Antifa Communism Rejected in Spain

Not the end of the story because that war did not end, they have just had a cessation of hostilities with the Korean Armistice Agreement of 1953.
Spain was very good from the late 1930s up until the 1970s this I have been told by people who were there during those times now either dead or elderly and that Spain began going downhill in the 1970s. I don't know about obscure sections of Spain but about Madrid, Córdoba, Valencia and Barcelona the large cities.
Spain was a total wreck from 1939 to 1958, an international Pariah with concentration camps and incredible poverty, I lived there 1964 on and off- 1994. Franco the total fascist nazi a****** died in 1975 and Spain had its real Miracle after that please.

How come Wikipedia says the Spanish Miracle ended in 1974, and is only surpassed by Japan for 20th century economic growth?
Because it came from nothing...

Extreme Socialism (Communism) sucks the most, look at North Korea vs South Korea.

The irony here is that you're probably more likely to support a Communist style regime, rather than a Franco style regime.

How come?
Yugoslavia wasn't so bad!

The infamous carnages include the Bleiburg repatriations, the Foibe massacres, Tezno massacre, Macelj massacre, Kočevski Rog massacre, Barbara Pit massacre and the communist purges in Serbia in 1944–45.
Communism is totalitarian where the state owns all of business and industry. Socialism is always democratic and is the highest form of government as far as I can see. Nazism is only socialist in its propaganda... Don't listen to that crap. Fascism is right wing totalitarianism where capitalism continues but his under the thumb of the state like everything else. Memorize this paragraph.

National Socialist Germany was in fact Socialist.

Here's 2 Wiki articles proving it point blank.

German Labour Front - Wikipedia

Council of Trust - Wikipedia
Wrong. Socialism is always democratic. Hitler did have full employment and assistance for the unfortunate, but it was all a war economy they would have totally fallen apart they needed to invade other countries to keep it going. Fascism.

War is always good for business and the economy, it was good for America also bringing America completely out of The Great Depression, the Second War made America wealthy, perhaps that's why America loves war so much Perpetual War keeps America's economy floating.
It's the GOP that really Loves War. They are owned by the military industrial complex as well as by greedy rich people... Democrats not so much...

Which party got us involved in WW1, WW2, Korea, Vietnam, Bosnia, and Kosovo.

Hint it isn't the GOP.
Well the first three everybody agreed were necessities. Bosnia and Kosovo we're air wars and no Americans have lost their lives there in all these years of Peace Keeping. Iraq was the stupidest War we've ever had and has caused all these problems in Syria Etc. W Bush was the worst president we've ever had Donald Trump might give him competition.
Social Democracy is actually fairly Capitalist, even in comparison to Fascism.
Socialism is always Democratic is just well regulated capitalism with a good safety net. "We are all socialists now"-Finland prime minister when ObamaCare passed...

Means of production is what constitutes Socialism, Fascism regulated the economy through Cartels, and Councils, Social Democracy does not.
Social democracy and socialism the same thing regulates the economy through legislation because they are NOT Fascist assholes. The economy under Hitler and those councils and cartels or whatever did anything that Hitler told them to do LOL

Fascism clearly manages the economic businesses a lot, as opposed to Social Democracy which does not manage as much of the businesses.
Fascism is the worst. Plus they're always attacking other countries...

Like Peron?
Spain was a total wreck from 1939 to 1958, an international Pariah with concentration camps and incredible poverty, I lived there 1964 on and off- 1994. Franco the total fascist nazi a****** died in 1975 and Spain had its real Miracle after that please.

How come Wikipedia says the Spanish Miracle ended in 1974, and is only surpassed by Japan for 20th century economic growth?
Because it came from nothing...

Extreme Socialism (Communism) sucks the most, look at North Korea vs South Korea.

The irony here is that you're probably more likely to support a Communist style regime, rather than a Franco style regime.

How come?
Yugoslavia wasn't so bad!

The infamous carnages include the Bleiburg repatriations, the Foibe massacres, Tezno massacre, Macelj massacre, Kočevski Rog massacre, Barbara Pit massacre and the communist purges in Serbia in 1944–45.
You said Yugoslavia wasn't so bad... But I think the area has never had it better than it does now... Thank you Bill Clinton??
Socialism is always Democratic is just well regulated capitalism with a good safety net. "We are all socialists now"-Finland prime minister when ObamaCare passed...

