Any Christians Having Trouble With Backsliding?

Road Runner

Take Back America In 2024 Vote Trump!
Jun 16, 2021
As that's currently me right now. A lot of liberals are frustrating me and getting on my nerves and I'm saying things that I shouldn't be saying about them, to them, and about our so called "president" if you take a look into my signature.
It's okay to get angry; Jesus got angry at the con artists running the Temple and brawled with the moneylenders and animal sellers on the steps fleecing pilgrims. The Apostles also carried swords, so don't believe the myth that Christians are supposed to be extreme pacifists and uber -hippies.
As that's currently me right now. A lot of liberals are frustrating me and getting on my nerves and I'm saying things that I shouldn't be saying about them, to them, and about our so called "president" if you take a look into my signature.
It could be worse. You could be Catholic Joe Biden who not only is fighting for the genocide of the unborn you insist taxpayers pay for it.

It would kind of like being a Catholic Hitler.

Would this be considered back sliding? Seems like a more harsh term is needed, more like never saved.
As that's currently me right now. A lot of liberals are frustrating me and getting on my nerves and I'm saying things that I shouldn't be saying about them, to them, and about our so called "president" if you take a look into my signature.
Lion and the Lamb. Here is what I saw in the last election cycle. I saw an elderly man who had signs of dementia. I saw a wife covering it up. Able to see both signs because it was my mom who had signs of dementia and it was my dad covering for her. Jill Biden could have protected her husband, and maybe that is what she thought she was doing.

Second, the main stream news media and social media had, for four years, did its best to whip up a frenzy against President Trump. In the election cycle they did everything possible to cover for Joe Biden. A social media giant did what he could to tilt the vote--by doing all he could to get Democrats out to vote. He spent millions on this. Not illegal, but on the other hand we did not have anyone spending millions to get Republicans out to vote. Should Big Business have this much effect on our election? Let's take a look at the popular vote. Forty-eight states were pretty much evenly matched. So where did those additional seven million come from? California and New York. Blue, blue states along the coastline metropolises, pretty much red in the other places.

My family will testify from the outset, I was predicting that Joe Biden would not be presiding/acting as our President. It would be the Democrat Machine, because it was the Democrat machine that picked both Joe Biden and Kamala Harris. What we are seeing today is what happens when the country nods to governance by machine/bureaucracy.

I never cared for Joe Biden's political views. To me, he was a man who could be easily molded by whatever which way the wind was blowing. I believe that is why the Democrat machine selected him as their figurehead. As he always had, he would do as he was told.

In all of this, my anger and resentment is directed mostly at the news media. The country deserves better. I have always resented Big Corporations/Business, and their very actions explain why this is so. I have always despised the Democrat machine because they truly are after absolute power, and as we have all been warned absolute power corrupts absolutely. This is why we need a two or three party system.

Now to address your concern. Perhaps, like you, I cannot help but smile (for a number of reasons) whenever I see/hear, "Let's go Brandon". I despised "FJB" because I don't care how he got elected, Joe Biden is our President, and today he deserves compassion if nothing else. He may not have deserved it throughout most of his career, but he deserves it today. It tells every single voter what we can expect when we let the News Media and Big Business select our President by directing our vote. It illustrates to every single voter what happens when we have an Executive Branch running our country and what happens when we have a Party Machine running our country.

We have identified what is making the Lion in you roar. It wants the Lamb to do something. First off, be loyal to your country, and compassionate of our President. While there are fewer from which to choose, try shopping more at small businesses. We can't always do this, but when we can, let's give it a try. Remember, this too shall pass. These days I listen a lot to Bob Seger's song, "In your Time". It ends with theses words: "You'll be your time."

Also remember, God is in our midst. Always.
As that's currently me right now. A lot of liberals are frustrating me and getting on my nerves and I'm saying things that I shouldn't be saying about them, to them, and about our so called "president" if you take a look into my signature.
There is a reason why we say, "I'm a practicing Christian". The last Christian who was perfect was crucified. The rest of us have to work at it.

Sometimes we succeed, other times we don't.

My weak point is that whole 'lust' thing. lol, Well, and the namecalling too.
Thanks guys and Meriweather you're such a sweetheart. I guess in my mind is where I get confused is I think that sometimes it's good to say what might usually be considered wrong if it's for a right reason and that bashing Biden is actually saying that you're a patriot that loves your country.
It's okay to get angry; Jesus got angry at the con artists running the Temple and brawled with the moneylenders and animal sellers on the steps fleecing pilgrims. The Apostles also carried swords, so don't believe the myth that Christians are supposed to be extreme pacifists and uber -hippies.

Very well said, thank you!

He said to them, “But now if you have a purse, take it, and also a bag; and if you don’t have a sword, sell your cloak and buy one. It is written: ‘And he was numbered with the transgressors’; and I tell you that this must be fulfilled in me. Yes, what is written about me is reaching its fulfillment.” The disciples said, “See, Lord, here are two swords.” “That’s enough!” he replied.
Luke 22:36-38
There is a reason why we say, "I'm a practicing Christian". The last Christian who was perfect was crucified. The rest of us have to work at it.

Sometimes we succeed, other times we don't.

My weak point is that whole 'lust' thing. lol, Well, and the namecalling too.
Didnt Jesus get angry as a child and go on a murdering spree?
One of his apostles claims he did.
3 The son of Annas the scholar, standing there with Jesus, took a willow branch and drained the water Jesus had collected. (2)Jesus, however, saw what had happened and became angry, saying to him, "Damn you, you irreverent fool! What harm did the ponds of water do to you? From this moment you, too, will dry up like a tree, and you'll never produce leaves or root or bear fruit."
(3) In an instant the boy had completely withered away. Then Jesus departed and left for the house of Joseph. (4)The parents of the boy who had withered away picked him up and were carrying him out, sad because he was so young. And they came to Joseph and accused him: "It's your fault - your boy did this."

4 Later he was going through the village again when a boy ran and bumped him on the shoulder. Jesus got angry and said to him, "You won't continue your journey." (2)And all of a sudden, he fell down and died.
As that's currently me right now. A lot of liberals are frustrating me and getting on my nerves and I'm saying things that I shouldn't be saying about them, to them, and about our so called "president" if you take a look into my signature.
I have a problem with Christians preaching. They get on my nerves.
Ok, we will just scrap that gospel because it doesnt align with a set of beliefs.
"fair" enough lol
I don't follow the gospels. I don't follow any actual formal religion. 99% of it is dogma.

I am a believer in the Gospel of Jesus as uttered by his own words. The rest is pretty much mankind doing that whole interpretive dance thing.

Besides, why would you believe only a gospel that puts Jesus in the worst light and ignore those that put him in his best light?

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