Any board members enrolled in ACA yet?

Of course they denied coverage to people who were only buying it because they had cancer of heart disease or whatever disease.

That was the only reason? Of course not

Many were cut off when they got sick.

So many were simply not allowed it because of a pre-existing condition, which is not the case now. That will never change even if ACA goes away.

The industry got filthy rich by denying sick people insurance and making it overall very expensive.

It is illegal to cancel someone's health insurance simply because "They got sick."

And your "pre-existing condition" is the exact reason I gave. It is only good businness sense that denies insurance to people for pre-existing conditions.

So you have absolutely nothing.
Here's something that isn't completely made up... and I have it right here in front of me.

In order to maintain the health coverage that I currently have, I am being forced to pay 120% more in premiums. Now that's the very definition of insanity.

Maybe these things should come with a sanity clause. With this increase in premiums, there sure as hell ain't gonna be no sanity clause come Christmas.

Will you be able to keep your doctor?

"New York doctors are feeling queasy about ObamaCare — and many won’t participate in the new national insurance program because they fear they’ll go broke, The Post has learned."

Docs worried sick over ObamaCare | New York Post

The whole thing has turned in to one big lie. Surprise surprise....


Y'know, I'm not quite sure if my current primary physician is considered "in network" under the proposed policy that was sent me. But then, we've moved and he's 30 miles from here. I like him, have built a good relationship with him, and he's gentle and respectful when he pokes his finger in my ass.
Here's something that isn't completely made up... and I have it right here in front of me.

In order to maintain the health coverage that I currently have, I am being forced to pay 120% more in premiums. Now that's the very definition of insanity.

Maybe these things should come with a sanity clause. With this increase in premiums, there sure as hell ain't gonna be no sanity clause come Christmas.

Will you be able to keep your doctor?

"New York doctors are feeling queasy about ObamaCare — and many won’t participate in the new national insurance program because they fear they’ll go broke, The Post has learned."

Docs worried sick over ObamaCare | New York Post

The whole thing has turned in to one big lie. Surprise surprise....


Pretty suspicious about your New York Post citation there. There is no "Obamacare Policy". The insurance policy either qualifies under Obamacare or it doesn't for minimum coverage. For example, you can get by with liability insurance for your vehicle but you can also have full coverage. But the law requires only liability.

If the doctor is getting paid...the policy won't matter.
Any board members enrolled in ACA yet?

I need some encouragement here.

I feel your pain ... I at least was able to set up an account but since then have been unable to log in - wasn't Oct.1st 18 days ago ???

I have individual insurance and just would like to compare the two ...


the insurance industry worries about the worst possible outcome

of this

those that are healthy will try to log on once or twice

then say forget it

only those in such a need(the very sick) will continue

and continue and continue until they get in

so only the most expensive clients will be insured
That line has been proven to be total bullshit.
That's a fact.
Oh, you can keep it. if you want to pay double or triple your original premiums.

And you keep forgetting about subsidies. and you are ignoring the many who are paying less for more and better coverage.

Subsidies...yeah. The hook.
I pay while others get theirs for next to nothing.
Who is going to object to THAT?.....Free shit..

Are you paying for your county's emergency room that takes the uninsured currently?
Here's something that isn't completely made up... and I have it right here in front of me.

In order to maintain the health coverage that I currently have, I am being forced to pay 120% more in premiums. Now that's the very definition of insanity.

Maybe these things should come with a sanity clause. With this increase in premiums, there sure as hell ain't gonna be no sanity clause come Christmas.

Will you be able to keep your doctor?

"New York doctors are feeling queasy about ObamaCare — and many won’t participate in the new national insurance program because they fear they’ll go broke, The Post has learned."

Docs worried sick over ObamaCare | New York Post

The whole thing has turned in to one big lie. Surprise surprise....


Pretty suspicious about your New York Post citation there. There is no "Obamacare Policy". The insurance policy either qualifies under Obamacare or it doesn't for minimum coverage. For example, you can get by with liability insurance for your vehicle but you can also have full coverage. But the law requires only liability.

If the doctor is getting paid...the policy won't matter.

But how much is the doctor getting paid? Insurance companies never pay the total bill. They pay less. I have seen it with my own medical care. Any doctor not part of a pre-negotiated fee schedule pretty much gets what ever the insurance company pays. These are new patients without a contract fee schedule. It is reasonable for doctors, ie. small business owners, to be leery of taking on new patients without knowing the impact on their bottom line.

At the end of the day, doctors are looking at a system which is relying on the cost model of a privately run, profit driven industry (the insurance part of it) to pay for something being driven by a not for profit government scheme. We know how this will end. It happened in California with partial electricity market deregulation in the late 1990s.
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My Republican friend went to the exchange and got insurance for $50 a month with a $5,000 deductible.

