any chance now that russiagate is real that the same exact crew created obama birth certificate ??

Sorry you are right, but his fathers race is down as African. At the time, 1961 the term would have been Negro.

Race is self reported on these birth certificates. And for a Kenyan in 1961, African is what a black man from Kenya called their race. Here's a census form for the 1962 census, written the exact same year Obama was born.


Races in Kenya were European, Arab, Somali, African, (asian) Indian or (asian) Pakistan.

So 'African' is exactly what you'd expect Obama Sr. to self identify as.
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What are you going on about? I can't make any coherent point to this post.

It has been proven beyond any doubt that Obama's 1960s birth certificate was created on modern software.

It is bogus. It was fraudulently created to give the Obama supporters what they needed to claim that Obama was eligible to be President.

Just another Democrat Dirty Tricks operation.
It has been proven beyond any doubt that Obama's 1960s birth certificate was created on modern software.

It is bogus. It was fraudulently created to give the Obama supporters what they needed to claim that Obama was eligible to be President.

Just another Democrat Dirty Tricks operation.


It was scanned into modern software, not created by it. It would be akin to taking a picture the birth certificate with your phone.....and then insisting that your phone created the birth certificate.

No, it didn't.
Some day down the line I suspect this will be another item Trump was proven right about.
It has been proven beyond any doubt that Obama's 1960s birth certificate was created on modern software.

It is bogus. It was fraudulently created to give the Obama supporters what they needed to claim that Obama was eligible to be President.

Just another Democrat Dirty Tricks operation.
Obama's original birth certificate is on file and on microfiche. He was born in Hawaii on August 4, 1961.
Some day down the line I suspect this will be another item Trump was proven right about.

Right when he carried water for the Birther conspiracy for half a decade? Or Right when he denounced it after it become inconvenient?

It was scanned into modern software, not created by it. It would be akin to taking a picture the birth certificate with your phone.....and then insisting that your phone created the birth certificate.

No, it didn't.
Sorry but you are confused:

There are four fonts on that certificate that didn't even exist in the 1960s. There is not official seal that other Hawaii birth certificates had in 1961. Taking apart the picture by layers exposes the fact it was created on modern software.

It was an obvious fake. The only purpose was to give Moon Bats what they needed to defend Obama. Moon Bats like you.

Typical Democrat Dirty Tricks.
Right when he carried water for the Birther conspiracy for half a decade? Or Right when he denounced it after it become inconvenient?
Trump also wrongly questioned Cruz's natural-born citizenship.
Sorry but you are confused:

There are four fonts on that certificate that didn't even exist in the 1960s. There is not official seal that other Hawaii birth certificates had in 1961. Taking apart the picture by layers exposes the fact it was created on modern software.
OCR, my friend. The birth certificate was scanned into modern software.

A birth certificate has been affirmed, reaffirmed, and affirmed yet again by the State of Hawaii. So we have the State of Hawaii on the validity of their own records. And some random guy on the internet saying 'uh-uh'.

Our sources are not equal.
It was an obvious fake. The only purpose was to give Moon Bats what they needed to defend Obama. Moon Bats like you.

Typical Democrat Dirty Tricks.
I had everything I need in 2008 when Obama got his short form birth certificate. That, all by itself, meets every legal requirement for his election as president. It satisisfies every constitutional requirement.

The affirmation by the State of Hawaii, the press release by the State of Hawaii affirming the birth certificate again, and the Long Form birth certificate are all gravy.

Your conspiracy is contradicted by overwhelming evidence. And, of course, completely unnecessary.
There's nothing anonymous about the State of Hawaii's affirmation of Obama's birth certificate and place of birth. They even released a press release:

So we have 'anonymous' on one side, backed by nothing. And the State of Hawaii affirming its own records.

Our sources are not equal.
Skyler u been here 4 fuckinever

Is jake ok ?

Gunny who created this psychotic political beehive... ?⁷
Right when he carried water for the Birther conspiracy for half a decade? Or Right when he denounced it after it become inconvenient?
I’ll go with the forged birth certificate. Time will tell which one of us is right but it may not be in our lifetime.
Skyler u been here 4 fuckinever

Is jake ok ?

Gunny who created this psychotic political beehive... ?⁷
He would be sooo proud of the moderation...

he promised me a brew next time i'm in asshope penciltown.... (DC, cherryblossoms)

Greatman, gentleman...


That... was a perfect tweet...
Skyler u been here 4 fuckinever

Is jake ok ?

Gunny who created this psychotic political beehive... ?⁷

I genuinely have no idea. I don't really come here much anymore.

The entertainment value of listening to conspiracy theorists wax eloquent about the focus of their obsession is pretty overrated. I check in every couple months with the same morbid curiosity that a kid might turn over a dead see what's wriggling underneath.
I’ll go with the forged birth certificate. Time will tell which one of us is right but it may not be in our lifetime.

So you're going to ignore the mountains and mountains of evidence affirming Obama's place of birth as Hawaii.......and instead trust that so far imaginary evidence will manifest in a century or two?

OCR, my friend. The birth certificate was scanned into modern software.

A birth certificate has been affirmed, reaffirmed, and affirmed yet again by the State of Hawaii. So we have the State of Hawaii on the validity of their own records. And some random guy on the internet saying 'uh-uh'.

Our sources are not equal.

I had everything I need in 2008 when Obama got his short form birth certificate. That, all by itself, meets every legal requirement for his election as president. It satisisfies every constitutional requirement.

The affirmation by the State of Hawaii, the press release by the State of Hawaii affirming the birth certificate again, and the Long Form birth certificate are all gravy.

Your conspiracy is contradicted by overwhelming evidence. And, of course, completely unnecessary.

No, you are confused.

Scanning a document does not give the same software layers that that was exposed by analysis of the document.

Like I said. It was created to supply you stupid Moon Bats with deniability and you are a great example.

However, it is moot now. The filthy ass incompetent sonofabitch was President and there is nothing we can do about it. He was never eligible but that wasn't going to stop you Moon Bats from getting your little Negro Boy President.

Why do you think the shithead didn't ever release his college transcripts? Was it because he didn't want to let everybody know he was a dumbass affirmative action promotee or the fact that he was signed up as a foreign student?
Good points. I was always confused by the African American race on the birth certificate. That designation came into use at least 20 years after he was born.
You're deranged. Nothing on his birth certificate said anything about "African American."
Skyler u been here 4 fuckinever

Is jake ok ?

Gunny who created this psychotic political beehive... ?⁷

Here is a video that shows the layers of the document created with modern software. This is Obama's long form certificate as shown in Adobe Illustrator. You can see hidden structure that a normal PDF viewer won't show.

You stupid Moon Bats are in denial but facts are facts.


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