ANTIFA bomb maker arrested.

You just know the lefties are gonna want a link. So I'll go ahead and ask ya for one.....LOL

I was waiting. ANTIFA in this town is all hush, hush. You see the reasoning behind the "no leader " stuff? In all honesty, this happened Saturday. None have the balls to commen because when they did hit the links they learn this guy has a history of making bombs. It's sounding like he got an easy sentence and let off early because he is a rich white boy. No leftard will respond because to do so would admit support for he kids actions. Shows the cowardly nature of the left.
Houston man charged with trying to plant bomb at Confederate statue in Hermann Park
So he wasn't trying to blow up people. Just a statue.

Funny you didn't mention that.

You don't know what his intent was, you don't know how powerful the bomb was. You have no idea if people were going to be around the site when the bomb went off. Funny how you don't take all factors into account.
You do know that you can open the nested quote boxes and review the conversation before posting don't you?

I wouldnt exactly call that support.

It's close enough for me. The never hesitate to buy pay the blame game. In this case what do you have. A kid dressed in black putting bomb in a public park. Switch it up some, say it was the same rich white kid, except that he had a shaved head with "1983 punk" tattooed on his head. It would not be a stretch to jump to a conclusion here.

Start with ANTIFA Facebook

AntiFa USA

Honestly, if one hits a link, it just keeps going and going. Don't know where to starte.
In this case what do you have. A kid dressed in black putting bomb in a public park.
You just can't help yourself. Do you have to lie about everything?
Please show in either or both links where the kid was dressed in black.

Houston man charged with trying to plant bomb at Confederate statue in Hermann Park

Andrew Schneck: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know

This thread should be moved to conspiracy or some other nonsense zone.

Wrong links.
View attachment 145412

Those are the links he posted, dope.

This is what he stated.
In this case what do you have. A kid dressed in black putting bomb in a public park.

There is no mention anywhere that the kid was wearing black.

He's a liar.
so you're saying he was dressed in whites? so he could be seen better setting the bomb? seems odd don't you think? are you always this stupid?
You do know that you can open the nested quote boxes and review the conversation before posting don't you?

I wouldnt exactly call that support.

It's close enough for me. The never hesitate to buy pay the blame game. In this case what do you have. A kid dressed in black putting bomb in a public park. Switch it up some, say it was the same rich white kid, except that he had a shaved head with "1983 punk" tattooed on his head. It would not be a stretch to jump to a conclusion here.

Start with ANTIFA Facebook

AntiFa USA

Honestly, if one hits a link, it just keeps going and going. Don't know where to starte.
In this case what do you have. A kid dressed in black putting bomb in a public park.
You just can't help yourself. Do you have to lie about everything?
Please show in either or both links where the kid was dressed in black.

Houston man charged with trying to plant bomb at Confederate statue in Hermann Park

Andrew Schneck: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know

This thread should be moved to conspiracy or some other nonsense zone.

Wrong links.
View attachment 145412

Those are the links he posted, dope.

This is what he stated.
In this case what do you have. A kid dressed in black putting bomb in a public park.

There is no mention anywhere that the kid was wearing black.

He's a liar.

You sure are hell bent on avoiding the fact the little turd is a leftist.
You do know that you can open the nested quote boxes and review the conversation before posting don't you?

I wouldnt exactly call that support.

It's close enough for me. The never hesitate to buy pay the blame game. In this case what do you have. A kid dressed in black putting bomb in a public park. Switch it up some, say it was the same rich white kid, except that he had a shaved head with "1983 punk" tattooed on his head. It would not be a stretch to jump to a conclusion here.

Start with ANTIFA Facebook

AntiFa USA

Honestly, if one hits a link, it just keeps going and going. Don't know where to starte.
In this case what do you have. A kid dressed in black putting bomb in a public park.
You just can't help yourself. Do you have to lie about everything?
Please show in either or both links where the kid was dressed in black.

Houston man charged with trying to plant bomb at Confederate statue in Hermann Park

Andrew Schneck: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know

This thread should be moved to conspiracy or some other nonsense zone.

Wrong links.
View attachment 145412

I don't think that's the kid. I googled the Rax Fufe kid. He seems normal enough. Zero details on the wouldbe bomber though. Hope they arraign him soon. That way Mommy and daddy can't hide the details of the arrest from the public though.

Your sidekick ain't too swift there, buddy. :laugh2:
I wouldnt exactly call that support.

It's close enough for me. The never hesitate to buy pay the blame game. In this case what do you have. A kid dressed in black putting bomb in a public park. Switch it up some, say it was the same rich white kid, except that he had a shaved head with "1983 punk" tattooed on his head. It would not be a stretch to jump to a conclusion here.

