HARD TRUTH: What ‘Antifa’ Really Stands For

Antifa is anti-First Amendment To date, cowards like those who run Berkeley College in California, have allowed them to shut down the speech of others. Even when speeches have been shut down, the basement dwellers still got violent and rioted.


The video below of the Antifa violently attacking journalists on the Friday night in Charlottesville, Virginia, many of these journalists as you'll see from the video were viciously attacked with iron bars and sticks and had to receive hospital treatment for head injuries....including female journalists and those from a Richmond, Virginia news team.

The below are filmed happenings from Boston yesterday, a peaceful man attending the Free Speech rally Triggers the Alt-Left by wearing an American flag and an Israeli flag, he is then harrassed by the Alt-Left who are joined by the Antifa Far Left Fascists and them calling him RACIST....also in the below video the Boston Police are verbally abused by the Alt-Left, Antifa and joined by their Pets BLM calling the police "Fucking scum"....the below video also contains the footage of the old lady being attacked because she was holding an American flag (begins at 1 minute 11 seconds), it's EXTENDED though and because you see the FULL happening it illustrates that it WAS the Alt-Left who ATTACKED that lady, it then pans through her being dragged past Antifa with their faces covered and she is then RESCUED by Free Speech Conservatives who help and comfort her (at 2 minutes and 5 seconds) at 2 minutes and 18 seconds a Black Clad with face Covered Antifa approaches for reasons that cannot be determined from the video.

You missed the point that whites started it. Whites always set bad examples.
Whites always set bad examples.

That is definitely not an accurate statement.
Of course it is. I can show you the root of all antisocial behavior comes from white philosophy. Let me know if you want to go down that road.
I don't know whether I want to engage in a discussion about it, but I'm interested in seeing your argument that shows that "all antisocial behavior comes from white philosophy." I'm not even aware there is such a thing as "white philosophy," so please do open your essay by showing that there is.
How could you not be aware of a "white philosophy"? If you arent aware that it exists then you need to come back to me after you have educated yourself. I would start with the KKK and the Nazis philosophy so you can rectify that serious deficiency in your knowledge.
You missed the point that whites started it. Whites always set bad examples.
Whites always set bad examples.

That is definitely not an accurate statement.
Of course it is. I can show you the root of all antisocial behavior comes from white philosophy. Let me know if you want to go down that road.

Even if the "root of all antisocial behavior comes from white philosophy" (a ridiculous statement, but let's skip it for now), that doesn't mean that "whites always set bad examples." In order for that to be true, you'd have to be saying that every white person who has ever lived only does bad things, never good. A white person doing a good thing would set a good example (or at least not set a bad one).

Of course "whites always set bad examples" is inaccurate. No entire race of people sets a good or bad example.
I'm generalizing. I have white relatives so I am not talking about every white person. Just the race as a whole.
I don't even think it's the white race as a whole. I've certainly met white folks outside the U.S., whites who've never been to the U.S. and know little about its culture, who are fine people, people who make mistakes like everyone does, but who don't routinely set bad examples. Among other things, I was quite surprised to find they don't have the racial "sh*t" in their minds that some white Americans do. To my mind, that's one fine example that they set.
I watched a 20/20 show which gave us a portrayal of an actual "Antifa" leader. It was a woman who expressed her opinion that property damage and violence is the appropriate response to bigotry and hate from racist white power and NAZI groups.
Out of curiosity, what is the nature of the woman's leadership role?

I'm asking because as I understand it, Antifa isn't something that's cohesive enough to have anything more than local or even-specific leaders. Antifa seems to be more a theme, perhaps even a moniker, than a clearly defined organization, a theme around which groups, variously over time, appear, "do their thing" and recede and disband. Accordingly, it doesn't have a leader who speaks for it in the same way that, say, the Roman Catholic church, the Red Cross, or even the KKK does.

She is basically a shit stirrer who shows up at NAZI events and mocks them.
HARD TRUTH: What ‘Antifa’ Really Stands For

Antifa is anti-First Amendment To date, cowards like those who run Berkeley College in California, have allowed them to shut down the speech of others. Even when speeches have been shut down, the basement dwellers still got violent and rioted.