Means of production is what constitutes Socialism, Fascism regulated the economy through Cartels, and Councils, Social Democracy does not.
Social democracy and socialism the same thing regulates the economy through legislation because they are NOT Fascist assholes. The economy under Hitler and those councils and cartels or whatever did anything that Hitler told them to do LOL

Fascism clearly manages the economic businesses a lot, as opposed to Social Democracy which does not manage as much of the businesses.
Fascism is the worst. Plus they're always attacking other countries...

Like Peron?
No. But he was a little bit of a joke in comparison to Hitler Mussolini and Franco.
North Korea started the Korean War by invading the south... End of story

Not the end of the story because that war did not end, they have just had a cessation of hostilities with the Korean Armistice Agreement of 1953.
Spain was poorer than Mexico in the 1930's, seems Franco did better for Spain, than well anyone did for Mexico, because Franco lifted Spain up by it's boot-straps.

Spain was very good from the late 1930s up until the 1970s this I have been told by people who were there during those times now either dead or elderly and that Spain began going downhill in the 1970s. I don't know about obscure sections of Spain but about Madrid, Córdoba, Valencia and Barcelona the large cities.
Spain was a total wreck from 1939 to 1958, an international Pariah with concentration camps and incredible poverty, I lived there 1964 on and off- 1994. Franco the total fascist nazi a****** died in 1975 and Spain had its real Miracle after that please.

Well I am told the opposite perhaps it is where people were during the time and what they were doing, all the people my family have known who were in Spain from the late 1930s up until the mid 1960s were either in the Diplomatic profession or were Independently wealthy.

So I think if people had to work for a living things could have been different is all I can think.
Spain's economy was totally wrecked by the Civil War and never really recovered until Eisenhower open the country for tourism in 1958 or so..

What do you mean Eisenhower opened Spain for tourism? You mean that until then America had sanctions on Spain?

I know that when the McCarthy situation was happening in the late 1940s and early 1950s Ava Gardner was going to be Blacklisted she was told of this I don't know who told her but she moved to Spain where her former husband Artie Shaw who also left America because he was going to be Blacklisted he was already living in Spain and for a while she lived near him.

I know this because members of my family and their friends got to know Ava Gardner during her time in Spain and also they already knew Artie Shaw when he lived in Spain, members of my family used to go to Spain for the Bullfighting, I also love Bullfighting, but Ava Gardner was a fan also of it and that's how they got to know her. Artie Shaw after some years moved back to America and she moved to London where she later died.

So Franco's Spain let these two Leftist Americans live in peace and they loved Spain also strange that two Leftist Americans had to flee the Democratic Republic of America and they chose themselves of all nations they could go to they chose Franco's Spain.
Interesting about Artie Shaw... But their economy still sucked... It was in the late 50s that Eisenhower ended the us-led isolation of Spain's cuz he wanted military bases there. That's when the tourism in Spain took off and its economic miracle happened...
Spain was a total wreck from 1939 to 1958, an international Pariah with concentration camps and incredible poverty, I lived there 1964 on and off- 1994. Franco the total fascist nazi a****** died in 1975 and Spain had its real Miracle after that please.

Well I am told the opposite perhaps it is where people were during the time and what they were doing, all the people my family have known who were in Spain from the late 1930s up until the mid 1960s were either in the Diplomatic profession or were Independently wealthy.

So I think if people had to work for a living things could have been different is all I can think.
Spain's economy was totally wrecked by the Civil War and never really recovered until Eisenhower open the country for tourism in 1958 or so..

Yeah well so were a lot of other countries following WW2, many even got Marshall Plan funding.
Very true, but Spain didn't get any Marshall Plan and how many times do I have to say it was a social Pariah until the late 50s.

So was Britain a social Pariah until the late 50's, like when up to a million were imprisoned in the Mau Mau Uprising of Kenya.
North Korea started the Korean War by invading the south... End of story

Not the end of the story because that war did not end, they have just had a cessation of hostilities with the Korean Armistice Agreement of 1953.
Spain was poorer than Mexico in the 1930's, seems Franco did better for Spain, than well anyone did for Mexico, because Franco lifted Spain up by it's boot-straps.