Start with ANTIFA Facebook

AntiFa USA

Honestly, if one hits a link, it just keeps going and going. Don't know where to starte.
In this case what do you have. A kid dressed in black putting bomb in a public park.
You just can't help yourself. Do you have to lie about everything?
Please show in either or both links where the kid was dressed in black.

Houston man charged with trying to plant bomb at Confederate statue in Hermann Park

Andrew Schneck: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know

This thread should be moved to conspiracy or some other nonsense zone.

Wrong links.
View attachment 145412

I don't think that's the kid. I googled the Rax Fufe kid. He seems normal enough. Zero details on the wouldbe bomber though. Hope they arraign him soon. That way Mommy and daddy can't hide the details of the arrest from the public though.

My bad.
I wouldnt exactly call that support.

It's close enough for me. The never hesitate to buy pay the blame game. In this case what do you have. A kid dressed in black putting bomb in a public park. Switch it up some, say it was the same rich white kid, except that he had a shaved head with "1983 punk" tattooed on his head. It would not be a stretch to jump to a conclusion here.

Start with ANTIFA Facebook

AntiFa USA

Honestly, if one hits a link, it just keeps going and going. Don't know where to starte.
In this case what do you have. A kid dressed in black putting bomb in a public park.
You just can't help yourself. Do you have to lie about everything?
Please show in either or both links where the kid was dressed in black.

Houston man charged with trying to plant bomb at Confederate statue in Hermann Park

Andrew Schneck: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know

This thread should be moved to conspiracy or some other nonsense zone.

Wrong links.
View attachment 145412

I don't think that's the kid. I googled the Rax Fufe kid. He seems normal enough. Zero details on the wouldbe bomber though. Hope they arraign him soon. That way Mommy and daddy can't hide the details of the arrest from the public though.

Your sidekick ain't too swift there, buddy. :laugh2:

Smart enough to know a violent leftist when I see one.
It's close enough for me. The never hesitate to buy pay the blame game. In this case what do you have. A kid dressed in black putting bomb in a public park. Switch it up some, say it was the same rich white kid, except that he had a shaved head with "1983 punk" tattooed on his head. It would not be a stretch to jump to a conclusion here.

Start with ANTIFA Facebook

AntiFa USA

Honestly, if one hits a link, it just keeps going and going. Don't know where to starte.
In this case what do you have. A kid dressed in black putting bomb in a public park.
You just can't help yourself. Do you have to lie about everything?
Please show in either or both links where the kid was dressed in black.

Houston man charged with trying to plant bomb at Confederate statue in Hermann Park

Andrew Schneck: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know

This thread should be moved to conspiracy or some other nonsense zone.

Wrong links.
View attachment 145412

I don't think that's the kid. I googled the Rax Fufe kid. He seems normal enough. Zero details on the wouldbe bomber though. Hope they arraign him soon. That way Mommy and daddy can't hide the details of the arrest from the public though.

My bad.

I find it telling that you find admitting a mistake to be funny.
I wouldnt exactly call that support.

It's close enough for me. The never hesitate to buy pay the blame game. In this case what do you have. A kid dressed in black putting bomb in a public park. Switch it up some, say it was the same rich white kid, except that he had a shaved head with "1983 punk" tattooed on his head. It would not be a stretch to jump to a conclusion here.

Start with ANTIFA Facebook

AntiFa USA

Honestly, if one hits a link, it just keeps going and going. Don't know where to starte.
In this case what do you have. A kid dressed in black putting bomb in a public park.
You just can't help yourself. Do you have to lie about everything?
Please show in either or both links where the kid was dressed in black.

Houston man charged with trying to plant bomb at Confederate statue in Hermann Park

Andrew Schneck: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know

This thread should be moved to conspiracy or some other nonsense zone.

Wrong links.
View attachment 145412

Those are the links he posted, dope.

This is what he stated.
In this case what do you have. A kid dressed in black putting bomb in a public park.

There is no mention anywhere that the kid was wearing black.

He's a liar.
so you're saying he was dressed in whites? so he could be seen better setting the bomb? seems odd don't you think? are you always this stupid?

I was refuting a willful lie. I never made a claim about his dress. There was no mention made of what he was wearing.
You just can't help yourself. Do you have to lie about everything?
Please show in either or both links where the kid was dressed in black.

Houston man charged with trying to plant bomb at Confederate statue in Hermann Park

Andrew Schneck: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know

This thread should be moved to conspiracy or some other nonsense zone.