The video below of the Antifa violently attacking journalists on the Friday night in Charlottesville, Virginia, many of these journalists as you'll see from the video were viciously attacked with iron bars and sticks and had to receive hospital treatment for head injuries....including female journalists and those from a Richmond, Virginia news team.

The below are filmed happenings from Boston yesterday, a peaceful man attending the Free Speech rally Triggers the Alt-Left by wearing an American flag and an Israeli flag, he is then harrassed by the Alt-Left who are joined by the Antifa Far Left Fascists and them calling him RACIST....also in the below video the Boston Police are verbally abused by the Alt-Left, Antifa and joined by their Pets BLM calling the police "Fucking scum"....the below video also contains the footage of the old lady being attacked because she was holding an American flag (begins at 1 minute 11 seconds), it's EXTENDED though and because you see the FULL happening it illustrates that it WAS the Alt-Left who ATTACKED that lady, it then pans through her being dragged past Antifa with their faces covered and she is then RESCUED by Free Speech Conservatives who help and comfort her (at 2 minutes and 5 seconds) at 2 minutes and 18 seconds a Black Clad with face Covered Antifa approaches for reasons that cannot be determined from the video.

^^^^ The Antifa don't like being filmed committing their acts of violence against local journalists....sorry Antifa human filth not only are you still being filmed, but those who have Infiltrated Antifa a long time ago have PRIVATELY been filming you in MANY MANY locations, ALL your meetings have been secretly filmed, those who fund you have been secretly filmed meeting YOU, the Money Drops are ALL on film....EVERYTHING about YOU is ALL on FILM.

Time is now running out for the Antifa, they will get NO warning.

Tick Tock Tick Tock Fascist Scum :eusa_whistle:

Fuck The Below, you CANNOT hide, you CANNOT run. It's soon to be over for you. Period.

You missed the point that whites started it. Whites always set bad examples.
Whites always set bad examples.

That is definitely not an accurate statement.
Of course it is. I can show you the root of all antisocial behavior comes from white philosophy. Let me know if you want to go down that road.
I don't know whether I want to engage in a discussion about it, but I'm interested in seeing your argument that shows that "all antisocial behavior comes from white philosophy." I'm not even aware there is such a thing as "white philosophy," so please do open your essay by showing that there is.
How could you not be aware of a "white philosophy"? If you arent aware that it exists then you need to come back to me after you have educated yourself. I would start with the KKK and the Nazis philosophy so you can rectify that serious deficiency in your knowledge.
You are point in ever listening to someone like you again.

The situation with the Antifa is they also HATE the Mainstream Left, they are full-on Anarcho-Communists they admit this themselves, see above Tweet from the Boston Antifa.

This has NOTHING to do with being Anti-Trump or anything, they are Anti The Western System that has sustained The West for Centuries, they want it ALL destroyed.

People on the Mainstream Left because they might hate Trump should be warned to NOT involve themselves in supporting the Antifa, it's going to end in tears and it's going to be very ugly, do NOT get caught in the crosshairs of this systematic take down of the Antifa.
Like I said. The more I hear about them the more I support them. Theyre against the Klan, Nazi's, and the other cowards of the confederate loser gang. Do they have a go fund me page?
The more I hear about them the more I support them. Theyre against the Klan, Nazi's,

I approve of their thematic opposition to fascism, the Klan and Neo Nazis, but I don't condone their violent means. To the extent they pursue their ends without violence, I'm okay with them.
You missed the point that whites started it. Whites always set bad examples.
Whites always set bad examples.

