Whites in England made up the knock out game. Look it up. Its called the happy slapping you moron.
Who exactly are whites in England "happy slapping"? I bet it's not racially motivated the way the knockout game is.
Doesn't really matter to my point or the claim the original poster made.. The point is that whites invented it. Deflecting from that point is counter productive.
It just goes to prove that black are racists. Whites in England are happy slapping who ever and what ever race the victim may be. Ghetto rats are knockout gaming whites only.
Most whites are racists so it probably satisfies two things for ghetto rats as I can attest to from experience. It provides a readily available, low danger target and a stress reliever from all the racism. You get a much bigger thrill knocking out a white guy than anything else. That goes double if you can trick yourself into going back in time and pretending he is a slave owner.

"Most whites are racists" is a ridiculous generalization.
Whites in England made up the knock out game. Look it up. Its called the happy slapping you moron.
Who exactly are whites in England "happy slapping"? I bet it's not racially motivated the way the knockout game is.
Doesn't really matter to my point or the claim the original poster made.. The point is that whites invented it. Deflecting from that point is counter productive.
It just goes to prove that black are racists. Whites in England are happy slapping who ever and what ever race the victim may be. Ghetto rats are knockout gaming whites only.
Most whites are racists so it probably satisfies two things for ghetto rats as I can attest to from experience. It provides a readily available, low danger target and a stress reliever from all the racism. You get a much bigger thrill knocking out a white guy than anything else. That goes double if you can trick yourself into going back in time and pretending he is a slave owner.

"Most whites are racists" is a ridiculous generalization.
Why do you say so? What other reason could there be for the continued examples of white denial and racism?
Who exactly are whites in England "happy slapping"? I bet it's not racially motivated the way the knockout game is.
Doesn't really matter to my point or the claim the original poster made.. The point is that whites invented it. Deflecting from that point is counter productive.
It just goes to prove that black are racists. Whites in England are happy slapping who ever and what ever race the victim may be. Ghetto rats are knockout gaming whites only.
Most whites are racists so it probably satisfies two things for ghetto rats as I can attest to from experience. It provides a readily available, low danger target and a stress reliever from all the racism. You get a much bigger thrill knocking out a white guy than anything else. That goes double if you can trick yourself into going back in time and pretending he is a slave owner.

"Most whites are racists" is a ridiculous generalization.
Why do you say so? What other reason could there be for the continued examples of white denial and racism?

Hey man! Fuck you, you racist nigga piece of shit.

You denigrate the Confederate army, of which Southern blacks were a part of.

They didn't burn too many houses, they didn't rape too many wives or slaves.

You're just too blind to see reality.

PS: The Southern blacks were gentlemen as well.
Doesn't really matter to my point or the claim the original poster made.. The point is that whites invented it. Deflecting from that point is counter productive.
It just goes to prove that black are racists. Whites in England are happy slapping who ever and what ever race the victim may be. Ghetto rats are knockout gaming whites only.
Most whites are racists so it probably satisfies two things for ghetto rats as I can attest to from experience. It provides a readily available, low danger target and a stress reliever from all the racism. You get a much bigger thrill knocking out a white guy than anything else. That goes double if you can trick yourself into going back in time and pretending he is a slave owner.

"Most whites are racists" is a ridiculous generalization.
Why do you say so? What other reason could there be for the continued examples of white denial and racism?

Hey man! Fuck you, you racist nigga piece of shit.

You denigrate the Confederate army, of which Southern blacks were a part of.

They didn't burn too many houses, they didn't rape too many wives or slaves.

You're just too blind to see reality.

PS: The Southern blacks were gentlemen as well.

I'm not gay cave monkey so no. You can sodomize your confederate army.

There were no southern Blacks that were part of the civil war unless they fought for the union.

if you trot out that old debunked photo shopped photo i will embarrass you.
Whites in England made up the knock out game. Look it up. Its called the happy slapping you moron.
Who exactly are whites in England "happy slapping"? I bet it's not racially motivated the way the knockout game is.
Doesn't really matter to my point or the claim the original poster made.. The point is that whites invented it. Deflecting from that point is counter productive.
It just goes to prove that black are racists. Whites in England are happy slapping who ever and what ever race the victim may be. Ghetto rats are knockout gaming whites only.

"Blacks are racists" is a ridiculous generalization.
Moreover it's just absurd because to be a racist, one must also have the power to see implemented ones racist means and modes of control and oppression.

