Antifa Communism Rejected in Spain

Catalonia was on the Marxist side (losers) during Spanish Civil War. They have been rejected at the polls. BTW Ernest Hemingway blows.
Thousands rally for Spanish unity

This is nothing to do with Communism and everything to do with Globalism.

You get that??

Communism way back there.....................and Globalism right here.

Bless Catalonia who hates Globalism! :thup:
Catalonia was on the Marxist side (losers) during Spanish Civil War. They have been rejected at the polls. BTW Ernest Hemingway blows.
Thousands rally for Spanish unity

This is nothing to do with Communism and everything to do with Globalism.

You get that??

Communism way back there.....................and Globalism right here.

Bless Catalonia who hates Globalism! :thup:
What exactly does catalonian Independence have to do with globalism?
Catalonia was on the Marxist side (losers) during Spanish Civil War. They have been rejected at the polls. BTW Ernest Hemingway blows.
Thousands rally for Spanish unity

This is nothing to do with Communism and everything to do with Globalism.

You get that??

Communism way back there.....................and Globalism right here.

Bless Catalonia who hates Globalism! :thup:
What exactly does catalonian Independence have to do with globalism?
It seems to me that going after cheap labor for manual labor is just the way it's going to be. What is important for modern countries is to prepare the workforce for techie jobs and jobs that need more education, and in the United States with expensive University and training under the GOP, we're blowing it. there are three to six million tacky jobs going begging... All to save the greedy idiot Rich from paying their fair share. This nationalism happens in GOP World depressions... And the ensuing chaos, this time from Syria and Africa. right Austria?
Catalonia was on the Marxist side (losers) during Spanish Civil War. They have been rejected at the polls. BTW Ernest Hemingway blows.
Thousands rally for Spanish unity

This is nothing to do with Communism and everything to do with Globalism.

You get that??

Communism way back there.....................and Globalism right here.

Bless Catalonia who hates Globalism! :thup:
What exactly does catalonian Independence have to do with globalism?
It seems to me that going after cheap labor for manual labor is just the way it's going to be. What is important for modern countries is to prepare the workforce for tacky jobs and jobs that need more education, and in the United States with expensive University and training under the GOP, we're blowing it there are three to six million tacky jobs going begging... All to save the greedy idiot Rich from paying their fair share. This nationalism happens in GOP World depressions... And the ensuing chaos, this time from Syria and Africa. right Austria?

Catalonia doesn't want to belong to any "Union".

It wants to be its own country.
Social Democracy is actually fairly Capitalist, even in comparison to Fascism.
Socialism is always Democratic is just well regulated capitalism with a good safety net. "We are all socialists now"-Finland prime minister when ObamaCare passed...

Means of production is what constitutes Socialism, Fascism regulated the economy through Cartels, and Councils, Social Democracy does not.
Social democracy and socialism the same thing regulates the economy through legislation because they are NOT Fascist assholes. The economy under Hitler and those councils and cartels or whatever did anything that Hitler told them to do LOL

Fascism clearly manages the economic businesses a lot, as opposed to Social Democracy which does not manage as much of the businesses.
Fascism is the worst. Plus they're always attacking other countries...

I think Fascism is the best, we've seen the fruits of Communism which is major stagnation economically, now we're seeing the fruits of Capitalism to sell out to foreigners, Fascism would never allow Capitalist scums to prop up hostile foreigners at our economic expense.
Catalonia was on the Marxist side (losers) during Spanish Civil War. They have been rejected at the polls. BTW Ernest Hemingway blows.
Thousands rally for Spanish unity

This is nothing to do with Communism and everything to do with Globalism.

You get that??

Communism way back there.....................and Globalism right here.

Bless Catalonia who hates Globalism! :thup:
What exactly does catalonian Independence have to do with globalism?
It seems to me that going after cheap labor for manual labor is just the way it's going to be. What is important for modern countries is to prepare the workforce for techie jobs and jobs that need more education, and in the United States with expensive University and training under the GOP, we're blowing it. there are three to six million tacky jobs going begging... All to save the greedy idiot Rich from paying their fair share. This nationalism happens in GOP World depressions... And the ensuing chaos, this time from Syria and Africa. right Austria?

We have taken action, we now have only 4,600 of the Economic Migrants, we had 79,000 this time in 2016 we have been deporting them and in many cases forcibly deported, literally putting them on military aircraft and dumping them in Turkey.

We stopped paying attention to Dictator Merkel and Dictator Juncker last year and to help not only our nation but to help Hungary we helped close The Balkan Route, we have no repeat of 2015 where hundreds of thousands a month were invading our Continent.

