Whites in England made up the knock out game. Look it up. Its called the happy slapping you moron.
Who exactly are whites in England "happy slapping"? I bet it's not racially motivated the way the knockout game is.
Doesn't really matter to my point or the claim the original poster made.. The point is that whites invented it. Deflecting from that point is counter productive.
It just goes to prove that black are racists. Whites in England are happy slapping who ever and what ever race the victim may be. Ghetto rats are knockout gaming whites only.

What do you think Obama and Clinton were They should be fried in the electric chair for crimes against Humanity.

After all OBAMA KILLED TWO AMERICANS with his little DRONE STRIKE ' " They won't ever see it coming"

oh but it's ok in the eyes of the mentally clipped to have to pos losers murder people right. ..

and you all can't see your mental illness :bang3:

It's getting time to start putting the Antifa mongrels down.




The below link contains many videos of the footage:

BREAKING: Antifa Attacking Boston PD At Boston Free Speech Rally
I watched a 20/20 show which gave us a portrayal of an actual "Antifa" leader. It was a woman who expressed her opinion that property damage and violence is the appropriate response to bigotry and hate from racist white power and NAZI groups.
Out of curiosity, what is the nature of the woman's leadership role?

I'm asking because as I understand it, Antifa isn't something that's cohesive enough to have anything more than local or even-specific leaders. Antifa seems to be more a theme, perhaps even a moniker, than a clearly defined organization, a theme around which groups, variously over time, appear, "do their thing" and recede and disband. Accordingly, it doesn't have a leader who speaks for it in the same way that, say, the Roman Catholic church, the Red Cross, or even the KKK does.

She is basically a shit stirrer who shows up at NAZI events and mocks them.
They should be mocked. Nazis are clowns at best.
The people actually leading the Neo Nazi and white supremacist movements aren't clowns. They are several reprehensible things, but being innately boorish isn't among them; their ill manner is cultivated yet not cultured. They are what they are because they want to be. And they're certainly not funny or jesting.
I agree there are some that are working behind the scenes as cops, politicians, loan offices etc but the ones we see the most are the inbred azz clowns. The most dangerous members are hidden in plain sight because whites refuse to believe they exist. This denial is another example of the "white philosophy".

A philosophy you refuse to spell out, even in general terms. Instead you point to Nazis and the KKK, without any mention of what parts of those ideologies make up "white philosophy" and if those are the only things that do. You haven't even explained if "white philosophy" is a term you made yourself or if it originates from another source.

On the other hand, you have said that all anti-social behavior originates with "white philosophy," as though cultures with no exposure to whites have no anti-social behaviors, so taking this seriously is fairly difficult.
She is basically a shit stirrer who shows up at NAZI events and mocks them.
They should be mocked. Nazis are clowns at best.
The people actually leading the Neo Nazi and white supremacist movements aren't clowns. They are several reprehensible things, but being innately boorish isn't among them; their ill manner is cultivated yet not cultured. They are what they are because they want to be. And they're certainly not funny or jesting.
I agree there are some that are working behind the scenes as cops, politicians, loan offices etc but the ones we see the most are the inbred azz clowns. The most dangerous members are hidden in plain sight because whites refuse to believe they exist. This denial is another example of the "white philosophy".

Members of the liberal/progressive/left are proclaiming that despicable people such as white nationalists should not be allowed to protest and should not be given a permit to protest. They forget that protest is a right.

The US Supreme Court settled the issue 40 years ago in 1977 by overturning an Illinois court order that blocked an extremist protest in Skokie, a Jewish suburb of Chicago. The Supreme Court ruled that protest is not limited by the fact that some people will be offended or by the chance that there will be violent reactions. Otherwise, whatever faction happens to be in charge can suppress dissent by everyone else.

For decades the liberal/progressive/left has invested heavily in driving people apart. Black studies, women’s studies, and Native American studies can easily cross into propaganda that generates hatred. As a man of peace said, “a house divided against itself cannot stand.”

Paul Craig Roberts Reminds America - "A House Divided Against Itself Cannot Stand" | Zero Hedge
Nazis and other white terrorists shouldnt be allowed to protest just like ISIL wouldnt be granted a permit to protest.

Limiting constitutional rights because the ideas held are ones we don't like is exactly the opposite of what the first amendment is about. Protecting speech that most of us disagree with, or even find repugnant, is important.

No one needs to listen to that crap, but supremacists of any stripe have a right to spout their nonsense.