That is definitely not an accurate statement.
Of course it is. I can show you the root of all antisocial behavior comes from white philosophy. Let me know if you want to go down that road.
I don't know whether I want to engage in a discussion about it, but I'm interested in seeing your argument that shows that "all antisocial behavior comes from white philosophy." I'm not even aware there is such a thing as "white philosophy," so please do open your essay by showing that there is.
How could you not be aware of a "white philosophy"? If you arent aware that it exists then you need to come back to me after you have educated yourself. I would start with the KKK and the Nazis philosophy so you can rectify that serious deficiency in your knowledge.
You are point in ever listening to someone like you again.
Who are you again? I dont recall you being someone I wanted to have listen to me.

The situation with the Antifa is they also HATE the Mainstream Left, they are full-on Anarcho-Communists they admit this themselves, see above Tweet from the Boston Antifa.

This has NOTHING to do with being Anti-Trump or anything, they are Anti The Western System that has sustained The West for Centuries, they want it ALL destroyed.

People on the Mainstream Left because they might hate Trump should be warned to NOT involve themselves in supporting the Antifa, it's going to end in tears and it's going to be very ugly, do NOT get caught in the crosshairs of this systematic take down of the Antifa.
Like I said. The more I hear about them the more I support them. Theyre against the Klan, Nazi's, and the other cowards of the confederate loser gang. Do they have a go fund me page?
The more I hear about them the more I support them. Theyre against the Klan, Nazi's,

I approve of their thematic opposition to fascism, the Klan and Neo Nazis, but I don't condone their violent means. To the extent they pursue their ends without violence, I'm okay with them.
Lets look at that sentiment. Why is it ok for the KKK, Nazis ect to be violent but not expect a violent response? Nothing of note has ever been accomplished in this country without violence.
I watched a 20/20 show which gave us a portrayal of an actual "Antifa" leader. It was a woman who expressed her opinion that property damage and violence is the appropriate response to bigotry and hate from racist white power and NAZI groups.
Out of curiosity, what is the nature of the woman's leadership role?

I'm asking because as I understand it, Antifa isn't something that's cohesive enough to have anything more than local or even-specific leaders. Antifa seems to be more a theme, perhaps even a moniker, than a clearly defined organization, a theme around which groups, variously over time, appear, "do their thing" and recede and disband. Accordingly, it doesn't have a leader who speaks for it in the same way that, say, the Roman Catholic church, the Red Cross, or even the KKK does.

She is basically a shit stirrer who shows up at NAZI events and mocks them.
That does not describe anything that I'd call "a leader." That's the description of a "participant," a troublemaking one, but a participant nonetheless.

I watched a 20/20 show which gave us a portrayal of an actual "Antifa" leader.
You missed the point that whites started it. Whites always set bad examples.
Whites always set bad examples.

That is definitely not an accurate statement.
Of course it is. I can show you the root of all antisocial behavior comes from white philosophy. Let me know if you want to go down that road.

Even if the "root of all antisocial behavior comes from white philosophy" (a ridiculous statement, but let's skip it for now), that doesn't mean that "whites always set bad examples." In order for that to be true, you'd have to be saying that every white person who has ever lived only does bad things, never good. A white person doing a good thing would set a good example (or at least not set a bad one).

Of course "whites always set bad examples" is inaccurate. No entire race of people sets a good or bad example.
I'm generalizing. I have white relatives so I am not talking about every white person. Just the race as a whole.
I don't even think it's the white race as a whole. I've certainly met white folks outside the U.S., whites who've never been to the U.S. and know little about its culture, who are fine people, people who make mistakes like everyone does, but who don't routinely set bad examples. Among other things, I was quite surprised to find they don't have the racial "sh*t" in their minds that some white Americans do. To my mind, that's one fine example that they set.
Yeah I met a lot of whites in Canada and europe that were cool people. The reason I say its the white race as a whole is because every single white country has had a hand or benefited from white philosophy which has a basic premise that they are superior.
I watched a 20/20 show which gave us a portrayal of an actual "Antifa" leader. It was a woman who expressed her opinion that property damage and violence is the appropriate response to bigotry and hate from racist white power and NAZI groups.
Out of curiosity, what is the nature of the woman's leadership role?