He said he will never vote Republican again.

Your "friend" also travels rainbow paved highways riding hope and change unicorns......... :thup:

In contrast, i know a democrat who went to the exchange and got a bronze plan for $10,000 a month with a $50,000 deductible.

He said he will never vote democrat again, see how that works?........
And you keep forgetting about subsidies. and you are ignoring the many who are paying less for more and better coverage.

Subsidies...yeah. The hook.
I pay while others get theirs for next to nothing.
Who is going to object to THAT?.....Free shit..

Are you paying for your county's emergency room that takes the uninsured currently?

we all are and it is way cheaper that this crap called obamacare
Will you be able to keep your doctor?

"New York doctors are feeling queasy about ObamaCare — and many won’t participate in the new national insurance program because they fear they’ll go broke, The Post has learned."

Docs worried sick over ObamaCare | New York Post

The whole thing has turned in to one big lie. Surprise surprise....


Pretty suspicious about your New York Post citation there. There is no "Obamacare Policy". The insurance policy either qualifies under Obamacare or it doesn't for minimum coverage. For example, you can get by with liability insurance for your vehicle but you can also have full coverage. But the law requires only liability.

If the doctor is getting paid...the policy won't matter.

But how much is the doctor getting paid? Insurance companies never pay the total bill. They pay less. I have seen it with my own medical care. Any doctor not part of a pre-negotiated fee schedule pretty much gets what ever the insurance company pays. These are new patients without a contract fee schedule. It is reasonable for doctors, ie. small business owners, to be leery of taking on new patients without knowing the impact on their bottom line.

At the end of the day, doctors are looking at a system which is relying on the cost model of a privately run, profit driven industry (the insurance part of it) to pay for something being driven by a not for profit government scheme. We know how this will end. It happened in California with partial electricity market deregulation in the late 1990s.

insurance companies pay something like 33 cents per dollar, medicare/medicaid - 17 cents per dollar.
same discrepancy is for the hospitals. that is the reason the bills sent are way overpriced - because nobody is going to pay that amount. it's a game. hospitals are covering for those without insurance and all who have insurance, plus medicaid/medicare are paying for those, which means all of us are.

You guys, probably, don't know this, but unlike the mantra that it is such a big loss for the hospital that uninsured are coming to the ER, the truth is that hospitals are making money only in 2 departments - in the OR and in the ER.

As usual, the lies you are being told are just lies.
Same is pertinent for the lie about nobody being able to enroll for insurance with pre-existing condition before obamacare.
It is the most horrendous lie in all this scum - you were ALWAYS able to enroll. It was a little bit more expensive than the others but not even close to the rates of obamacare exchanges.
Of course they denied coverage to people who were only buying it because they had cancer of heart disease or whatever disease.

That was the only reason? Of course not

Many were cut off when they got sick.

So many were simply not allowed it because of a pre-existing condition, which is not the case now. That will never change even if ACA goes away.

The industry got filthy rich by denying sick people insurance and making it overall very expensive.

It is illegal to cancel someone's health insurance simply because "They got sick."

And your "pre-existing condition" is the exact reason I gave. It is only good businness sense that denies insurance to people for pre-existing .


So you have absolutely nothing.

Nonsense. It happened all the time. And "good business sense" led all the companies to make sure they got into ACA pool, so that undercuts the 'pre-existing conditions' argument.

If ACA fails, those kinds of responsibilities will remain: have to insure everyone, have to spread the risk, have to have subsidies.

That is the future, and it won't be changed.

No such health insurance company should ever be in business much less with the strategy of making profits by denying people insurance
Will you be able to keep your doctor?

"New York doctors are feeling queasy about ObamaCare — and many won’t participate in the new national insurance program because they fear they’ll go broke, The Post has learned."

Docs worried sick over ObamaCare | New York Post

The whole thing has turned in to one big lie. Surprise surprise....


Pretty suspicious about your New York Post citation there. There is no "Obamacare Policy". The insurance policy either qualifies under Obamacare or it doesn't for minimum coverage. For example, you can get by with liability insurance for your vehicle but you can also have full coverage. But the law requires only liability.

If the doctor is getting paid...the policy won't matter.

But how much is the doctor getting paid? Insurance companies never pay the total bill. They pay less. I have seen it with my own medical care. Any doctor not part of a pre-negotiated fee schedule pretty much gets what ever the insurance company pays. These are new patients without a contract fee schedule. It is reasonable for doctors, ie. small business owners, to be leery of taking on new patients without knowing the impact on their bottom line.
New patients is one thing; but that isn't what you indicated in the post. You indicated they are worried about Obamacare. They are not one and the same. And yes, I can see your point on that. However, it's an unfortunate aspect of medicine that your clients will not last forever. What will the Doctor do at that point? Not accept patients because she got reimbursed more from other patients?

