Any board members enrolled in ACA yet?

The reactionary loons of the far right see their political demise on the near horizon and are starting to babble unintelligibly.
Nobody should enroll in the ACA unless he really wants to provide the government and its ACORN-O-Care henchthugs the complete compendium of one's most private financial, identify, and health details with which to be blackmailed, tracked, and harassed for the rest of his life...let alone the identity theft risk aspect.


Are people really still trying to work in ACORN in to their ranting?

I wouldn't be caught dead enrolling in that monstrosity.

You are buying insurance from an insurance company. The exchange is just a tool to help you buy it, and it is really mostly set up for those who think they might get a subsidy. In many cases, if you are not going to get a subsidy, you might be able to buy direct from any of those companies without going through the exchange. Some companies are forcing you to go through the exchange though, regardless of whether you will receive a subsidy or not, so either way, it makes sense to take a look at what is being offered through the exchange if you in fact are looking for insurance.

One last thing; if you are not expecting a subsidy or do not want one, then you only have to give them limited info. They don't need all of your financials unless you are hoping to receive a subsidy/tax credit.
Looks pretty simple. And to the uninformed, it may very well be. However insurance is only good when you use it.
The gaps in coverage are the issue. As well as the cost.
Most people will choose the cheapest or bronze plan. This plan covers just 60% of medical bills.

The Bronze Plan works fine for me. It may not be the best plan for everyone, but for me it works great. I'm looking at a plan that costs $300 per month and allows for an HSA. So now I will set aside at least as much money as I have been spending out of pocket every year anyway, which is between $1200 and $1500. My yearly physical is covered and things like colonoscopies are covered which I need every five years. I'm on no medication and likely won't need any for a very long time. So my overall costs per year to cover my insurance and all of my medical bills will be about $5000 which is what I'm paying now. The key is that if something goes very wrong such as me having a heart attack or getting cancer, then I am covered. Yes, under those circumstances I would end up spending another $5000 or so in that year, but so what?

Those who are on a lot of expensive meds are the ones who are going to be paying much more, either out of pocket or by purchasing a much more expensive plan.
That line has been proven to be total bullshit.
That's a fact.
Oh, you can keep it. if you want to pay double or triple your original premiums.

And you keep forgetting about subsidies. and you are ignoring the many who are paying less for more and better coverage.

Subsidies...yeah. The hook.
I pay while others get theirs for next to nothing.
Who is going to object to THAT?.....Free shit..

The point you guys keep missing is that you're paying for these people already if they have no insurance. At least this way, they are paying for a portion of their insurance costs based on their earnings. I have no problem with lower income earners getting help to pay for their healthcare.
Says the guy who is on tax payer funded government healthcare. Ironic.

You made the deal with it.

That's right, embrace your blatant hypocrisy

I am embracing your blatant stupidity. You as a taxpayer made a deal with me to serve my country, risk my life for your fat reduced return for secure retirement and healthcare. Not to be compared with your relatives who contribute nothing and want everything. GFY.
Here's something that isn't completely made up... and I have it right here in front of me.

In order to maintain the health coverage that I currently have, I am being forced to pay 120% more in premiums. Now that's the very definition of insanity.

Maybe these things should come with a sanity clause. With this increase in premiums, there sure as hell ain't gonna be no sanity clause come Christmas.

Will you be able to keep your doctor?

"New York doctors are feeling queasy about ObamaCare — and many won’t participate in the new national insurance program because they fear they’ll go broke, The Post has learned."

Docs worried sick over ObamaCare | New York Post

The whole thing has turned in to one big lie. Surprise surprise....


In my area, we have six insurance companies to choose from. Many doctors are not accepting the cheapest three, but all are accepting the three well known companies here, which are Medical Mutual, Anthem BCBS, and Paramount. So if you already have doctors you want to keep, you will need to purchase one of these plans versus some of the cheaper plans. The biggest problem most people are going to have is figuring out which plan works best for them, both monetarily and with provider care. I am very up to date on my health and what my healthcare needs are, so I know exactly what doctors I want and need to keep and how much I am going to spend. The only change I am going to see is that my deductible is going to double, but I never hit my deductible as it is anyway, so unless I become really sick, it won't make a difference to me.
Pretty suspicious about your New York Post citation there. There is no "Obamacare Policy". The insurance policy either qualifies under Obamacare or it doesn't for minimum coverage. For example, you can get by with liability insurance for your vehicle but you can also have full coverage. But the law requires only liability.

If the doctor is getting paid...the policy won't matter.

