Antifa Explained: Very Informative Primer

How long is it?
I've only got about a two and a half minute attention span
I didn't find anything racial in it at all
How long is it?
I've only got about a two and a half minute attention span
Typical white supremacist rant.
Not a mention of race in it, retard.

You really should watch it again. I'm not sure those actual words were used, but it's still a typical white supremacist rant.
Uh huh....quote a 'white supremacist' line from the video, maybe give me a time stamp too. If you can't, shut up and run along.
And mentioning the situation involving Murray doesn't count as 'white supremacist'...that's simply recounting the story. The focus of this video has nothing to do with race.
How long is it?
I've only got about a two and a half minute attention span
Typical white supremacist rant.
Not a mention of race in it, retard.

You really should watch it again. I'm not sure those actual words were used, but it's still a typical white supremacist rant.
Uh huh....quote a 'white supremacist' line from the video, maybe give me a time stamp too. If you can't, shut up and run along.

Social warfare often can't be seen , because people don't want to know how easily they are controlled.
Even if it means turning us into a Communist nation like N. Korea.
I only wish we could send everyone of those pricks to N. Korea for a few years let them see what they live like.
And mentioning the situation involving Murray doesn't count as 'white supremacist'...that's simply recounting the story. The focus of this video has nothing to do with race.

Half of them don't get the enemy from within either. Gets way to complicated for ANTIFA fks with a brain the size of a pea.

As the cultural Marxism idols of relativism, atheism, humanism, and communism have become mainstream and now accepted by most, the contest for the souls and minds of Americans is now being fought by formidable opponents in godless liberal collectivists, multi-national corporate globalists, neo-conservative fascists, New Age religion, Islam and Satanism.
OOM I'm going to take the primer because we need to get rid of the foreign and domestic /terrorists/

But, for the record, there are more than one collective of Anarchists rolling under the heading of ANTIFA - that's why they have so much support, and its the peaceful collectives that the terrorist elements hide behind. Kind of an "enemy of my enemy is my friend" type deal. Some of the anarchists are completely against violence, but they're still "Anti-Fascist" so they'll show up in support (Though I'll be straight up I've yet to see the flags of any of them at a protest yet, with the exception of the solid black flag, which could go either way) - In the end it's just semantics because they all seek one form or another of overthrowing "elements/departments" or the entire US government.

I don't like /any/ of the ANTIFA's, but I do actually like some of the peaceful anarchists (Like the capitalist anarchists who was zero government power/control of businesses - though some of the AC's want no government currencies and I'm not cool with that one. Also there's an Anarchist group you might look into (do I recall correctly that you wanted the kind of sovereign village idea?) they're seeking a democratic vote for anarchy; I think it was the "pacifist" but I might have that wrong because my heads not on right atm. The Anarchists have localized "collectives" which are separate from ANTIFA, but that is where these wads of US folks are originating from.
The majority of these clowns could not spell fascism. We are watching brain dead children dressed up like ninja turtles. OK, they have crossed ninja turtles with vampires(the whole black thing). Either way sooner or later they are going to get bold and kill people. At that point it's a matter of how far they go. The police or the rest of us. If they really buy into violence they will learn what violence is all about.
The majority of these clowns could not spell fascism. We are watching brain dead children dressed up like ninja turtles. OK, they have crossed ninja turtles with vampires(the whole black thing). Either way sooner or later they are going to get bold and kill people. At that point it's a matter of how far they go. The police or the rest of us. If they really buy into violence they will learn what violence is all about.
Swift kick to the throat would fix at least half of them.
The majority of these clowns could not spell fascism. We are watching brain dead children dressed up like ninja turtles. OK, they have crossed ninja turtles with vampires(the whole black thing). Either way sooner or later they are going to get bold and kill people. At that point it's a matter of how far they go. The police or the rest of us. If they really buy into violence they will learn what violence is all about.
Swift kick to the throat would fix at least half of them.
I doubt it would take that. I live in a somewhat out of the way place. The locals have already identified 14 that are active with antifa. 3 have already been "approached", the other 11 have given it up. And there was only 1 hospital visit needed.
Typical white supremacist rant.

I am a lot of things. But I am certainly not a white supremacist. The video echos many of the facts I have seen from other sources.

I did not vote for Trump and I am not a supporter. But these ANTIFA freaks are domestic terrorists.
Typical white supremacist rant.

I am a lot of things. But I am certainly not a white supremacist. The video echos many of the facts I have seen from other sources.

I did not vote for Trump and I am not a supporter. But these ANTIFA freaks are domestic terrorists.
The strange part is that I don't think they rise to that level. They would like to be and may get there yet, but I doubt it. These are brain dead children raised by brain dead parents, they can do some damage but sooner or later they will learn reality.
I think the only reason we might have trouble with proclaiming ANTIFA terrorists is the peaceful ANTIFA anarchists they hide behind. I have put quite a bit of thought into how to properly get rid of only the violent ANTIFA, but I think the only viable solution is to scoop up the whole lot in the term, and let the peaceful Anarchist collectives distance themselves back to their collectives. This should also get rid of the mask thing with the "peaceful" ones and make it a bit easier - the masks help distinguish them so they don't beat up the wrong "team." If "peaceful" anarchists are providing cover for the violent ones and wearing masks, than the human shields get the same treatment the violent ones do - Its my hope that it will severely hamper the ability of the violent ones to ambush so easily, and thus hopefully lessen the violence. As an additional bonus, if [more like when] the violent ANTIFA accidentally beat up the peaceful anarchists they will face backlash, and it's possible that the peaceful anarchists will stop attending ANTIFA events or rejecting ANTIFA coming which might slug the numbers - less numbers to hide behind, more easily caught and removed.

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