Any board members enrolled in ACA yet?

.......WITH A $10,000 DEDUCTIBLE.

With a $10,000 deductible you have no "insurance". You are making a donation.

There are no $10,000 deductibles unless it's out of network. The most you can pay out of pocket in one year for one person is $6350. If you're that fucking sick, the $6350 will likely be a very small percentage of your total bills. All this bitching about high deductibles cracks me up. You guys all think everything should be covered 100%. Apparently none of you understand that it is costing us $8500 per year per every living person in this country, legal or not. Somebody has to pay that unless we find a way to reduce overall costs. It ain't a free ride, yet all of you seem to think by going without insurance and paying to see the doctor if you need to that you're being responsible. LMAO!!!!! If you become seriously ill, you will understand how devastating those bills can be. I know, I've been there, and I will grant you that I have received back way more in benefits than I ever paid in or will ever pay in. My wife battled leukemia to the tune of $1.3 million. Both of my boys were born premature and were in NICU for and extended period. Between the two, their bills were close to $500,000. My wife had kidney stones when she was younger. She had her gall baldder removed. I have Hemochromatosis and Cirrhosis of the liver due to Hemochromatosis. And guess what? All of these things happened before I turned 50. BTW, despite all of this, I'm probably healthier than most of you, believe it or not. Shit can happen even when you think you are healthy.
Forget the ungodly high deductibles for the time being. I would HIGHLY DISCOURAGE anyone from even trying to enroll until the idiots that are "in charge" of this debacle get the security on this supposed "secure" site straightened out.

The odds are that if you DO get to the site, input all your personal information - you will have your identity stolen.

For you folks that are certain that this is sent from Heaven above - wait for AT LEAST 4 months - until they "HOPEFULLY" get their act together BEFORE you even ATTEMPT to enroll. Then you can sign up and pay your $5,000 premiums.

Just friendly advice. Right now, this thing is so screwed up that I can't believe that 36,000 "lucky" people have been able to sign up.

The site is actually working fairly well. I do not know if there are problems in determining subsidies though as I bypassed that part as I will not be eligible for a subsidy. I do know if you are not looking for a subsidy, you can view all the plans and enroll with little or no problem. If you set up an account in the first week and you still cannot get in, then that account is corrupted and you most likely will never be able to use it. Set up another account now and you will be able to get on. You'll need to use a different username and E-mail address.
My sons friend is a college student, makes 800 a month from a part time job, so he doesnt qualify for medicaid, he cant afford obama care either, He cant stay on his parents plan because his mom is dead and his dad is on SSDI...the poor kid will get slapped with a fine he cant afford. What a fucked up disaster.

Based on his only making $800 per month, he should qualify for Medicaid in any state.
That bolded part above is VERY TELLING.. You mean we didn't have 30 Million people without access to health insurance?? That was the sole justification for this POS.

1/2 of those COULD afford it but didn't dive in.. Another 1/4 MIGHT HAVE qualified for MediCAID???

Do the math.. What does that leave???????

It means there's a big ass chunk of folks in the lower middle who don't have money to spare. And the subsidies won't cover it.

My sons friend is a college student, makes 800 a month from a part time job, so he doesnt qualify for medicaid, he cant afford obama care either, He cant stay on his parents plan because his mom is dead and his dad is on SSDI...the poor kid will get slapped with a fine he cant afford. What a fucked up disaster.

You are a liar.

Sucks when the facts don't comply with your agenda.

True dat.

My sons friend is a college student, makes 800 a month from a part time job, so he doesnt qualify for medicaid, he cant afford obama care either, He cant stay on his parents plan because his mom is dead and his dad is on SSDI...the poor kid will get slapped with a fine he cant afford. What a fucked up disaster.

Based on his only making $800 per month, he should qualify for Medicaid in any state.

My Republican friend went to the exchange and got insurance for $50 a month with a $5,000 deductible.

He said he will never vote Republican again.
My sons friend is a college student, makes 800 a month from a part time job, so he doesnt qualify for medicaid, he cant afford obama care either, He cant stay on his parents plan because his mom is dead and his dad is on SSDI...the poor kid will get slapped with a fine he cant afford. What a fucked up disaster.
Pure bullshit! At $800 per month he is below poverty level and would qualify for medicaid. What he dopesn't qualify for is a subsidy. You have to be between 100% and 400% of poverty level to qualify for a subsidy, he is at 84% of poverty level.
I know two people who have enrolled.

