I'm happy to support groups that fight Nazis while you support Nazis.

I'm happy to be white and I find it rather intoxicating that everyone is so afraid of us....
^^^ Confuses fear and pity.

LOL you slimy weasels are incapable of feeling pity for anyone who's not a member of one of your sanctified victim classes.

Have you seen any sympathy for Harvey victims from ANTIFA?

Solidarity doesn't help them. Only division.
Considering you objected to them being condemned I don't think you'd at all be shocked about being associated with them.

Perhaps if you condemned them when the president did instead of trying to pretend the president supported Nazis he didn't support you wouldn't be shocked to now be admitting the President was right
I'm happy to support groups that fight Nazis while you support Nazis.

I'm happy to be white and I find it rather intoxicating that everyone is so afraid of us....
^^^ Confuses fear and pity.

LOL you slimy weasels are incapable of feeling pity for anyone who's not a member of one of your sanctified victim classes.

Have you seen any sympathy for Harvey victims from ANTIFA?

Solidarity doesn't help them. Only division.

Have you seen any sympathy for Harvey victims from ANTIFA?

nope not a chance of it

it is not what they are about
The democrats were white guys that started the Klan. Not only that but that ideology is now what has permeated the republicans now.

Just can't put anything over some of these brilliant Progressives. The Democrats who started the Ku Klux Klan were WHITE GUYS. Wow, I'm impressed!

Now step up and defend the hate, violence, and destruction headed up by Antifa, Black Lives Matter, New Black Panthers, NAACP, and others.

After President Donald Trump bought Mar-A-Lago in the mid 80's he was sued by the city of Palm Beach. For what was he sued?
I already defended all violence by Antifa. They seem to be on my side.
Like I said. The more I hear about them the more I support them. Theyre against the Klan, Nazi's, and the other cowards of the confederate loser gang. Do they have a go fund me page?

I wonder who would be brave enough make me do anything let alone lick a spoon?
Most whites are racists so it probably satisfies two things for ghetto rats as I can attest to from experience. It provides a readily available, low danger target and a stress reliever from all the racism. You get a much bigger thrill knocking out a white guy than anything else. That goes double if you can trick yourself into going back in time and pretending he is a slave owner.

"Most whites are racists" is a ridiculous generalization.
Why do you say so? What other reason could there be for the continued examples of white denial and racism?

Hey man! Fuck you, you racist nigga piece of shit.

You denigrate the Confederate army, of which Southern blacks were a part of.

They didn't burn too many houses, they didn't rape too many wives or slaves.

You're just too blind to see reality.

PS: The Southern blacks were gentlemen as well.

I'm not gay cave monkey so no. You can sodomize your confederate army.

There were no southern Blacks that were part of the civil war unless they fought for the union.

if you trot out that old debunked photo shopped photo i will embarrass you.

Obviously, you're not afraid to be embarrassed.
People that are afraid to be embarrassed are mental midgets that are run of the mill followers such as yourself.
I'm generalizing. I have white relatives so I am not talking about every white person. Just the race as a whole.

I assure you, you don't want us to start generalizing about blacks as a whole. You definitely won't come out on top on that one.......
It doesnt matter to me what you generalize. I always come out on top. I'm simply better and more informed than you are.
I'm happy to support groups that fight Nazis while you support Nazis.

I'm happy to be white and I find it rather intoxicating that everyone is so afraid of us....
No one is afraid of you. You cant even look a Black man in the eye. :laugh:

Well you 'people' are liable to just up and shoot strangers for literally no reason at all so it's only logical to avoid your monkey-lookin asses.
Gimme a break. You are punks who talk a big game on the internet but blush a pallid white and rosy pink out of fear when you face a Black man in person. Youre the one that looks like a monkey. You are hairy like one. You have thin lips like monkeys do and you smell like one when you get wet.
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Gimme a break. You are punks who talk a big game on the internet but blusha pallid white and rosy pink out of fear when you face a Black man in person. Youre the one that looks like a monkey. You are hairy like one. You have thin lips like monkeys do and you smell like one when you get wet.

Gimme a break. You are punks who talk a big game on the internet but blusha pallid white and rosy pink out of fear when you face a Black man in person. Youre the one that looks like a monkey. You are hairy like one. You have thin lips like monkeys do and you smell like one when you get wet.

View attachment 147756
Nice but why are you posting selfies on this forum?
Gimme a break. You are punks who talk a big game on the internet but blusha pallid white and rosy pink out of fear when you face a Black man in person. Youre the one that looks like a monkey. You are hairy like one. You have thin lips like monkeys do and you smell like one when you get wet.

View attachment 147756
Nice but why are you posting selfies on this forum?
View attachment 147757

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