Any board members enrolled in ACA yet?

My sons friend is a college student, makes 800 a month from a part time job, so he doesnt qualify for medicaid, he cant afford obama care either, He cant stay on his parents plan because his mom is dead and his dad is on SSDI...the poor kid will get slapped with a fine he cant afford. What a fucked up disaster.

I don't know the entire situation with your son's friend, but please tell him, making $9600 a year...$800 a month times 12 months, your son's friend IS ELIGIBLE for Medicaid....the poverty level is $11,400 a year, and medicaid in all states covers those at poverty level or below and this boy is only at 74% of poverty level....

and if that does not work, (which I see no reason why it would not, but just as a fluke) then your friend would be given an exception, and he will not have to pay the penalty, because his income is too low....and the exchange will not subsidize him.

EVEN if he disagrees with the ACA program, he should take care of himself and his best interests first, and the exception he can get for the penalty should be pursued, and same with Medicaid, so that he does not have to fork out any of that mere $800 that he makes...

PLEASE tell your son to tell him this....and once he graduates and starts making a solid income from his new career, he will get employee health care benefits...

So lemme get this straight. The plan was to OPEN THE POOLS and encourage young paying customers to come in.. But what I've been hearing is 27yrs olds or 30somethings still at college or living at home are now wards of the state for Medical Care because they qualify for Medicaid?

What the fuck do you think you've fixed????????????????????????????????????????

"Tell him he's gonna get employer healthcare"?? Yeah --- IF he works a job with 50 employees.. AND his employer doesn't cut him to 29 hours a week.. Then he can have the privilege of working TWO part-times and STILL paying the penalty...

You guys really screwed the pooch..
I wasn't talking about anything being "fixed" Flacaltenn....

and this young man could GREATLY benefit with having health insurance, since he is in his early 20's and his mom is dead already (probably in her 40's) and his father who is probably only in his 40's as well and is collecting SSI, so I am presuming he is sick as well...

this young child, will not save the "system", but a longer life for him could be in store if he seeks medical attention and watching by doctors earlier in his life than his parents more than likely did....

so Flacal, I was answering the post I responded to, out of human compassion....and in wanting to extend this young man's future, instead of sitting idly by and saying or doing nothing due to a "political" stance.
You need help? We'll be there for you. We are all in this together.

See??? Now all that leftist compassion is clouding your logic and judgement.
Let's review..

I told you that I was gonna SLACK OFF ON PURPOSE, retire early, When I could still be a contributing member and happy to do it.. Just so that I could help bankrupt this fuckfest you call "help".

And you BLESS THAT? You're gonna give me money to do that INSTEAD of to someone who doesn't have my OPTION to continue earning a decent living or ANY LIVING AT ALL???

Tell me you're not that stupid...

If you are insane....and will stop working an available job ( business ) and reduce your standard of living just to spite others and not have to buy insurance, then I will gladly help you out. You are not in your right mind.

We are all in this together. I'd rather the nuts like you be healthy, housed and fed. I'm selfish that way.

Whoooaa.. I'm not believing this.. Let's clarify..

The govt is 17Trill in debt.. The Soc Sec crisis and Medicare crisis is here.. 10K folks a day retiring and.....................

You believe that ObamaCare should subsidize early retirement for self-employed folks?
Before you answer that --- realize that the QUALIFICATIONS FOR SUBSIDY are based on INCOME --- not my means to "support myself" ???????

I'm gonna sit down and wait for this answer..... Could be that breakthru in leftist cognitive deficits that we've all been researching for years.....
I don't know the entire situation with your son's friend, but please tell him, making $9600 a year...$800 a month times 12 months, your son's friend IS ELIGIBLE for Medicaid....the poverty level is $11,400 a year, and medicaid in all states covers those at poverty level or below and this boy is only at 74% of poverty level....

and if that does not work, (which I see no reason why it would not, but just as a fluke) then your friend would be given an exception, and he will not have to pay the penalty, because his income is too low....and the exchange will not subsidize him.

EVEN if he disagrees with the ACA program, he should take care of himself and his best interests first, and the exception he can get for the penalty should be pursued, and same with Medicaid, so that he does not have to fork out any of that mere $800 that he makes...

PLEASE tell your son to tell him this....and once he graduates and starts making a solid income from his new career, he will get employee health care benefits...

So lemme get this straight. The plan was to OPEN THE POOLS and encourage young paying customers to come in.. But what I've been hearing is 27yrs olds or 30somethings still at college or living at home are now wards of the state for Medical Care because they qualify for Medicaid?

What the fuck do you think you've fixed????????????????????????????????????????

They think that the Federal Government is the only entity in the universe capable of taking care of people.