Profit is profit.

At the end of the day, doctors are looking at a system which is relying on the cost model of a privately run, profit driven industry (the insurance part of it) to pay for something being driven by a not for profit government scheme. We know how this will end. It happened in California with partial electricity market deregulation in the late 1990s.

Enron had a bit to do with what you saw in California in the late 1990's, no?
Subsidies...yeah. The hook.
I pay while others get theirs for next to nothing.
Who is going to object to THAT?.....Free shit..

Are you paying for your county's emergency room that takes the uninsured currently?

we all are and it is way cheaper that this crap called obamacare

No, it is not. Our health care system and insurance programs for it have been crippling the economy.

The system is going to change willingly or the economic factors will change it at a much greater cost.
Are you paying for your county's emergency room that takes the uninsured currently?

we all are and it is way cheaper that this crap called obamacare

No, it is not. Our health care system and insurance programs for it have been crippling the economy.

The system is going to change willingly or the economic factors will change it at a much greater cost.

yes, it is.

what is crippling our economy is EMTALA law and defensive medicine.
if one wants SERIOSLY decrease the costs - one starts with tort reform and EMTALA reform.
Since it was never even mentioned - the whole obamacare purpose is a rip-off of the taxpayers for the benefit of big businesses, not decresing costs ( they are only going to increase) and not getting help to the people.
It is as usual with dimocraps - financial benefit of the big fat cats, which own dimocraps on the backs of American taxpayers.
nothing new under the sun.
Are you paying for your county's emergency room that takes the uninsured currently?

we all are and it is way cheaper that this crap called obamacare

No, it is not. Our health care system and insurance programs for it have been crippling the economy.

The system is going to change willingly or the economic factors will change it at a much greater cost.

Right, the "willing change" is so much cheaper that a 2.6 trillion dollar tax had to be forced down the throats of Americans....... :thup:

The 2.6 trillion is a conservative estimate and it only covers the first 10 years.......:clap2:
New patients is one thing; but that isn't what you indicated in the post. You indicated they are worried about Obamacare. They are not one and the same. And yes, I can see your point on that. However, it's an unfortunate aspect of medicine that your clients will not last forever. What will the Doctor do at that point? Not accept patients because she got reimbursed more from other patients?


yep. that is exactly what will happen. and it is nothing new, BTW - medicaid is barely accepted by any doctors. a lot of doctors are dropping medicare patients as well.
That was the only reason? Of course not

Many were cut off when they got sick.

So many were simply not allowed it because of a pre-existing condition, which is not the case now. That will never change even if ACA goes away.

The industry got filthy rich by denying sick people insurance and making it overall very expensive.

It is illegal to cancel someone's health insurance simply because "They got sick."

And your "pre-existing condition" is the exact reason I gave. It is only good businness sense that denies insurance to people for pre-existing .


So you have absolutely nothing.

Nonsense. It happened all the time. And "good business sense" led all the companies to make sure they got into ACA pool, so that undercuts the 'pre-existing conditions' argument.

As usual, your argument proves only that you lack the ability to commit logic. The ACA compels Insurance companies to accept clients that have pre-existing conditions. It has nothing to do with "good business sense."

If ACA fails, those kinds of responsibilities will remain: have to insure everyone, have to spread the risk, have to have subsidies.

We don't have to do any of that, nimrod.

That is the future, and it won't be changed.

No such health insurance company should ever be in business much less with the strategy of making profits by denying people insurance

Apparently you don't understand the reason businesses exist or what the concept "insurance" means.
Enron had a bit to do with what you saw in California in the late 1990's, no?

A small bit. Nothing would have been different had they never existed. Wholesale prices were deregulated but retail prices were not. So when the price of feed stocks went up, the retail electricity providers went bankrupt, shortages and rationing ensued, and prices went sky high in the surrounding areas. It was predictable enough that the power companies structured the local entities to go into bankruptcy without bankrupting providers in other states. The same thing is playing out here, and we all have a front row seat.
Are you paying for your county's emergency room that takes the uninsured currently?

we all are and it is way cheaper that this crap called obamacare

No, it is not. Our health care system and insurance programs for it have been crippling the economy.

The system is going to change willingly or the economic factors will change it at a much greater cost.

Government is the only thing crippling the economy. Government is the main reason medical care is so expensive.
Subsidies...yeah. The hook.
I pay while others get theirs for next to nothing.
Who is going to object to THAT?.....Free shit..

Are you paying for your county's emergency room that takes the uninsured currently?

we all are and it is way cheaper that this crap called obamacare

And you can quote statistics backing up your rant? I doubt it. Considering the uninsured will now have insurance and get PREVENTATIVE care thus they are treated with pill therapy not scalpels and a trauma team.

Preventative care is much less expensive than acute care.

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