Spain was very good from the late 1930s up until the 1970s this I have been told by people who were there during those times now either dead or elderly and that Spain began going downhill in the 1970s. I don't know about obscure sections of Spain but about Madrid, Córdoba, Valencia and Barcelona the large cities.
Spain was a total wreck from 1939 to 1958, an international Pariah with concentration camps and incredible poverty, I lived there 1964 on and off- 1994. Franco the total fascist nazi a****** died in 1975 and Spain had its real Miracle after that please.

Well I am told the opposite perhaps it is where people were during the time and what they were doing, all the people my family have known who were in Spain from the late 1930s up until the mid 1960s were either in the Diplomatic profession or were Independently wealthy.

So I think if people had to work for a living things could have been different is all I can think.
Spain's economy was totally wrecked by the Civil War and never really recovered until Eisenhower open the country for tourism in 1958 or so..

What do you mean Eisenhower opened Spain for tourism? You mean that until then America had sanctions on Spain?

I know that when the McCarthy situation was happening in the late 1940s and early 1950s Ava Gardner was going to be Blacklisted she was told of this I don't know who told her but she moved to Spain where her former husband Artie Shaw who also left America because he was going to be Blacklisted he was already living in Spain and for a while she lived near him.

I know this because members of my family and their friends got to know Ava Gardner during her time in Spain and also they already knew Artie Shaw when he lived in Spain, members of my family used to go to Spain for the Bullfighting, I also love Bullfighting, but Ava Gardner was a fan also of it and that's how they got to know her. Artie Shaw after some years moved back to America and she moved to London where she later died.

So Franco's Spain let these two Leftist Americans live in peace and they loved Spain also strange that two Leftist Americans had to flee the Democratic Republic of America and they chose themselves of all nations they could go to they chose Franco's Spain.
Well I looked up Ava and Artie they were married in 1945 divorced in 1946, she went back to Spain in 1957 hung out with Hemingway had an affair with a bullfighter. I went to one bullfight in Malaga and didn't like it same cruel sorry to say but I was only 13 LOL they were especially good bullfighters Antonio Ordonez
Just went and looked at our framed poster.
Not the end of the story because that war did not end, they have just had a cessation of hostilities with the Korean Armistice Agreement of 1953.
Spain was very good from the late 1930s up until the 1970s this I have been told by people who were there during those times now either dead or elderly and that Spain began going downhill in the 1970s. I don't know about obscure sections of Spain but about Madrid, Córdoba, Valencia and Barcelona the large cities.
Spain was a total wreck from 1939 to 1958, an international Pariah with concentration camps and incredible poverty, I lived there 1964 on and off- 1994. Franco the total fascist nazi a****** died in 1975 and Spain had its real Miracle after that please.

Well I am told the opposite perhaps it is where people were during the time and what they were doing, all the people my family have known who were in Spain from the late 1930s up until the mid 1960s were either in the Diplomatic profession or were Independently wealthy.

So I think if people had to work for a living things could have been different is all I can think.
Spain's economy was totally wrecked by the Civil War and never really recovered until Eisenhower open the country for tourism in 1958 or so..

What do you mean Eisenhower opened Spain for tourism? You mean that until then America had sanctions on Spain?

I know that when the McCarthy situation was happening in the late 1940s and early 1950s Ava Gardner was going to be Blacklisted she was told of this I don't know who told her but she moved to Spain where her former husband Artie Shaw who also left America because he was going to be Blacklisted he was already living in Spain and for a while she lived near him.

I know this because members of my family and their friends got to know Ava Gardner during her time in Spain and also they already knew Artie Shaw when he lived in Spain, members of my family used to go to Spain for the Bullfighting, I also love Bullfighting, but Ava Gardner was a fan also of it and that's how they got to know her. Artie Shaw after some years moved back to America and she moved to London where she later died.