But how much is the doctor getting paid? Insurance companies never pay the total bill. They pay less. I have seen it with my own medical care. Any doctor not part of a pre-negotiated fee schedule pretty much gets what ever the insurance company pays. These are new patients without a contract fee schedule. It is reasonable for doctors, ie. small business owners, to be leery of taking on new patients without knowing the impact on their bottom line.
New patients is one thing; but that isn't what you indicated in the post. You indicated they are worried about Obamacare. They are not one and the same. And yes, I can see your point on that. However, it's an unfortunate aspect of medicine that your clients will not last forever. What will the Doctor do at that point? Not accept patients because she got reimbursed more from other patients?

Profit is profit.

At the end of the day, doctors are looking at a system which is relying on the cost model of a privately run, profit driven industry (the insurance part of it) to pay for something being driven by a not for profit government scheme. We know how this will end. It happened in California with partial electricity market deregulation in the late 1990s.

Enron had a bit to do with what you saw in California in the late 1990's, no?
You state "profit is profit" as though it were something evil.
What may happen as reimbursements drop, medical professionals may refuse to accept patient insurance because there simply won't be enough payment to sustain their practice.
we all are and it is way cheaper that this crap called obamacare

And you can quote statistics backing up your rant? I doubt it. Considering the uninsured will now have insurance and get PREVENTATIVE care thus they are treated with pill therapy not scalpels and a trauma team. Preventative care is much less expensive than acute care.

there are plenty of statistics on that, I just don't have excess to post links.

The bolded part is a brainwashing abracadabra - people who do not have insurance usually do not need it and preventive care is of no interest to them and they are not going to use it anyway. And if you think preventive care can prevent scalpels and trauma team, you are living in the la-la land. or just trust all the crap you are being brainwashed with by the LSM and dimocrap agenda.

The notion that mothers don't take their children for their check-ups is BS... I knew it would devolve into RW anecdotes quickly. It always does with you guys.

the ONLY preventive care that had shown real reduce in morbidity and mortality is regular colonoscopies for the people after 50 and for those with family history of colon cancer after 40 and pap-smears.
That's it.
Nearly everyone in our organization takes part in an annual physical--provided as part of their healthcare insurance. Yes we do have some who simply choose not to do it.

You get advice on lowering your cholesterol, becoming more active, watching your weight, monitoring your blood pressure, healthy eating, the famous "10 things to do while watching TV" which is plastered in every break room in our office. If something is discovered, you can get a referral for more intensive treatment.

Sometimes someone is found to have a serious problem that they chalked up to "getting older". Preventative medical evaluations/care is invaluable and now, thanks to President Obama, more people will be exposed to it than ever.

The first category is not the one which this trainwreck is aimed as ( people after 50 are usually insured) and the second screening is much cheaper to do if you are paying cash - every 1-3 years a OB/GYN office visit with a 100-200$ out-of pocket pay.
MUCH cheaper than ANY obamacare.
If that was the only thing a woman had to worry about; you'd be right. Congratulations.

Preventive care does not mean anything if there is no incentive to loose weight for the population - but they do not tell you that, don't they?

Our system has lower rates for people who completed a 3 step process this year; during open enrollment next year, you'll be able to pay less than those who didn't complete the three steps.


The right wing is now trying to amplify the lie that you don't need medical care until you're bleeding... You're dubbed the "party of stupid" and you're showing no signs of wanting to get rid of that monniker.

Sir, you're statements above are idiotic.
Are you paying for your county's emergency room that takes the uninsured currently?

we all are and it is way cheaper that this crap called obamacare

No, it is not. Our health care system and insurance programs for it have been crippling the economy.

The system is going to change willingly or the economic factors will change it at a much greater cost.

Crippling the economy? So what happened before 2009? During the 1900's?
We had the same insurance system. Was the health insurance system crippling the economy at those times?
Of course they denied coverage to people who were only buying it because they had cancer of heart disease or whatever disease.

That was the only reason? Of course not

Many were cut off when they got sick.

So many were simply not allowed it because of a pre-existing condition, which is not the case now. That will never change even if ACA goes away.

The industry got filthy rich by denying sick people insurance and making it overall very expensive.

It is illegal to cancel someone's health insurance simply because "They got sick."

And your "pre-existing condition" is the exact reason I gave. It is only good businness sense that denies insurance to people for pre-existing conditions.

So you have absolutely nothing.

Insurance companies have a long history of canceling people's insurance when they get sick. While they could not do it if you had employer based insurance, people with private plans were treated very differently. Most of the HIPAA laws did not pertain to those with individual or private plans. I lost my insurance a few years ago. In my situation, I had to move to a different state, but I had always been insured with a private plan. During the time that I had that plan, I was diagnosed with cirrhosis of the liver due to Hemochromatosis. When I moved, they said they could no longer insure me. I even applied with Anthem BCBS, the same company I had my insurance through when I was in Colorado. They are different companies with the same parent company, but they refused me insurance even though I had been with them for years.
If people with pre-existing conditions are allowed to buy "insurance," then it's no longer insurance. It's welfare. The industry did not get "filthy fucking rich" by denying people with pre-existing conditions. All it did is avoid going bankrupt. Now the entire country will go bankrupt.


