Any board members enrolled in ACA yet?

LoneLaugher isn't gonna be Laughing anymore when he finds out --- I'm self-employed.
So I'm gonna retire early --- reduce my income --- and have HIM pay to subsidize my gubmint insurance.

Already started Laugher.. Why do you think I'm here listening to your shit -- when I should be earning money?

Thanks for the "help" bud..

Good for you. Everyone should be ale to retire early. I am glad to help. If you don't have the scratch to buy insurance, you can count on me to be there for you.

There's that leftist compassion that we all need and love.. Couldn't see the MASSIVE economic implications coming --- but it'll all be good. Because we'll just print more money.
You are incompetent morons at finance and human behaviour..
LoneLaugher isn't gonna be Laughing anymore when he finds out --- I'm self-employed.
So I'm gonna retire early --- reduce my income --- and have HIM pay to subsidize my gubmint insurance.

Already started Laugher.. Why do you think I'm here listening to your shit -- when I should be earning money?

Thanks for the "help" bud..

Good for you. Everyone should be ale to retire early. I am glad to help. If you don't have the scratch to buy insurance, you can count on me to be there for you.

There's that leftist compassion that we all need and love.. Couldn't see the MASSIVE economic implications coming --- but it'll all be good. Because we'll just print more money.
You are incompetent morons at finance and human behaviour..

You need help? We'll be there for you. We are all in this together.
Good for you. Everyone should be ale to retire early. I am glad to help. If you don't have the scratch to buy insurance, you can count on me to be there for you.

I can't keep mine.. Obama made it illegal.. Ends 12/31.. Happy New Year..

I am SOL as self-employed person that paid for health insurance for 20+ yrs. Had some commy revolution LIE TO ME about "keeping it" and then outlaw Prof Orgs. grouping their national membership..

Oh you can still GROUP your national membership ---- If you contribute to Obama for America and get a waiver...

You will benefit. Stop being so dishonest. This law was designed to help people like you.

Wow two bullshit statements back to back.
My sons friend is a college student, makes 800 a month from a part time job, so he doesnt qualify for medicaid, he cant afford obama care either, He cant stay on his parents plan because his mom is dead and his dad is on SSDI...the poor kid will get slapped with a fine he cant afford. What a fucked up disaster.

I don't know the entire situation with your son's friend, but please tell him, making $9600 a year...$800 a month times 12 months, your son's friend IS ELIGIBLE for Medicaid....the poverty level is $11,400 a year, and medicaid in all states covers those at poverty level or below and this boy is only at 74% of poverty level....

and if that does not work, (which I see no reason why it would not, but just as a fluke) then your friend would be given an exception, and he will not have to pay the penalty, because his income is too low....and the exchange will not subsidize him.

EVEN if he disagrees with the ACA program, he should take care of himself and his best interests first, and the exception he can get for the penalty should be pursued, and same with Medicaid, so that he does not have to fork out any of that mere $800 that he makes...

PLEASE tell your son to tell him this....and once he graduates and starts making a solid income from his new career, he will get employee health care benefits...
LoneLaugher isn't gonna be Laughing anymore when he finds out --- I'm self-employed.
So I'm gonna retire early --- reduce my income --- and have HIM pay to subsidize my gubmint insurance.

Already started Laugher.. Why do you think I'm here listening to your shit -- when I should be earning money?

Thanks for the "help" bud..

You are Obabbles kind of insult intended...just that Obabble thinks he will now own you.....keep your shotgun handy....

It pains me to even consider doing that. But ya know --- MAYBE --- the fastest way to end this commie revolution is to give in to it.. I'll probably do it. BECAUSE I was lied to.

Told my Republican buds that in 2009.. Give the Reid/Pelosi/Obama revolution EVERYTHING THEY WANT --- just don't vote for it.. It would have all been over by now. Why are the Reps soooo stupid that they wanna FORCE the Dems to fix their own braindead schemes. Let them learn fast --- before they really wreck the country.
Good for you. Everyone should be ale to retire early. I am glad to help. If you don't have the scratch to buy insurance, you can count on me to be there for you.

