Any board members enrolled in ACA yet?

we all are and it is way cheaper that this crap called obamacare

No, it is not. Our health care system and insurance programs for it have been crippling the economy.

The system is going to change willingly or the economic factors will change it at a much greater cost.

Government is the only thing crippling the economy. Government is the main reason medical care is so expensive.

the ultimate truth.
Are you paying for your county's emergency room that takes the uninsured currently?

we all are and it is way cheaper that this crap called obamacare

And you can quote statistics backing up your rant? I doubt it. Considering the uninsured will now have insurance and get PREVENTATIVE care thus they are treated with pill therapy not scalpels and a trauma team. Preventative care is much less expensive than acute care.

there are plenty of statistics on that, I just don't have excess to post links.

The bolded part is a brainwashing abracadabra - people who do not have insurance usually do not need it and preventive care is of no interest to them and they are not going to use it anyway. And if you think preventive care can prevent scalpels and trauma team, you are living in the la-la land. or just trust all the crap you are being brainwashed with by the LSM and dimocrap agenda.

the ONLY preventive care that had shown real reduce in morbidity and mortality is regular colonoscopies for the people after 50 and for those with family history of colon cancer after 40 and pap-smears.
That's it.
The first category is not the one which this trainwreck is aimed as ( people after 50 are usually insured) and the second screening is much cheaper to do if you are paying cash - every 1-3 years a OB/GYN office visit with a 100-200$ out-of pocket pay.
MUCH cheaper than ANY obamacare.

Preventive care does not mean anything if there is no incentive to loose weight for the population - but they do not tell you that, don't they?
Government is the only thing crippling the economy. Government is the main reason medical care is so expensive.

Sounds like we need more government. It would only be fair. Everyone would be equally miserable.

which is the exact goal of our leftards - equality in poverty in a labour camp behind the barbed wire with armed guards on perimeter ready to shoot anybody wanting to escape the paradise.

Doesn't work anyway.
Preventive care only works on those who give a shit. The 47% ...standing in the line the trough....dont give a shit.
we all are and it is way cheaper that this crap called obamacare

No, it is not. Our health care system and insurance programs for it have been crippling the economy.

The system is going to change willingly or the economic factors will change it at a much greater cost.

Government is the only thing crippling the economy. Government is the main reason medical care is so expensive.

Haha you would believe some stupid shit like this. You couldn't more of a corporate sheep.
Preventive care only works on those who give a shit. The 47% ...standing in the line the trough....dont give a shit.

Says the guy who is on tax payer funded government healthcare. Ironic.
No, it is not. Our health care system and insurance programs for it have been crippling the economy.

The system is going to change willingly or the economic factors will change it at a much greater cost.

Government is the only thing crippling the economy. Government is the main reason medical care is so expensive.

Haha you would believe some stupid shit like this. You couldn't more of a corporate sheep.

In other words, you don't like the facts I posted.
we all are and it is way cheaper that this crap called obamacare

And you can quote statistics backing up your rant? I doubt it. Considering the uninsured will now have insurance and get PREVENTATIVE care thus they are treated with pill therapy not scalpels and a trauma team. Preventative care is much less expensive than acute care.

there are plenty of statistics on that, I just don't have excess to post links.

The bolded part is a brainwashing abracadabra - people who do not have insurance usually do not need it and preventive care is of no interest to them and they are not going to use it anyway. And if you think preventive care can prevent scalpels and trauma team, you are living in the la-la land. or just trust all the crap you are being brainwashed with by the LSM and dimocrap agenda.

the ONLY preventive care that had shown real reduce in morbidity and mortality is regular colonoscopies for the people after 50 and for those with family history of colon cancer after 40 and pap-smears.
That's it.
The first category is not the one which this trainwreck is aimed as ( people after 50 are usually insured) and the second screening is much cheaper to do if you are paying cash - every 1-3 years a OB/GYN office visit with a 100-200$ out-of pocket pay.
MUCH cheaper than ANY obamacare.

