Antifa Burns US Flag

The fetishism is strong in this one.

You are correct Pogo, I do have a excessive amount of respect for our Flag... Some folks need to consider the number of people who have died for the Freedom and Flag of the United States... I have shed tears (no blood) showing respect for the Flag and not embarrassed to say so...

Nobody has ever died for a flag. Many have died for a Constitution, for a nation, for a people under threat --- but not for a fetish.

Judging by some of the disgusting comments though, some have indeed visited violence on others for a fetish. Which kind of proves the point of why fetishism is not a positive thing.

Even the Bible knew that.
Year and a half ago?

I don't care if it was decade and half ago... The man (FED-EX Driver) acted with disregard for his safety from a bunch of street thugs to save the Flag of the United States... This is behavior above and beyond... Deep respect for the man...
That Fed Ex driver deserves national recognition. Maybe if everyone saw the video, more people would stomp the dog shit out of that human garbage. Cure them flag burners.

The fetishism is strong in this one.
My fetish is breaking skulls of flag burning garbage, Pogo. Back in 66, 67, I and other Vietnam vets used to track down flag burners and administer a little punishment. Never did get caught. Nothing more satisfying then taking out knees with a 32 oz Louisville Slugger.

Three words:

"Get over it".

If y'all fetishists didn't invest the power in that fetish, the flag burners would gain nothing from burning it.

Or didn't y'all ever think of that?

Yer right but I lost too many buddies who died for that flag. Maybe if that trash started dying for burning that flag, they might just "git over it."
I don't care if it was decade and half ago... The man (FED-EX Driver) acted with disregard for his safety from a bunch of street thugs to save the Flag of the United States... This is behavior above and beyond... Deep respect for the man...
That Fed Ex driver deserves national recognition. Maybe if everyone saw the video, more people would stomp the dog shit out of that human garbage. Cure them flag burners.

The fetishism is strong in this one.
My fetish is breaking skulls of flag burning garbage, Pogo. Back in 66, 67, I and other Vietnam vets used to track down flag burners and administer a little punishment. Never did get caught. Nothing more satisfying then taking out knees with a 32 oz Louisville Slugger.

Three words:

"Get over it".

If y'all fetishists didn't invest the power in that fetish, the flag burners would gain nothing from burning it.

Or didn't y'all ever think of that?

Yer right but I lost too many buddies who died for that flag. Maybe if that trash started dying for burning that flag, they might just "git over it."

Once again --- nobody ever died for a flag. Nor did anybody take an oath for one.

Prove me wrong.

Why do you think the Old Testament prohibits the worship of graven images? Take a guess.
That Fed Ex driver deserves national recognition. Maybe if everyone saw the video, more people would stomp the dog shit out of that human garbage. Cure them flag burners.

The fetishism is strong in this one.
My fetish is breaking skulls of flag burning garbage, Pogo. Back in 66, 67, I and other Vietnam vets used to track down flag burners and administer a little punishment. Never did get caught. Nothing more satisfying then taking out knees with a 32 oz Louisville Slugger.

Three words:

"Get over it".

If y'all fetishists didn't invest the power in that fetish, the flag burners would gain nothing from burning it.

Or didn't y'all ever think of that?

Yer right but I lost too many buddies who died for that flag. Maybe if that trash started dying for burning that flag, they might just "git over it."

Once again --- nobody ever died for a flag.

Prove me wrong.

The flag is a symbol of America. They died for a symbol. A symbol with 13 stripes and 50 stars.
It's fun to watch the alt right bots lie and sigh.

It was your guys who burned the flag.
It’s got to hurt to be this stupid. You mind explaining how that could possibly happen?
Yes, M M, you are that stupid. Remember that you are not mainstream in America, just far out on the weird far right.

Also since when has antifa supposedly been Democrat. They hate both parties.
I’m pretty main stream out here in the fly over states. That’s a problem for you. Nobody believes anyone but a left winger would be burning the flag. And there’s nobody out here so shit ass stupid as to think antifa is anything but the left. Not the far left. Just the left. Which should be pretty obvious,
The fetishism is strong in this one.
My fetish is breaking skulls of flag burning garbage, Pogo. Back in 66, 67, I and other Vietnam vets used to track down flag burners and administer a little punishment. Never did get caught. Nothing more satisfying then taking out knees with a 32 oz Louisville Slugger.

Three words:

"Get over it".

If y'all fetishists didn't invest the power in that fetish, the flag burners would gain nothing from burning it.

Or didn't y'all ever think of that?

Yer right but I lost too many buddies who died for that flag. Maybe if that trash started dying for burning that flag, they might just "git over it."

Once again --- nobody ever died for a flag.

Prove me wrong.

The flag is a symbol of America. They died for a symbol. A symbol with 13 stripes and 50 stars.
Well that didn’t take long.
The fetishism is strong in this one.
My fetish is breaking skulls of flag burning garbage, Pogo. Back in 66, 67, I and other Vietnam vets used to track down flag burners and administer a little punishment. Never did get caught. Nothing more satisfying then taking out knees with a 32 oz Louisville Slugger.

Three words:

"Get over it".

If y'all fetishists didn't invest the power in that fetish, the flag burners would gain nothing from burning it.

Or didn't y'all ever think of that?

Yer right but I lost too many buddies who died for that flag. Maybe if that trash started dying for burning that flag, they might just "git over it."

Once again --- nobody ever died for a flag.

Prove me wrong.