The health insurance industry was capable of resolving the issue.

It did not because it got rich denying people insurance.
I don't know the entire situation with your son's friend, but please tell him, making $9600 a year...$800 a month times 12 months, your son's friend IS ELIGIBLE for Medicaid....the poverty level is $11,400 a year, and medicaid in all states covers those at poverty level or below and this boy is only at 74% of poverty level....

and if that does not work, (which I see no reason why it would not, but just as a fluke) then your friend would be given an exception, and he will not have to pay the penalty, because his income is too low....and the exchange will not subsidize him.

EVEN if he disagrees with the ACA program, he should take care of himself and his best interests first, and the exception he can get for the penalty should be pursued, and same with Medicaid, so that he does not have to fork out any of that mere $800 that he makes...

PLEASE tell your son to tell him this....and once he graduates and starts making a solid income from his new career, he will get employee health care benefits...

So lemme get this straight. The plan was to OPEN THE POOLS and encourage young paying customers to come in.. But what I've been hearing is 27yrs olds or 30somethings still at college or living at home are now wards of the state for Medical Care because they qualify for Medicaid?

What the fuck do you think you've fixed????????????????????????????????????????

"Tell him he's gonna get employer healthcare"?? Yeah --- IF he works a job with 50 employees.. AND his employer doesn't cut him to 29 hours a week.. Then he can have the privilege of working TWO part-times and STILL paying the penalty...

You guys really screwed the pooch..
I wasn't talking about anything being "fixed" Flacaltenn....

and this young man could GREATLY benefit with having health insurance, since he is in his early 20's and his mom is dead already (probably in her 40's) and his father who is probably only in his 40's as well and is collecting SSI, so I am presuming he is sick as well...

this young child, will not save the "system", but a longer life for him could be in store if he seeks medical attention and watching by doctors earlier in his life than his parents more than likely did....

so Flacal, I was answering the post I responded to, out of human compassion....and in wanting to extend this young man's future, instead of sitting idly by and saying or doing nothing due to a "political" stance.

Why do you assume this young man...or the great majority of young age ....need health insurance???
So lemme get this straight. The plan was to OPEN THE POOLS and encourage young paying customers to come in.. But what I've been hearing is 27yrs olds or 30somethings still at college or living at home are now wards of the state for Medical Care because they qualify for Medicaid?

What the fuck do you think you've fixed????????????????????????????????????????

They think that the Federal Government is the only entity in the universe capable of taking care of people.

The health insurance industry was capable of resolving the issue.

It did not because it got rich denying people insurance.
Wouldn't it have been cheaper and more efficient to simply mandate that no American be denied health coverage?

No website required.
Democrats keep defending the poor initialization to the ACA by comparing it to SS and Medicare. What is so complicated about those programs? you pay your get your benefits. ACA is a massive sixth of the by buffoons...written by buffoons...regulating your life like nothing before.
They think that the Federal Government is the only entity in the universe capable of taking care of people.

The health insurance industry was capable of resolving the issue.

It did not because it got rich denying people insurance.
Wouldn't it have been cheaper and more efficient to simply mandate that no American be denied health coverage?

No website required.

But then how would they register all those dead people to vote?
So lemme get this straight. The plan was to OPEN THE POOLS and encourage young paying customers to come in.. But what I've been hearing is 27yrs olds or 30somethings still at college or living at home are now wards of the state for Medical Care because they qualify for Medicaid?

What the fuck do you think you've fixed????????????????????????????????????????

They think that the Federal Government is the only entity in the universe capable of taking care of people.

The health insurance industry was capable of resolving the issue.

It did not because it got rich denying people insurance.

Define the issue?

Are you assuming that the issue is that everyone needs insurance? THat is a false assumption. Insurance is a commodity provided to those who can afford it.
My sons friend is a college student, makes 800 a month from a part time job, so he doesnt qualify for medicaid, he cant afford obama care either, He cant stay on his parents plan because his mom is dead and his dad is on SSDI...the poor kid will get slapped with a fine he cant afford. What a fucked up disaster.

I don't know the entire situation with your son's friend, but please tell him, making $9600 a year...$800 a month times 12 months, your son's friend IS ELIGIBLE for Medicaid....the poverty level is $11,400 a year, and medicaid in all states covers those at poverty level or below and this boy is only at 74% of poverty level....

and if that does not work, (which I see no reason why it would not, but just as a fluke) then your friend would be given an exception, and he will not have to pay the penalty, because his income is too low....and the exchange will not subsidize him.

EVEN if he disagrees with the ACA program, he should take care of himself and his best interests first, and the exception he can get for the penalty should be pursued, and same with Medicaid, so that he does not have to fork out any of that mere $800 that he makes...

