Antifa Burns US Flag

Three words:

"Get over it".

If y'all fetishists didn't invest the power in that fetish, the flag burners would gain nothing from burning it.

Or didn't y'all ever think of that?

"Get over it" Really? Rather bold of you to tell me to "get over it"... I spent some time in the Military, Reveille and Retreat became my favorite parts of the Day... The hoisting and lowering of the Flag is a Honored tradition in the Military...

You are correct about one thing... I never even considered "getting over it"...

Perhaps the military should put more energy into militarying and less into fetishism. Obviously not everybody understands it.

Perhaps pro sports should put more energy into sports for the same reason.

Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness that [is] in heaven above, or that [is] in the earth beneath, or that [is] in the water under the earth (Exodus 20)​

FYI, Exodus 20 means you are not to worship said graven image. Flag waving is not fetishism.

No, it isn't and neither is strawmanning. Yes, I noticed your desperation shift to "waving". You thought I wouldn't notice?

But claiming to die for a thing, and claiming to go around busting kneecaps with baseball bats when that thing is blasphemed, and when every point you have about the thing is based on pure emotion --- yes indeed, that is big-time worship of a graven image. An idol. A fetish. Whatever you call it, same thing. An inanimate object.
By burning a flag, you are telling all patriots who have fought for this country, and for all the freedoms you have today, that you are not with them and that they all fought for people who dont respect them, who dont care if they, or family members died in defense of this country.

It's the same issue as kneeling during the national anthem. The message that is being sent is not one of protest of an administration, but one of detest for the country.

Again, it's sad, but it's their right....

I agree... It is their right... It is also the law that they have to have a open burn permit in most major metropolises... All the Fed-Ex Driver was doing was putting out a fire in the city...
Three words:

"Get over it".

If y'all fetishists didn't invest the power in that fetish, the flag burners would gain nothing from burning it.

Or didn't y'all ever think of that?

"Get over it" Really? Rather bold of you to tell me to "get over it"... I spent some time in the Military, Reveille and Retreat became my favorite parts of the Day... The hoisting and lowering of the Flag is a Honored tradition in the Military...

You are correct about one thing... I never even considered "getting over it"...

Perhaps the military should put more energy into militarying and less into fetishism. Obviously not everybody understands it.

Perhaps pro sports should put more energy into sports for the same reason.

Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness that [is] in heaven above, or that [is] in the earth beneath, or that [is] in the water under the earth (Exodus 20)​

FYI, Exodus 20 means you are not to worship said graven image. Flag waving is not fetishism.

No, it isn't and neither is strawmanning. Yes, I noticed your desperation shift to "waving". You thought I wouldn't notice?

But claiming to die for a thing, and claiming to go around busting kneecaps with baseball bats when that thing is blasphemed, and when every point you have about the thing is based on pure emotion --- yes indeed, that is big-time worship of a graven image. An idol. A fetish. Whatever you call it, same thing. An inanimate object.

Desperation? Yes. I've been a desperate flag waver since 6 June 1944 when my father went ashore at Omaha beach. Burning the flag is not blasphemy. It's disrespect.
Three words:

"Get over it".

If y'all fetishists didn't invest the power in that fetish, the flag burners would gain nothing from burning it.

Or didn't y'all ever think of that?

"Get over it" Really? Rather bold of you to tell me to "get over it"... I spent some time in the Military, Reveille and Retreat became my favorite parts of the Day... The hoisting and lowering of the Flag is a Honored tradition in the Military...

You are correct about one thing... I never even considered "getting over it"...

Perhaps the military should put more energy into militarying and less into fetishism. Obviously not everybody understands it.

Perhaps pro sports should put more energy into sports for the same reason.

Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness that [is] in heaven above, or that [is] in the earth beneath, or that [is] in the water under the earth (Exodus 20)​

FYI, Exodus 20 means you are not to worship said graven image. Flag waving is not fetishism.

No, it isn't and neither is strawmanning. Yes, I noticed your desperation shift to "waving". You thought I wouldn't notice?