You are wrong. First - people with pre-existing conditions ALWAYS were able to get an insurance and second - that is what it is all about - it is health care - people who do not need it do not enroll.

The leftard media were so intensely brainwashing Americans with this lie about pre-existing condition, that eventually became better than Goebbels.

What is pre-existing condition?
It is ANY problem with your health - minor, moderate or major.
it is hypertension, it is overweight, it is iron-deficiency anemia, it is osteopenia, it is mitral valve prolapse, it is cancer in remission it is a history of broken ribs and vertebrae - it is ANYTHING.
There are basically NO people WITHOUT pre-existing conditions. At all.
So if hte claim would be true ( which is not) NOBODY would be eligible for insurance before obamacare.

Which is an absolute lie.
Did the people who were not able to enroll exist? yes, they did. was it because of their chronic ilnesses? no. it usually was directly connected to some kind of paperwork discrepancy - and sure enough, if there was a possibility for insurance company to deny coverage based on paperwork - they opted for it, especially if the chronic illness was costly.
But in the vast majority of cases all people having chronic illnesses did not have any problems enrolling.

There were 2 truths in the pre-obamacare propaganda lies - there were top amounts of possible spendings and you could have gone broke if you got sick - but the latter did not happen often, since people knew that and the process is relatively lengthy - you get sick, you are being treated, eventually your premium gets to be so high that the small company where you are working can't handle it anymore and fires you. If you are a middle-class American with a hous and some savings, the medical bill which eventually will come will take everything and only then you will be eligible for medicaid.
It was wrong, but that was not the scenario which most often happened.
Since the situation was not developing overnight and the people involved knew about waht is approaching, the preventive measures of hiding the assets were most often taken ( rightfully so) - house on the wife, savings on the sister and so on, so eventually by the time the person in question is faced to pay the bill - he does not have ANYTHING so he/she does not pay anything, and nothing can be taken from her/him.
It took some planning but what do you think lawyers are for?

anyway, as usual in all high-propaganda, high-lying cases, the reality was hidden behind the slogans and gullible people on all sides gladly beleived it.

Instead of checking the facts and realities.
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No, it is not. Our health care system and insurance programs for it have been crippling the economy.

The system is going to change willingly or the economic factors will change it at a much greater cost.

Government is the only thing crippling the economy. Government is the main reason medical care is so expensive.

Haha you would believe some stupid shit like this. You couldn't more of a corporate sheep.

Oh? Please provide and example where a large central planning type government was able to tax the population into prosperity.
Give examples of nations which nationalized private industry and with that turned a nation of poverty into one of prosperity.
Haha you would believe some stupid shit like this. You couldn't more of a corporate sheep.

In other words, you don't like the facts I posted.

You didn't post a single fact.

You did however post unsubstantiated opinion that is total horseshit. But if you want to pretend that is what a fact is... Knock yourself out.

Let's face facts. You are an ACA cheerleader and an Obama sycophant.
Subsidies...yeah. The hook.
I pay while others get theirs for next to nothing.
Who is going to object to THAT?.....Free shit..

Are you paying for your county's emergency room that takes the uninsured currently?

we all are and it is way cheaper that this crap called obamacare

At $8500 to $8900 per year per every single living person in the US, you're damned right we're paying for it. It is unsustainable and it's destroying our economy. While the ACA is a step in the right direction, it's not going to do much to reduce costs in the long run, although it might stabilize costs somewhat. The biggest problem is that employers are the ones providing the bulk of insurance to everyone. What I do not understand is why employers didn't come out and ask to be let off the hook from this when the law was being written. Instead, it was mandated that employers must provide insurance if they have over 50 employees. Long term we need to get this out of the hands of employers.
That was the only reason? Of course not

Many were cut off when they got sick.

So many were simply not allowed it because of a pre-existing condition, which is not the case now. That will never change even if ACA goes away.

The industry got filthy rich by denying sick people insurance and making it overall very expensive.

It is illegal to cancel someone's health insurance simply because "They got sick."

And your "pre-existing condition" is the exact reason I gave. It is only good businness sense that denies insurance to people for pre-existing conditions.

So you have absolutely nothing.