So Franco's Spain let these two Leftist Americans live in peace and they loved Spain also strange that two Leftist Americans had to flee the Democratic Republic of America and they chose themselves of all nations they could go to they chose Franco's Spain.
Interesting about Artie Shaw... But their economy still sucked... It was in the late 50s that Eisenhower ended the us-led isolation of Spain's cuz he wanted military bases there. That's when the tourism in Spain took off and its economic miracle happened...
McCarthyism, more GOP b*******
Means of production is what constitutes Socialism, Fascism regulated the economy through Cartels, and Councils, Social Democracy does not.
Social democracy and socialism the same thing regulates the economy through legislation because they are NOT Fascist assholes. The economy under Hitler and those councils and cartels or whatever did anything that Hitler told them to do LOL

Fascism clearly manages the economic businesses a lot, as opposed to Social Democracy which does not manage as much of the businesses.
Fascism is the worst. Plus they're always attacking other countries...

Like Peron?
No. But he was a little bit of a joke in comparison to Hitler Mussolini and Franco.

Mussolini was always a joke, well behind scenes he was, Gabriele D'Annunzio would have been more coherent for Italy.
Not the end of the story because that war did not end, they have just had a cessation of hostilities with the Korean Armistice Agreement of 1953.
Spain was very good from the late 1930s up until the 1970s this I have been told by people who were there during those times now either dead or elderly and that Spain began going downhill in the 1970s. I don't know about obscure sections of Spain but about Madrid, Córdoba, Valencia and Barcelona the large cities.
Spain was a total wreck from 1939 to 1958, an international Pariah with concentration camps and incredible poverty, I lived there 1964 on and off- 1994. Franco the total fascist nazi a****** died in 1975 and Spain had its real Miracle after that please.

Well I am told the opposite perhaps it is where people were during the time and what they were doing, all the people my family have known who were in Spain from the late 1930s up until the mid 1960s were either in the Diplomatic profession or were Independently wealthy.

So I think if people had to work for a living things could have been different is all I can think.
Spain's economy was totally wrecked by the Civil War and never really recovered until Eisenhower open the country for tourism in 1958 or so..

What do you mean Eisenhower opened Spain for tourism? You mean that until then America had sanctions on Spain?

I know that when the McCarthy situation was happening in the late 1940s and early 1950s Ava Gardner was going to be Blacklisted she was told of this I don't know who told her but she moved to Spain where her former husband Artie Shaw who also left America because he was going to be Blacklisted he was already living in Spain and for a while she lived near him.

I know this because members of my family and their friends got to know Ava Gardner during her time in Spain and also they already knew Artie Shaw when he lived in Spain, members of my family used to go to Spain for the Bullfighting, I also love Bullfighting, but Ava Gardner was a fan also of it and that's how they got to know her. Artie Shaw after some years moved back to America and she moved to London where she later died.

So Franco's Spain let these two Leftist Americans live in peace and they loved Spain also strange that two Leftist Americans had to flee the Democratic Republic of America and they chose themselves of all nations they could go to they chose Franco's Spain.
Well I looked up Ava and Artie they were married in 1945 divorced in 1946, she went back to Spain in 1957 hung out with Hemingway had an affair with a bullfighter. I went to one bullfight in Malaga and didn't like it same cruel sorry to say but I was only 13 LOL they were especially good bullfighters Antonio Ordonez
Just went and looked at our framed poster.

I did say her former husband if you look he lived in Spain for five years also, Ava Gardner first went to Spain in 1950, she lived in Spain from 1955 until 1968 she moved to London where she stayed until she died.

It's not a secret she lived in Spain.




Ava Gardner Museum - About the Museum


Ava Gardner in Spain
Social democracy and socialism the same thing regulates the economy through legislation because they are NOT Fascist assholes. The economy under Hitler and those councils and cartels or whatever did anything that Hitler told them to do LOL

Fascism clearly manages the economic businesses a lot, as opposed to Social Democracy which does not manage as much of the businesses.
Fascism is the worst. Plus they're always attacking other countries...

Like Peron?
No. But he was a little bit of a joke in comparison to Hitler Mussolini and Franco.