But claiming to die for a thing, and claiming to go around busting kneecaps with baseball bats when that thing is blasphemed, and when every point you have about the thing is based on pure emotion --- yes indeed, that is big-time worship of a graven image. An idol. A fetish. Whatever you call it, same thing. An inanimate object.

Desperation? Yes. I've been a desperate flag waver since 6 June 1944 when my father went ashore at Omaha beach. Burning the flag is not blasphemy. It's disrespect.

See what I mean about emotion? Thanks for demonstrating my point.

Of course you consider it blasphemy. If you didn't you wouldn't have been using baseball bats on knees. Another demonstration. And again --- emotion. If you hadn't invested that emotion into an inanimate object in the first place .... no such violence would be even considered. The object would not be invested with worship and would not have to be "defended", because you'd realize it's an inanimate object.

Which is where I started this point. Right there at the words "Get over it".
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"Get over it" Really? Rather bold of you to tell me to "get over it"... I spent some time in the Military, Reveille and Retreat became my favorite parts of the Day... The hoisting and lowering of the Flag is a Honored tradition in the Military...

You are correct about one thing... I never even considered "getting over it"...

Perhaps the military should put more energy into militarying and less into fetishism. Obviously not everybody understands it.

Perhaps pro sports should put more energy into sports for the same reason.

Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness that [is] in heaven above, or that [is] in the earth beneath, or that [is] in the water under the earth (Exodus 20)​

FYI, Exodus 20 means you are not to worship said graven image. Flag waving is not fetishism.

No, it isn't and neither is strawmanning. Yes, I noticed your desperation shift to "waving". You thought I wouldn't notice?

But claiming to die for a thing, and claiming to go around busting kneecaps with baseball bats when that thing is blasphemed, and when every point you have about the thing is based on pure emotion --- yes indeed, that is big-time worship of a graven image. An idol. A fetish. Whatever you call it, same thing. An inanimate object.

Desperation? Yes. I've been a desperate flag waver since 6 June 1944 when my father went ashore at Omaha beach. Burning the flag is not blasphemy. It's disrespect.

See what I mean about emotion? Thanks for demonstrating my point.

Of course you consider it blasphemy. If you didn't you wouldn't have been using baseball bats on knees. Another demonstration. And again --- emotion. If you hadn't invested that emotion into an inanimate object in the first place .... no such violence would be even considered.

Which is where I started this point. Right there at the words "Get over it".

after a while it was like why keep saying you are one....

Probably because he believes that and isn't hindered by the fact that you don't believe it. Maybe he's wrong or whatever, but there's no way he is actively attempting to deceive people on an internet forum for 10 years.
you dont read very good do you?.....a hell of a lot of people believe that about jake...and he doesnt do a very good job of convincing those people....i was one of the last posters here to say that about him.....but after so many years of watching him do a shitty job of defending himself....its like someone saying they are a baseball fan but just cant seem to get the names of the teams and players right...
By burning a flag, you are telling all patriots who have fought for this country, and for all the freedoms you have today, that you are not with them and that they all fought for people who dont respect them, who dont care if they, or family members died in defense of this country.

It's the same issue as kneeling during the national anthem. The message that is being sent is not one of protest of an administration, but one of detest for the country.

Again, it's sad, but it's their right....

I agree... It is their right... It is also the law that they have to have a open burn permit in most major metropolises... All the Fed-Ex Driver was doing was putting out a fire in the city...
I'm not disagreeing with the fed ex driver, I was just voicing my position that, these people have that right. It sucks that there are americans out there who feel this way, but, they are covered by our constitution
dOnald tRump is pretty much burning the Constitution and you're worried about some protesters engaging in 1st amendment protected free speech?

You lie when the truth sounds better. Trump has done nothing to the constitution. We still have all our rights, but Trump is trying to undue much of what butt boy barry did and rightly so. Now, next flame troll post.
Hey loser, Donald is trying to violate the constitutional rights of people who cross the border.

Don’t you have the murder of journalists to cheer about? Get back to that. It shows your true colors.

You sorry piece of trash.
When did illegal immigrants get rights?
dOnald tRump is pretty much burning the Constitution and you're worried about some protesters engaging in 1st amendment protected free speech?