There are almost certainly minority (black or otherwise) individuals who are prejudiced against whites and who have some narrow ability to, on occasion, discriminate against a small handful of whites whom they encounter. That's a far cry from their being members of an entire segment of society -- the majority segment no less -- and as such institutionalizing racist, bigoted and prejudicial strictures to subordinate pretty much every member of every other segment of society.

My remarks are not intended to exculpate discrimination and bigotry, but rather to put the impact of such things in perspective. There're never "good things" where they are manifest, but there's only one segment of America's citizenry that has the potential to institutionalise racism, and that segment has already done so before -- and we're still dealing with the aftermath of that -- and there remains a very vocal portion of that segment that wants that modality restored. There is also doubtlessly a less vocal, silently sympathetic share of that segment that cannot be quantified and that shares the vocal white supremacists' desires re: the status and opportunities available to members of the various races that comprise the U.S.' citizenry.
Who exactly are whites in England "happy slapping"? I bet it's not racially motivated the way the knockout game is.
Doesn't really matter to my point or the claim the original poster made.. The point is that whites invented it. Deflecting from that point is counter productive.
It just goes to prove that black are racists. Whites in England are happy slapping who ever and what ever race the victim may be. Ghetto rats are knockout gaming whites only.
Most whites are racists so it probably satisfies two things for ghetto rats as I can attest to from experience. It provides a readily available, low danger target and a stress reliever from all the racism. You get a much bigger thrill knocking out a white guy than anything else. That goes double if you can trick yourself into going back in time and pretending he is a slave owner.

"Most whites are racists" is a ridiculous generalization.
Why do you say so? What other reason could there be for the continued examples of white denial and racism?

Would you agree with someone saying, perhaps, "most blacks are criminals"? If you say that is ridiculous (which it is), they might counter by asking what other reason there could be for the continued examples of black criminality.

I don't think you have any reasonable method of determining that most whites are racist, any more than a poster previous to you could determine that blacks are racist. We are talking about millions upon millions of people, just in this country. I can provide examples of whites and blacks (and members of any other race) supporting each other. Just as a couple of examples in the media in the past week or so, a white NFL player kneeled during the national anthem with his black teammates, and a couple of others showed support for protesting teammates. During the white nationalist protests in Charlottesville, many of the counter-protesters were white.

Broad generalizations, such as most whites or most blacks are racist, are the kinds of statements that I think help exacerbate the racial conflicts in this country. I also believe they are untrue, and I tend to be somewhat cynical.
Doesn't really matter to my point or the claim the original poster made.. The point is that whites invented it. Deflecting from that point is counter productive.
It just goes to prove that black are racists. Whites in England are happy slapping who ever and what ever race the victim may be. Ghetto rats are knockout gaming whites only.
Most whites are racists so it probably satisfies two things for ghetto rats as I can attest to from experience. It provides a readily available, low danger target and a stress reliever from all the racism. You get a much bigger thrill knocking out a white guy than anything else. That goes double if you can trick yourself into going back in time and pretending he is a slave owner.

"Most whites are racists" is a ridiculous generalization.
Why do you say so? What other reason could there be for the continued examples of white denial and racism?

Would you agree with someone saying, perhaps, "most blacks are criminals"? If you say that is ridiculous (which it is), they might counter by asking what other reason there could be for the continued examples of black criminality.

I don't think you have any reasonable method of determining that most whites are racist, any more than a poster previous to you could determine that blacks are racist. We are talking about millions upon millions of people, just in this country. I can provide examples of whites and blacks (and members of any other race) supporting each other. Just as a couple of examples in the media in the past week or so, a white NFL player kneeled during the national anthem with his black teammates, and a couple of others showed support for protesting teammates. During the white nationalist protests in Charlottesville, many of the counter-protesters were white.

Broad generalizations, such as most whites or most blacks are racist, are the kinds of statements that I think help exacerbate the racial conflicts in this country. I also believe they are untrue, and I tend to be somewhat cynical.
I wouldnt agree because facts make that assumption ridiculous. I wouldnt really care what they countered with if they arent Black. Its not like they are going to convince me that their opinion is right and my facts are wrong.

I think I do have a reasonable method. Its documented in the history of whites by whites. I know they lied about a lot of things but they didnt lie about the sentiment of racism. They literally made it up. One could make an argument to say Blacks are racist as a lot of them are because they see the insecurity of whites and see it as a genetic flaw among other things. The context however is important. We are looking at it from a pov that has witnessed the racism and the continued racist caste system here in the US. At some point you have to think that someone that insecure and that hell bent on proving their superiority is actually quite inferior.