In seven days from now we have our election and with that we move even closer to the Visegrad Four which is Hungary, Czech Republic, Slovakia and Poland, we do not want anymore of these migrants, Sebastian Kurz has said that all social benefits will be reduced by 50% and that we will adopt a Points System where only people who have a University Degree or a skill that our labour force needs are going to be allowed into this nation, so if you have no intention of working our door is not open to you and if you are in our nation and you do not want to work you get next to no money if you starve we do not care, this nations taxpayers are under no obligation to give you money for doing nothing that benefits our nation.
Catalonia has the right to be a sovereign country.

May Globalism be damned.

Where are the dirty Western Europeans who threatened sanctions upon Poland, Hungary, and Czech Republic, for not accepting Islamic refugees, to stand up to Spain for controlling another nation?

We stand with Poland, Hungary, Slovakia, Czech Republic and also Latvia and Lithuania and Estonia who also do not want these filthy Economic migrants who only want to be given money and are not refugees, if they were refugees they would not have crossed 11 nations who are not in war to get to the wealthiest European nations.
Catalonia has the right to be a sovereign country.

May Globalism be damned.

Where are the dirty Western Europeans who threatened sanctions upon Poland, Hungary, and Czech Republic, for not accepting Islamic refugees, to stand up to Spain for controlling another nation?

We stand with Poland, Hungary, Slovakia, Czech Republic and also Latvia and Lithuania and Estonia who also do not want these filthy Economic migrants who only want to be given money and are not refugees, if they were refugees they would not have crossed 11 nations who are not in war to get to the wealthiest European nations.

Merkel is madness....
Catalonia was on the Marxist side (losers) during Spanish Civil War. They have been rejected at the polls. BTW Ernest Hemingway blows.
Thousands rally for Spanish unity

This is nothing to do with Communism and everything to do with Globalism.

You get that??

Communism way back there.....................and Globalism right here.

Bless Catalonia who hates Globalism! :thup:
What exactly does catalonian Independence have to do with globalism?

As it's own nation Catalonia could survive, but Spain would struggle without Catalonia.





How important is Catalonia to Spain?

Are you saying that you were a Franco supporter?

Spain would have become the next victim of International Communism, as instructed by Lenin, when he said for them to infest every nation across the world to spread International Communism.

Spain would have fallen were it not for Francisco Franco, he saved Spain from Communism, just like Augusto Pinochet saved Chile from becoming a Communist crap hole like Cuba and Jorge Videla saved Argentina from becoming a Communist crap hole like Cuba.

Franco, Pinochet and Videla were GREAT men, they saved Spain, Chile and Argentina from Communist vermin.
Most Spaniards dont agree with you.
Not only he was a dictator he rose to power with the help of the Nazis and the racists of Italy. Spain transitioned to democracy after his death. We in morocco during his reign were better off than spain, and we had laborers and refugees from Spain by the thousands that fled the chaos in Spain.
Catalonia was on the Marxist side (losers) during Spanish Civil War. They have been rejected at the polls. BTW Ernest Hemingway blows.
Thousands rally for Spanish unity

This is nothing to do with Communism and everything to do with Globalism.

You get that??

Communism way back there.....................and Globalism right here.

Bless Catalonia who hates Globalism! :thup:
What exactly does catalonian Independence have to do with globalism?
It seems to me that going after cheap labor for manual labor is just the way it's going to be. What is important for modern countries is to prepare the workforce for tacky jobs and jobs that need more education, and in the United States with expensive University and training under the GOP, we're blowing it there are three to six million tacky jobs going begging... All to save the greedy idiot Rich from paying their fair share. This nationalism happens in GOP World depressions... And the ensuing chaos, this time from Syria and Africa. right Austria?

Catalonia doesn't want to belong to any "Union".

It wants to be its own country.
The 40% who want to be independent want to be Catalonia in the EU.

National Socialist Germany was in fact Socialist.

Here's 2 Wiki articles proving it point blank.

German Labour Front - Wikipedia

Council of Trust - Wikipedia

Hitler hated Communists. Am reading the Rise and Fall of the Third Riech. He particularly hated Stalin and Russia...

Plenty of people have anti-Communist views, and still hold Socialist views.
In fact all of them God damn it...
Catalonia was on the Marxist side (losers) during Spanish Civil War. They have been rejected at the polls. BTW Ernest Hemingway blows.
Thousands rally for Spanish unity

This is nothing to do with Communism and everything to do with Globalism.

You get that??

Communism way back there.....................and Globalism right here.