Wrong links.
View attachment 145412

I don't think that's the kid. I googled the Rax Fufe kid. He seems normal enough. Zero details on the wouldbe bomber though. Hope they arraign him soon. That way Mommy and daddy can't hide the details of the arrest from the public though.

My bad.

I find it telling that you find admitting a mistake to be funny.

Every post you've made in this thread was wrong.
I wouldnt exactly call that support.

It's close enough for me. The never hesitate to buy pay the blame game. In this case what do you have. A kid dressed in black putting bomb in a public park. Switch it up some, say it was the same rich white kid, except that he had a shaved head with "1983 punk" tattooed on his head. It would not be a stretch to jump to a conclusion here.

Start with ANTIFA Facebook

AntiFa USA

Honestly, if one hits a link, it just keeps going and going. Don't know where to starte.
In this case what do you have. A kid dressed in black putting bomb in a public park.
You just can't help yourself. Do you have to lie about everything?
Please show in either or both links where the kid was dressed in black.

Houston man charged with trying to plant bomb at Confederate statue in Hermann Park

Andrew Schneck: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know

This thread should be moved to conspiracy or some other nonsense zone.

Wrong links.
View attachment 145412

Those are the links he posted, dope.

This is what he stated.
In this case what do you have. A kid dressed in black putting bomb in a public park.

There is no mention anywhere that the kid was wearing black.

He's a liar.

You sure are hell bent on avoiding the fact the little turd is a leftist.

Look dope, I've never claimed he wasn't. I'm simply calling out blatant lies.
So we are well into second page.... Can you show us that Schneck is connected to ANTIFA?

Have you any real numbers ANTIFA?

Can you explain there leadership?

Could also tell us the major democratic leader who said they have 'Good People'?

This is the alt-right trying to create some huge enemy which doesn't exist

Maybe it would be a good idea to look at the servers antifa uses so the FBI can make the connection...oh thats right,you're against that.

Anything to protect the militant arm of the dems.....

Not against... Just pop along to a judge and show just cause and we can see... ANTIFA looks like it uses Facebook so there would be link to this group, which is kind of disturbing:

These brave women are campaigning women to be allowed to dress immodestly even though the unfounded link of them causing causing earthquakes.
So we are well into second page.... Can you show us that Schneck is connected to ANTIFA?

Have you any real numbers ANTIFA?

Can you explain there leadership?

Could also tell us the major democratic leader who said they have 'Good People'?

This is the alt-right trying to create some huge enemy which doesn't exist

Maybe it would be a good idea to look at the servers antifa uses so the FBI can make the connection...oh thats right,you're against that.

Anything to protect the militant arm of the dems.....

Maybe it would be better just to show the connection you claim.

How do you expect to make a case against these violent fruitcakes if you refuse to allow the FBI to investigate?

Could you please show the connection between the Democratic Party and ANTIFA...
So we are well into second page.... Can you show us that Schneck is connected to ANTIFA?

Have you any real numbers ANTIFA?

Can you explain there leadership?

Could also tell us the major democratic leader who said they have 'Good People'?

This is the alt-right trying to create some huge enemy which doesn't exist

Maybe it would be a good idea to look at the servers antifa uses so the FBI can make the connection...oh thats right,you're against that.

Anything to protect the militant arm of the dems.....

Maybe it would be better just to show the connection you claim.

How do you expect to make a case against these violent fruitcakes if you refuse to allow the FBI to investigate?

Could you please show the connection between the Democratic Party and ANTIFA...

You tacitly support them by not denouncing them.
Yeah, he was kneeling near the statue of Dowling. But, AFAIK, that statue has not been a subject of serious controversy.

There have been many protests, many fights, many articles written by the DISGUSTING FILTH, and many people upset over the Statue of Sam Houston.

Who resigned from Office rather than lead Texas into the Confederacy.

It defies imagination to think that this Antifa scumbag dimocrap wanted to blow up a statue of someone nobody has ever heard of.

He was kneeling there.

the DISGUSTING FILTH is just that -- The only thing you can trust them to do is lie

And they only reported this because they had to
Yet every one is going on about TRUMP! Had a story broke about an ISIS guy who was busted in the past for bomb making it would have sent us back to the color coded terriorist alert. But since he is a rich white kid (avrage democrat) he gets no mention. This guy was hard core. Definite bomb maker wannabe. He is typical of ANTIFA and where they would like to head. Must be a big case to, no one is talking about it. Just odd.
Communist Revolutionaries must fucking die!!!

