Trump took action early?

I just showed you quotes from late January of his advisors ( the WHO and the top scientist/expert Fauci) downplaying the Virus.

No matter whatyou’ll continue to contradict yourself and try to Blame everything on Trump. Even if it totally contradicts yourself.

You make 0 sense, because you are so overwhelmed with your obsession of the greatest president in our lifetime, Donald J Trump


Huh ?
Police aren’t arbitrarily corrupt. They perform 95% of their tasks in a completely legitimate fashion. It’s just that the consequences are more devastating that makes the failure rate more traumatic then a typical employee.
How in god's name can you make two so ridiculously fantasy-full statements? And what does "arbitrary" have to with anything I've said?

But I thought Antifa wasn’t an organization?;)

I also didn’t know the KKK weren’t a terrorist organization.
Joe Biden has been in the government for 47 years and all he did was read a KKK member’s eulogy.

Also Trump is giving black communities more access to federal funding ($500 billion) for job training/apprenticeships.

He’s also making Juneteenth a holiday.

What’s BLM doing with all their money and why didn’t Obama do anything?
Too bad nobody has the guts to make BLM an official terrorist organization
Yup. The trump administration is a terrorist organization.
Yes the Trump Administration terrorizes people who hate the United States
Antifa is an anti fascist ideology.
Who use facist tactics to terrorize a Democratic Republic
Far leftist Democrats ... Joe Biden denies a lot including his mainlining of extortion for 47 years. Not to worry. He kept it under four trillion$. :rolleyes-41:
Gee, and to think it all happened under the nose of the gop. How incompetent are they to NEVER prosecute it.
It happens in DemonRat run cities with DemonRat mayors and DemonRat district attorneys. They are the ones in charge of prosecution.

you know that but you’re a jackass that won’t admit it

you’re rlike the guy who farts in a room,but when someone sniffs it out you say “whoever smelled it, dealt it”
Not for federal crimes dufus....local authorities give way to the nearest federal court Prosecutor. Get a clue. It a fed employee ran a light or robbed a bank, yes. If he committed a crime related to his employment, it’s a federal offense dummy. The charges get referred to the feds for prosecution. Who can think a little before you speak can’t you ?
Still can’t smell your own farts, can you?

Are you saying every crime in these are federal? That District attorney’s aren’t releasing rioters on $0 bail?

burning Down a courthouse is a federal crime. Tearing down a statue is a federal crime. They’re being convicted to up to 10 years.

if you vandalized a private business or purposely injured someone, charges are the responsibility of the District Attorney

At least you’re willing to admit that crimes are being committed and that it’s not peaceful
You heard what I said. Read it again. Federal crimes are prosecuted by federal prosecutors, not state or local unless under very special circumstances. So don’t run off at the mouth about state prosecutors going after republicans for the federal job related crimes they commit.
“burning Down a courthouse is a federal crime. Tearing down a statue is a federal crime. They’re being convicted to up to 10 years.”
geesus, only if it’s designated as federal property or federally related.

You make dumb ass statements with no reference to whether the crime is federal state

do you really know the difference between federal, state and local crimes ? Doubtful.
No shit federal crimes are prosecuted by federal prosecutors.

the majority of the crimes committed during the riots are not federal and is left to the local District Attorney. Hence, why they’re being let go on $0 bail.

im having trouble understanding what you’re arguing.

Are you upset that criminals are being let go?
Are you arguing that all the crimes in the riots are federal?

please explain...
Rioting and looting are NOT necessarily federal crimes unless affiliated with listed terrorist groups. Antifa IS NOT A GROUP. . Federal law enforcement has no reason to be there, while supremest terrorist activities are, AAMOF, they are the biggest terrorist threats by number since 911. That’s where federal intervention is needed. There are some of groups being watched by the feds that go to these demonstrations.
So it’s ideas dressed in all black, equipped with umbrellas and urine bottles that are burning and looting Cities.

Got it.

I guess ISIS the KKK and Nazis are ideas too
You don’t believe our own intel units, our own military ? You’re anti American.
If you hate our president and want a coup to run him out of office you are anti American. You are the one supporting this “ideology” of Burning Looting Murdering.
You hate America
Nope, we hate The fascist minority apartheid style govt the gop has promoted and the stupid foundation of science denial and trickle down economics. We hate the perpetual recessions the gop promotes
You are giving the party delusion that self-fufilling prophecies still work after losing mom and pop America, aren't you. Stop lying someday. :rolleyes-41:

But I thought Antifa wasn’t an organization?;)

I also didn’t know the KKK weren’t a terrorist organization.
Joe Biden has been in the government for 47 years and all he did was read a KKK member’s eulogy.