One is from Oregon, the other Kentucky.

Oregon seems to be one of the best success stories to date. Very little trouble. I think it's because they started early. The most recent published figure this week shows 56,000 have enrolled there, cutting the state's uninsured by 10% in just 2 weeks.

The person I know out there is one of those folks with a pre-existing condition who previously was discriminated against because of it and could never get insurance. They figure to save over $5,000 a year now.

And then Kentucky is the other one, surprisingly. They have a Democratic Governor out there, and he gets overshadowed by Senate Minority Leader McConnell and junior Senator Rand Paul. Those two recently penned an op-ed together in Kentucky titled something like, "Kentuckians Are Not Buying Obamacare".

Of course, when Republicans speak these days, you really have to fact check them cause they'll say the darndest things.

Kentuckians ARE buying Obamacare.

At one of the fastest rates per capita in the union. About 1,000 Kentuckians are signing up daily. Over 21,000 have enrolled.

The person I know out there is paying less than the person in Oregon, which I'm still trying to wrap my head around. She's paying about $200 a month all told.

Here is a link to a site that is keeping track of sign-up numbers for the ACA. Affordable Care Act (aka Obamacare) Health Insurance Signup Chart

Fine Print: Numbers may vary due to differing definitions of "applied", "approved", "enrolled", "signed up" etc.

Excellent use of fine print words (from your link)
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And you keep forgetting about subsidies. and you are ignoring the many who are paying less for more and better coverage.

Oh subsidies. So in other words the law isn't really the affordable care act, it's the others will hopefully pay for you act.

Your taxes already pay for my VA.

I don't use the ACA.

However, the president would be interested to know that you want everybody in it and single payer.

What a welfare sucking hog you are, Fakey. No wonder you're such a big commie loving libturd.
My Republican friend went to the exchange and got insurance for $50 a month with a $5,000 deductible.

He said he will never vote Republican again.

I'll bet your friend also farts pixie dust because he's purely imaginary.
Of course they denied coverage to people who were only buying it because they had cancer of heart disease or whatever disease.

That was the only reason? Of course not

Many were cut off when they got sick.

So many were simply not allowed it because of a pre-existing condition, which is not the case now. That will never change even if ACA goes away.

The industry got filthy rich by denying sick people insurance and making it overall very expensive.

If people with pre-existing conditions are allowed to buy "insurance," then it's no longer insurance. It's welfare. The industry did not get "filthy fucking rich" by denying people with pre-existing conditions. All it did is avoid going bankrupt. Now the entire country will go bankrupt.
Don't need it.

Three children's families don't need it.

Fourth has enrolled in Arches, the state co-op, for a decent savings.

You're just another Democrat sucking on the government tit, aren't you, Fakey?

I am just another Republican patriot who served almost 12 years active duty, used government programs to which I was entitled, but unlike Mudwhistle (who was a military careerist and a government contractor) did not scream and whine and babble unintelligible things when the government was shut down by the far right. He wanted it both ways. He sucked off the government teat and then whined. I didn't whine. :lol:

You sucked of it as well, and I will commend you for not whining.

I sucked off welfare? You're delusional, Fakey. I never got a dime of government money in my life. Furthermore, if you are a Republican, then it's only so you can undermine the party from within. You're just another welfare sucking libtard who whines like a little baby whenever anyone tries to take away your trough of government gravy.
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.......WITH A $10,000 DEDUCTIBLE.

With a $10,000 deductible you have no "insurance". You are making a donation.

There are no $10,000 deductibles unless it's out of network. The most you can pay out of pocket in one year for one person is $6350. If you're that fucking sick, the $6350 will likely be a very small percentage of your total bills. All this bitching about high deductibles cracks me up. You guys all think everything should be covered 100%. Apparently none of you understand that it is costing us $8500 per year per every living person in this country, legal or not. Somebody has to pay that unless we find a way to reduce overall costs. It ain't a free ride, yet all of you seem to think by going without insurance and paying to see the doctor if you need to that you're being responsible. LMAO!!!!! If you become seriously ill, you will understand how devastating those bills can be. I know, I've been there, and I will grant you that I have received back way more in benefits than I ever paid in or will ever pay in. My wife battled leukemia to the tune of $1.3 million. Both of my boys were born premature and were in NICU for and extended period. Between the two, their bills were close to $500,000. My wife had kidney stones when she was younger. She had her gall baldder removed. I have Hemochromatosis and Cirrhosis of the liver due to Hemochromatosis. And guess what? All of these things happened before I turned 50. BTW, despite all of this, I'm probably healthier than most of you, believe it or not. Shit can happen even when you think you are healthy.
Exactly, these ridiculous deductibles are completely made up and spread by GOP hate radio. Even catastrophic coverage has the same $6350 max payout and includes all preventative care with no cost sharing required.