I'm asking because as I understand it, Antifa isn't something that's cohesive enough to have anything more than local or even-specific leaders. Antifa seems to be more a theme, perhaps even a moniker, than a clearly defined organization, a theme around which groups, variously over time, appear, "do their thing" and recede and disband. Accordingly, it doesn't have a leader who speaks for it in the same way that, say, the Roman Catholic church, the Red Cross, or even the KKK does.

She is basically a shit stirrer who shows up at NAZI events and mocks them.
They should be mocked. Nazis are clowns at best.
That is definitely not an accurate statement.
Of course it is. I can show you the root of all antisocial behavior comes from white philosophy. Let me know if you want to go down that road.

Even if the "root of all antisocial behavior comes from white philosophy" (a ridiculous statement, but let's skip it for now), that doesn't mean that "whites always set bad examples." In order for that to be true, you'd have to be saying that every white person who has ever lived only does bad things, never good. A white person doing a good thing would set a good example (or at least not set a bad one).

Of course "whites always set bad examples" is inaccurate. No entire race of people sets a good or bad example.
I'm generalizing. I have white relatives so I am not talking about every white person. Just the race as a whole.
I don't even think it's the white race as a whole. I've certainly met white folks outside the U.S., whites who've never been to the U.S. and know little about its culture, who are fine people, people who make mistakes like everyone does, but who don't routinely set bad examples. Among other things, I was quite surprised to find they don't have the racial "sh*t" in their minds that some white Americans do. To my mind, that's one fine example that they set.
Yeah I met a lot of whites in Canada and europe that were cool people. The reason I say its the white race as a whole is because every single white country has had a hand or benefited from white philosophy which has a basic premise that they are superior.
In light of the last post I made in our conversation, I haven't got something of substance to say in response to the comments just above.

They were Infiltrated some time ago that's why, EVERYTHING is known about them and that's EVERYTHING and The List is now complete.

They are going to be taken down, the Antifa have perhaps a few months at the best.
Infiltrated by who and why should anyone believe you know what you are talking about?
I watched a 20/20 show which gave us a portrayal of an actual "Antifa" leader. It was a woman who expressed her opinion that property damage and violence is the appropriate response to bigotry and hate from racist white power and NAZI groups.
Out of curiosity, what is the nature of the woman's leadership role?

I'm asking because as I understand it, Antifa isn't something that's cohesive enough to have anything more than local or even-specific leaders. Antifa seems to be more a theme, perhaps even a moniker, than a clearly defined organization, a theme around which groups, variously over time, appear, "do their thing" and recede and disband. Accordingly, it doesn't have a leader who speaks for it in the same way that, say, the Roman Catholic church, the Red Cross, or even the KKK does.

She is basically a shit stirrer who shows up at NAZI events and mocks them.
They should be mocked. Nazis are clowns at best.
The people actually leading the Neo Nazi and white supremacist movements aren't clowns. They are several reprehensible things, but being innately boorish isn't among them; their ill manner is cultivated -- it is a palpable manifestation of sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity -- yet not cultured. They are what they are because they want to be. And they're certainly not funny or jesting.

They were Infiltrated some time ago that's why, EVERYTHING is known about them and that's EVERYTHING and The List is now complete.

They are going to be taken down, the Antifa have perhaps a few months at the best.
Infiltrated by who and why should anyone believe you know what you are talking about?

Project started August 2015, the monitoring of....Infiltration of I am not at liberty to give that information because there are just a few tiny more things to do.

I have made MANY posts at this forum since February 2016 where I have stated the Antifa have been FULLY monitored by what I term Our Groups, I have also made ONE previous post here last year where I refer to The List that Our Groups have.

This was BEFORE MOST people at this forum had even HEARD of the Antifa.

It's about to be over for the Antifa, they are soon to be taken down.

It's FINISHED. The ENTIRE organisation has now been FULLY penetrated AND compromised.

The Antifa are a Criminal Organisation.
Whites in England made up the knock out game. Look it up. Its called the happy slapping you moron.
Who exactly are whites in England "happy slapping"? I bet it's not racially motivated the way the knockout game is.

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