Everyone must die. There is no other way to end life
You just know the lefties are gonna want a link. So I'll go ahead and ask ya for one.....LOL

I was waiting. ANTIFA in this town is all hush, hush. You see the reasoning behind the "no leader " stuff? In all honesty, this happened Saturday. None have the balls to commen because when they did hit the links they learn this guy has a history of making bombs. It's sounding like he got an easy sentence and let off early because he is a rich white boy. No leftard will respond because to do so would admit support for he kids actions. Shows the cowardly nature of the left.

Houston man charged with trying to plant bomb at Confederate statue in Hermann Park

I don't understand why righties would be upset about this . It's just bombing a statue .

The guy the monument is for did much worse (killed US troops) and you love him .
Another failed lecture from the "Cat in the hat."

Just bombing a statue that children may be observing at the time of detonation.

Collateral damage is acceptable to you?
You just know the lefties are gonna want a link. So I'll go ahead and ask ya for one.....LOL

I was waiting. ANTIFA in this town is all hush, hush. You see the reasoning behind the "no leader " stuff? In all honesty, this happened Saturday. None have the balls to commen because when they did hit the links they learn this guy has a history of making bombs. It's sounding like he got an easy sentence and let off early because he is a rich white boy. No leftard will respond because to do so would admit support for he kids actions. Shows the cowardly nature of the left.

Houston man charged with trying to plant bomb at Confederate statue in Hermann Park

I don't understand why righties would be upset about this . It's just bombing a statue .

The guy the monument is for did much worse (killed US troops) and you love him .
Another failed lecture from the "Cat in the hat."

Just bombing a statue that children may be observing at the time of detonation.

Collateral damage is acceptable to you?

The lady in Charlottesville was. Many on the left love that stuff.
It's close enough for me. The never hesitate to buy pay the blame game. In this case what do you have. A kid dressed in black putting bomb in a public park. Switch it up some, say it was the same rich white kid, except that he had a shaved head with "1983 punk" tattooed on his head. It would not be a stretch to jump to a conclusion here.

Start with ANTIFA Facebook

AntiFa USA

Honestly, if one hits a link, it just keeps going and going. Don't know where to starte.
In this case what do you have. A kid dressed in black putting bomb in a public park.
You just can't help yourself. Do you have to lie about everything?
Please show in either or both links where the kid was dressed in black.

Houston man charged with trying to plant bomb at Confederate statue in Hermann Park

Andrew Schneck: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know

This thread should be moved to conspiracy or some other nonsense zone.

Wrong links.
View attachment 145412

Those are the links he posted, dope.

This is what he stated.
In this case what do you have. A kid dressed in black putting bomb in a public park.

There is no mention anywhere that the kid was wearing black.

He's a liar.

You sure are hell bent on avoiding the fact the little turd is a leftist.

Look dope, I've never claimed he wasn't. I'm simply calling out blatant lies.

Na, you defend and support his actions. Makes you another pea in a pod with the white power folks and the anarchist.
I was waiting. ANTIFA in this town is all hush, hush. You see the reasoning behind the "no leader " stuff? In all honesty, this happened Saturday. None have the balls to commen because when they did hit the links they learn this guy has a history of making bombs. It's sounding like he got an easy sentence and let off early because he is a rich white boy. No leftard will respond because to do so would admit support for he kids actions. Shows the cowardly nature of the left.

Houston man charged with trying to plant bomb at Confederate statue in Hermann Park

I don't understand why righties would be upset about this . It's just bombing a statue .

The guy the monument is for did much worse (killed US troops) and you love him .
Are you a member or supporter of Antifa?

No, they are a democrat who lives vicariously through the exploits of white rich kids.
I was referring about Timmy himself. He's apologetic when it comes to Antifa.

No, just having fun pointing out the rights hypocrisy.

This guy is just violently fighting back against an oppressive government. Like the confederates up in these monuments.

Irony bitches !
Oppressive Government?

Rich fuck has never known oppression.
Yet every one is going on about TRUMP! Had a story broke about an ISIS guy who was busted in the past for bomb making it would have sent us back to the color coded terriorist alert. But since he is a rich white kid (avrage democrat) he gets no mention. This guy was hard core. Definite bomb maker wannabe. He is typical of ANTIFA and where they would like to head. Must be a big case to, no one is talking about it. Just odd.
I am very glad this guy was caught.....seems he's got a thing for explosives having been arrested before......did he even have a political side or just a crazy who likes to make things go boom?
Terrorists much prefer bombs/cars over firearms for terrorism. That's why more frivolous gun laws will not save one single person… Fact

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