I can't keep mine.. Obama made it illegal.. Ends 12/31.. Happy New Year..

I am SOL as self-employed person that paid for health insurance for 20+ yrs. Had some commy revolution LIE TO ME about "keeping it" and then outlaw Prof Orgs. grouping their national membership..

Oh you can still GROUP your national membership ---- If you contribute to Obama for America and get a waiver...

You will benefit. Stop being so dishonest. This law was designed to help people like you.

Wow two bullshit statements back to back.

You need friends, don't you?
My sons friend is a college student, makes 800 a month from a part time job, so he doesnt qualify for medicaid, he cant afford obama care either, He cant stay on his parents plan because his mom is dead and his dad is on SSDI...the poor kid will get slapped with a fine he cant afford. What a fucked up disaster.

I don't know the entire situation with your son's friend, but please tell him, making $9600 a year...$800 a month times 12 months, your son's friend IS ELIGIBLE for Medicaid....the poverty level is $11,400 a year, and medicaid in all states covers those at poverty level or below and this boy is only at 74% of poverty level....

and if that does not work, (which I see no reason why it would not, but just as a fluke) then your friend would be given an exception, and he will not have to pay the penalty, because his income is too low....and the exchange will not subsidize him.

EVEN if he disagrees with the ACA program, he should take care of himself and his best interests first, and the exception he can get for the penalty should be pursued, and same with Medicaid, so that he does not have to fork out any of that mere $800 that he makes...

PLEASE tell your son to tell him this....and once he graduates and starts making a solid income from his new career, he will get employee health care benefits...

In other words, someone was lying.
My sons friend is a college student, makes 800 a month from a part time job, so he doesnt qualify for medicaid, he cant afford obama care either, He cant stay on his parents plan because his mom is dead and his dad is on SSDI...the poor kid will get slapped with a fine he cant afford. What a fucked up disaster.

I don't know the entire situation with your son's friend, but please tell him, making $9600 a year...$800 a month times 12 months, your son's friend IS ELIGIBLE for Medicaid....the poverty level is $11,400 a year, and medicaid in all states covers those at poverty level or below and this boy is only at 74% of poverty level....

and if that does not work, (which I see no reason why it would not, but just as a fluke) then your friend would be given an exception, and he will not have to pay the penalty, because his income is too low....and the exchange will not subsidize him.

EVEN if he disagrees with the ACA program, he should take care of himself and his best interests first, and the exception he can get for the penalty should be pursued, and same with Medicaid, so that he does not have to fork out any of that mere $800 that he makes...

PLEASE tell your son to tell him this....and once he graduates and starts making a solid income from his new career, he will get employee health care benefits...

So lemme get this straight. The plan was to OPEN THE POOLS and encourage young paying customers to come in.. But what I've been hearing is 27yrs olds or 30somethings still at college or living at home are now wards of the state for Medical Care because they qualify for Medicaid?

What the fuck do you think you've fixed????????????????????????????????????????

"Tell him he's gonna get employer healthcare"?? Yeah --- IF he works a job with 50 employees.. AND his employer doesn't cut him to 29 hours a week.. Then he can have the privilege of working TWO part-times and STILL paying the penalty...

You guys really screwed the pooch..
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My sons friend is a college student, makes 800 a month from a part time job, so he doesnt qualify for medicaid, he cant afford obama care either, He cant stay on his parents plan because his mom is dead and his dad is on SSDI...the poor kid will get slapped with a fine he cant afford. What a fucked up disaster.

I don't know the entire situation with your son's friend, but please tell him, making $9600 a year...$800 a month times 12 months, your son's friend IS ELIGIBLE for Medicaid....the poverty level is $11,400 a year, and medicaid in all states covers those at poverty level or below and this boy is only at 74% of poverty level....

and if that does not work, (which I see no reason why it would not, but just as a fluke) then your friend would be given an exception, and he will not have to pay the penalty, because his income is too low....and the exchange will not subsidize him.

