ANTIFA bomb maker arrested.

Yet every one is going on about TRUMP! Had a story broke about an ISIS guy who was busted in the past for bomb making it would have sent us back to the color coded terriorist alert. But since he is a rich white kid (avrage democrat) he gets no mention. This guy was hard core. Definite bomb maker wannabe. He is typical of ANTIFA and where they would like to head. Must be a big case to, no one is talking about it. Just odd.

link, nutter butter?
Yet every one is going on about TRUMP! Had a story broke about an ISIS guy who was busted in the past for bomb making it would have sent us back to the color coded terriorist alert. But since he is a rich white kid (avrage democrat) he gets no mention. This guy was hard core. Definite bomb maker wannabe. He is typical of ANTIFA and where they would like to head. Must be a big case to, no one is talking about it. Just odd.

Let Bob Mueller arrest the bomb dropper in the White House first, and that will take care of the Antifa problem.
For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.
You just can't help yourself. Do you have to lie about everything?
Please show in either or both links where the kid was dressed in black.

Houston man charged with trying to plant bomb at Confederate statue in Hermann Park

Andrew Schneck: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know

This thread should be moved to conspiracy or some other nonsense zone.

Wrong links.
View attachment 145412

Those are the links he posted, dope.

This is what he stated.
In this case what do you have. A kid dressed in black putting bomb in a public park.

There is no mention anywhere that the kid was wearing black.

He's a liar.

You sure are hell bent on avoiding the fact the little turd is a leftist.

Look dope, I've never claimed he wasn't. I'm simply calling out blatant lies.

Na, you defend and support his actions. Makes you another pea in a pod with the white power folks and the anarchist.

I did no such thing, liar.
Every group seems to have its crazies, this is what extremism brings.

I understand the intent of antifa, however it is turning into another violent group. We need real peacemakers, not a bunch on nuts that claim they are and then act differently.

To say " all groups have crazy people" is the same as supportive those people actions. Take Mr. White Power who killed the woman and hurt all those people in Charlottesville. Was he just a crazy drawn by action? Likely. But the media and libtards here made it as if Trump was sipping an beer in the passenger seat while they took turns running over black people. There is no middle ground when you are killing people . Read how ANTIFA works. As the Feds investigate in two states more will come out. You can't be a in he middle here . You can kill people to make a point or you can't. It's okay or it isn't. Period.
Apparently the kid in Charlottesville has a history of violence.

Mental illness.

Assaulted his mother.

Correction. Father killed by a drink driver.

On my tablet.

Looking for the link.
Last edited:
Yet every one is going on about TRUMP! Had a story broke about an ISIS guy who was busted in the past for bomb making it would have sent us back to the color coded terriorist alert. But since he is a rich white kid (avrage democrat) he gets no mention. This guy was hard core. Definite bomb maker wannabe. He is typical of ANTIFA and where they would like to head. Must be a big case to, no one is talking about it. Just odd.

link, nutter butter?

They are all here happy cow. Be sure to hit the links to other stories on his criminal past back to 2013. Very interesting story. It's almost a.perfect excample of exactly what BLM calls describes as white privlage.
I wouldnt exactly call that support.

It's close enough for me. The never hesitate to buy pay the blame game. In this case what do you have. A kid dressed in black putting bomb in a public park. Switch it up some, say it was the same rich white kid, except that he had a shaved head with "1983 punk" tattooed on his head. It would not be a stretch to jump to a conclusion here.

Start with ANTIFA Facebook

AntiFa USA

Honestly, if one hits a link, it just keeps going and going. Don't know where to starte.
In this case what do you have. A kid dressed in black putting bomb in a public park.
You just can't help yourself. Do you have to lie about everything?
Please show in either or both links where the kid was dressed in black.

Houston man charged with trying to plant bomb at Confederate statue in Hermann Park

Andrew Schneck: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know

This thread should be moved to conspiracy or some other nonsense zone.

Wrong links.
View attachment 145412

Those are the links he posted, dope.

This is what he stated.
In this case what do you have. A kid dressed in black putting bomb in a public park.

There is no mention anywhere that the kid was wearing black.

He's a liar.

You sure are hell bent on avoiding the fact the little turd is a leftist.
Where in the linked articles does it say that?

Those are the links he posted, dope.

This is what he stated.
In this case what do you have. A kid dressed in black putting bomb in a public park.

There is no mention anywhere that the kid was wearing black.

He's a liar.

You sure are hell bent on avoiding the fact the little turd is a leftist.

Look dope, I've never claimed he wasn't. I'm simply calling out blatant lies.

Na, you defend and support his actions. Makes you another pea in a pod with the white power folks and the anarchist.

I did no such thing, liar.