The flag is a symbol of America. They died for a symbol. A symbol with 13 stripes and 50 stars.

Nobody dies for a symbol. That's absurd.
My fetish is breaking skulls of flag burning garbage, Pogo. Back in 66, 67, I and other Vietnam vets used to track down flag burners and administer a little punishment. Never did get caught. Nothing more satisfying then taking out knees with a 32 oz Louisville Slugger.

Three words:

"Get over it".

If y'all fetishists didn't invest the power in that fetish, the flag burners would gain nothing from burning it.

Or didn't y'all ever think of that?

Yer right but I lost too many buddies who died for that flag. Maybe if that trash started dying for burning that flag, they might just "git over it."

Once again --- nobody ever died for a flag.

Prove me wrong.

The flag is a symbol of America. They died for a symbol. A symbol with 13 stripes and 50 stars.

Nobody dies for a symbol. That's absurd.
Have it your way, Patriot.
Three words:

"Get over it".

If y'all fetishists didn't invest the power in that fetish, the flag burners would gain nothing from burning it.

Or didn't y'all ever think of that?

"Get over it" Really? Rather bold of you to tell me to "get over it"... I spent some time in the Military, Reveille and Retreat became my favorite parts of the Day... The hoisting and lowering of the Flag is a Honored tradition in the Military...

You are correct about one thing... I never even considered "getting over it"...
Three words:

"Get over it".

If y'all fetishists didn't invest the power in that fetish, the flag burners would gain nothing from burning it.

Or didn't y'all ever think of that?

"Get over it" Really? Rather bold of you to tell me to "get over it"... I spent some time in the Military, Reveille and Retreat became my favorite parts of the Day... The hoisting and lowering of the Flag is a Honored tradition in the Military...

You are correct about one thing... I never even considered "getting over it"...

Perhaps the military should put more energy into militarying and less into fetishism. Obviously not everybody understands it.

Perhaps pro sports should put more energy into sports for the same reason.

Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness that [is] in heaven above, or that [is] in the earth beneath, or that [is] in the water under the earth (Exodus 20)​

Why did you title this thread "Democrats burn US flag" when your video says antifa burns flag?

They're obviously Democrats.

Notice that they never protested Clinton.

So, in your mind, it I said entirely fitting and proper to equate the vilest fringe groups with the mainstream. Is that true should folks link the Klan and White Nationalists with today's Republican Party? Is the sauce served with the goose okay for the gander?
I don't expect you to understand Pogo … I would like to think you are intelligent enough to know that everything doesn't coincide 'With the World According to Pogo'... What I feel for the Flag is in my Heart, and you are comparing my respect like I enjoy nibbling on toes...
Obviously you do not have the same feelings I do... You "get over it"...
Three words:

"Get over it".

If y'all fetishists didn't invest the power in that fetish, the flag burners would gain nothing from burning it.

Or didn't y'all ever think of that?

"Get over it" Really? Rather bold of you to tell me to "get over it"... I spent some time in the Military, Reveille and Retreat became my favorite parts of the Day... The hoisting and lowering of the Flag is a Honored tradition in the Military...

You are correct about one thing... I never even considered "getting over it"...

Perhaps the military should put more energy into militarying and less into fetishism. Obviously not everybody understands it.

Perhaps pro sports should put more energy into sports for the same reason.

Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness that [is] in heaven above, or that [is] in the earth beneath, or that [is] in the water under the earth (Exodus 20)​

FYI, Exodus 20 means you are not to worship said graven image. Flag waving is not fetishism.
I hate to say this, but, to burn a flag is their right, and according to our constitution, they can do that. It's just sad that these people will desecrate the flag, and desecrate the country, and all of those people who fought and died for their freedom to burn that flag, and if the time comes and they are in need, our country will come to their aid.

Sadly, most people dont realize that the symbolic gesture of flag burning, because they are angry with this administration, is out of place. You dont desecrate the symbol of our country if you have angst against the president, you protest him, and his administration.

By burning a flag, you are telling all patriots who have fought for this country, and for all the freedoms you have today, that you are not with them and that they all fought for people who dont respect them, who dont care if they, or family members died in defense of this country.

It's the same issue as kneeling during the national anthem. The message that is being sent is not one of protest of an administration, but one of detest for the country.

Again, it's sad, but it's their right....
There is a photo someplace showing Old Glory thrown into a trash pile after a Hillary rally. A generation of kids have been raised by left wing education policies to hate and disrespect the Flag. Trump Rallies chant USA USA and wave the Flag. The difference in the political parties is becoming obvious. Pick a side.
Three words:

"Get over it".

If y'all fetishists didn't invest the power in that fetish, the flag burners would gain nothing from burning it.

Or didn't y'all ever think of that?

"Get over it" Really? Rather bold of you to tell me to "get over it"... I spent some time in the Military, Reveille and Retreat became my favorite parts of the Day... The hoisting and lowering of the Flag is a Honored tradition in the Military...

You are correct about one thing... I never even considered "getting over it"...

Perhaps the military should put more energy into militarying and less into fetishism. Obviously not everybody understands it.

Perhaps pro sports should put more energy into sports for the same reason.

Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness that [is] in heaven above, or that [is] in the earth beneath, or that [is] in the water under the earth (Exodus 20)​

FYI, Exodus 20 means you are not to worship said graven image. Flag waving is not fetishism.
Funny, Pogo?I can picture you giggling like a sissy.:777:

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