If the white nationalists or supremacists or neo-Nazis make direct threats, or advocate violent overthrow of the government, etc. that is a different story, of course.
Yeah I met a lot of whites in Canada and europe that were cool people. The reason I say its the white race as a whole is because every single white country has had a hand or benefited from white philosophy which has a basic premise that they are superior.
Everyone benefits from white philosophy as long as they're willing to listen to it.


Pull your pants up and stop talking like a retard with a mouth full of marbles and you might find a real job.

Stop robbing convenience stores and cops might stop shooting you, that way you can stop with the MLB bullshit.

Be a father to your children and they might not wind up in prison.
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That's a photoshop, loser. Byrd had denounced and apologized for his Klan membership decades before, and wasn't that old when he was a member.
He wasn't just a member of the KKK, he was the leader of his chapter. A Grand Cyclops. The self-proclaimed "last man out of Vietnam" was a piece of shit. Why are you defending him?
Why are you defending a dishonest photoshop?
I'm not, jackass.
Then link to your post where you call him out on it.

That's a photoshop, loser. Byrd had denounced and apologized for his Klan membership decades before, and wasn't that old when he was a member.
He wasn't just a member of the KKK, he was the leader of his chapter. A Grand Cyclops. The self-proclaimed "last man out of Vietnam" was a piece of shit. Why are you defending him?
Why are you defending a dishonest photoshop?
I'm not, jackass.
Then link to your post where you call him out on it.

Only in the minds of very confused people like you.
That's a photoshop, loser. Byrd had denounced and apologized for his Klan membership decades before, and wasn't that old when he was a member.
He wasn't just a member of the KKK, he was the leader of his chapter. A Grand Cyclops. The self-proclaimed "last man out of Vietnam" was a piece of shit. Why are you defending him?
Why are you defending a dishonest photoshop?
I'm not, jackass.
Then link to your post where you call him out on it.

Only in the minds of very confused people like you.
Holy shit. All you do is fail.
He wasn't just a member of the KKK, he was the leader of his chapter. A Grand Cyclops. The self-proclaimed "last man out of Vietnam" was a piece of shit. Why are you defending him?
Why are you defending a dishonest photoshop?
I'm not, jackass.
Then link to your post where you call him out on it.

Only in the minds of very confused people like you.
Holy shit. All you do is fail.
You're projecting.
The uproar and mass hysteria of these violent protests have one lead us down the path of Europe and create Hate Speech laws that will eventually lead to an end of Free Speech..................It will be sold as only of those violent groups..........and then be perverted into being arrested for something said on Facebook...........

Free Speech also means you can be offended by it.....................Do not allow them to ramp this chit up until they get to pass laws that will eventually screw us.
Whites in England made up the knock out game. Look it up. Its called the happy slapping you moron.
Who exactly are whites in England "happy slapping"? I bet it's not racially motivated the way the knockout game is.
Doesn't really matter to my point or the claim the original poster made.. The point is that whites invented it. Deflecting from that point is counter productive.
It just goes to prove that black are racists. Whites in England are happy slapping who ever and what ever race the victim may be. Ghetto rats are knockout gaming whites only.
Most whites are racists so it probably satisfies two things for ghetto rats as I can attest to from experience. It provides a readily available, low danger target and a stress reliever from all the racism. You get a much bigger thrill knocking out a white guy than anything else. That goes double if you can trick yourself into going back in time and pretending he is a slave owner.
They should be mocked. Nazis are clowns at best.
The people actually leading the Neo Nazi and white supremacist movements aren't clowns. They are several reprehensible things, but being innately boorish isn't among them; their ill manner is cultivated yet not cultured. They are what they are because they want to be. And they're certainly not funny or jesting.
I agree there are some that are working behind the scenes as cops, politicians, loan offices etc but the ones we see the most are the inbred azz clowns. The most dangerous members are hidden in plain sight because whites refuse to believe they exist. This denial is another example of the "white philosophy".

Members of the liberal/progressive/left are proclaiming that despicable people such as white nationalists should not be allowed to protest and should not be given a permit to protest. They forget that protest is a right.

The US Supreme Court settled the issue 40 years ago in 1977 by overturning an Illinois court order that blocked an extremist protest in Skokie, a Jewish suburb of Chicago. The Supreme Court ruled that protest is not limited by the fact that some people will be offended or by the chance that there will be violent reactions. Otherwise, whatever faction happens to be in charge can suppress dissent by everyone else.