Bless Catalonia who hates Globalism! :thup:
What exactly does catalonian Independence have to do with globalism?
It seems to me that going after cheap labor for manual labor is just the way it's going to be. What is important for modern countries is to prepare the workforce for techie jobs and jobs that need more education, and in the United States with expensive University and training under the GOP, we're blowing it. there are three to six million tacky jobs going begging... All to save the greedy idiot Rich from paying their fair share. This nationalism happens in GOP World depressions... And the ensuing chaos, this time from Syria and Africa. right Austria?

We have taken action, we now have only 4,600 of the Economic Migrants, we had 79,000 this time in 2016 we have been deporting them and in many cases forcibly deported, literally putting them on military aircraft and dumping them in Turkey.

We stopped paying attention to Dictator Merkel and Dictator Juncker last year and to help not only our nation but to help Hungary we helped close The Balkan Route, we have no repeat of 2015 where hundreds of thousands a month were invading our Continent.

In seven days from now we have our election and with that we move even closer to the Visegrad Four which is Hungary, Czech Republic, Slovakia and Poland, we do not want anymore of these migrants, Sebastian Kurz has said that all social benefits will be reduced by 50% and that we will adopt a Points System where only people who have a University Degree or a skill that our labour force needs are going to be allowed into this nation, so if you have no intention of working our door is not open to you and if you are in our nation and you do not want to work you get next to no money if you starve we do not care, this nations taxpayers are under no obligation to give you money for doing nothing that benefits our nation.
Just the kind of s*** that happens in a GOP World depression last time it was Hitler Japanese militarists Spanish Civil War you name it... Nationalism racism War... Thanks GOP... Remain calm they really only want to go back to f****** Syria or what Somalia... Thanks GOP.
Catalonia has the right to be a sovereign country.

May Globalism be damned.

Where are the dirty Western Europeans who threatened sanctions upon Poland, Hungary, and Czech Republic, for not accepting Islamic refugees, to stand up to Spain for controlling another nation?

We stand with Poland, Hungary, Slovakia, Czech Republic and also Latvia and Lithuania and Estonia who also do not want these filthy Economic migrants who only want to be given money and are not refugees, if they were refugees they would not have crossed 11 nations who are not in war to get to the wealthiest European nations.

Merkel is madness....
Thanks to the GOP for another world depression. And the war in Iraq of course.
Catalonia has the right to be a sovereign country.

May Globalism be damned.

Where are the dirty Western Europeans who threatened sanctions upon Poland, Hungary, and Czech Republic, for not accepting Islamic refugees, to stand up to Spain for controlling another nation?

We stand with Poland, Hungary, Slovakia, Czech Republic and also Latvia and Lithuania and Estonia who also do not want these filthy Economic migrants who only want to be given money and are not refugees, if they were refugees they would not have crossed 11 nations who are not in war to get to the wealthiest European nations.

Merkel is madness....
Thanks to the GOP for another world depression. And the war in Iraq of course.
God bless the EU for taking millions of refugees. Meanwhile the fecking GOP is freaked outside about 30,000. I promise you the GOP is at the bottom of all this... W bush and Cheney mark my words and Rush Limbaugh Fox News and all the other propagandists in the United States these days. All their goddamn fault again.
Socialism is always Democratic is just well regulated capitalism with a good safety net. "We are all socialists now"-Finland prime minister when ObamaCare passed...

Means of production is what constitutes Socialism, Fascism regulated the economy through Cartels, and Councils, Social Democracy does not.
Social democracy and socialism the same thing regulates the economy through legislation because they are NOT Fascist assholes. The economy under Hitler and those councils and cartels or whatever did anything that Hitler told them to do LOL

Fascism clearly manages the economic businesses a lot, as opposed to Social Democracy which does not manage as much of the businesses.
Fascism is the worst. Plus they're always attacking other countries...

I think Fascism is the best, we've seen the fruits of Communism which is major stagnation economically, now we're seeing the fruits of Capitalism to sell out to foreigners, Fascism would never allow Capitalist scums to prop up hostile foreigners at our economic expense.
Fascism is Nazism. Or francoism not so good sorry democracy and regulated capitalism with a good safety net is the answer. That is called socialism in the modern world except in the United States where it's social democracy. And the GOP eats shit... Stupidest Wars ever and a depression
Catalonia has the right to be a sovereign country.

May Globalism be damned.

Where are the dirty Western Europeans who threatened sanctions upon Poland, Hungary, and Czech Republic, for not accepting Islamic refugees, to stand up to Spain for controlling another nation?

We stand with Poland, Hungary, Slovakia, Czech Republic and also Latvia and Lithuania and Estonia who also do not want these filthy Economic migrants who only want to be given money and are not refugees, if they were refugees they would not have crossed 11 nations who are not in war to get to the wealthiest European nations.
On the other hand they just want to go back to Syria. Then there are the African economic refugees thanks GOP

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