Preventive care does not mean anything if there is no incentive to loose weight for the population - but they do not tell you that, don't they?

How convenient that you get to make up your own facts and not have to support them with proof.

And "excess"??? Really??? This is why no one takes you seriously.
Government is the only thing crippling the economy. Government is the main reason medical care is so expensive.

Haha you would believe some stupid shit like this. You couldn't more of a corporate sheep.

In other words, you don't like the facts I posted.

You didn't post a single fact.

You did however post unsubstantiated opinion that is total horseshit. But if you want to pretend that is what a fact is... Knock yourself out.
what is crippling our economy
is corporate greed and corrupt politicians that allowed the medical and health and pharma industries to run costs up by denying medical assistance to those who needed it.

That's over now.
In other words, you don't like the facts I posted.

You didn't post a single fact.

You did however post unsubstantiated opinion that is total horseshit. But if you want to pretend that is what a fact is... Knock yourself out.

I'm sorry that you have such a hard time swallowing the truth.

In other words you have literally no proof for the shit you try to pass off as reality.

Nobody here is surprised by this.
we all are and it is way cheaper that this crap called obamacare

No, it is not. Our health care system and insurance programs for it have been crippling the economy.

The system is going to change willingly or the economic factors will change it at a much greater cost.

Right, the "willing change" is so much cheaper that a 2.6 trillion dollar tax had to be forced down the throats of Americans....... :thup:

The 2.6 trillion is a conservative estimate and it only covers the first 10 years.......:clap2:

Your numbers are questionable, the cost curve has been flattening since 2010, and you are going to change whether you like it or . . . you could have crafted something else but didn't.
Of course they denied coverage to people who were only buying it because they had cancer of heart disease or whatever disease.

That was the only reason? Of course not

Many were cut off when they got sick.

So many were simply not allowed it because of a pre-existing condition, which is not the case now. That will never change even if ACA goes away.

The industry got filthy rich by denying sick people insurance and making it overall very expensive.

If people with pre-existing conditions are allowed to buy "insurance," then it's no longer insurance. It's welfare. The industry did not get "filthy fucking rich" by denying people with pre-existing conditions. All it did is avoid going bankrupt. Now the entire country will go bankrupt.

So your answer is that anyone who is sick should not be treated if they can't pay for it on their own?? You do realize that under those guidelines about half of Americans should not be able to buy insurance. What you are saying is only healthy people should be able to buy insurance. Basically, you want insurance companies only providing insurance to those who need it the least. Luckily you don't speak for the majority of Americans.

Now, what I will agree with is that if we are going to insure those with pre-existing conditions, then they should be paying into the system if they can afford to, and doing so from day one. That is where the mandate comes in. I'm not sure what fantasy world you live in, but it must be wonderful.
Nobody should enroll in the ACA unless he really wants to provide the government and its ACORN-O-Care henchthugs the complete compendium of one's most private financial, identify, and health details with which to be blackmailed, tracked, and harassed for the rest of his life...let alone the identity theft risk aspect.

It is illegal to cancel someone's health insurance simply because "They got sick."

And your "pre-existing condition" is the exact reason I gave. It is only good businness sense that denies insurance to people for pre-existing .


So you have absolutely nothing.

Nonsense. It happened all the time. And "good business sense" led all the companies to make sure they got into ACA pool, so that undercuts the 'pre-existing conditions' argument.

As usual, your argument proves only that you lack the ability to commit logic. The ACA compels Insurance companies to accept clients that have pre-existing conditions. It has nothing to do with "good business sense."

If ACA fails, those kinds of responsibilities will remain: have to insure everyone, have to spread the risk, have to have subsidies.

We don't have to do any of that, nimrod.

That is the future, and it won't be changed.

No such health insurance company should ever be in business much less with the strategy of making profits by denying people insurance

Apparently you don't understand the reason businesses exist or what the concept "insurance" means.

You do not understand that business scrambled to get into the pools, sonny.

It is called competitive capitalism: good for business, good for consumers, good for cost control, and bad for those who hate America.

Tuff for you.

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