Any board members enrolled in ACA yet?

The health insurance industry was capable of resolving the issue.

It did not because it got rich denying people insurance.

Define the issue?

Are you assuming that the issue is that everyone needs insurance? THat is a false assumption. Insurance is a commodity provided to those who can afford it.

Are you denying that the insurance companies denied insurance to those who applied or asked for acceptable procedures ?

You need to answer my points before you open new ones.

Of course they denied coverage to people who were only buying it because they had cancer of heart disease or whtever disease. They were applying for it with the expectation that they would pay small monthly premiums and the insurance company would pay their exorbitant medical bills. It would be stupid to sell anyone insurance like that.

Unless you are forced to. Like now. That is why it will fail. It will drive costs up. If you are forced to sell to people who are already sick, your costs of operation will skyrocket.

See, your idea that an insurance company has no right to deny someone insurance is crap.

You call yourself some kind of conservative, but you bought the liberal ideas.
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I need some encouragement here.

I guess enough has been said...appreciate the impression is that the majority view ACA as a nightmare...or useless. Thank God I don't need it....and thank the USAF.
Define the issue?

Are you assuming that the issue is that everyone needs insurance? THat is a false assumption. Insurance is a commodity provided to those who can afford it.

Are you denying that the insurance companies denied insurance to those who applied or asked for acceptable procedures ?

You need to answer my points before you open new ones.

Of course they denied coverage to people who were only buying it because they had cancer of heart disease or whtever disease. They were applying for it with the expectation that they would pay small monthly premiums and the insurance company would pay their exorbitant medical bills. It would be stupid to sell anyone insurance like that.

Unless you are forced to. Like now. That is why it will fail. It will drive costs up. If you are force to sell to people who are already sick, your costs of operation will skyrocket.

See, your idea that an insurance company has no right to deny someone insurance is crap.

You call yourself some kind of conservative, but you bought the liberal ideas.

Actually, insurers were denying folks access to their STANDARD products. But the secret was to ask for GUARANTEED ISSUE. No matter what your issues pretty much for a price they would quote you. Now that price still exists. Its just become communized.
Forget the ungodly high deductibles for the time being. I would HIGHLY DISCOURAGE anyone from even trying to enroll until the idiots that are "in charge" of this debacle get the security on this supposed "secure" site straightened out.

The odds are that if you DO get to the site, input all your personal information - you will have your identity stolen.

For you folks that are certain that this is sent from Heaven above - wait for AT LEAST 4 months - until they "HOPEFULLY" get their act together BEFORE you even ATTEMPT to enroll. Then you can sign up and pay your $5,000 premiums.

Just friendly advice. Right now, this thing is so screwed up that I can't believe that 36,000 "lucky" people have been able to sign up.

I will predict what will happen behind the walls of 1600 Pennsylvania Ave if not enough people enroll.
Obama's head will explode with anger. He will go on a nationwide campaign speech, slitting the throats of the republican party and excoriating anyone who dares not comply with the Chosen One's demands.
My sons friend is a college student, makes 800 a month from a part time job, so he doesnt qualify for medicaid, he cant afford obama care either, He cant stay on his parents plan because his mom is dead and his dad is on SSDI...the poor kid will get slapped with a fine he cant afford. What a fucked up disaster.

You are a liar.

Sucks when the facts don't comply with your agenda.
My employer provides insurance.

No need.

Cool. :thup:

I'm claimed as an employee by the corporation over which I preside, but that's it. Sure, I'm only responsible for 1/2 of FICA...

...but that's it. No health care, no vacation, no retirement, no bonuses, no nothing.

Because my siblings are my Board of Directors. I've been fucked over in this family since I was 12 years old . And here I am today, 58 years young and nothing to show for it.

And you know what? I don't give a flying fuck. I got an ok wife and 4 (count 'em, four) healthy successful kids. I'm on target to die broke. And I will laugh my ass off all the way there. And that... is what it's all about.
Don't need it.

Three children's families don't need it.

Fourth has enrolled in Arches, the state co-op, for a decent savings.

You're just another Democrat sucking on the government tit, aren't you, Fakey?

At who's expense? Yours?

Pay up or shut up, bitch.

Jake is your whore.

You are entitled to slap his **** hither and yon.

Go ahead. You know you want to. :)
My employer provides insurance.

No need.

Code for:

Not even I as a far left Obama loving liberal would touch the thing with a one thousand foot pole.


It's not code.

What part of "If you have insurance, you can keep it" didn't you understand.

It's not code. It's English.

Learn it.
That line has been proven to be total bullshit.
That's a fact.
Oh, you can keep it. if you want to pay double or triple your original premiums.
Don't need it.