Mussolini was always a joke, well behind scenes he was, Gabriele D'Annunzio would have been more coherent for Italy.
Spain was a total wreck from 1939 to 1958, an international Pariah with concentration camps and incredible poverty, I lived there 1964 on and off- 1994. Franco the total fascist nazi a****** died in 1975 and Spain had its real Miracle after that please.

Well I am told the opposite perhaps it is where people were during the time and what they were doing, all the people my family have known who were in Spain from the late 1930s up until the mid 1960s were either in the Diplomatic profession or were Independently wealthy.

So I think if people had to work for a living things could have been different is all I can think.
Spain's economy was totally wrecked by the Civil War and never really recovered until Eisenhower open the country for tourism in 1958 or so..

What do you mean Eisenhower opened Spain for tourism? You mean that until then America had sanctions on Spain?

I know that when the McCarthy situation was happening in the late 1940s and early 1950s Ava Gardner was going to be Blacklisted she was told of this I don't know who told her but she moved to Spain where her former husband Artie Shaw who also left America because he was going to be Blacklisted he was already living in Spain and for a while she lived near him.

I know this because members of my family and their friends got to know Ava Gardner during her time in Spain and also they already knew Artie Shaw when he lived in Spain, members of my family used to go to Spain for the Bullfighting, I also love Bullfighting, but Ava Gardner was a fan also of it and that's how they got to know her. Artie Shaw after some years moved back to America and she moved to London where she later died.

So Franco's Spain let these two Leftist Americans live in peace and they loved Spain also strange that two Leftist Americans had to flee the Democratic Republic of America and they chose themselves of all nations they could go to they chose Franco's Spain.
Well I looked up Ava and Artie they were married in 1945 divorced in 1946, she went back to Spain in 1957 hung out with Hemingway had an affair with a bullfighter. I went to one bullfight in Malaga and didn't like it same cruel sorry to say but I was only 13 LOL they were especially good bullfighters Antonio Ordonez
Just went and looked at our framed poster.

I did say her former husband if you look he lived in Spain for five years also, Ava Gardner first went to Spain in 1950, she lived in Spain from 1955 until 1968 she moved to London where she stayed until she died.

It's not a secret she lived in Spain.

View attachment 153184


View attachment 153185

Ava Gardner Museum - About the Museum


Ava Gardner in Spain
Very cool... We were down south Drinking with aunt Margo and the tennis player Lou Hoad. She was killed in a car crash in 71, I went back in 94-95 but was unable to open the bar not being European god dammit LOL
What Catalonia has rejected is Globlalism

Spain was a total wreck from 1939 to 1958, an international Pariah with concentration camps and incredible poverty, I lived there 1964 on and off- 1994. Franco the total fascist nazi a****** died in 1975 and Spain had its real Miracle after that please.

Well I am told the opposite perhaps it is where people were during the time and what they were doing, all the people my family have known who were in Spain from the late 1930s up until the mid 1960s were either in the Diplomatic profession or were Independently wealthy.

So I think if people had to work for a living things could have been different is all I can think.
Spain's economy was totally wrecked by the Civil War and never really recovered until Eisenhower open the country for tourism in 1958 or so..

What do you mean Eisenhower opened Spain for tourism? You mean that until then America had sanctions on Spain?

I know that when the McCarthy situation was happening in the late 1940s and early 1950s Ava Gardner was going to be Blacklisted she was told of this I don't know who told her but she moved to Spain where her former husband Artie Shaw who also left America because he was going to be Blacklisted he was already living in Spain and for a while she lived near him.

I know this because members of my family and their friends got to know Ava Gardner during her time in Spain and also they already knew Artie Shaw when he lived in Spain, members of my family used to go to Spain for the Bullfighting, I also love Bullfighting, but Ava Gardner was a fan also of it and that's how they got to know her. Artie Shaw after some years moved back to America and she moved to London where she later died.

So Franco's Spain let these two Leftist Americans live in peace and they loved Spain also strange that two Leftist Americans had to flee the Democratic Republic of America and they chose themselves of all nations they could go to they chose Franco's Spain.
Interesting about Artie Shaw... But their economy still sucked... It was in the late 50s that Eisenhower ended the us-led isolation of Spain's cuz he wanted military bases there. That's when the tourism in Spain took off and its economic miracle happened...
McCarthyism, more GOP b*******

I think the reason both Artie Shaw and Ava Gardner left America and went to live in Spain cannot be because of the McCarthy thing, or I don't know because I have looked and it says Artie Shaw also lived in Spain from 1955 to 1960, she lived in Spain from 1955 to 1968, I'll have to look and see if the McCarthy thing was still happening in 1954/1955.