For decades the liberal/progressive/left has invested heavily in driving people apart. Black studies, women’s studies, and Native American studies can easily cross into propaganda that generates hatred. As a man of peace said, “a house divided against itself cannot stand.”

Paul Craig Roberts Reminds America - "A House Divided Against Itself Cannot Stand" | Zero Hedge
Nazis and other white terrorists shouldnt be allowed to protest just like ISIL wouldnt be granted a permit to protest.

Limiting constitutional rights because the ideas held are ones we don't like is exactly the opposite of what the first amendment is about. Protecting speech that most of us disagree with, or even find repugnant, is important.

No one needs to listen to that crap, but supremacists of any stripe have a right to spout their nonsense.

If the white nationalists or supremacists or neo-Nazis make direct threats, or advocate violent overthrow of the government, etc. that is a different story, of course.
I agree its against the ideas but where do you draw the line? Isn't against the law to incite a riot? Isnt it against the law to yell fire in a crowed place? That isnt even a threat or call for violent overthrow of the government. My comparison of ISIL is a good measuring stick. These white power groups are animals and terrorists just like ISIL. If ISIL had a rally they would be rounded up immediately.
The people actually leading the Neo Nazi and white supremacist movements aren't clowns. They are several reprehensible things, but being innately boorish isn't among them; their ill manner is cultivated yet not cultured. They are what they are because they want to be. And they're certainly not funny or jesting.
I agree there are some that are working behind the scenes as cops, politicians, loan offices etc but the ones we see the most are the inbred azz clowns. The most dangerous members are hidden in plain sight because whites refuse to believe they exist. This denial is another example of the "white philosophy".

Members of the liberal/progressive/left are proclaiming that despicable people such as white nationalists should not be allowed to protest and should not be given a permit to protest. They forget that protest is a right.

The US Supreme Court settled the issue 40 years ago in 1977 by overturning an Illinois court order that blocked an extremist protest in Skokie, a Jewish suburb of Chicago. The Supreme Court ruled that protest is not limited by the fact that some people will be offended or by the chance that there will be violent reactions. Otherwise, whatever faction happens to be in charge can suppress dissent by everyone else.

For decades the liberal/progressive/left has invested heavily in driving people apart. Black studies, women’s studies, and Native American studies can easily cross into propaganda that generates hatred. As a man of peace said, “a house divided against itself cannot stand.”

Paul Craig Roberts Reminds America - "A House Divided Against Itself Cannot Stand" | Zero Hedge
Nazis and other white terrorists shouldnt be allowed to protest just like ISIL wouldnt be granted a permit to protest.

Limiting constitutional rights because the ideas held are ones we don't like is exactly the opposite of what the first amendment is about. Protecting speech that most of us disagree with, or even find repugnant, is important.

No one needs to listen to that crap, but supremacists of any stripe have a right to spout their nonsense.

If the white nationalists or supremacists or neo-Nazis make direct threats, or advocate violent overthrow of the government, etc. that is a different story, of course.
I agree its against the ideas but where do you draw the line? Isn't against the law to incite a riot? Isnt it against the law to yell fire in a crowed place? That isnt even a threat or call for violent overthrow of the government. My comparison of ISIL is a good measuring stick. These white power groups are animals and terrorists just like ISIL. If ISIL had a rally they would be rounded up immediately.

It depends on what is said, of course. However, you might be surprised at just what is protected speech. Take the case of Peter Ronald Wexler, for example. He blogged and said a number or things that might have been threats, and supposedly blogged in support of ISIS. He also was convicted of threatening Obama when Obama was president, but had that conviction overturned as being protected speech: Meet the voice of hate. Should he be in jail? - CNNPolitics

According to this article, Wexler was not convicted of any of the charges against him: Jury fails to convict blogger charged with threatening FBI agents

White supremacy is reprehensible, but it is not and should not be illegal to speak in support of it.
Whites in England made up the knock out game. Look it up. Its called the happy slapping you moron.
Who exactly are whites in England "happy slapping"? I bet it's not racially motivated the way the knockout game is.
Doesn't really matter to my point or the claim the original poster made.. The point is that whites invented it. Deflecting from that point is counter productive.
It just goes to prove that black are racists. Whites in England are happy slapping who ever and what ever race the victim may be. Ghetto rats are knockout gaming whites only.

"Blacks are racists" is a ridiculous generalization.

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