Three children's families don't need it.

Fourth has enrolled in Arches, the state co-op, for a decent savings.

You're just another Democrat sucking on the government tit, aren't you, Fakey?

I am just another Republican patriot who served almost 12 years active duty, used government programs to which I was entitled, but unlike Mudwhistle (who was a military careerist and a government contractor) did not scream and whine and babble unintelligible things when the government was shut down by the far right. He wanted it both ways. He sucked off the government teat and then whined. I didn't whine. :lol:

You sucked of it as well, and I will commend you for not whining.
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Of course they denied coverage to people who were only buying it because they had cancer of heart disease or whatever disease.

That was the only reason? Of course not

Many were cut off when they got sick.

So many were simply not allowed it because of a pre-existing condition, which is not the case now. That will never change even if ACA goes away.

The industry got filthy rich by denying sick people insurance and making it overall very expensive.
Code for:

Not even I as a far left Obama loving liberal would touch the thing with a one thousand foot pole.


It's not code.

What part of "If you have insurance, you can keep it" didn't you understand.

It's not code. It's English.

Learn it.
That line has been proven to be total bullshit.
That's a fact.
Oh, you can keep it. if you want to pay double or triple your original premiums.

And you keep forgetting about subsidies. and you are ignoring the many who are paying less for more and better coverage.
It's not code.

What part of "If you have insurance, you can keep it" didn't you understand.

It's not code. It's English.

Learn it.
That line has been proven to be total bullshit.
That's a fact.
Oh, you can keep it. if you want to pay double or triple your original premiums.

And you keep forgetting about subsidies. and you are ignoring the many who are paying less for more and better coverage.

Oh subsidies. So in other words the law isn't really the affordable care act, it's the others will hopefully pay for you act.
That line has been proven to be total bullshit.
That's a fact.
Oh, you can keep it. if you want to pay double or triple your original premiums.

And you keep forgetting about subsidies. and you are ignoring the many who are paying less for more and better coverage.

Oh subsidies. So in other words the law isn't really the affordable care act, it's the others will hopefully pay for you act.

Your taxes already pay for my VA.

I don't use the ACA.

However, the president would be interested to know that you want everybody in it and single payer.
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Any board members enrolled in ACA yet?

I need some encouragement here.

I feel your pain ... I at least was able to set up an account but since then have been unable to log in - wasn't Oct.1st 18 days ago ???

I have individual insurance and just would like to compare the two ...


Set up a new account with a different E-mail address. Any accounts set up in the first five days are corrupt and likely will never work. I had set up two in the first five days, and neither work. I set up a third last week and it works fine. I still haven't decided what I am going to do because my kids have plans that are a bit better and are grandfathered in for now, but they are also a bit more expensive than if I put them on with me, so I'm waiting to decide.

BTW, something to keep in mind with many of the plans available on the exchange. Most of them do not pay for any services out of network. If you travel a lot, be careful. While plans that do pay out of network do not kick in until the deductible is met, and for out of network that deductible is double your in network deductible, if you would need expensive surgery while out of town, having out of network coverage could save you from disaster. In my area, only one of the companies offers any coverage at all out of network. Not even Anthem BCBS offers it.
I wouldn't be caught dead enrolling in that monstrosity.

You are buying insurance from an insurance company. The exchange is just a tool to help you buy it, and it is really mostly set up for those who think they might get a subsidy. In many cases, if you are not going to get a subsidy, you might be able to buy direct from any of those companies without going through the exchange. Some companies are forcing you to go through the exchange though, regardless of whether you will receive a subsidy or not, so either way, it makes sense to take a look at what is being offered through the exchange if you in fact are looking for insurance.

One last thing; if you are not expecting a subsidy or do not want one, then you only have to give them limited info. They don't need all of your financials unless you are hoping to receive a subsidy/tax credit.
No need.
I don't need orders, threats or subsidies in order to be responsible.

So we can assume that you have health insurance through your employer or you have an existing private policy, right? Or that you are self-insured and worth over at least $3 million, or is it option three, you will let everyone else help pay your medical bills if you get sick and rack up $500,000 or $1 million or more in medical bills?
I'm not and don't plan to be. Fine? What fine? I have no money! What will they do, file a $95 lien on me?

:lmao: :rofl:

Oh, you're another one. Either you are full of crap or you are choosing not to purchase insurance when most of it would likely be covered with the tax credits. Instead you will leave it up to the rest of us to pay your bills if you should become seriously ill. I love you cons preaching about self-reliance and responsibility all the time. What a crock.

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