He was on that Blacklist though after 1950.


Bernstein, Copland, Seeger and others are named as Communists - Jun 22, 1950 -



The Quick 10: 10 Celebrities Named in the Communist Scare

The reason Ava Gardner left Spain in 1968 seems to be only because the Spanish authorities were after her because she had not been paying her taxes there for many years, so she went to London for 22 years until she died in 1990.
Catalonia has the right to be a sovereign country.

May Globalism be damned.
Fascism clearly manages the economic businesses a lot, as opposed to Social Democracy which does not manage as much of the businesses.
Fascism is the worst. Plus they're always attacking other countries...

Like Peron?
No. But he was a little bit of a joke in comparison to Hitler Mussolini and Franco.

Mussolini was always a joke, well behind scenes he was, Gabriele D'Annunzio would have been more coherent for Italy.
Well I am told the opposite perhaps it is where people were during the time and what they were doing, all the people my family have known who were in Spain from the late 1930s up until the mid 1960s were either in the Diplomatic profession or were Independently wealthy.

So I think if people had to work for a living things could have been different is all I can think.
Spain's economy was totally wrecked by the Civil War and never really recovered until Eisenhower open the country for tourism in 1958 or so..

What do you mean Eisenhower opened Spain for tourism? You mean that until then America had sanctions on Spain?

I know that when the McCarthy situation was happening in the late 1940s and early 1950s Ava Gardner was going to be Blacklisted she was told of this I don't know who told her but she moved to Spain where her former husband Artie Shaw who also left America because he was going to be Blacklisted he was already living in Spain and for a while she lived near him.

I know this because members of my family and their friends got to know Ava Gardner during her time in Spain and also they already knew Artie Shaw when he lived in Spain, members of my family used to go to Spain for the Bullfighting, I also love Bullfighting, but Ava Gardner was a fan also of it and that's how they got to know her. Artie Shaw after some years moved back to America and she moved to London where she later died.

So Franco's Spain let these two Leftist Americans live in peace and they loved Spain also strange that two Leftist Americans had to flee the Democratic Republic of America and they chose themselves of all nations they could go to they chose Franco's Spain.
Well I looked up Ava and Artie they were married in 1945 divorced in 1946, she went back to Spain in 1957 hung out with Hemingway had an affair with a bullfighter. I went to one bullfight in Malaga and didn't like it same cruel sorry to say but I was only 13 LOL they were especially good bullfighters Antonio Ordonez
Just went and looked at our framed poster.

I did say her former husband if you look he lived in Spain for five years also, Ava Gardner first went to Spain in 1950, she lived in Spain from 1955 until 1968 she moved to London where she stayed until she died.

It's not a secret she lived in Spain.

View attachment 153184


View attachment 153185

Ava Gardner Museum - About the Museum


Ava Gardner in Spain
Very cool... We were down south Drinking with aunt Margo and the tennis player Lou Hoad. She was killed in a car crash in 71, I went back in 94-95 but was unable to open the bar not being European god dammit LOL

I don't know of that tennis player, I'll have to look them up and read.

Many of the English all have bars in Costa del Sol and also Ibiza, I know this because some English friends of mine went to a music festival a few years ago in Ibiza and they said most of the people there seemed to all be English with bars.

I know of an American who left America I think forty years ago or something and he has a bar in Morocco but Moroccans operate it for him I can't remember if it's in Rabat or Tangier.
What Catalonia has rejected is Globlalism

I'd say it's pretty up in the air what's going to happen. They say about 40% are in favor of Independence I don't think it's such a good idea...

"They say about 40% are in favor of Independence I don't think it's such a good idea..."

The problem with that number is that would be 60% against and I think if a majority are against then you respect the majority, to declare Independence if you only have 40% support is going to result in not a good situation.

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