The fact that this caste system is in place is no accident. Also it has to be supported in order to exist. Some whites are not overtly racist. That doesnt make them not racist. Give you a good example which I hope doesnt spiral out of control with the retards. Reparations. In every society known to man if you wrong someone then you compensate that person. We know whites understand that concept because they have paid reparations to other groups. Yet most whites are against it for Black people. When you weigh that with the fact that most of the wealth generated to make the US a superpower came directly from our unpaid labor it becomes even more glaring. Another example is the deliberate theft of Black owned property in many places in the US. This is a dirty little secret documented by guess who? A white guy. These Black people were literally chased off their land. I will look for the book that documents this but its called racial cleansing. Yet another example is the current racial climate. Mysteriously this climate occurred after the first Black president was elected (white whites being the sole racial demographic below 45%. the other races were above 60%). I could go on but I am sure you get my point. I wont preface my comment with "some" when I feel its a majority of whites. There are too many examples. That doesnt mean there are not some whites that are working to combat that racist gene whites have. I have some in my family.
Hey Asclepias, you need to take a look at all the black men that were elected to Congress after the Civil War before the Klan formed. I do believe most were in the south. Keep in mind that whites voted them into office, too.

Read some of their stuff sometime.

The Klan was bad back in the day, now, they have no power.

That's a good thing.
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It just goes to prove that black are racists. Whites in England are happy slapping who ever and what ever race the victim may be. Ghetto rats are knockout gaming whites only.
Most whites are racists so it probably satisfies two things for ghetto rats as I can attest to from experience. It provides a readily available, low danger target and a stress reliever from all the racism. You get a much bigger thrill knocking out a white guy than anything else. That goes double if you can trick yourself into going back in time and pretending he is a slave owner.

"Most whites are racists" is a ridiculous generalization.
Why do you say so? What other reason could there be for the continued examples of white denial and racism?

Would you agree with someone saying, perhaps, "most blacks are criminals"? If you say that is ridiculous (which it is), they might counter by asking what other reason there could be for the continued examples of black criminality.

I don't think you have any reasonable method of determining that most whites are racist, any more than a poster previous to you could determine that blacks are racist. We are talking about millions upon millions of people, just in this country. I can provide examples of whites and blacks (and members of any other race) supporting each other. Just as a couple of examples in the media in the past week or so, a white NFL player kneeled during the national anthem with his black teammates, and a couple of others showed support for protesting teammates. During the white nationalist protests in Charlottesville, many of the counter-protesters were white.

Broad generalizations, such as most whites or most blacks are racist, are the kinds of statements that I think help exacerbate the racial conflicts in this country. I also believe they are untrue, and I tend to be somewhat cynical.
I wouldnt agree because facts make that assumption ridiculous. I wouldnt really care what they countered with if they arent Black. Its not like they are going to convince me that their opinion is right and my facts are wrong.

I think I do have a reasonable method. Its documented in the history of whites by whites. I know they lied about a lot of things but they didnt lie about the sentiment of racism. They literally made it up. One could make an argument to say Blacks are racist as a lot of them are because they see the insecurity of whites and see it as a genetic flaw among other things. The context however is important. We are looking at it from a pov that has witnessed the racism and the continued racist caste system here in the US. At some point you have to think that someone that insecure and that hell bent on proving their superiority is actually quite inferior.

The fact that this caste system is in place is no accident. Also it has to be supported in order to exist. Some whites are not overtly racist. That doesnt make them not racist. Give you a good example which I hope doesnt spiral out of control with the retards. Reparations. In every society known to man if you wrong someone then you compensate that person. We know whites understand that concept because they have paid reparations to other groups. Yet most whites are against it for Black people. When you weigh that with the fact that most of the wealth generated to make the US a superpower came directly from our unpaid labor it becomes even more glaring. Another example is the deliberate theft of Black owned property in many places in the US. This is a dirty little secret documented by guess who? A white guy. These Black people were literally chased off their land. I will look for the book that documents this but its called racial cleansing. Yet another example is the current racial climate. Mysteriously this climate occurred after the first Black president was elected (white whites being the sole racial demographic below 45%. the other races were above 60%). I could go on but I am sure you get my point. I wont preface my comment with "some" when I feel its a majority of whites. There are too many examples. That doesnt mean there are not some whites that are working to combat that racist gene whites have. I have some in my family.

