ANTIFA scum arrested in Portland...

A Thanksgiving day SMILE!

They’ll be fine. They buried the alt-right, so worth it.

When the cops are actually doing their jobs, we on the right are generally happy to let them do it.

The videos I've seen of this, do not look good for your side. YOu come across as cowardly assholes, only being aggressive when you have large numerical advantage, and/or weapons against unarmed people.

You can’t fault a majority for having a large numerical advantage

Take off their masks, and the "majority" will disappear.

I invite you to try to take off their masks. I hope you try.

I've yet to see a video of ANIFTA not ending up getting their asses kicked.

A Thanksgiving day SMILE!

They’ll be fine. They buried the alt-right, so worth it.

When the cops are actually doing their jobs, we on the right are generally happy to let them do it.

The videos I've seen of this, do not look good for your side. YOu come across as cowardly assholes, only being aggressive when you have large numerical advantage, and/or weapons against unarmed people.

You can’t fault a majority for having a large numerical advantage

Take off their masks, and the "majority" will disappear.

I invite you to try to take off their masks. I hope you try.

They will never set foot where I live. Trust me.
They’ll be fine. They buried the alt-right, so worth it.

When the cops are actually doing their jobs, we on the right are generally happy to let them do it.

The videos I've seen of this, do not look good for your side. YOu come across as cowardly assholes, only being aggressive when you have large numerical advantage, and/or weapons against unarmed people.
You can’t fault a majority for having a large numerical advantage

Take off their masks, and the "majority" will disappear.
I invite you to try to take off their masks. I hope you try.

They will never set foot where I live. Trust me.

Their shit won't play in conservative areas.
Don't be so self-assured. We're still around, just sitting, watching, and waiting.
Back in hiding, scared for your life. Where you belong.

You are incorrect.
Steve Bannon tickets now going for zero dollars

Your movement’s dead, trash. Your reduced to fighting for scraps; whatever insignificant thing McConnell tosses your way to keep you in line.

While it is interesting to note the decline of price, re Bannon, I don't see how a hate public figure of the Right, having a public dinner, supports your claim that we are in "hiding".

After Trump won you had Nazi’s marching in the streets murdering people; white supremacists proclaiming their support for banning Muslims, and banning spanish, and caging children, and stripping civil rights, etc. Now one of your leaders has trouble giving away tickets to see him. Some of your leaders are living with their parents, others careers have been ended. Stay buried, inbred trash.

1. First of all, you did NOT have that.

2 Second of all, Steve Bannon's decline is ONE story, to assume that stands for all of the "right" is insane. Look at your vid from Portland. Plenty of people standing up to your brown shirts.
Back in hiding, scared for your life. Where you belong.

You are incorrect.
Steve Bannon tickets now going for zero dollars

Your movement’s dead, trash. Your reduced to fighting for scraps; whatever insignificant thing McConnell tosses your way to keep you in line.

While it is interesting to note the decline of price, re Bannon, I don't see how a hate public figure of the Right, having a public dinner, supports your claim that we are in "hiding".


Bannon was the left's latest "Boogeyman." It used to be the Koch Brothers until the left found out they donated to things they like.
The Koch bros. were usurped by a greater evil that they played a major role in creating. Maybe they learned something. I doubt it.

Well the sad fact is, you're always going to have rich and powerful "Boogiemen" working to destroy everything you globalists hold dear.
There are reasons why socialist and communist regimes never last very long.

A Thanksgiving day SMILE!

They’ll be fine. They buried the alt-right, so worth it.

When the cops are actually doing their jobs, we on the right are generally happy to let them do it.

The videos I've seen of this, do not look good for your side. YOu come across as cowardly assholes, only being aggressive when you have large numerical advantage, and/or weapons against unarmed people.

You can’t fault a majority for having a large numerical advanta

Take off their masks, and the "majority" will disappear.

I invite you to try to take off their masks. I hope you try.

There have been places where the cops do that. It does settle the punks right down.
Portland is a rat's nest of little fucked up Antifa jerkwads. The country must be tilted because a lot of little pieces of shit roll down into Portland.
To much personal taunting and shoving goin' on in here. Deleting about 8 posts. Topic ain't Bannon and you can't reply with "all personal" flame only..
I don't understand why Antifart and BLM have not been designated as domestic terrorist organizations yet.

A Thanksgiving day SMILE!

The Pantifa are Beta Cuck Faggot Bitch Boi's:



Proud Boys is such a gay name to call a group, then again Gavin McInnes did stick a dildo up his buttocks in one video on YouTube, so....

The alt right appears to be the real "cucks"

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