PLEASE tell your son to tell him this....and once he graduates and starts making a solid income from his new career, he will get employee health care benefits...

In other words, someone was lying.
I don't know that he was lying, the exchange won't cover those making below poverty with subsidies because they qualify for Medicaid...and many people do not know that they would even qualify for Medicaid that make below poverty line out of pure and innocent ignorance.

I read recently that many states that did not expand the Aca's medicaid expansion to 133% OF POVERTY, refused setting up this expansion even though federal dollars will pay 100% for it, later to be reduced to the feds paying 95% of it in a few years which is still nearly all of it, did NOT expand the program because they were afraid that people who already qualify for medicaid because they make less than the poverty level would FIND OUT THAT they have qualified all along...!!!!! And states don't want everyone who does qualify for medicaid, to actually apply for they thought by not adding the expansion, would keep a few more people off of it that qualify right now....

that's a tongue twister...hope it came out right and is understandable....
They think that the Federal Government is the only entity in the universe capable of taking care of people.

The health insurance industry was capable of resolving the issue.

It did not because it got rich denying people insurance.
Wouldn't it have been cheaper and more efficient to simply mandate that no American be denied health coverage?

No website required.

That would still have been a problem. I think that's why New York insurance has been so expensive. New York is one of the states where insurance rates are coming down. Because in the past they didn't allow anyone to be refused, but they didn't have the insurance mandate to spread the costs out. (if I understand correctly)

The New York Times Tries -- And Fails -- To Protect Obamacare From Health Insurance 'Rate Shock' - Forbes
So lemme get this straight. The plan was to OPEN THE POOLS and encourage young paying customers to come in.. But what I've been hearing is 27yrs olds or 30somethings still at college or living at home are now wards of the state for Medical Care because they qualify for Medicaid?

What the fuck do you think you've fixed????????????????????????????????????????

"Tell him he's gonna get employer healthcare"?? Yeah --- IF he works a job with 50 employees.. AND his employer doesn't cut him to 29 hours a week.. Then he can have the privilege of working TWO part-times and STILL paying the penalty...

You guys really screwed the pooch..
I wasn't talking about anything being "fixed" Flacaltenn....

and this young man could GREATLY benefit with having health insurance, since he is in his early 20's and his mom is dead already (probably in her 40's) and his father who is probably only in his 40's as well and is collecting SSI, so I am presuming he is sick as well...

this young child, will not save the "system", but a longer life for him could be in store if he seeks medical attention and watching by doctors earlier in his life than his parents more than likely did....

so Flacal, I was answering the post I responded to, out of human compassion....and in wanting to extend this young man's future, instead of sitting idly by and saying or doing nothing due to a "political" stance.

Why do you assume this young man...or the great majority of young age ....need health insurance???
If you read my post above in full, I explain why this young man NEEDS health insurance, 1- because his mother has died already, in her 40's and 2- because his father is on ssdi, so he is probably sic as well and in his 40's as well....

basically, this is 1 child or young adult, that actually could benefit from having a doctor watching over him regularly....bottom line, looks like he's got bad genes....and has a good chance of dying or becoming sickly and disabled, like his parents....

but if he does start young with regular check ups, they can catch his ailments early on, which is the secret to a long life....

I wish this young man to have a longer life than his genes are probably dictating, and he can, if he has a doctor's supervision.

simple as has nothing to do with politics.
The health insurance industry was capable of resolving the issue.

It did not because it got rich denying people insurance.
Wouldn't it have been cheaper and more efficient to simply mandate that no American be denied health coverage?

No website required.

That would still have been a problem. I think that's why New York insurance has been so expensive. New York is one of the states where insurance rates are coming down. Because in the past they didn't allow anyone to be refused, but they didn't have the insurance mandate to spread the costs out. (if I understand correctly)

The New York Times Tries -- And Fails -- To Protect Obamacare From Health Insurance 'Rate Shock' - Forbes

Hmmm. I heard some nut from Freedomworks saying that the other day. He said only 17,000 New Yorkers were buying individual insurance plans before the ACA.
I don't know the entire situation with your son's friend, but please tell him, making $9600 a year...$800 a month times 12 months, your son's friend IS ELIGIBLE for Medicaid....the poverty level is $11,400 a year, and medicaid in all states covers those at poverty level or below and this boy is only at 74% of poverty level....

and if that does not work, (which I see no reason why it would not, but just as a fluke) then your friend would be given an exception, and he will not have to pay the penalty, because his income is too low....and the exchange will not subsidize him.