EVEN if he disagrees with the ACA program, he should take care of himself and his best interests first, and the exception he can get for the penalty should be pursued, and same with Medicaid, so that he does not have to fork out any of that mere $800 that he makes...

PLEASE tell your son to tell him this....and once he graduates and starts making a solid income from his new career, he will get employee health care benefits...

So lemme get this straight. The plan was to OPEN THE POOLS and encourage young paying customers to come in.. But what I've been hearing is 27yrs olds or 30somethings still at college or living at home are now wards of the state for Medical Care because they qualify for Medicaid?

What the fuck do you think you've fixed????????????????????????????????????????

They think that the Federal Government is the only entity in the universe capable of taking care of people.
Good for you. Everyone should be ale to retire early. I am glad to help. If you don't have the scratch to buy insurance, you can count on me to be there for you.

I can't keep mine.. Obama made it illegal.. Ends 12/31.. Happy New Year..

I am SOL as self-employed person that paid for health insurance for 20+ yrs. Had some commy revolution LIE TO ME about "keeping it" and then outlaw Prof Orgs. grouping their national membership..

Oh you can still GROUP your national membership ---- If you contribute to Obama for America and get a waiver...

You will benefit. Stop being so dishonest. This law was designed to help people like you.

Wow two bullshit statements back to back.

Just check his posts, he's got thousands more....... :thup:
Good for you. Everyone should be ale to retire early. I am glad to help. If you don't have the scratch to buy insurance, you can count on me to be there for you.

You will benefit. Stop being so dishonest. This law was designed to help people like you.

Wow two bullshit statements back to back.

Just check his posts, he's got thousands more....... :thup:

You want some attention, dummy?
Good for you. Everyone should be ale to retire early. I am glad to help. If you don't have the scratch to buy insurance, you can count on me to be there for you.

You will benefit. Stop being so dishonest. This law was designed to help people like you.

Wow two bullshit statements back to back.

You need friends, don't you?

No but I could use $3000. You said you're always glad to help right?
Good for you. Everyone should be ale to retire early. I am glad to help. If you don't have the scratch to buy insurance, you can count on me to be there for you.

There's that leftist compassion that we all need and love.. Couldn't see the MASSIVE economic implications coming --- but it'll all be good. Because we'll just print more money.
You are incompetent morons at finance and human behaviour..

You need help? We'll be there for you. We are all in this together.

See??? Now all that leftist compassion is clouding your logic and judgement.
Let's review..

I told you that I was gonna SLACK OFF ON PURPOSE, retire early, When I could still be a contributing member and happy to do it.. Just so that I could help bankrupt this fuckfest you call "help".

And you BLESS THAT? You're gonna give me money to do that INSTEAD of to someone who doesn't have my OPTION to continue earning a decent living or ANY LIVING AT ALL???

Tell me you're not that stupid...
There's that leftist compassion that we all need and love.. Couldn't see the MASSIVE economic implications coming --- but it'll all be good. Because we'll just print more money.
You are incompetent morons at finance and human behaviour..

You need help? We'll be there for you. We are all in this together.

See??? Now all that leftist compassion is clouding your logic and judgement.
Let's review..

I told you that I was gonna SLACK OFF ON PURPOSE, retire early, When I could still be a contributing member and happy to do it.. Just so that I could help bankrupt this fuckfest you call "help".

And you BLESS THAT? You're gonna give me money to do that INSTEAD of to someone who doesn't have my OPTION to continue earning a decent living or ANY LIVING AT ALL???

Tell me you're not that stupid...

If you are insane....and will stop working an available job ( business ) and reduce your standard of living just to spite others and not have to buy insurance, then I will gladly help you out. You are not in your right mind.

We are all in this together. I'd rather the nuts like you be healthy, housed and fed. I'm selfish that way.

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