You lie when the truth sounds better. Trump has done nothing to the constitution. We still have all our rights, but Trump is trying to undue much of what butt boy barry did and rightly so. Now, next flame troll post.
Hey loser, Donald is trying to violate the constitutional rights of people who cross the border.

Don’t you have the murder of journalists to cheer about? Get back to that. It shows your true colors.

You sorry piece of trash.
When did illegal immigrants get rights?
Due process applies to everyone.
dOnald tRump is pretty much burning the Constitution and you're worried about some protesters engaging in 1st amendment protected free speech?

You lie when the truth sounds better. Trump has done nothing to the constitution. We still have all our rights, but Trump is trying to undue much of what butt boy barry did and rightly so. Now, next flame troll post.
Hey loser, Donald is trying to violate the constitutional rights of people who cross the border.

Don’t you have the murder of journalists to cheer about? Get back to that. It shows your true colors.

You sorry piece of trash.
When did illegal immigrants get rights?
Due process applies to everyone.
You come here illegally, you should get sent back to your country of origin, period.
I hate seeing the American flag burned, and I'll defend an American's right to do so.

Presumably that's not a radical thought, is it?

Sure is --- "radical" in the sense of "to the root". The root of what we stand for.

Good to see some of us still grok what that root actually means. :thup:
Democrats Burn US Flag


Where does it say anything about a political party?

Oh wait, that's right ---- you pulled it out of your ass.


Whelp ---- Day Two of the OP running away avoiding the question. Guess that's why he has a Wimp for an avatar.

Pogo Predicts a day three. And four, and five, etc. ad infinitum.

God DAMN I hate being right every time. SO predictable.
dOnald tRump is pretty much burning the Constitution and you're worried about some protesters engaging in 1st amendment protected free speech?

You lie when the truth sounds better. Trump has done nothing to the constitution. We still have all our rights, but Trump is trying to undue much of what butt boy barry did and rightly so. Now, next flame troll post.
Hey loser, Donald is trying to violate the constitutional rights of people who cross the border.

Don’t you have the murder of journalists to cheer about? Get back to that. It shows your true colors.

You sorry piece of trash.
When did illegal immigrants get rights?
Due process applies to everyone.
You come here illegally, you should get sent back to your country of origin, period.
Cool story. They still have a right to due process.

You lie when the truth sounds better. Trump has done nothing to the constitution. We still have all our rights, but Trump is trying to undue much of what butt boy barry did and rightly so. Now, next flame troll post.
Hey loser, Donald is trying to violate the constitutional rights of people who cross the border.

Don’t you have the murder of journalists to cheer about? Get back to that. It shows your true colors.

You sorry piece of trash.
When did illegal immigrants get rights?
Due process applies to everyone.
You come here illegally, you should get sent back to your country of origin, period.
Cool story. They still have a right to due process.

No they don't. They are foreign invaders, shoot them or send them back!
Hey loser, Donald is trying to violate the constitutional rights of people who cross the border.

Don’t you have the murder of journalists to cheer about? Get back to that. It shows your true colors.

You sorry piece of trash.
When did illegal immigrants get rights?
Due process applies to everyone.
You come here illegally, you should get sent back to your country of origin, period.
Cool story. They still have a right to due process.

No they don't. They are foreign invaders, shoot them or send them back!
So, not so much a supporter of the Constitution.
Hey loser, Donald is trying to violate the constitutional rights of people who cross the border.

Don’t you have the murder of journalists to cheer about? Get back to that. It shows your true colors.

You sorry piece of trash.
When did illegal immigrants get rights?
Due process applies to everyone.
You come here illegally, you should get sent back to your country of origin, period.
Cool story. They still have a right to due process.

No they don't. They are foreign invaders, shoot them or send them back!
Help yourself to a life of prison by doing as such.
Hey loser, Donald is trying to violate the constitutional rights of people who cross the border.

Don’t you have the murder of journalists to cheer about? Get back to that. It shows your true colors.

You sorry piece of trash.
When did illegal immigrants get rights?
Due process applies to everyone.
You come here illegally, you should get sent back to your country of origin, period.
Cool story. They still have a right to due process.

No they don't. They are foreign invaders, shoot them or send them back!
I see you need a whole box of tissues

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