Here is an example of how the outrageous deductible rumors are spread. Notice how MessiahRushie starts by telling you the caller was not believable, but his gullible suckers will still believe it which is why he is spreading the rumor on his show! He knows the limit is $6350.

October 18, 2013
RUSH: Our last caller was unbelievable. The woman called and said she'd heard from her accountant. Her accountant found out what his Obamacare obligation gonna be: A $24,000 deductible!
And you keep forgetting about subsidies. and you are ignoring the many who are paying less for more and better coverage.

Oh subsidies. So in other words the law isn't really the affordable care act, it's the others will hopefully pay for you act.

Your taxes already pay for my VA.

I don't use the ACA.

However, the president would be interested to know that you want everybody in it and single payer.
Totally different situation.
I wouldn't be caught dead enrolling in that monstrosity.

You are buying insurance from an insurance company. The exchange is just a tool to help you buy it, and it is really mostly set up for those who think they might get a subsidy. In many cases, if you are not going to get a subsidy, you might be able to buy direct from any of those companies without going through the exchange. Some companies are forcing you to go through the exchange though, regardless of whether you will receive a subsidy or not, so either way, it makes sense to take a look at what is being offered through the exchange if you in fact are looking for insurance.

One last thing; if you are not expecting a subsidy or do not want one, then you only have to give them limited info. They don't need all of your financials unless you are hoping to receive a subsidy/tax credit.
Looks pretty simple. And to the uninformed, it may very well be. However insurance is only good when you use it.
The gaps in coverage are the issue. As well as the cost.
Most people will choose the cheapest or bronze plan. This plan covers just 60% of medical bills.
My sons friend is a college student, makes 800 a month from a part time job, so he doesnt qualify for medicaid, he cant afford obama care either, He cant stay on his parents plan because his mom is dead and his dad is on SSDI...the poor kid will get slapped with a fine he cant afford. What a fucked up disaster.

You are a liar.

EXACTLY what makes him a liar ?????????

you fucking idiot :up:
Of course they denied coverage to people who were only buying it because they had cancer of heart disease or whatever disease.

That was the only reason? Of course not

Many were cut off when they got sick.

So many were simply not allowed it because of a pre-existing condition, which is not the case now. That will never change even if ACA goes away.

The industry got filthy rich by denying sick people insurance and making it overall very expensive.

That is you opinion.
When these horror stories of alleged insurance company wrongs are published, the public without ever seeing both sides of the story, is quick to believe and even quicker to condemn.
Here's something that isn't completely made up... and I have it right here in front of me.

In order to maintain the health coverage that I currently have, I am being forced to pay 120% more in premiums. Now that's the very definition of insanity.

Maybe these things should come with a sanity clause. With this increase in premiums, there sure as hell ain't gonna be no sanity clause come Christmas.
I need some encouragement here.

You're already enrolled.

You have no lifetime caps, the "donut hole" is closed and your children can stay on the insurance until they're 26. Furthermore, if you change jobs/your employer gets new insurance, you can't be denied due to PEC's.
It's not code.

What part of "If you have insurance, you can keep it" didn't you understand.

It's not code. It's English.

Learn it.
That line has been proven to be total bullshit.
That's a fact.
Oh, you can keep it. if you want to pay double or triple your original premiums.

And you keep forgetting about subsidies. and you are ignoring the many who are paying less for more and better coverage.

Subsidies...yeah. The hook.
I pay while others get theirs for next to nothing.
Who is going to object to THAT?.....Free shit..
Here's something that isn't completely made up... and I have it right here in front of me.

In order to maintain the health coverage that I currently have, I am being forced to pay 120% more in premiums. Now that's the very definition of insanity.

Maybe these things should come with a sanity clause. With this increase in premiums, there sure as hell ain't gonna be no sanity clause come Christmas.

Will you be able to keep your doctor?

"New York doctors are feeling queasy about ObamaCare — and many won’t participate in the new national insurance program because they fear they’ll go broke, The Post has learned."

Docs worried sick over ObamaCare | New York Post

The whole thing has turned in to one big lie. Surprise surprise....


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