EVEN if he disagrees with the ACA program, he should take care of himself and his best interests first, and the exception he can get for the penalty should be pursued, and same with Medicaid, so that he does not have to fork out any of that mere $800 that he makes...

PLEASE tell your son to tell him this....and once he graduates and starts making a solid income from his new career, he will get employee health care benefits...

In other words, someone was lying.
I don't know that he was lying, the exchange won't cover those making below poverty with subsidies because they qualify for Medicaid...and many people do not know that they would even qualify for Medicaid that make below poverty line out of pure and innocent ignorance.

I read recently that many states that did not expand the Aca's medicaid expansion to 133% OF POVERTY, refused setting up this expansion even though federal dollars will pay 100% for it, later to be reduced to the feds paying 95% of it in a few years which is still nearly all of it, did NOT expand the program because they were afraid that people who already qualify for medicaid because they make less than the poverty level would FIND OUT THAT they have qualified all along...!!!!! And states don't want everyone who does qualify for medicaid, to actually apply for they thought by not adding the expansion, would keep a few more people off of it that qualify right now....

that's a tongue twister...hope it came out right and is understandable....

That bolded part above is VERY TELLING.. You mean we didn't have 30 Million people without access to health insurance?? That was the sole justification for this POS.

1/2 of those COULD afford it but didn't dive in.. Another 1/4 MIGHT HAVE qualified for MediCAID???

Do the math.. What does that leave???????
See??? Now all that leftist compassion is clouding your logic and judgement.
Let's review..

I told you that I was gonna SLACK OFF ON PURPOSE, retire early, When I could still be a contributing member and happy to do it.. Just so that I could help bankrupt this fuckfest you call "help".

And you BLESS THAT? You're gonna give me money to do that INSTEAD of to someone who doesn't have my OPTION to continue earning a decent living or ANY LIVING AT ALL???

Tell me you're not that stupid...

If you are insane....and will stop working an available job ( business ) and reduce your standard of living just to spite others and not have to buy insurance, then I will gladly help you out. You are not in your right mind.

We are all in this together. I'd rather the nuts like you be healthy, housed and fed. I'm selfish that way.

Whoooaa.. I'm not believing this.. Let's clarify..

The govt is 17Trill in debt.. The Soc Sec crisis and Medicare crisis is here.. 10K folks a day retiring and.....................

You believe that ObamaCare should subsidize early retirement for self-employed folks?
Before you answer that --- realize that the QUALIFICATIONS FOR SUBSIDY are based on INCOME --- not my means to "support myself"

I'm gonna sit down and wait for this answer..... Could be that breakthru in leftist cognitive deficits that we've all been researching for years.....

Thought about this 'nuff Laugher?
If you are insane....and will stop working an available job ( business ) and reduce your standard of living just to spite others and not have to buy insurance, then I will gladly help you out. You are not in your right mind.

We are all in this together. I'd rather the nuts like you be healthy, housed and fed. I'm selfish that way.

Whoooaa.. I'm not believing this.. Let's clarify..

The govt is 17Trill in debt.. The Soc Sec crisis and Medicare crisis is here.. 10K folks a day retiring and.....................

You believe that ObamaCare should subsidize early retirement for self-employed folks?
Before you answer that --- realize that the QUALIFICATIONS FOR SUBSIDY are based on INCOME --- not my means to "support myself"

I'm gonna sit down and wait for this answer..... Could be that breakthru in leftist cognitive deficits that we've all been researching for years.....

Thought about this 'nuff Laugher?

Nothing I said changes. I am willing to support mentally ill people.
Whoooaa.. I'm not believing this.. Let's clarify..

The govt is 17Trill in debt.. The Soc Sec crisis and Medicare crisis is here.. 10K folks a day retiring and.....................

You believe that ObamaCare should subsidize early retirement for self-employed folks?
Before you answer that --- realize that the QUALIFICATIONS FOR SUBSIDY are based on INCOME --- not my means to "support myself"

I'm gonna sit down and wait for this answer..... Could be that breakthru in leftist cognitive deficits that we've all been researching for years.....

Thought about this 'nuff Laugher?

Nothing I said changes. I am willing to support mentally ill people.

Proving that charity begins at home.....:lol:
They think that the Federal Government is the only entity in the universe capable of taking care of people.

The health insurance industry was capable of resolving the issue.

It did not because it got rich denying people insurance.

Define the issue?

Are you assuming that the issue is that everyone needs insurance? THat is a false assumption. Insurance is a commodity provided to those who can afford it.

Are you denying that the insurance companies denied insurance to those who applied or asked for acceptable procedures ?

You need to answer my points before you open new ones.
Saying insurance companies get rich by denying coverage is silly. Sign up with StarkeyCare we're here to deny your every claim

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