Oh you did dumb fuck. And. Friday after the state presses charges your going to see abunch more. Even black lives matters here said the guy was NOT with them (as in BLM).
It's close enough for me. The never hesitate to buy pay the blame game. In this case what do you have. A kid dressed in black putting bomb in a public park. Switch it up some, say it was the same rich white kid, except that he had a shaved head with "1983 punk" tattooed on his head. It would not be a stretch to jump to a conclusion here.

Start with ANTIFA Facebook

AntiFa USA

Honestly, if one hits a link, it just keeps going and going. Don't know where to starte.
In this case what do you have. A kid dressed in black putting bomb in a public park.
You just can't help yourself. Do you have to lie about everything?
Please show in either or both links where the kid was dressed in black.

Houston man charged with trying to plant bomb at Confederate statue in Hermann Park

Andrew Schneck: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know

This thread should be moved to conspiracy or some other nonsense zone.

Wrong links.
View attachment 145412

Those are the links he posted, dope.

This is what he stated.
In this case what do you have. A kid dressed in black putting bomb in a public park.

There is no mention anywhere that the kid was wearing black.

He's a liar.

You sure are hell bent on avoiding the fact the little turd is a leftist.
Where in the linked articles does it say that?

So you think he's a right winger?
You just can't help yourself. Do you have to lie about everything?
Please show in either or both links where the kid was dressed in black.

Houston man charged with trying to plant bomb at Confederate statue in Hermann Park

Andrew Schneck: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know

This thread should be moved to conspiracy or some other nonsense zone.

Wrong links.
View attachment 145412

Those are the links he posted, dope.

This is what he stated.
In this case what do you have. A kid dressed in black putting bomb in a public park.

There is no mention anywhere that the kid was wearing black.

He's a liar.

You sure are hell bent on avoiding the fact the little turd is a leftist.
Where in the linked articles does it say that?

So you think he's a right winger?

Don't matter really. This guy is the same thing as the guy who attacked those protesters with his car. Did a white power group claim him? Would it matter? But now, a guy who is um, putting anbomb in a public park on a busy day who when asked said he was blowing up the statue because he did
not like that guy? Na, Russia did it to help Trump.
I don't understand why righties would be upset about this . It's just bombing a statue .

The guy the monument is for did much worse (killed US troops) and you love him .
Are you a member or supporter of Antifa?

No, they are a democrat who lives vicariously through the exploits of white rich kids.
I was referring about Timmy himself. He's apologetic when it comes to Antifa.

No, just having fun pointing out the rights hypocrisy.

This guy is just violently fighting back against an oppressive government. Like the confederates up in these monuments.

Irony bitches !
Oppressive Government?

Rich fuck has never known oppression.

Psst . I don't care about cornball bomber dude. Just pointing out his behavior is confederate-esque.
Yet every one is going on about TRUMP! Had a story broke about an ISIS guy who was busted in the past for bomb making it would have sent us back to the color coded terriorist alert. But since he is a rich white kid (avrage democrat) he gets no mention. This guy was hard core. Definite bomb maker wannabe. He is typical of ANTIFA and where they would like to head. Must be a big case to, no one is talking about it. Just odd.
I am very glad this guy was caught.....seems he's got a thing for explosives having been arrested before......did he even have a political side or just a crazy who likes to make things go boom?

Thanks, he is looking at life inside I hope, if convicted. This is a public danger from the git go.
It's close enough for me. The never hesitate to buy pay the blame game. In this case what do you have. A kid dressed in black putting bomb in a public park. Switch it up some, say it was the same rich white kid, except that he had a shaved head with "1983 punk" tattooed on his head. It would not be a stretch to jump to a conclusion here.

Start with ANTIFA Facebook

AntiFa USA

Honestly, if one hits a link, it just keeps going and going. Don't know where to starte.
In this case what do you have. A kid dressed in black putting bomb in a public park.
You just can't help yourself. Do you have to lie about everything?
Please show in either or both links where the kid was dressed in black.

Houston man charged with trying to plant bomb at Confederate statue in Hermann Park

Andrew Schneck: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know

This thread should be moved to conspiracy or some other nonsense zone.

Wrong links.
View attachment 145412

Those are the links he posted, dope.

This is what he stated.
In this case what do you have. A kid dressed in black putting bomb in a public park.

There is no mention anywhere that the kid was wearing black.

He's a liar.

You sure are hell bent on avoiding the fact the little turd is a leftist.
Where in the linked articles does it say that?

You will recognize this link. Read through and there will be links to other bits of the story. It will take time, been quoted and linked and will be more.

Houston man charged with trying to plant bomb at Confederate statue in Hermann Park
Are you a member or supporter of Antifa?