Insurance companies have a long history of canceling people's insurance when they get sick. While they could not do it if you had employer based insurance, people with private plans were treated very differently. Most of the HIPAA laws did not pertain to those with individual or private plans. I lost my insurance a few years ago. In my situation, I had to move to a different state, but I had always been insured with a private plan. During the time that I had that plan, I was diagnosed with cirrhosis of the liver due to Hemochromatosis. When I moved, they said they could no longer insure me. I even applied with Anthem BCBS, the same company I had my insurance through when I was in Colorado. They are different companies with the same parent company, but they refused me insurance even though I had been with them for years.

that is one of the holes which was really problematic.
since you are a potential liver transplant and this is extremely costly, getting insured privately was difficult.
Not that there weren't bypass possibilities and people were using them, but the not employer-sponsored insurance might cause problems.
I hope you are doing well and wish you so.
Are you paying for your county's emergency room that takes the uninsured currently?

we all are and it is way cheaper that this crap called obamacare

At $8500 to $8900 per year per every single living person in the US, you're damned right we're paying for it. It is unsustainable and it's destroying our economy. While the ACA is a step in the right direction, it's not going to do much to reduce costs in the long run, although it might stabilize costs somewhat. The biggest problem is that employers are the ones providing the bulk of insurance to everyone. What I do not understand is why employers didn't come out and ask to be let off the hook from this when the law was being written. Instead, it was mandated that employers must provide insurance if they have over 50 employees. Long term we need to get this out of the hands of employers.

except NOW it is up to 25,000K per year.
and this crap obamacare is set up to get the employer-based plans dumped starting 2018,so your wish will come true, but it will NOT be a benefit for the Americans.

And if you think that universal system might be a savior I got news for you - under single-payer government system people with the the problems like you described, might never become eligible for liver transplant timely enough.
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My sons friend is a college student, makes 800 a month from a part time job, so he doesnt qualify for medicaid, he cant afford obama care either, He cant stay on his parents plan because his mom is dead and his dad is on SSDI...the poor kid will get slapped with a fine he cant afford. What a fucked up disaster.

You are a liar.

Really ? how so ? This^ up here, is exactly how it will go. If not pleas, show us otherwise. Bet you dont.
what is crippling our economy
is corporate greed and corrupt politicians that allowed the medical and health and pharma industries to run costs up by denying medical assistance to those who needed it.

That's over now.

oh's still the same. It's just the federal government that is providing the path..
Here's a little fact for you....
But for government interference in the methods by which medical care was dispensed and interference in the health insurance industry, none of this would have been necessary.
With ACA government is trying to fix the mess it created.
I am astounded at the level to which the uninformed believe ACA is a panacea.
Pretty suspicious about your New York Post citation there. There is no "Obamacare Policy". The insurance policy either qualifies under Obamacare or it doesn't for minimum coverage. For example, you can get by with liability insurance for your vehicle but you can also have full coverage. But the law requires only liability.

If the doctor is getting paid...the policy won't matter.

But how much is the doctor getting paid? Insurance companies never pay the total bill. They pay less. I have seen it with my own medical care. Any doctor not part of a pre-negotiated fee schedule pretty much gets what ever the insurance company pays. These are new patients without a contract fee schedule. It is reasonable for doctors, ie. small business owners, to be leery of taking on new patients without knowing the impact on their bottom line.

At the end of the day, doctors are looking at a system which is relying on the cost model of a privately run, profit driven industry (the insurance part of it) to pay for something being driven by a not for profit government scheme. We know how this will end. It happened in California with partial electricity market deregulation in the late 1990s.

insurance companies pay something like 33 cents per dollar, medicare/medicaid - 17 cents per dollar.
same discrepancy is for the hospitals. that is the reason the bills sent are way overpriced - because nobody is going to pay that amount. it's a game. hospitals are covering for those without insurance and all who have insurance, plus medicaid/medicare are paying for those, which means all of us are.

You guys, probably, don't know this, but unlike the mantra that it is such a big loss for the hospital that uninsured are coming to the ER, the truth is that hospitals are making money only in 2 departments - in the OR and in the ER.

As usual, the lies you are being told are just lies.
Same is pertinent for the lie about nobody being able to enroll for insurance with pre-existing condition before obamacare.
It is the most horrendous lie in all this scum - you were ALWAYS able to enroll. It was a little bit more expensive than the others but not even close to the rates of obamacare exchanges.

Sorry, but you have no idea what you are talking about. Saying people with pre-existing conditions could buy insurance is a very bad half truth. What they could purchase, in most cases, were indemnity plans with a set maximum yearly benefit. I looked into these when I was denied coverage after moving from Colorado to Ohio. I had insurance in Colorado, but because I had a pre-existing condition, I was denied in Ohio. I had been paying about $350 per month in Colorado for a plan with a $2500 deductible. What was offered in Ohio was a plan that cost $900 per month and had a maximum benefit of $75,000 per year after a $5000 deductible. I don't know many people who would even bother thinking about purchasing such a monstrosity of a plan. Would you?

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