Genetic flaw? Most of the wealth generated came directly from blacks? Being against reparations is racism?

I think you may be projecting your own racism onto everyone else. :lol:
Hey Asclepias, you need to take a look at all the black men that were elected to Congress after the Civil War before the Klan formed. I do believe most were in the south. Keep in mind that whites voted them into office, too.

Read some of their stuff sometime.

The Klan was bad back in the day, now, they have no power.

That's a good thing.
There were way more Blacks than whites back then in the south. You do realize thats why whites were so frightened in the first place right? Not only did slaves outnumber the whites, they were better trained for the jobs poor whites wanted.. I dont need to read anything unless there is something new to learn.

The reason the klowns have no power is because Blacks nowadays would kill their monkey azzes pretty quickly if they tried that same stuff today. There is a reason they all go get jobs with the police departments and other law enforcement agencies. Thats the only place they can have their "fun" and still be protected.
Most whites are racists so it probably satisfies two things for ghetto rats as I can attest to from experience. It provides a readily available, low danger target and a stress reliever from all the racism. You get a much bigger thrill knocking out a white guy than anything else. That goes double if you can trick yourself into going back in time and pretending he is a slave owner.

"Most whites are racists" is a ridiculous generalization.
Why do you say so? What other reason could there be for the continued examples of white denial and racism?

Would you agree with someone saying, perhaps, "most blacks are criminals"? If you say that is ridiculous (which it is), they might counter by asking what other reason there could be for the continued examples of black criminality.

I don't think you have any reasonable method of determining that most whites are racist, any more than a poster previous to you could determine that blacks are racist. We are talking about millions upon millions of people, just in this country. I can provide examples of whites and blacks (and members of any other race) supporting each other. Just as a couple of examples in the media in the past week or so, a white NFL player kneeled during the national anthem with his black teammates, and a couple of others showed support for protesting teammates. During the white nationalist protests in Charlottesville, many of the counter-protesters were white.

Broad generalizations, such as most whites or most blacks are racist, are the kinds of statements that I think help exacerbate the racial conflicts in this country. I also believe they are untrue, and I tend to be somewhat cynical.
I wouldnt agree because facts make that assumption ridiculous. I wouldnt really care what they countered with if they arent Black. Its not like they are going to convince me that their opinion is right and my facts are wrong.

I think I do have a reasonable method. Its documented in the history of whites by whites. I know they lied about a lot of things but they didnt lie about the sentiment of racism. They literally made it up. One could make an argument to say Blacks are racist as a lot of them are because they see the insecurity of whites and see it as a genetic flaw among other things. The context however is important. We are looking at it from a pov that has witnessed the racism and the continued racist caste system here in the US. At some point you have to think that someone that insecure and that hell bent on proving their superiority is actually quite inferior.

The fact that this caste system is in place is no accident. Also it has to be supported in order to exist. Some whites are not overtly racist. That doesnt make them not racist. Give you a good example which I hope doesnt spiral out of control with the retards. Reparations. In every society known to man if you wrong someone then you compensate that person. We know whites understand that concept because they have paid reparations to other groups. Yet most whites are against it for Black people. When you weigh that with the fact that most of the wealth generated to make the US a superpower came directly from our unpaid labor it becomes even more glaring. Another example is the deliberate theft of Black owned property in many places in the US. This is a dirty little secret documented by guess who? A white guy. These Black people were literally chased off their land. I will look for the book that documents this but its called racial cleansing. Yet another example is the current racial climate. Mysteriously this climate occurred after the first Black president was elected (white whites being the sole racial demographic below 45%. the other races were above 60%). I could go on but I am sure you get my point. I wont preface my comment with "some" when I feel its a majority of whites. There are too many examples. That doesnt mean there are not some whites that are working to combat that racist gene whites have. I have some in my family.

Genetic flaw? Most of the wealth generated came directly from blacks? Being against reparations is racism?

I think you may be projecting your own racism onto everyone else. :lol:
Yes, yes, and yes.

Nope just calling it like it is.
This morning, I watched a 20/20 show which gave us a portrayal of an actual "Antifa" leader. It was a woman who expressed her opinion that property damage and violence is the appropriate response to bigotry and hate from racist white power and NAZI groups.

I do not agree with this. I'm not a "go out and punch a NAZI" kind of guy.