No, they are a democrat who lives vicariously through the exploits of white rich kids.
I was referring about Timmy himself. He's apologetic when it comes to Antifa.

No, just having fun pointing out the rights hypocrisy.

This guy is just violently fighting back against an oppressive government. Like the confederates up in these monuments.

Irony bitches !
Oppressive Government?

Rich fuck has never known oppression.

Psst . I don't care about cornball bomber dude. Just pointing out his behavior is confederate-esque.

And you support it.
Yet every one is going on about TRUMP! Had a story broke about an ISIS guy who was busted in the past for bomb making it would have sent us back to the color coded terriorist alert. But since he is a rich white kid (avrage democrat) he gets no mention. This guy was hard core. Definite bomb maker wannabe. He is typical of ANTIFA and where they would like to head. Must be a big case to, no one is talking about it. Just odd.
I am very glad this guy was caught.....seems he's got a thing for explosives having been arrested before......did he even have a political side or just a crazy who likes to make things go boom?

Thanks, he is looking at life inside I hope, if convicted. This is a public danger from the git go.

Read on. His parents payed out over a million dollars and had the case sealed. I'm hoping that does not happen again.
Yet every one is going on about TRUMP! Had a story broke about an ISIS guy who was busted in the past for bomb making it would have sent us back to the color coded terriorist alert. But since he is a rich white kid (avrage democrat) he gets no mention. This guy was hard core. Definite bomb maker wannabe. He is typical of ANTIFA and where they would like to head. Must be a big case to, no one is talking about it. Just odd.
I am very glad this guy was caught.....seems he's got a thing for explosives having been arrested before......did he even have a political side or just a crazy who likes to make things go boom?

Thanks, he is looking at life inside I hope, if convicted. This is a public danger from the git go.

Read on. His parents payed out over a million dollars and had the case sealed. I'm hoping that does not happen again.

He's a bug.
Are you a member or supporter of Antifa?

No, they are a democrat who lives vicariously through the exploits of white rich kids.
I was referring about Timmy himself. He's apologetic when it comes to Antifa.

No, just having fun pointing out the rights hypocrisy.

This guy is just violently fighting back against an oppressive government. Like the confederates up in these monuments.

Irony bitches !
Oppressive Government?

Rich fuck has never known oppression.

Psst . I don't care about cornball bomber dude. Just pointing out his behavior is confederate-esque.

I guess you could say that about Samuel Adams as well eh.....
Houston man charged with trying to plant bomb at Confederate statue in Hermann Park

Schneck's arrest about 11 p.m. Saturday followed a day of protests and counter-protests over another controversial statue, the Spirit of the Confederacy, in Sam Houston Park. The "Destroy the Confederacy" protest drew hundreds but ended without incident.

Park Ranger Tamara Curtis, who was not allowed to speak to the media Monday, found Schneck near the base of the Dowling statue with two boxes filled with a homemade detonator, a timer, wiring, a battery, a bottle of nitroglycerin and an explosive organic compound known as HMTD, hexamethylene triperoxide diamine, according to the sworn statement by Federal Bureau of Investigations Special Agent Patrick Hutchinson.
You just know the lefties are gonna want a link. So I'll go ahead and ask ya for one.....LOL

I was waiting. ANTIFA in this town is all hush, hush. You see the reasoning behind the "no leader " stuff? In all honesty, this happened Saturday. None have the balls to commen because when they did hit the links they learn this guy has a history of making bombs. It's sounding like he got an easy sentence and let off early because he is a rich white boy. No leftard will respond because to do so would admit support for he kids actions. Shows the cowardly nature of the left.

Houston man charged with trying to plant bomb at Confederate statue in Hermann Park

I don't understand why righties would be upset about this . It's just bombing a statue .

The guy the monument is for did much worse (killed US troops) and you love him .
Are you a member or supporter of Antifa?

No, they are a democrat who lives vicariously through the exploits of white rich kids.
I was referring about Timmy himself. He's apologetic when it comes to Antifa.
That's because his job here is to troll for post count.
Those are the links he posted, dope.

This is what he stated.
There is no mention anywhere that the kid was wearing black.

He's a liar.

You sure are hell bent on avoiding the fact the little turd is a leftist.

Look dope, I've never claimed he wasn't. I'm simply calling out blatant lies.

Na, you defend and support his actions. Makes you another pea in a pod with the white power folks and the anarchist.

I did no such thing, liar.

Oh you did dumb fuck. And. Friday after the state presses charges your going to see abunch more. Even black lives matters here said the guy was NOT with them (as in BLM).

Don't be pissy just because I called you out for being a liar. I'm sure it's nothing new for a loser like you. :laugh2:

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