Also Trump is giving black communities more access to federal funding ($500 billion) for job training/apprenticeships.

He’s also making Juneteenth a holiday.

What’s BLM doing with all their money and why didn’t Obama do anything?
Too bad nobody has the guts to make BLM an official terrorist organization
Yup. The trump administration is a terrorist organization.
Yes the Trump Administration terrorizes people who hate the United States
Antifa is an anti fascist ideology.
Who use facist tactics to terrorize a Democratic Republic
Far leftist Democrats ... Joe Biden denies a lot including his mainlining of extortion for 47 years. Not to worry. He kept it under four trillion$. :rolleyes-41:
Gee, and to think it all happened under the nose of the gop. How incompetent are they to NEVER prosecute it.
Republican politicians can't catch Democrats compromising a Comey coverup? Well, kiss my grits because we just did. :laughing0301:

But I thought Antifa wasn’t an organization?;)

I also didn’t know the KKK weren’t a terrorist organization.
Joe Biden has been in the government for 47 years and all he did was read a KKK member’s eulogy.

Also Trump is giving black communities more access to federal funding ($500 billion) for job training/apprenticeships.

He’s also making Juneteenth a holiday.

What’s BLM doing with all their money and why didn’t Obama do anything?
Too bad nobody has the guts to make BLM an official terrorist organization
Yup. The trump administration is a terrorist organization.
Yes the Trump Administration terrorizes people who hate the United States
Antifa is an anti fascist ideology.
Who use facist tactics to terrorize a Democratic Republic
Far leftist Democrats ... Joe Biden denies a lot including his mainlining of extortion for 47 years. Not to worry. He kept it under four trillion$. :rolleyes-41:
Gee, and to think it all happened under the nose of the gop. How incompetent are they to NEVER prosecute it.
You should be grateful of us having mercy for sparing petty performers and instead of going for the head of the snake. That spares you of prosecution unless you climb the ladder.

But I thought Antifa wasn’t an organization?;)

I also didn’t know the KKK weren’t a terrorist organization.
Joe Biden has been in the government for 47 years and all he did was read a KKK member’s eulogy.

Also Trump is giving black communities more access to federal funding ($500 billion) for job training/apprenticeships.

He’s also making Juneteenth a holiday.

What’s BLM doing with all their money and why didn’t Obama do anything?
Too bad nobody has the guts to make BLM an official terrorist organization
Yup. The trump administration is a terrorist organization.
Yes the Trump Administration terrorizes people who hate the United States
Antifa is an anti fascist ideology.
Who use facist tactics to terrorize a Democratic Republic
Far leftist Democrats ... Joe Biden denies a lot including his mainlining of extortion for 47 years. Not to worry. He kept it under four trillion$. :rolleyes-41:
Gee, and to think it all happened under the nose of the gop. How incompetent are they to NEVER prosecute it.
Republican politicians can't catch Democrats compromising a Comey coverup? Well, kiss my grits because we just did. :laughing0301:

But I thought Antifa wasn’t an organization?;)

I also didn’t know the KKK weren’t a terrorist organization.
Joe Biden has been in the government for 47 years and all he did was read a KKK member’s eulogy.

Also Trump is giving black communities more access to federal funding ($500 billion) for job training/apprenticeships.

He’s also making Juneteenth a holiday.

What’s BLM doing with all their money and why didn’t Obama do anything?
Too bad nobody has the guts to make BLM an official terrorist organization
Yup. The trump administration is a terrorist organization.
Yes the Trump Administration terrorizes people who hate the United States
Antifa is an anti fascist ideology.
Who use facist tactics to terrorize a Democratic Republic
Far leftist Democrats ... Joe Biden denies a lot including his mainlining of extortion for 47 years. Not to worry. He kept it under four trillion$. :rolleyes-41:
Gee, and to think it all happened under the nose of the gop. How incompetent are they to NEVER prosecute it.
You should be grateful of us having mercy for sparing petty performers and instead of going for the head of the snake. That spares you of prosecution unless you climb the ladder.
Huh ?
matter whatyou’ll continue to contradict yourself and try to Blame everything on Trump. Even if it totally contradicts yourself.
Trump IS to blame for a lot of things. He, like the gop, suck at science and the economy. There isn’t much left they can get right.

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