She is a leader of your Antifa group.

As for you punching a "Nazi", first, you'll have to find one. Not many around you know.
Most normal Americans have been bemused to discover of late that we are being associated with this anarchist group known as "Antifa".

These pages, for a couple of months now, have been full of crazed threads telling liberals that we love and support this group. It was, and is, simply the nutbag method of soothing their own embarrassment at having thrown in with white supremacist groups.

I've noticed that the word "Antifa" seems to mean the same thing as "negro thug" to many USMB freaks. Thus, I gave them about as much thought as I gave any of the RW echo chamber bogey men.

This morning, I watched a 20/20 show which gave us a portrayal of an actual "Antifa" leader. It was a woman who expressed her opinion that property damage and violence is the appropriate response to bigotry and hate from racist white power and NAZI groups.

I do not agree with this. I'm not a "go out and punch a NAZI" kind of guy. And I fully expect that this woman will be held accountable should she commit an act of violence. Rightfully so.

Enjoy your outrage.

On the one hand, you leftists called Trump a supporter of the Nazis because it took him too long to denounce them. How long did it take you loons to denounce ANTIFA? How many Democrat politicians have? Has CNN?

Too little, too late. America associates ANTIFA with the left.
That's a photoshop, loser. Byrd had denounced and apologized for his Klan membership decades before, and wasn't that old when he was a member.

All you have is fake news and fake pictures. Sad!

Did you figure it out by yourself that it was photoshopped? WOW! Who said Progressives are a few fries short of a Happy Meal?

Did you know too that Al Gore's father filibustered and voted against passage of the Civil Rights laws? Of course, Byrd apologized, he was a politician. He wanted to keep his job. Just look at Hillary Clinton and Barack Hussein Obama. All their lives they were opposed to gay marriage until it became politically expedient to "COME OUT" supporting gay marriage.

As with Byrd, we know what is in their hate filled hearts.

Here is how the vote went for the Civil Rights Act. Why do Progressives and Democrats hate blacks? More importantly, how do they get blacks believe they are the only ones to support them?

Most normal Americans have been bemused to discover of late that we are being associated with this anarchist group known as "Antifa".

These pages, for a couple of months now, have been full of crazed threads telling liberals that we love and support this group. It was, and is, simply the nutbag method of soothing their own embarrassment at having thrown in with white supremacist groups.

I've noticed that the word "Antifa" seems to mean the same thing as "negro thug" to many USMB freaks. Thus, I gave them about as much thought as I gave any of the RW echo chamber bogey men.

This morning, I watched a 20/20 show which gave us a portrayal of an actual "Antifa" leader. It was a woman who expressed her opinion that property damage and violence is the appropriate response to bigotry and hate from racist white power and NAZI groups.

I do not agree with this. I'm not a "go out and punch a NAZI" kind of guy. And I fully expect that this woman will be held accountable should she commit an act of violence. Rightfully so.

Enjoy your outrage.

On the one hand, you leftists called Trump a supporter of the Nazis because it took him too long to denounce them. How long did it take you loons to denounce ANTIFA? How many Democrat politicians have? Has CNN?

Too little, too late. America associates ANTIFA with the left.
Why do I have to denounce Antifa?
All their lives they were opposed to gay marriage until it became politically expedient to "COME OUT" supporting gay marriage.

All some doctor's lives they smoked cigarettes, until their thinking evolved and they came to change their minds.

Didn't Donald Trump support abortion just a few short years ago?

Your bullshit arguments are bullshit.
The democrats were white guys that started the Klan. Not only that but that ideology is now what has permeated the republicans now.

Just can't put anything over some of these brilliant Progressives. The Democrats who started the Ku Klux Klan were WHITE GUYS. Wow, I'm impressed!

Now step up and defend the hate, violence, and destruction headed up by Antifa, Black Lives Matter, New Black Panthers, NAACP, and others.

After President Donald Trump bought Mar-A-Lago in the mid 80's he was sued by the city of Palm Beach. For what was he sued?
Antifa firmly believe they have every right to assault those they disagree with.
Dimocrats, and the rest of the left needs to send out a clear and firm message that this is not only not okay, but that anyone getting violent need to be arrested and thrown in jail.
We're watching.
I'm kind of interesting in seeing what becomes of using them as an attack dog. Let em go and see what the inbreds on the right will do. Probably cower and cry like the Nazi did when he found out there was a warrant for his arrest.

You're one sick puppy!

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